My Elf Simulator

Chapter 170: The First Step in Refining Medicine

Kurosawa opened the store's wish page.

He was originally going to continue the draw for the elf weapons.

He had already drawn 30 times before, and the maximum guarantee was 90 times, and the probability of getting the goods increased the later.

In other words, even if his luck was bad, he could get the purple-level elf concept weapons in the 90th draw.

The effect of the blue-level elf weapons was so good, how strong would the purple level be, Kurosawa really wanted to know.

As for the gold weapons without a guarantee mechanism, it was impossible to force it, and Kurosawa didn't think his luck could be that good.

It happened that the number of wishes for new items in the store in August had not been used, and Kurosawa was going to use it to make up for the loss.

The so-called "making up for the loss" refers to the act of executed prisoners paying money to the government or the executioner in ancient times.

In modern times, it has been extended to many meanings, such as the damage supplement in MOBA games to facilitate others to finish off the enemy, or a probabilistic method of upgrading game equipment props, by failing to strengthen unimportant props in advance, so as to achieve a relatively high success rate before strengthening the main equipment.

Kurosawa's thoughts at this time are somewhat metaphysical.

After all, the extraction of concept weapons and the wish for new products are not even in the same category.

"You currently have one wish, do you want to use it?"


"The exchange store wish was used successfully!"

After the crisp sound, Kurosawa looked at the exchange store.

[Fruit of Elf Growth - 10 points]

[Primary attribute affinity badge - 500 points each]

[Master cooking - 250 points]

[Targeted skill training acceleration card (white, blue, purple) (please expand for specific information)]

[Concept Armed Lottery Machine - 30 points/time]

[Basic Alchemy Knowledge and Practical Skills (Food) - 200 points]

Hei Ze looked at the refreshed products at the bottom and fell into deep thought.

To be honest, although he had the idea of ​​​​laying the knife for the concept armed lottery at the beginning, the result was much better than he expected.

Alchemy knowledge, he has also started to contact some related content in his spare time recently. After all, pharmacists are all rich people. If they are proficient in this skill, not only will their elves be blessed, but they can also make money to supplement their family expenses. However, Hei Ze is usually too busy. In addition, the knowledge and technical skills involved in alchemy are various, and it is really not easy to get started in a short time.

Kurosawa was not discouraged by the suffix "food" in the product name. Knowledge and skills can be applied to other areas. It will be much faster to learn other related fields after getting started in one field.

Moreover, the production method of elf food is also the most practical branch among the many categories related to alchemy.

After all, elves need to eat every day. As the number of contracted elves increases and their strength gradually increases, the daily consumption is not a small amount, and the cost may even be more than the evolutionary products that enhance the strength of elves.

Mastering the production method of elf food can save money, and secondly, elves will be more emotional and more efficient in training if they eat well.

Elf food is an important part of the elf training program.

The cultivation of elves generally requires three types of intake resources, which are the elf food for daily consumption, the nutrients needed for normal training to improve strength, and the evolutionary products for stage breakthroughs. The value is roughly increased in turn.

The unit price of elf food is relatively low, but it is the most consumed of the intake resources.

Powerful elf masters often intentionally or unintentionally develop good plans, reasonable training plans, delicious and filling food, and abundant nutritional supplements.

A relatively mediocre elf will be trained differently in the hands of different elf masters.

The identities of excellent elf masters are diverse, especially elf masters in big cities. They receive more diversified education, such as nutritionists, trainers, psychological counselors, pharmacists, warriors, etc. Excellent elf masters can tap the potential of elves through multi-faceted training programs.

Hei Ze may be an excellent elf master in the eyes of others, but he knows that he still lacks a lot. At present, he is strictly just an excellent trainer.

He remembered the factory-produced standard elf food he bought in the base restaurant on weekdays.

Except for the big appetite Mumu who thought it was delicious, Little Shining and Nightmare were not satisfied.

But the two little guys were very sensible and never complained about it. They ate whatever they had.

The advantages of the elf food produced by the factory assembly line are that it is relatively cheap and can be purchased in various stores. The processing method is simple. Restaurants or individuals can mix it with water or heat it for a while and it will be ready.

The disadvantage is the relatively extensive processing method and the corresponding mediocrity, lack of layered taste.

Without much hesitation, Kurosawa chose to buy basic alchemy knowledge and practical skills (food chapter)

If he mastered the skills of making elf food, he could make more delicious elf food through the cooking mechanism according to the tastes of the three little guys.

The elves will eat better, feel better, and the effect of training will be subtly improved. Considering the long-term benefits, this kind of "infrastructure type" investment should be carried out early. Kurosawa is not a short-sighted elf master.

"The purchase of this product will consume 200 coupons from you"


"Congratulations on your successful purchase."

"Please place the player in a quiet environment and ensure that you are not disturbed by the outside world."

Kurosawa closed the door and lay on the bed.

Then he chose to confirm.

"Knowledge information is being transmitted to you"

Kurosawa's eyes went dark.

The next moment, a huge stream of information poured into his brain.

In a few seconds, he entered a kind of time turbulence, and countless colorful fragments of vision passed by like a revolving lantern in front of his eyes, as if several years had passed in a flash.

In the hazy virtual time and space, he did not need to eat, drink, or sleep. He only performed two types of operations, reading, reciting, and practicing various basic elf food production.

He had unlimited energy, unlimited consumables, and would not even feel bored, because in this state his emotions seemed to be deprived.

Kurosawa opened his eyes.

His brain was still a little groggy, but there was a lot of knowledge and information in it.

He concentrated a little, and his eyes lit up.

Various medicinal materials, the characteristics of ingredients, the effects of matching, many food recipes, the common taste tendencies of various elves, and the use of various machines and utensils.

A lot of knowledge was firmly engraved in his mind.

He lay on the bed and stretched out his hands.

Looking at it from both sides, he found that not only did he acquire knowledge from paper, but his body also had strange muscle memory.

It was as if he had really practiced for years in the real world without sleep.

He felt a little itchy. If he hadn't had the relevant props and ingredients at hand, he would have wanted to test the harvest immediately.

It was amazing.

These 200 coupons were worth it.

Even if at this moment, Kurosawa's spiritual energy was abnormal and he lost his capital as an elf master, he could still rely on the knowledge and skills in his mind to transfer to an excellent elf nutritionist on the spot.

Whether he was a logistics team or provided consultation to others, or opened an online store, he could continue his career.

He felt relieved when he thought of this.

With each additional ability and skill, he felt that he was getting better little by little.

"If you want to test the current level of food production, the most urgent thing is to purchase the corresponding supporting tools and materials."

The materials are easy to say. Even in the supermarkets and stores in the base, you can buy them. Although the variety may not be very complete, professional production tools are relatively difficult to find, especially those with better performance.

Most people who have the need to buy work in related research institutes or studios. They have their own purchasing channels and do not need to buy at the alliance base.

Although Kurosawa has been fully trained in the illusion of the "time house", he does not have much experience in where to go in the real world, and he is also confused about the purchase channels of raw materials for production.

You can buy it in the supermarket store of the base, but it is not a place that specializes in selling raw materials. The stores on the base mainly sell processed products that can be used directly to elves. The cost performance of raw materials sold on the shelves is not high.

Kurosawa thought for a moment and remembered someone he met not long ago, Cen Biyao. She should have more experience in this area than himself.

Fortunately, they exchanged contact information when they met last time.

He looked at the time.


Eight thirty-five in the evening should not be the time to go to bed.

He opened the WeChat chat and sent a green crocodile expression [屾Mi] to show his friendliness.

After sending the expression, when he was thinking about how to start, the other party quickly replied.

So fast

Cen Biyao also replied with an expression.

Cat with hands in pockets.jpg

In a well-decorated villa room.

This is a pink girl's bedroom, with delicate iron bedside hanging beige branches with a faint fragrance.

White gauze curtains, fluffy sheets, and golden hollow pendant lights.

Pink and gold make the bedroom romantic and luxurious.

Cen Biyao had just finished taking a shower, wearing a headband on her head, curled up lazily on the bed, holding a tablet to watch a movie to pass the time.

Just after watching the opening, she was aroused by the plot of the movie, and received a WeChat message.

She has strict screening and classification standards for the classification of various contacts.

Different permissions will be assigned according to different groups of people, such as display in Moments, message do not disturb, special attention, etc.

The contacts who will be picked out by the background for message reminders are generally those she thinks are more important, so she patiently clicked into the WeChat chat software to check the specific information.

If it is some less important information, she will pretend not to see it even if she sees it, and reply later.

Otherwise, the chat will go on and on, and you won't be able to watch the movie.

The reason why I have this understanding is because of the experience I left behind in school.

There are always some boys who add her contact information and take the initiative to talk to her about various topics. At first, out of friendship as classmates, she would respond politely, but that would often lead to endless nonsense exchanges.

So, later she got used to ending the topic abruptly at any time, saying, "I'm going to take a shower and eat. As for why I send messages at two or three in the afternoon, don't ask. It's just a personal habit."

If the other party still pesters her, she will directly point it out and ask if she has misunderstood you.

Try to handle things as neatly as possible while leaving some room for improvement.

Cen Biyao opened WeChat.

She saw a contact with a black cat avatar.

She immediately realized it was Kurosawa.

He was added as a friend not long ago.

After adding him as a friend, they never communicated again.

Cen Biyao actually wanted to exchange ideas with Hei Ze about training elves several times. Excellent people always make people want to get closer, but she heard that Haitang's provincial team was participating in training this year. Considering that Hei Ze might be very busy, she didn't send him a message to disturb him.

Unexpectedly, he sent an expression today.

Her first reaction was that the other party might have sent it to the wrong person.

But despite thinking so, she still replied subconsciously.

"Master, do you want to talk to me?"

"Uh, don't call me Master, it's weird, just call me Hei Ze or A Ze."

"Then I'll call you A Ze, A Ze, do you want to talk to me?"

Cen Biyao didn't think she had any charm. Let the other party take the initiative to chat with her, most likely he wanted her help with something.


Hei Ze on the other end looked at the other party's straightforward reply and scratched his face slightly embarrassedly.

It felt like he left a particularly utilitarian impression on the other party.

He didn't talk to anyone when he had nothing to do, but only thought of her when he had something to do.

But it seems that she did come with a clear purpose.

Kurosawa reflected in his heart for two seconds.

"I just want to consult you about which brands of compressors, mixed extractants, and boilers you buy for making elf food, and through what channels do you buy the raw materials?"

Cen Biyao thought for a while and replied quickly.

"My compressor is the third-generation machine produced by Yada Company. Yada's compressor has the highest cost-effectiveness among mainstream brands, and the operating accuracy can basically meet most production needs, but it is best to replace the bearings with Jiashishi."

She explained in detail the advantages and disadvantages of various brands of equipment, her experience in use and helpful modification techniques, and offline direct stores.

"How about I take you to the offline store when you have time later, and you can also try the feel of the machine. Many things can't be explained clearly by typing."

"Then, tomorrow morning?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"I am free here, but I heard that you are going to the provincial capital tomorrow, right?"

Cen Biyao was stunned for a moment when she saw the message.

It seems that he has been studying food preparation techniques diligently recently.

But if I remember correctly, the team will leave for the provincial capital tomorrow afternoon?

They just finished training, so why not take a break? It's too hard.

Cen Biyao was shocked.

Hei Ze is already so good, and he is still working so hard to improve himself.

She was a little ashamed of herself when she was about to relax.

"It's okay. I was free this morning, so I just wanted to go shopping."

Hei Ze couldn't explain it. He was eager to test the results of his study.

"Okay, then we..."

Cen Biyao and Hei Ze agreed on the time and place to meet, and chatted about some topics.

Twenty minutes later, after finishing the chat, Cen Biyao put the tablet aside and rolled around on the bed twice.

The dwarf ancestor horse that slowly walked by was picked up by her and turned over and held in her arms.

It must be admitted that after being defeated by Hei Ze in the spring qualifying, she was indeed sad and depressed for a long time.

But as Kurosawa won the Spring Championship and burst out with amazing strength, her resentment disappeared.

As an outstanding graduate of the Begonia Academy, it was embarrassing to lose to a 16-year-old registered amateur boy, but it was an honor to lose to the Spring Championship Xia Ya, the most talented player in the history of Begonia.

She watched all of Kurosawa's games without missing a single one, and she admired and admired his talent and hard work.

"Although he is two years younger than me, there is a saying that the master is the teacher. It shouldn't be a shame to want to get close to excellent people, right? What do you think, Kaka?"

She pinched the hoof of the ancestor horse, and her legs kicked alternately in the air involuntarily.

She was a little happy when she thought about being able to make contact with the other party.

The ancestor horse, who didn't know why, noticed her comfortable mood and echoed her.


"Then, what should I wear tomorrow, Kaka?"


"You want to go with me tomorrow, too?"


"Didn't you agree to go for a physical examination with your mom? Oh, I can't do anything about you, Kaka. Then let's go together. Remember to be good and don't make trouble, otherwise I won't take you out to play next time."

"Whew, wow, wow!"

Thanks to "Hai Ziyuan" for the 500 starting coins, and thanks to "Pu Pu" for the 1666 coins.

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