My Elf Simulator

Chapter 179 Weird Values

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the chief examiner appeared on the scene on time.

He began to introduce the rules of the second round to the 150 people present.

After the first round of tests, the number of candidates has been greatly reduced, and those who can stay on the scene basically have certain strength.

The purpose of the second round of the qualifying round is to quickly screen the remaining 150 people and select the players who can really enter the provincial competition.

The means of assessment is still the traditional battle.

However, the speed should be faster. The elf master can only send one elf in a battle. The winner advances to the next round, and the loser is directly eliminated.

If the conventional orthodox battle is used, it will take too long, and there is not much time for them to dawdle here.

The candidates looked at each other when they heard the rules.

Some people showed joy on their faces, while others couldn't help frowning, showing that they were not satisfied with the rules.

But they are candidates, no matter what they think in their hearts, they can only accept it.

They must adapt to the rules of the assessment.

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief.

This rule should be beneficial to him.

His nightmare strength is not bad. After equipping the [Crystal Ball], he is also very capable among the intermediate transitional elves.

But Mumu's strength has not yet been upgraded to the transitional stage.

And his lineup is weaker than that of the elf masters who have debuted for many years.

This is his advantage and disadvantage. With few elves and taking the elite route, his elves can improve so quickly, but if we ignore other conditions and only consider the overall battle.

He has three intermediate elves. If others have six elves of the same strength, then he will indeed suffer a little.

"However, first we have to conduct a basic test, which is considered a pre-test before the start of the second round. If the elf energy value does not reach 50, it cannot enter the next round."

After the examiner roughly introduced the rules, he added.

As soon as he finished speaking, some noisy voices immediately rang out in the crowd.

Many of them came from some third-tier teams.

"Why?" Someone asked directly.

The implication of this rule is to screen out non-intermediate transitional players.

Unfortunately, the examiner ignored him and directly announced the start of the test.

The staff led everyone to the test site for attribute energy values.

Kurosawa's all-in-one machine actually also has an energy value scanning module installed.

However, he rarely uses it.

On the one hand, it is not polite to use it rashly, and on the other hand, he found that the module installed by Director Yan Song for him was generally inaccurate, especially when facing high-level elves.

If the data is biased, it is not as convenient as feeling it yourself.

The test site is located outdoors, in a small square next to the gathering square.

The surroundings are full of instruments, and in the center is a testing platform about ten centimeters higher than the flat ground.

The chief examiner held a roster with a list of qualified players.

"Now let's test. The candidates whose names I call should quickly stand on the testing platform and summon the elves ready to participate."

"Candidate, Li Manshi."

The one who was called was a girl. When she heard the chief examiner read her name, her heart suddenly tightened. She raised her hand in the crowd and shouted: "Here!"

The chief examiner nodded at her.

The girl took a deep breath, trotted to the testing platform, and then took out the flash card from her trouser pocket.

She threw out the flash card, and a golden light flashed, and the elf stored in it was summoned.

It was a white fox with three tails.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on her.

Unexpectedly, they all had some thoughts in their minds.

In addition to screening, this test was also a collection of information on other players.

The combat performance and skills were unclear, but at least the energy value was exposed.

After the elf was summoned, the test system started working quickly.

The test platform under the little fox's feet slowly emitted a red halo.

The next moment, the system broadcast a sound.

"Elf: Three-tailed Fox"

"Racial Qualification: Three Stars"

"Level: Intermediate"

"Attribute Energy Value: 51"

"Met the standard." The examiner made a stroke on the list.

The girl smiled and walked off the stage shyly.

A few black lines appeared on Kurosawa's forehead. Isn't this good? He saw her nervous look before and thought that she was nervous because the result was not up to standard.

However, he changed his mind and thought that not all players had a system like him, which could grasp the various data of their elves in real time, such as energy value, skill level, etc.

Other players had to go to a special place for testing to get specific information. Maybe this girl hadn't been tested for a long time.

While Kurosawa was thinking, the test was still going on.

"Elf: Vine Dragon"

"Racial qualification: three stars"

"Level: Intermediate"

"Attribute energy value: 45"

"Not up to standard!"

"Elf: Life Pickup"

"Racial qualification: three stars"

"Level: Advanced"

"Attribute energy value: 152"

"Up to standard!"

"Elf: Mammoth"

"Racial qualification: three stars"

"Level: Advanced"

"Attribute energy value: 565"

"Up to standard!"

Whenever a powerful high-level elf appeared, there would be noise in the crowd.

Kurosawa looked at the mammoth on the test platform. It just so happened that he had personally fought against a mammoth in the summer season not long ago, so he was particularly touched by this.

So powerful!

This mammoth is smaller in size, but its aura is particularly strong.

When you look at it, you can feel a heavy aura, which makes people feel heavy in their hearts, as if its iron hoof will cause an earthquake as soon as it steps down.

565 energy value.

Hei Ze glanced at the elf master next to the mammoth. He was wearing the golden uniform of Taixiang City, one of the three second-tier teams.

As the focus of the whole audience, his face was calm and no changes could be seen.

Of course, no one else knew what he was thinking.

Hei Ze was shocked.

The energy value of any elf coming out is stronger than that of Ji Qingwen, the strongest in Haitang City.

The assessment is continuing.

The atmosphere on the scene is up and down.

There are many climaxes in the process.

Some test results with energy values ​​of more than 600 make everyone envious, and they wish that those elves were all under their command.

More than 600 energy values ​​mean that those elves have reached the peak of energy values ​​of high-level elves.

The next breakthrough is super elves.

Masters who possess super elves are all big shots without exception, and they have since drawn a line between themselves and ordinary people.

"Examinee, Kurosawa."

The examiner read Kurosawa's name.

"Examinee Kurosawa."

After not getting a response, the examiner repeated it again.


Kurosawa was pushed by Ji Qingwen and quickly raised his hand.

He calmed his expression and walked towards the test bench.

Standing on the test bench, he was also stared at by everyone.

Kurosawa took out the flash card where the little Shining was stored.

Recalling the reminder that the game was in progress that just sounded in his mind.

This is why he was stunned for a moment when the examiner called his name.

He didn't expect that this kind of test could also be considered a part of the game and that he could receive a game reward.

Putting away his thoughts, he threw out the flash card.

The flash card exploded into golden light.

A crisp crackling sound like thunder faintly rang in the air.

The little Shining appeared in the air.

It was white and round all over, and a tuft of light white feathers on its head fluttered in the wind.

It is so cute and round.

"Is it a Toto bird?"

"There are people who raise this kind of elves?"

"It looks pretty."

"What's the use of it?"

"The input-output return is low."

The examinees whispered.

Toto birds are a relatively mediocre race among one-star elves.

Especially considering that this is an individual that has achieved artificial mass production and breeding, the bloodline has gradually deteriorated during the transition and reproduction, and the potential of most Toto birds is even lower.

For novices, it can barely be used as an initial elf, but most of those who can come to the provincial competition and pass the first round of screening are elite players. The worst ones are also transitional professions and relatively strong professional players. This kind of elf is too shabby.

Even after it evolves, it is only a two-star race.

Its innate weakness greatly increases its subsequent training costs, and the benefits it brings are relatively low.

Kurosawa looked calm, as if he could not hear the discussion not far away.

Under Kurosawa's command, Toto birds slowly fell to the ground.

The red light spread out at its feet.

The examiner held the roster, which contained some specific personal information of each contestant.

His eyes stayed on Kurosawa for a moment, and his pupils contained different expressions from those looking at other contestants.

The red light on the platform kept flashing.

It seemed that there was some kind of malfunction.

After a long time, about two or three times the previous test time, the system slowly broadcast the report.

"Elf: Unknown"

"Racial qualification: Three stars"

"Level: Intermediate"

"Attribute energy value: 88"

The clear broadcast voice spread in the open space.

The next moment, there was a murmur of discussion in the crowd.

"Eh? What's going on?"


"Isn't it the Dudu bird? It looks like it?"

"And what's with the 88 energy value? The system is faulty."

"I seem to have heard that some special and powerful elves can break through the normal upper limit of energy value because of their strength."

"But this is only three stars."

"It may be the special talent of the elf master. I have seen people who can add and raise the attribute energy value, but this talent is quite rare."


The attribute energy value reflects the strength of the elf to a certain extent.

Normally, the elves stuck in the transition stage, without condensing the attribute core, will have an energy value of about fifty leaves.

Once it breaks through to the advanced stage and completes the condensation of the attribute core, the energy value will soar to at least one hundred leaves.

88 leaves of energy value, this weird value is rare.

Kurosawa on the test table was also a little surprised.

In the test machine in Haitang City, the race of the little Shining Spirit was determined to be Lightning Dudu.

Unexpectedly, in front of this system, there was a clue.

Although it was not a big deal, he was still a little surprised.

Maybe the system in front of him is more advanced?

He can roughly detect the race of the little Shining, but because it is a special race that is independent of the normal evolution, there is no corresponding data in the system's information database, and it can only be displayed as unknown.

As for the energy value of 88, he can't figure it out.

After the little Shining entered the transition stage, Hei Ze didn't use instruments to test its energy value, and even the system panel still showed 53.1.

Phantom clone? Or some other influence?

Compared with ordinary elves, the little Shining is indeed more special.

The examiner seemed a little surprised by the results, but his face returned to calm the next moment.

He looked at Kurosawa and nodded.

"very good."

"The test results met the standards."

He cherished words like gold and gave a rare compliment.

When Kurosawa walked off the stage, everyone focused their attention on him and remembered this name in their hearts.

Kurosawa returned to his two eldest brothers Ji Qingwen and Wei Lian with a complicated expression.

An ordinary emergy test became the focus of everyone's attention. Even the top elites did not make such a big fuss during the test. It instantly became the focus of many people's attention. It felt not a good thing.

Among the ordinary test results, an anomaly suddenly appeared, which was really surprising.

In the distance, in the camp where the Nagakawa City team is located, the players are also quietly exchanging speculations about the results of Kurosawa's test.

Among the crowd, only a young man with yellow hair remained silent. His gaze passed through the layers of figures and locked on Kurosawa.

I felt a bit strangely complacent in my heart.

When no one was aware of Kurosawa, he was the only one who noticed something unusual about this man. Perhaps this was a reflection of his unique insight?

After Kurosawa's test was over, the rest of the test seemed underwhelming.

It didn't take long for the assessment to end.

Players who have not reached 50 leaves are not eligible to compete.

The number of people present was reduced from more than 150 to about 130. There were indeed a few ordinary professions that passed the first round of assessments due to various factors.


"You have completed the additional assessment round of the Hanquan Provincial League A."

“The level of this event is provincial one-star.”

"The event rewards are being settled for you."

"Congratulations, you have obtained 500 coupons and 22 personal experience points."

"Current number of points: 965"

"Personal level: Level 4 (72/100)"

Kurosawa smiled.

Although the test process this time was short, because it was conducted during the provincial competition, it was still judged by the system as the lowest provincial competition.

Therefore, the standard of rewards must naturally be in accordance with the standards of provincial competitions.

In the blink of an eye, his personal level was about to reach level 5.

The rewards for provincial competitions are indeed more generous than those for municipal competitions.

I don’t know if there will be a new leap in rewards in more advanced national-level competitions.

But the national competition is obviously too far away from where he is now, and he can now reach the bottom line of the provincial competition.

If you want to get a ticket to the national competition, you have to compete with the elite players present for four votes in the province.

Or enter through the national qualifiers, other competitions, etc.

After the emergy test, everyone was assigned to various examination rooms for a quick battle.

With only one elf on the stage, there is no system or tactics to talk about, and the process is relatively simple and crude.

The examination room has been reinforced and can withstand the energy fluctuations of high-level elves.

At this stage, Kurosawa saw the high-level elves going all out.

Especially when several elves with an emergy value of close to 600 appeared on the scene, their fighting momentum made him truly feel that the heaven, earth, air and all external objects were distorted by them.

If this kind of top elf is allowed to destroy a town without stopping it, it won't take long to destroy a city. The destructive power is astonishing.

"Kurosawa, Xia Sucai."

Kurosawa heard the staff calling his name and walked along the passage into the battle arena.

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