My Elf Simulator

Chapter 178 Purple Level Elf Concept Weapon

The members of the Haitang team finished their meal together in the base cafeteria.

Hei Ze, Ji Qingwen and Wei Lian said goodbye to the other nine people.

In the next second round, only three people were left in the entire Haitang team.

The three looked at each other as they watched the large group board the truck and leave the base.

Overall, after the first round, most of the players have withdrawn from the competition.

Only the city representative team with overall strength can maintain their original lineup relatively intact.

Hei Ze took a rough look.

In fact, the strength of a small number of people is weaker than Zhuang Yanbing, but they still advanced.

It can only be said that Zhuang Yanbing's luck is too bad. She arrived at the base too late and her points were taken away. It was too late to find points. Otherwise, the Haitang team should have been able to add another member to the promotion.

Hei Ze returned to the dormitory and made the final adjustments.

At 2 pm, the second round of the competition will begin.

Current number of coupons: 1545

It generally takes several years for the elf master to promote the first intermediate elf to a high-level elf.

Kurosawa didn't think that this process would take him so long.

Some good signs have appeared in the body of Little Shining recently.

Extremely small amounts of attribute energy particles frequently gather, which is a sign of the prelude to entering the condensed attribute core.

But if you plan to complete the condensation of the core in a short time, it is still unrealistic.

If you want to temporarily improve your strength, it seems that you can only rely on the elf concept weapons in the system store.

The nightmare concept weapon [Crystal Ball] can be said to be its blue-level exclusive weapon.

But the weapons of Little Shining and Mumu, [Light Feather] and [Warrior Shoulder Guard], are not very compatible, and there is room for improvement.

I feel that I can draw a little.

Kurosawa opened the system's redemption store.

If all the 1545 points currently held are used for the lottery, 50 consecutive draws can be drawn.

30 consecutive draws have been drawn before.

The small guarantee for the purple-level concept weapon is 90 consecutive draws.

Basically, it can be said that there is a high probability of it.

Kurosawa now has a little more points, and is ready to explore the guarantee of the concept weapon pool.

He focused on the "ten consecutive" button for a moment.

"Do you want to draw the ten consecutive concept weapons?"


"300 points have been deducted, and the remaining points are: 1245"

After deducting the points, the lottery machine started working.

A blue light flashed in front of Kurosawa's eyes.

"Ding ding ding!"

The ten props were arranged in order and neatly presented in front of him.

[Pale Crystal (Upgrade Material)]

[Pale Crystal (Upgrade Material)]

[New Emerald Green Bud (Blue)]

[Pale Crystal (Upgrade Material)]

It was still the same old nine white and one blue.

Kurosawa didn't have much fluctuation in his heart and clicked to get it.

[New Emerald Green Bud (Blue)]

Description: Blue-level elf concept weapon. The green branches and buds with a strong breath of life can give the elves stronger vitality, and at the same time can slowly heal themselves after being injured. Grass-attribute elves can also get a certain attribute enhancement when wearing it.

A blue-level weapon for grass-attributed elves.

However, it can also be used by ordinary elves, and when injured, if there are no other medicines on hand or it is inconvenient to reach the elf medical point, it can be used as a slow healing item.

Not bad. Kurosawa nodded.

With a thought, he immediately began a new round of ten consecutive draws.

The 50th consecutive draw still did not come out with a guaranteed minimum.

"Ding ding ding!"

After the blue sky and white clouds, nine whites and one blue.

Remaining points: 945

[Thorn Armor (Blue)]

Description: Blue-level elf concept weapon. It can enhance the elf's defense ability to a certain extent. At the same time, when the elf is damaged, a thorn phantom is generated to damage the surrounding enemies.

Kurosawa read the description of [Thorn Armor].

This concept weapon does not have a specific attribute tendency, and it seems to be suitable for "tank-type" elf equipment.

If used on Nightmare and Little Shining, it is undoubtedly useless.

If the premise of launching the weapon is that the opponent can break through their defense layer and hurt them, it is undoubtedly a waste of time. The two elves have weak defense and damage tolerance, so there is no need to pursue the anti-armor damage of the thorn armor.

Mumu is more suitable than the other two, but it is not so suitable, because it has only one hardening skill similar to the defensive skill, and the skill level is only blue. If there is a systematic skill to bless the body, the effect of this weapon may be the best.

In general, the effects of these two weapons are average, and Kurosawa wants to draw the prop weapon that strengthens the offense.

Without hesitation, Kurosawa continued to concentrate on the "ten consecutive" button.


"Remaining points: 645"

This time, his eyes lit up.

The light that flashed in his sight changed.


The bottom line is out!

Kurosawa was happy.

The bottom line of 90 consecutive draws, the sixth ten consecutive draws, the luck should not be too bad.

"Thump, thump, thump!"

The originally mechanized and monotonous sound seemed so beautiful in Kurosawa's ears.

[Pale Crystal (Upgrade Material)]

[Pale Crystal (Upgrade Material)]

[Real Phantom (Purple)]

Nine white and one purple.

[Real Phantom (Purple)]

Description: Purple-level elf concept weapon. The real phantom resides in the shadow and can be transformed into a real clone in a short period of time, copying 70% of the main body's own abilities. The clone will be destroyed when it is injured to a certain extent and fall into a cooling dormant state for a period of time. When the clone is retracted, the experience, memory, and feeling it has endured will all be inherited by the main body. Please use this elf weapon with caution.

Although there are various restrictions, Kurosawa couldn't help but brighten up when he saw its specific description.

It is indeed a purple-level concept weapon, and the effect is much stronger than the blue-level one.

Kurosawa also knows that some elves have special clone skills.

But that kind of polymer is generally a property. It is very good to have 20% to 30% of the strength of the main body, and it is illusory and extremely easy to break. It is not as powerful as a real clone.

But, the phantom clone is 70% of the main body's own ability!

He read this description.

Taking the little Shining as an example, the phantom clone can probably inherit all abilities except the joint skills, and then release the strength of 70%.

It is almost equivalent to half of the little Shining.

And if the main body and the clone are in good sync, the effect of 1+1 may be greater than 2.

Kurosawa thought about it roughly and found many ways to use it, such as sleight of hand, necessary injury absorption, daily practice, and mutual assistance.

He summoned the little Shining without hesitation and took back the feather of lightness that touched it.

When the feather of lightness was taken back, the little Shining grumbled twice in dissatisfaction.

The feather of lightness can make its skills launch faster, and it is very satisfied with this magical feather.

However, when Kurosawa stretched out his hand and patted its shadow on the ground, a magical change occurred. The little Shining soon had no time to pay attention to the fact that its feather of lightness was taken back.

Its dark shadow began to twist strangely in Kurosawa's eyes.

The little Shining noticed Kurosawa's eyes and looked at the ground.

When it found that its shadow was twisting and wriggling like an octopus's tentacles, it was stunned.

The next moment, its hair exploded all over its body.

It ran quickly on the ground.

Unfortunately, its shadow still followed it like a ghost.

Fortunately, when it flapped its wings and flew up, it separated from the shadow.

However, the shadow was still wriggling on the ground like a caterpillar.

"So hungry"

The wriggling shadow sent out consciousness.

Kurosawa subconsciously understood its meaning.

He turned his head to look at the little Shining Spirit, and found that it was also staring at its shadow with shock and curiosity.

It seems that the little Shining Spirit can also feel the meaning of the phantom clone.

So what does it need to eat?

No wonder the armed [Real Phantom] is hosted in the little Shining Spirit's shadow, but it has not condensed into an avatar. It seems that it needs to absorb energy.

Kurosawa thought about it and was relieved.

Otherwise, where does the energy for the phantom clone to activate its ability come from? Obviously, it needs to be stored in advance.


The little Shining Spirit suddenly spoke.

"You said, it wants to eat your thunder attribute energy."

"Beep!" The little Shining Spirit floated in the sky and nodded to Kurosawa.

It was still a little afraid of the shadow that suddenly changed shape.

"It's okay, just give it energy." Kurosawa said.

Since Kurosawa said so, the little Shining Spirit also put aside his uneasiness about the strange shadow for the time being, and sent out lightning formed by [Electric Shock] from his mouth, which quickly bombarded the shadow.

It's amazing.

The powerful electric shock bombarded the ground, but did not cause any damage. Even the sound and light seemed to be swallowed up by the shadow.

"Zha za za——"

The shadow sent out a satisfied consciousness.

"Continue to use electric shock, don't stop."

Kurosawa glanced at the time, there was still an hour and a half.

It should be about the same.

Fill the phantom clone with energy, and then replenish the little Shining Spirit with nutrition to restore it to its best condition. One and a half hours should be just enough.

The electric shocks quickly melted into the shadow.

The momentum rose from it bit by bit.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, a golden light emerged from the shadow.

After the flash.

An elf clone that looked exactly like the little Shining Spirit appeared in front of Kurosawa.

Kurosawa poked its body.

Its "body" slowly sank under Kurosawa's fingertips.

It didn't seem to be much different from a normal body in terms of physical sensation.

From the appearance alone, it was impossible to distinguish it from the real body.

Fortunately, as an elf master, Kurosawa could still immediately distinguish the phantom clone from the real body.

And the phantom clone's consciousness didn't seem to be very agile.

Kurosawa and the little Shining real body needed to provide some instructions to drive its actions.

If you want to use it vividly and vividly, you also need more practice.

But now, Kurosawa still has one thing to do.

Consume pale crystals to strengthen [Real Phantom].

Because of the thirty draws, he has accumulated a lot of props [Pale Crystals] for strengthening, a total of 27.

He selected a pale crystal and chose to forge and strengthen.

"One pale crystal has been consumed."

The pale crystal flashed white light and slowly melted into [Real Phantom].

With the crisp sound of "clang clang clang", the upgrade and strengthening process was completed.

"Real Phantom (Purple) LV1→LV2!"

"The strength of [Real Phantom] has been slightly improved!"

Kurosawa chose to continue the upgrade and strengthening.

"Real Phantom (Purple) LV2→LV3!"

"Real Phantom (Purple) LV9→LV10!"

Number of Pale Crystals Remaining: 18.

Kurosawa took another look at the description of Real Phantom.

He found that the degree of inheritance of its clones had increased from 70% to 80%.

He consumed another Pale Crystal and upgraded the [Warrior Shoulder Guard] that had previously remained at LV9 to LV10.

Four LV10 concepts were armed, three blue and one purple.

The remaining 17 Pale Crystals were not enough to support the upgrade and enhancement of the weapons after the LV10 stage.

Kurosawa looked at the system store.

[Pale Crystal Synthesis Drawing - 150 Points]

Choose to buy!

Remaining Points: 495

Pale Crystal is an upgraded concentrate of Pale Crystal, which can support the upgrade of higher-level weapons.

The moment Kurosawa purchased the Pale Crystal Synthesis Drawing, he gained specific forging information in his mind.

Three Pale Crystals are synthesized into one Pale Crystal.

A blue crystal can be used to upgrade the level from LV11 to LV20.

And there are new products in the system store.

[Blue Crystal Synthesis Drawing - 300 Points]

There is no demand for this for the time being.

Kurosawa first consumed 30 points and made a single draw.

The number of pale crystals was restored to 18.

Then the 18 pale crystals were converted into 6 blue crystals.

One by one, they were invested in the upgrade of [Real Phantom].

"Real Phantom (Purple) LV10→LV11!"

"Real Phantom (Purple) LV11→LV12!"

"Real Phantom (Purple) LV15→LV16!"

Kurosawa sensed that the phantom clone in front of him became more solid and the momentum was significantly enhanced.

Although the description on the panel did not change, it was still 80%.

But in Kurosawa's perception, it was about 85% of the strength of the little Shining Spirit.

It's really good, but it feels a bit bullying in actual combat.

Even in a 1v1 match, his little Shining Spirit can fight two-on-one, after all, it is a "clone" skill.

It's just that other people's clones are relatively weak, and they must be released on the spot, while the phantom clone of the little Shining Spirit can store energy in advance.

Kurosawa was still thinking.

The little Shining Spirit in front of him, who was charging the phantom clone, had already wilted. It cried out exhaustedly, waking Kurosawa from his thoughts.


It was completely drained, and even the weird thing of having an extra "little Shining Spirit" on its head was not in its mind.

Kurosawa hurriedly used the nutritional value to replenish its depleted energy.


A crisp whistle sounded near the base dormitory.

Kurosawa walked out of the dormitory.

He said hello to Ji Qingwen and Wei Lian, and walked towards the square together.

After advancing to the second round, the number of candidates decreased significantly. Kurosawa looked around and roughly estimated that there were only about 150 people.

Many county-level city teams were wiped out, with only one or two remaining. The third-tier teams basically had only a few people.

Only Changchuan City, which was at the top of Hanquan Province, and its Guchuan City, Taixiang City, and Jinliang City had relatively complete teams.

Even if they had exploited some loopholes in the rules, this phenomenon also meant that their overall strength was superior to other cities.

While waiting for the arrival of the examiner, Kurosawa chatted with Ji Qingwen and Wei Lian.

Suddenly, he felt a gaze like a substance focusing on him. He turned around and found that it was Luo Guangliang who was staring at him through the crowd.


Was he being stared at?

Kurosawa felt strange.

It was just a beauty pageant, which was just a trivial matter for elite players, and it would not make him feel bad about him.

And from the last encounter, Luo Guangliang's attitude towards him did not seem to be too bad.

Kurosawa felt that the other party's attitude was a bit unpredictable.

I am just an ordinary professional player. If possible, I hope that the other party will not pay too much attention to me.

Thanks to "Magical Girl Guo De Gang" for the reward of 1500 Qidian coins.

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