My Elf Simulator

Chapter 180 Thunder and Lightning Drum

This test site is a bit like the ancient Colosseum. It is an oval-shaped building with a small area. The central flat ground is the battle area. The surrounding spectator stands rise step by step. A hemispherical transparent energy shield covers the battle area, separating the battle area and the stands.

It does not affect the surrounding spectators' viewing, and can effectively prevent energy overflow.

Kurosawa was assigned to the No. 2 examination room.

He stood in the command area to recuperate.

Thinking quickly in his mind.

Because there is only one elf in the competition system, according to the rounds just played.

The players often go all out to avoid accidents.

After all, the normal competition system has more room for error. Even if one elf loses, there are other elves who can play. The current competition system is a one-round victory and defeat, so there is naturally no room for maneuver.

If before today, his peak ability for a short burst was naturally the combination mode of Zeus and Little Shining.

After drawing the purple-level elf weapon [Real Phantom] at noon, this situation has changed.

The combat power of Little Shining and his clone should be stronger than that of Zeus.

However, [Real Phantom] and Zeus are probably incompatible.

Because the phantom clone requires Kurosawa and Little Shining to control it.

It is difficult for them to do this in Zeus's state.

Kurosawa looked at his opponent, Xia Sucai.

She is a female elf master and a member of the third-line team from Dongtai City.

He retrieved the test data from his memory. Although he did not record it manually, the elves and energy data of various players were stored in his brain.

Elves: Thunder Drum

Race Qualification: Three Stars

Level: Advanced

Energy Value: 141

As an opponent, Kurosawa is undoubtedly at an absolute disadvantage based on the surface data.

But there is no way. Many of the players on the scene are elite players, while the transitional professional level is a slightly smaller number. Kurosawa's luck is not bad to face an opponent with an energy value of about 100 points in the first round, rather than a top elite of 500 or 600.

Xia Sucai's Thunder Drum is slightly stronger than Zhuang Yanbing's Crystal Manta, and has no attribute restraint relationship with the Little Shining Spirit.

Thunder system vs. Thunder system, it is fair in terms of attribute relationship.

However, today's Kurosawa has become much stronger than he was in the summer season.

In the stands, the other players were also whispering.

Kurosawa was in the limelight during the test phase, and many people were still very curious about him, wanting to see what was so special about his "Dudu Bird".

Even some candidates from other "examination rooms" came to watch.

"Sister Xia must have won easily."

"Axia's luck is pretty good. I'm unlucky to draw a professional-level opponent."

This was a conversation between two other people from Dongtai City.

Although the other candidates wanted to find out more about Kurosawa's strengths and weaknesses, not many people really thought that Kurosawa had a chance to win.

"Let's take a look. I'm curious about what's so strange about this bird."

"No suspense, let's finish it quickly. If you want to solve it quickly, go back to Changchuan early. There are too many mosquitoes here."

"After condensing the attribute core, just close your eyes and hit the intermediate elves at will."

No one understands the gap between high-level elves and intermediate elves better than this group of elite players.

The attribute core is the product of highly concentrated attribute energy. The energy intensity it bursts is several times that of the intermediate elves. Not to mention that after being promoted to the advanced stage, the elves will spontaneously comprehend more advanced skills. The combination of the two makes the probability of high-level elves turning over when facing intermediate elves almost zero.

The highest point of the stands in the No. 2 examination room.

Several men and women in uniform black and gold team uniforms occupy the best viewing position.

Other players unconsciously keep a certain distance from them.

They are the top members of the Changchuan City team in Hanquan Province.

After experiencing the small waves in the test phase, they seem to have returned to their calm state.

Most people were taciturn, silently adjusting their breathing, preparing for the upcoming game in their hearts, as if watching other people's games for a second longer was a waste of time.

The configuration of the Changchuan City team before the provincial competition was 12+15.

Among them, 12 people were similar to the Haitang City team, who had won the quota for this provincial competition. They had absolute strength and all were senior to top elites.

As for masters, Changchuan City naturally had them.

It's just that master-level players basically have a quota for the national competition, so there's no need to waste time playing in the provincial competition.

The other 15 recommended quotas were either elite players with strength or top professionals who were sent here to experience the atmosphere of the competition in advance.

"Brother Zhuo, do we want to make a bet?"

Luo Guangliang leaned on the railing, turned around, looked at Zhuo Yan, the man with a straight back beside him, and said.

The man had his eyes closed.

Hearing his voice, he opened his eyes and glanced at him.

He was unmoved by what he said.

He just asked seriously.

"Guangliang, weren't you assigned to Examination Room 1? What are you doing in Examination Room 2?"

Being closely watched by the man, Luo Guangliang's momentum subconsciously weakened by half a point.

"Haha, my match is still a long way off." Luo Guangliang laughed. "Don't worry, Brother Zhuo, Shicong will help me keep track of the time in Examination Room 1, so I won't miss the match."

He shook the phone in his hand.

"Put away your playfulness after entering the provincial competition, there's no point in explaining to me."

"You went to participate in that beauty pageant a few days ago. The minister heard that you were very dissatisfied."

"Bless yourself when you go back."

When Luo Guangliang heard this, his face immediately turned bitter and he swallowed.

He shook his head, not thinking about what would happen in the future.

"So Brother Zhuo is making a bet?"

"I think the professional player below will win."

"Bet 10 energy balls."

Zhuo Yan shook his head.

"No gambling."

"No, Brother Zhuo, you don't dare to bet on this? It's a sure win." Luo Guangliang asked in a slightly exaggerated tone.

Zhuo Yan's eyes swept across the distant screen.

The screen displays the specific data of the two sides that are about to battle on the field.

Emergy: 141

Emergy: 88

High-level elves versus mid-level elves.

The data has just been tested, so there will be no errors.

Even if the energy value of the latter is abnormal, the difference between whether it has a condensed attribute core or not is too big, so there should be no variables.

But Luo Guangliang made a bet with him, and there was obviously something wrong with him.


Zhuo Yan still agreed.

He knew that if he didn't agree, he would most likely be pestered by Luo Guangliang.

"But I won, so I don't need you to give me energy balls. I'll go back to your examination room immediately after this game."


Naturally, Luo Guangliang couldn't be more satisfied with his proposal to change the bet. He came here just to see Kurosawa.

Even if Zhuo Yan didn't say anything, he would go back to Examination Room 1 after Kurosawa's game.

The bell rings.

Preparation time is over.

Kurosawa and Xia Sucai opened their eyes at the same time.

He reached out and threw out the flash card.

The little Shining flew out of the golden light, screamed, flapped its wings and flew into the air.

"Dong dong dong!"

A one-meter-diameter taiko drum stood upright and floated in front of its elf master.

Its hands hold golden lightning drumsticks.

The drum head vibrates gently, with blue thunder and lightning textures engraved on it.

The thumping sound that constantly echoes in the air is caused by the spontaneous vibration of the drum surface.

Kurosawa felt a little irritated when he heard the drums and let out a long breath.

There was a protective cover in the command area, so the thunder and taiko drums could not harm him, but the noise still made him feel upset.

Let's make a quick decision.

Kurosawa originally didn't want to be sloppy.

As for conserving strength and not exposing the truth, the idea never entered his mind.

With his current strength, it would be very difficult for him to pass the battle before him. The elf master will become stronger as time goes by.

The energy value of high-level elves every hundred leaves is almost a small qualitative change.

The energy value of two hundred leaves is beyond what the current Little Shining can contend with, not to mention that there are many elves with higher energy values ​​present.

"Little Shining, real phantom!"

Kurosawa gave the psychic command.

Little Shining accepted the order and nodded to it.

The next moment, its shadow on the ground slowly squirmed.


Another clear cry lingered over the examination room.

An elf that looked exactly like the little Shining was flying beside it.

Xia Sucai, who was about to give the order, blinked.

"Two elves?"

"Is it against the rules?"

"I want to laugh, can you be more knowledgeable? This is obviously a clone skill!"

"Of course I know there is a clone, but is this clone too real?"

People in the stands were talking among themselves.

The clone skills are not unknown to the candidates present, and even a few people have similar clone effect skills themselves.

But most of the clones are either extremely realistic blindfolds, similar to illusion tricks to confuse the opponent, which can be very real, but have almost no combat effectiveness, or they are clones that can undertake combat functions, and are often the aggregation of energy bodies. The appearance is fake at first glance.

Kurosawa's little Shining clone is real, and the energy level doesn't seem to be much weaker than the original body.

This is scary!

"Illusion, it's a better simulation of energy fluctuations!" Someone came to a conclusion.

I thought I understood the truth.

No one thought that the energy fluctuations surrounding the clone were real.

The energy of attribute clones comes from the main body, so elves often use attribute type clone skills, and the breath of the main body will be obviously weakened, while the effect of illusion skill clones is relatively small.

As for why electric elves can awaken illusion skills, it is not incomprehensible.

In most cases, elf skills are linked to their own attributes, but occasionally there are unexpected situations, spontaneous realization, or the elf master consumes the skill amber to awaken directionally, but this kind of skill will usually achieve twice the result with half the effort.

"Is this why you made a bet with me?"

If Luo Guangliang hadn't taken the initiative to talk to him, Zhuo Yan would have most likely not watched this match and just practiced with his eyes closed.

At this time, when he saw Kurosawa using a clone skill that even he couldn't figure out the reality of, he suddenly became interested.

"Haha, keep reading."

Luo Guangliang was also confused, but he still smiled awkwardly and made a mysterious gesture.

Something seems wrong.

Luo Guangliang looked at the field and saw that the two thunderbirds had begun to release electric shocks, thinking in his heart.

The first time he met Kurosawa was at a beauty pageant sponsored by Shengdi Company, but he actually heard of Kurosawa's name even earlier.

It's just that the old Dong mentioned it to him casually at that time, but he didn't take it to heart.

After many subsequent encounters, he was able to associate Kurosawa with the name he had heard in the past.

He also went to collect Kurosawa's battle video.

So he knew very well that Kurosawa's trump card was a means similar to a combined skill, and even defeated two high-level elves of an elite female player in the summer game not long ago.

As for the clone skill in front of him, he had never seen it from beginning to end.

Could it be his trump card.

Good man, are the current professional level players so fancy?

The battle on the field gradually intensified.

Two thunderbirds were circling in the sky, and it was difficult to tell the real from the fake.

Kurosawa had activated the thunder attribute affinity badge.

At the same time, it blessed the little Shining Spirit's main body and the clone.

However, his brain was working at a high speed, because he had to share part of the control function of the phantom clone, plus the burden of combat command and psychic dispatch, which was almost two-tasking.

Fortunately, he has entered the second stage of training. The golden tree visualization mark in his body can help him process information. Otherwise, it is difficult to process various instructions by relying solely on the brain. Using psychic energy to catalyze the spirit energy circuit to assist them in releasing skills is a laborious task in itself, not to mention a double burden.

"Electric shock!"

A lightning bolt struck the thunder drum that was swinging the drumstick.

It was very fast and wanted to evade before the electric shock came.

But just as it dodged, it was hit by another thunder bomb that followed.


The purple electric plasma cloud spread with the sound of the explosion.

The thunder drum groaned in pain.

There is no restraint relationship in thunder battles, but the thunder energy from different objects cannot cause immunity to each other. After hitting, the damage is still real.

Xia Sucai wiped the sweat from her forehead.

The Kurosawa in front of her was much more difficult than she thought.

She really couldn't figure out what was going on with that clone?

It was completely beyond her normal cognition.

How could there be a skill that could double the strength of an elf out of thin air? It's unscientific!

But such an outrageous thing really happened in front of her eyes, and it was her opponent.

As the battle continued, she couldn't even tell which was the real body and which was the real body.

And that Thunderbird was also weird, its strength was completely beyond the scope of a normal intermediate transitional elf.

In terms of energy quality, her Thunder Drum did not open up a class gap with the opponent's Thunderbird.

The Thunderbird on the opposite side could almost be regarded as a poor version of a high-level elf.

"Thunder Drum, use Excitement, Thunder, and Protective Thundercloud."

She quickly gave the order.

"Bang Bang!"

The huge drum sound resounded throughout the examination room as the Thunder Drum was struck.

Kurosawa rubbed his temple.

The already heavy command burden, as well as the noise interference constantly created by the opponent, made his head ache.

Before, he was still familiar with the distraction to control the phantom clone, and now after several minutes of actual combat, he had a preliminary grasp of the control skills of the real phantom.

[Real Phantom] was stronger than he expected. Even though it was his first time using it and his skills were not yet mature, the effect was already very good.

The cooperation between the phantom clone and the main body was almost non-delayed, so it was easy to block the movement.

The opponent was dealing with this kind of exquisite cooperation for the first time. If he did not perform well on the spot, he would almost certainly be hit by the skills of the little Shining Spirit.

"Let's end it."

Kurosawa was ready to burst out.

Whether he could take the opponent away depended on fate.

If he dragged it on, his head would explode.

"Double thunder bomb."

The main body and the clone received the order to continue to drop purple spherical plasma bombs like bombers.

The battle area was smaller than the Begonia Stadium.

The energy of the lightning was very concentrated.

There was not much space for the elves to dodge.

The venue also forced the elves to fight quickly and confront head-on.


Before the lightning dropped by the sky thunder drum arrived.

The two little Shining Spirits used deep blue-level charge at the same time.

The storage cannot receive the current generated by the thunder drum, but the plasma layer condensed deep on the surface can eject this kind of different energy from different sources as much as possible.

Perhaps it is a special evolution form of the little Shining Spirit. It absorbs the most essential energy condensed by natural thunder and achieves a breakthrough in the species boundary.

The little Shining Spirit is naturally resistant to thunder and lightning.

Every time the thunder drum is struck, the dark clouds in the sky will drop thunder and lightning.

The thunder and lightning hit the clone and the main body in turn.

The lightning exploded, and the little Shining Spirit shook his body, but with the protection of the storage, it can still remain stable.

The thunder bomb also hit the thunder drum spirit with protective thunder clouds and special exciting thunder sounds wrapped around it.

The two people in the field seemed to have entered the duel stage.

"When did the high-level elves become so bad?" A professional player looked at the white-hot duel in the field and said with emotion.

The elite player next to him had several black lines on his forehead.

"Why don't you go up and try? Maybe a thunderbolt will kill your elf."

"This guy's Thunderbird elf is really ridiculously strong."

Some people suddenly realized that in the previous test, the result of that elf would be a breakthrough of 88 leaf energy values. Its strength is indeed above that of ordinary intermediate transitional elves.

Adding the strange clone, it is really difficult for ordinary elves with more than 100 leaf energy values ​​to easily defeat it.

"But if it is a continuous fight, the high-level elves will still have an absolute advantage."

"It's great that it lasted this long. The disadvantage is the lack of energy reserves."

In addition to concentrating energy, the attribute core's spontaneous recovery ability is much stronger than that of the intermediate elves.

If it falls into the current rhythm, it seems to be in a stalemate, but it won't be long before the high-level elves can rely on more abundant energy and recovery ability to overwhelm the weird intermediate elves.

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