The girl swallowed her saliva.

Her original thoughts were suppressed immediately.

She advanced so quickly?

Too strong, right?

You know, she rushed here almost without rest.

She was in such a hurry because she was afraid of being intercepted by other players with bad tastes, even if she didn't have points.

But the boy in front of her arrived at the same time as her.

Don't you need time to search for props?

"If it's okay, I'll go first." Kurosawa retracted his gaze.

The two of them couldn't stay close to each other for too long, otherwise they would be misjudged as illegal team formation by the monitoring system.


The girl nodded.

She didn't have the idea of ​​robbing Kurosawa.

She was just a rookie who had just been promoted to a professional, and the boy in front of her was much stronger than her.

She wouldn't be stupid enough to think that the other party was lucky to advance so quickly.

Kurosawa tiptoed, and his body disappeared in a flash, flashing along the gate.

The girl looked at the ghostly figure of the other party from a distance and wiped her forehead.

Fortunately, she knew herself.

He is indeed a strong man.

Kurosawa was running fast on the road.

Two armed guards standing guard at the door stopped him in front of the gate.

"Show me your candidate certificate."

The security personnel were very polite.

Kurosawa was moving too fast. If he hadn't deliberately slowed down before approaching the door, and the base's own detection system, they might not have been able to detect it with their naked eyes.


Kurosawa nodded.

He showed his candidate bracelet to the other party.

Then he took out his elf certificate and candidate certificate from the storage bracelet.

After the security personnel checked Kurosawa's certificate, the surprise on his face became even greater, and his back could not help but straighten up.

He handed Kurosawa's information back to him respectfully.

"There is no problem with the information, Mr. Kurosawa, welcome to Hoshino Base No. 02, and I wish you all the best in the next exam."

"Thank you."

Kurosawa took back the information.

Walked into the brightly lit base.

"What level of player is he?"

When Kurosawa walked away, another companion on guard asked him curiously.

"Professional level."

"That's it."

"But he's 17 years old, and he won the Spring Champion of Haitang City, Xia Ya."

"That's pretty impressive, a future big shot."

The companion opened his mouth and thought about what he was doing when he was 17 years old.

Having been in contact with elf masters for many years, he naturally knew the meaning of these labels.

The champions and runners-up of third-tier cities, even if their gold content is not as good as those in big cities, are still difficult for ordinary players to touch, not to mention that he is only 17 years old.

Looking at Kurosawa's back gradually disappearing around the corner, he was shocked.

Kurosawa came to the gathering place for candidates at the base.

He was not the first candidate to arrive here.

There were already several people in front of him filling out information and returning candidate bracelets.

"Candidate Pei Zhengxing, although you arrived at the base within the specified time, since your wristband did not collect the points required for promotion, you are considered to have given up this round of competition. Do you have any objections?"


"Well, Tengli City's team score will be increased by 10 points. You can go to the logistics department to get an access card and return to Changchuan City with other candidates on the 12th."


Hei Ze waited in line for several people in a row before it was finally his turn.

The examiner who had collected his equipment received the wristband handed over by Hei Ze, and was a little surprised to see the points displayed on it.


Then he continued.

"Candidate Hei Ze, the points collected on your candidate wristband are 1, which has met the promotion conditions. Are you willing to enter the next round of qualifying?"


Hei Ze had nothing to hesitate about and nodded.

"Okay, since you arrived on time and collected points, you added 50 points to the Haitang City team score. You should have a good rest in the next period of time and prepare for the second round of tests on the afternoon of the 12th."

"During these two days, you can apply to use the training ground of this base. If you encounter any inconvenience in life and practice, you can also go to the logistics department and the specialist to reflect your needs. We will provide you with as much help as possible within the scope of our authority."

The examiner said with a pleasant face.

"Oh, okay."

Hei Ze pursed his lips.

He was a little surprised. Was the examiner's attitude too gentle?

It was more than ten o'clock in the evening on the 10th. Because he arrived too soon to pass the first round, there was a lot of time left. It was not until ten o'clock in the morning on the 12th that the second round of assessment could be carried out in the afternoon of the same day after all the remaining candidates returned.


"Congratulations on your advancement in the first round of the Hanquan Provincial A-level League Qualifiers. The current competition level is provincial one-star, and the reward is being settled for you."

After a short loading.

"Congratulations, you have obtained 800 points and 25 personal level experience points."

"Current number of points: 1445"

"Personal level: Level 4 (50/100)"

0 ^ 0

Hei Ze just walked out of the room.

The system prompt sounded in his mind.

His competition promotion reward has arrived.

It feels a bit too much, doesn't it?

Hei Ze scratched his head.

To be honest, it may be because the strategy he adopted in the first round of assessment was very correct, coupled with his own ability, he did not encounter too many obstacles, so he really didn't think the first round of assessment was very difficult.

The largest single-round reward he had ever received was from the winning reward for defeating Zhuang Yanbing.

At that time, he received 510 points and 12 personal level experience points.

You should know that in general, the amount of event rewards is linked to the difficulty of the game content.

He did not encounter strong opponents in this round of competition, so why are the rewards so high?

Kurosawa thought for a moment.

He had a rough guess in his mind.

Maybe it was because the previous competitions were all city-level competitions, and this time the qualifying rounds were at least provincial-level in terms of standard level, which was a qualitative difference.

So the threshold for rewards has also been greatly increased?

Kurosawa vaguely remembered that the first spring competition he participated in, the total reward for the four rounds of auditions was only 120 points and 4 experience points.

In comparison, he felt that the large amount of rewards at that time was just a drop in the bucket.

Kurosawa pondered and turned the corner of the corridor.

There was a sudden resistance on his shoulder.

His eyes were clear.

He bumped into a yellow-haired young man.

He was fine, but the other party took two steps back.


Hei Ze saw the other party's face clearly.

This man was the opponent he met by chance in the beauty pageant a few days ago, Luo Guangliang, who won the third place.

Luo Guangliang stared at him with a complicated expression, and shook his eyebrows with interest.

He ignored Hei Ze's apology for a long time.

Just when Hei Ze, who was confused, was about to leave, he suddenly spoke.

"Did you advance?"


Hei Ze nodded.

He glanced at the other party's wrist with his peripheral vision.


Good guy.

Hei Ze didn't believe that this was the prop ball that the other party was looking for one by one.

It seems that he has "robbed" other contestants a lot.


Luo Guangliang's mouth corners raised, and he smiled even happier.

This was the first time he was so interested in a contestant from a third-tier small city.

Losing the beauty pageant was fine.

Even the time he arrived at the competition was earlier than himself.


The memory of the beauty pageant emerged in his mind, and he silently read the name several times in his mind.

"I'll go first."

Kurosawa shook his head, and seeing that the other party stopped talking, he simply left.

Received an access card at the logistics department.

Came to the dormitory and swiped the card to enter the room.

The room at the base is relatively simple.

Independent bathroom, no living room, a bed, four white walls.

After taking a shower, Kurosawa lay on the bed.

He took out his mobile phone, and the base already had network.

He looked at the number of fans on his official website.

It has quietly reached 490,000, and a few thousand more can get another point coupon reward.

Nothing to do.

He edited a dynamic and posted it.

"Win! Let's chat for a while when the broadcast starts."

In a blink of an eye, subscribed fans who received the dynamic notification left messages one after another.

[Good guy, you are slacking off in the provincial competition, right? ]

[What's going on]

[Zebao, you are really amazing, you don't broadcast normally, but you broadcast the provincial competition, right? 】

[Was he eliminated?]

[The prison guard is not here, I will broadcast for a while]

Kurosawa clicked the start button on the official app.

Instantly, hundreds of people rushed into the live broadcast room.

And the number of people is still rising.


"I'm here, meow"

"Why don't you start broadcasting? I'll be nice to you."

"Isn't it the provincial competition?"

Kurosawa watched the bullet screen on his phone scrolling rapidly.

The phone screen is not big, and the dense bullet screen may only stay in the bullet screen for a few tenths of a second.

"Wow, wow, can you hear me?"

Kurosawa scratched his head.

Nothing to do, so I started a live broadcast.

I didn't expect that there would be so many people coming. There were a thousand people in less than a minute after the broadcast. Maybe it was because it was during the provincial competition, and the fans of Haitang City were very curious about the situation of the representative team.

"What do you mean, why am I here to broadcast?"

"It's okay, just broadcast if you want to, and I usually broadcast a lot, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience expressed different opinions.


"It's not enough."

"Zebao, you don't have any green trees at all?"

"Don't you know how much you broadcast?"

"Well, I don't communicate with you much. But isn't this improving slowly? I just passed the first round and I started to talk to you." Hei Ze touched his cheek.

"Great, Zebao."

"Forgive you!"


The first round of the provincial competition was uploaded to the official website at the beginning of the competition. As long as the audience is interested, they know the format of the first round.

It took Hei Ze only 12 hours to advance in the 48-hour stipulated time, which is considered the first echelon.

Hei Ze looked at the number of subscriptions of 496,793 and said again.

"So, it would be even better if you could share it, or use a family or friend's account to subscribe to me."

"It's almost 500,000 subscriptions."

"Haha, the real purpose is revealed!"

"No love! Wrong!"

"I've already subscribed to you, Zebao, using my parents' account."

"I won't, unless you beg me."

Although the comments said so, the number of subscriptions still rose rapidly.

It rose rapidly by dozens.

In addition to Kurosawa's fans, a small number of people in the live broadcast room also cared about the performance of other members of the team.

"Did Zebao see Bingbing?"

"Tong, did Mr. Ji advance?"


"No, the competition area is very large. It may be because I was in a hurry and didn't meet other people."

"But they should be able to advance."

Looking at the screen full of Versailles, Fanfanfan's barrage.

Hei Ze was helpless.

He really felt that it was not difficult for elite players to advance. Even if they couldn't find the prop ball to get points, they could just grab other players' points. Anyway, it was allowed by the rules.

I advanced early because I had the advantage of talent. Ji Qingwen and Wei Lian were stronger than me. It was not difficult to pass the assessment. I could arrive tomorrow at most.

I chatted with the audience for half an hour while the live broadcast was on.

Most of the time, Hei Ze was answering the audience's questions. He talked about himself and other players. He talked about everything he could say.

Not long after.

A prompt sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations on achieving the 500,000-stage achievement of the long-term achievement task [Group Belief]."

"Get the basic reward of 100 points."

"Please continue to work hard to collect more positive group spiritual energy."

"Current number of points: 1545."

Kurosawa looked at the changes on the system panel with satisfaction.

Successfully achieved the goal.


He had no regrets.

After saying goodbye to the audience and fans, he turned off the live broadcast on time at 11:30.

It's time, turn off the broadcast and go to sleep.

Time passed quickly.

The training ground of the base in the Xingye Forest is well equipped.

Kurosawa did not waste the time waiting for the end of the first round of the game.

He strengthened the training of the latest nightmare joint ability [Ghost Transformation].

He became more proficient in the ability of ghost transformation, but unfortunately he did not upgrade to unlock new features.

He also met other players from the Haitang team who arrived at the base one after another.

Unfortunately, most people either did not find the prop ball or had their "points" taken away by the strong enemies of other city teams.

Only Hei Ze, Ji Qingwen, and Wei Lian were able to maintain their points and reach the end base at the same time.

Zhuang Yanbing and the other transitional and professional levels did not have any points, but fortunately most of them arrived at the base within the specified time.

After the first round, the temporary group score of the Haitang team this year is 220 points.

At least so far, the performance of the Haitang team is still acceptable.

The difficulty of this assessment is greater than Hei Ze imagined.

At noon on the 12th.

The members of the Haitang team had a meal in the cafeteria.

The nine players who did not pass the assessment will leave the base with the main force this afternoon.

"I am so angry. Those players from big cities set up blocking belts in the area near the base."

"Those who had points were taken away."

"I was taken away halfway."

The other members chewed their nutritious meals and complained unsatisfactorily.

Except for Hei Ze, most of the others have experienced the battle between players.

Even Ji Qingwen and Wei Lian are no exception.

Their elite-level strength is unattainable for most players, but they are still unable to cope with the main forces of big cities.

Fortunately, perhaps they felt that it was too troublesome to defeat opponents of the same elite level, so they did not spend too much time on Ji Wei and the others.

The rules of this competition do not allow teaming, but it is difficult to prevent it in the actual assessment process.

For strong players, there are a lot of ways to help teammates without contact.

Take Changchuan City as an example. They have a total of 12+15 players participating in this competition.

15 of them are the places filled by last year's group points.

In the first round, Changchuan City scored 1110 points.

The other three second-tier cities are basically 700-900 points.

The strong third-tier team is around 300-500 points.

The echelon level is obvious.

"Next year, next year's points."

Kurosawa had no choice but to take a few mouthfuls of rice.

His strength made him more than enough to advance, and it was undoubtedly a foolish dream to want to help others in the same team.

He can only fight against the weakest elite level at present. Ordinary elites can basically control him at will, not to mention the top elites.

"Go Ze, come on! I'm rooting for you."

Others didn't take Kurosawa's words to heart, thinking that he was just saying something in anger.

In their opinion, Kurosawa's talent was naturally beyond doubt, but the threshold to the professional and elite levels was too high, and it was not something that could be easily broken through in a year.

Especially Kurosawa's basics were relatively weak, and the high-level elves needed the elf master to have sufficient theoretical knowledge and insights to condense the attribute core.

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