My Elf Simulator

Chapter 181: Blue Lotus Bident

Unlike the first round of assessment, this round of assessment was conducted in a fixed examination room and was live-broadcasted throughout.

According to the four examination rooms, the players were divided into live broadcast rooms 1 to 4.

Although it was a qualifying round, the number of real-time online users in each live broadcast room was in the seven digits.

Occasionally, a popular player might even soar to a peak of four or five million online users.

At this moment, there were 2.4 million online users in the No. 2 live broadcast room of the Hanquan League, which was more than the total population of Haitang City.

In the No. 2 live broadcast room.

There were probably hundreds of thousands of Haitang City viewers.

Hei Ze, Ji Qingwen, and Wei Lian were assigned to three different examination rooms, but most of the Haitang City viewers who watched the provincial competition locked their main perspective on the No. 2 live broadcast room.

[Oh my god, this Haitang player is so fierce? ]

[So handsome, I want to see all his information within ten minutes]

[Who are you talking to?]

[What's going on? Didn't the information sheet say that Haitang is a professional player? 】

[So weird]

[Professionals are not inferior to elites, a bit *]

The audience in Haitang City was secretly happy when they saw the speeches of fans from other cities, and they couldn't help but feel a little proud.

It was like city people looking at country people, and they felt that their fussing speeches seemed to be unsophisticated.

Of course, they also completely forgot that after the Haitang Summer Game, when Hei Ze played against Zhuang Yanbing, most of the Haitang audience also had the same reaction of incomprehension.

After being proud, many Haitang audiences did not forget to attract fans for their own players, sharing the links of Hei Ze's game videos in the summer game in the live broadcast room, and introducing various achievements of Hei Ze's short professional career.

For a while, the number of subscriptions to Hei Ze's official website, which had been in a steady growth, began to grow rapidly again.

If he performs well on the court, even if he is a player from other cities, the audience will not be stingy with their subscriptions. After all, to put it bluntly, Hei Ze is a player from the province and is also half of his own people.

Especially the stronger the player is and the more fans he has, the bigger the regional label on him will be.

Municipal level, provincial level, national level.

Kurosawa on the field didn't know that his fellow countrymen were working hard to attract fans for him in the live broadcast room.

He stared at the one-meter-tall thunder drum spirit on the other side.

He vaguely felt that the other party was also holding back a big move.

The dark clouds in the sky were getting thicker and thicker.

The thunder and lightning attribute energy released by the thunder drum and the little shining spirit was of the same type but different sources.

They repelled each other and attracted each other, which was very wonderful.

Both types of thunder and lightning energy were unique in their aura.

The dark blue thunder and lightning of the thunder drum was more stable and heavy, and it was the type of stable explosion, and it was released rhythmically with the "dong dong" sound of it hitting the swinging drumstick.

The golden lightning of the little shining spirit was thinner, but sharper and faster, like a golden sword cutting through the air.

The thunder and lightning energy was intertwined in the air uneasily, stirring up the stable environment on the scene into chaos.

Even the transparent air was stained with a thin layer of blue-gold.

Kurosawa silently controlled the phantom clone.

The experience of his spiritual energy attached to the phantom clone was very unique, and he could feel the vision and physical condition of the clone's location in an immersive way.

The little Shining Spirit could also share some of the burden of controlling the clone for him.

At first, his control was relatively awkward, but as Kurosawa continued to release thunder bombs, the clone's skill release proficiency was rapidly improving.

Kurosawa discovered another benefit of the clone, that is, he could use this form and another perspective to more clearly perceive the specific process of the elves releasing skills, as if he himself had become an elf.

This was helpful for his ability to guide as an elf master, and he would be able to cooperate with the elves more tacitly in the future.

Kurosawa could no longer remember how many thunder bombs he had released.

Fortunately, the little Shining Spirit's energy reserve far exceeded that of the same level, allowing him to release skills so arrogantly. If it were other transitional elves, their energy would have been drained long ago.

Xia Sucai felt more and more stressed.

Although she ordered Raiden Taiko to accumulate and prepare a field skill, the process was not smooth.

The opponent's indiscriminate skill delivery forced Raiden Taiko to interrupt skill preparation several times.

Moreover, the opponent's lightning bomb was very strong, and the energy of each explosion made Raiden Taiko painful.

She even had an illusion that she and Raiden Taiko were facing an elite player who was more mature than her, and she was the disadvantaged party.

Is the energy not exhausted yet?

As the battle continued, her confusion about Kurosawa became deeper.

Kurosawa kept breaking her cognition of professional and intermediate elves.

Fortunately, it was almost ready!

She comforted the restless Raiden Taiko through psychic power.

Look up at the sky.

The black clouds have completely covered the sky of the examination room, and not a single ray of sunlight can penetrate.

The dark clouds are tightly attached to the inner layer of the protective cover of the examination room, like a big hand holding a glass bead, with a strong sense of oppression.

Blue electric currents surged in the dark clouds, and occasionally there were surging drum sounds.

The thunder drum floated up, with lightning wrapped around it, and flew into the dark clouds.


The drum spirit landed, and the dark clouds and thunderstorms seemed to be integrated together.

A violent and panicky sound rang out from somewhere in the sky.

It's done!

Xia Sucai breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she didn't understand why the intermediate elves on the opposite side were so strong, as long as she could successfully complete the field skill [Lightning Prison], she would have 100% confidence.

In this endless lightning, the thunderbird was like the Monkey King in the palm of Tathagata Buddha, no matter how powerful it was, it couldn't turn over the palm.

"Okay, it's about to end."

"Go back to your examination room quickly, it's almost your turn to compete."

In the stands, Zhuo Yan crossed his arms and glanced at the battle platform, then turned to Luo Guangliang and said.

"Don't worry."

Luo Guangliang stared at Hei Ze in the field, especially paying attention to his expression.

Even though the dark clouds were pressing down and the thunder drum was in full swing, Hei Ze didn't react at all, and watched the thunder drum enter the clouds.

There was no panic, surprise, or loss on his face, but instead he made a slightly depressed expression with his mouth corners and eyebrows slightly raised.

Luo Guangliang has an inherent habit of studying elf masters through video recordings.

Unlike most people who focus on the elves, he particularly likes to pay attention to the changes in the expressions and demeanor of the elf masters on the field.

Through the reactions of the elf masters, he can most intuitively read the information that cannot be seen on the field.

He watched Kurosawa's video recordings and found that Kurosawa had similar expressions before several unfavorable counterattacks and victories. This should be his psychological reaction of relaxation and self-conscious control?

"Brother Zhuo, prepare your energy ball. I don't want inferior products." Luo Guangliang said with a little confidence after observing Kurosawa's expression.

Energy balls are not particularly precious magical resources for them, but Luo Guangliang enjoys the feeling of defeating opponents very much, even if they are not on the opposite platform, especially when the opponent is Zhuo Yan, the captain of the Changchuan City team, who is considered to be the man who can take up the pillars of Changchuan.

"Haha." Zhuo Yan shook his head, thinking that he was still stubborn.

He didn't know where Luo Guangliang's confidence came from, but he only believed what he saw with his own eyes.

Kurosawa took a deep breath.

The dark clouds above his head were indeed quite scary, especially in this restricted field, which trapped him and the little Shining like a prison.

He mobilized his spiritual energy.

Countless golden lights slowly emerged in the air, overpowering the blue lightning.

Unconsciously, the lightning field was not only formed by the opponent's thunder drum.

The lightning energy erosion of the double Shining Bird was also deeply rooted, biting out a field from below.

It's just that the opponent's field was more powerful, and the arrangement of the Shining Bird was more obscure, penetrating into every space.

Now he and the little Shining started at the same time, and the golden lightning began to release momentum, surging in the ground layer below.

The whole ground looked down from the sky and turned into a sea of ​​golden lightning.

The golden ocean current and the dark cloud and blue lightning instantly formed a stalemate, but the thunder drum was in the dark cloud after all, and the momentum completely crushed the field created by the little Shining.

Relying only on the minefield in front of him to fight, Kurosawa's side had no advantage at all.

Kurosawa was very calm in his mind and reached out his hand.

All the D+-level psychic energy burst out.

Judging from his own psychic energy, he is not weaker than an ordinary elite elf master, and even stronger by half a point.

The energy in his body surged, and as the psychic energy burst out, the golden giant tree visualization mark stretched out, densely occupying his whole body.

"Full coverage of natural power."

"Double charging!"

The little shining spirit floating in the sky and its clone instantly grabbed energy from the ground.

In just a moment, dozens of golden arc-shaped lightning on the ground gathered on the two spherical elves that turned into small suns.

The main body and the clone gathered extremely powerful lightning energy.

At the same time, they seemed to be too large because the energy flow wrapped around their bodies began to slowly interweave and rotate in the air.

Xia Sucai swallowed her saliva.

Kurosawa's change of tactics caught her off guard.

Her heart, which had originally returned to calm due to the condensation of [Lightning Prison], was once again filled with inexplicable uneasiness.

Will there be any accidents?

She shook her head and shook off her anxiety.

In this area, the lightning of its thunder drum will form a partial self-circulation, and the opponent cannot defeat it!

But although she thought so, her actual actions were not slow at all.

The psychic energy mobilized the command, and the thunder drum that had just landed in the cloud layer quickly beat the drumstick.

"Dongdong, Dongdong, Dongdong."

The dark clouds rolled more violently, and the dark blue lightning in the clouds became brighter and brighter. The lightning condensed into a giant snake slowly aimed at the direction of the two small shining spirits that were rotating and approaching each other.

"Double Thunder Gun."

Kurosawa assisted the two elves in releasing the thunder gun skills at the same time.

All the actions of the main body and the clone were almost synchronized.

The golden light became more and more blazing.

The tail extended and expanded into a Z-shaped arc lightning.

Two bright arc lightnings rotated, and the tips slowly gathered above the two elves.

A larger thunder and lightning double fort was generated, and countless lightning threads at its lower end pulled the ground, and the golden glare kept jumping, and a lotus could be vaguely seen emerging from the depths.

It's not over yet.

Kurosawa thought to himself.


He activated the combined power of the little Shining Spirit.

Fortunately, although the Mystery cannot be used on the clone, this highly combined energy form seems to be dominated by the main body, and the Mystery ability can be activated smoothly.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

The golden lotus on the ground is completely condensed and formed!

Countless lightning arcs twisted the lightning dipents on the ground, the elves and the zenith into a force.

The air was torn apart by the lightning halberd, and the golden light continued to violently explode within a few meters around it, but there was an indescribable sense of coordination in the explosive energy.


"It hurts!"

The audience stands were in an uproar, and many candidates subconsciously looked away.

Staring at the lightning halberd with the naked eye, it seemed that they would be stabbed and cut by the extremely sharp lightning wrapped around its surface.

Of course, the damage was just an illusion, because the protective shield of the venue was still working diligently.

High in the stands.

Zhuo Yan, who was calm with his arms crossed, could not stand up, and there was a clear look of horror in his eyes.

What did he see?

"It's incredible that the intermediate elves can use their skills to the level of [intention]."

Zhuo Yan stared at the ground in a daze, and the extremely violent but inexplicably sacred lotus made him gasp, and his heart was like a turmoil.

He had never heard of a professional player being able to use skills of this level.

Even though he had just touched the threshold, he still needed to continue to improve in order to fully master it.

Because he himself was studying the skills in this area, he understood more clearly how difficult it was to derive from the level of [skill] to [intention]. The mastery of intention required extreme proficiency in skills, and then suddenly realized the essence of skills that transcended the shell.

As soon as he connected with the other party, he was shocked.

Most people in the stands were just watching the excitement, and only a few people couldn't help but widen their eyes and kept muttering.

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief. He also discovered the special cooperative reaction of the main body and the clone when he was controlling the two elves to use the power storage. He did not resist, and followed the gathering trend to let them proceed autonomously.

It seems that this spontaneous reaction is beneficial.

The [Lightning Gun] in front of him completely exceeded the normal release level.

He only realized at this time that the lightning energy aura of the main body and the clone seemed to be exactly the same, but there were still some differences in the deep level, just like the second level of yin and yang, the main body is the yang side, and the energy of the phantom clone is the yin side. The two energies formed extremely special changes in rotation.

"It's just so heavy."

He groaned.

The lightning double halberd made him feel an extremely heavy burden.

Especially the lotus mark, which required him to use all his strength to activate the golden tree visualization mark in his body, and with the help of the mystery, he could barely maintain it.

What on earth is this?

Hei Ze was also puzzled.

But he knew that the lotus seemed to have a very strong effect on the skill, directly allowing the originally exploded lightning double halberd to form a soul, which was powerful and controllable, and there was an indescribable mystery.

So even if he spent more energy, he wanted to maintain it.

"Can't wait any longer!"


Opposite Hei Ze, Xia Sucai's eyes kept twitching, and there was some horror in the depths of her pupils.

Her chest rose and fell violently, she gasped heavily, and at the same time restrained her inner anxiety.

No one knew better than her how powerful the lightning double halberd suspended in the air was.

The golden-lightning double-dent seemed to be able to project light into her mind, containing a domineering, violent, and all-tearing will, suppressing her to the point where she could hardly breathe.

"Taiko-Thunder Dragon!" she shouted.

The dark clouds suddenly rolled wildly, and the deep blue lightning exploded, as if sensing the extreme threat of the lightning double-dent, and quickly condensed into a huge thunder dragon.



The scene was instantly tense!

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