My Elf Simulator

Chapter 187 Mumu’s golden finger?


Hei Ze closed his eyes for a while. He was more sensitive than others and soon realized the subtle and strange energy field in the air.

The hot air flow faintly triggered his psychic reaction.

Shortly after Hei Ze began to practice the training method, the wisps of white air gathered and entangled on his body like sharks smelling blood, as if attacking him.

"It's a bit hot"

Hei Ze forced himself to stabilize his mind.

Psychic energy is a special energy that comes from the depths of the spirit, but this strange energy field can make the various characteristics of psychic energy more active, which is really magical.

Of course, this is a benefit and also brings danger.

Once psychic energy is out of control due to too much external stimulation, it is not only useless, but also easy to cause physical trouble.

Psychic energy can be said to be the foundation of the elf master.

One hair can move the whole body, psychic energy, spirit, body.

Hei Ze had heard of many similar extreme cases before. Some powerful elf masters had unexpected psychic energy and became crazy, or their hair turned white overnight and they looked decades older.

Fortunately, the meteorite training ground here is guaranteed by the Jinling School, and it has been maintained for so many years, so there should be no accidents.

Kurosawa did not waste time and concentrated on meditating on the golden tree training method in his heart.

The tall golden branches in his body became energetic under the stimulation of the meteorite breath, extending the leaves like stretching arms, taking root and affecting Kurosawa's whole body and brain.

Kurosawa's body felt even hotter.


Time passed for an unknown amount of time.

The token in Kurosawa's pocket vibrated.

He opened his eyes, and a trace of reluctance to be interrupted was revealed in his eyes.

At first, the hot meteorite breath made him feel a little uncomfortable, but as time went on, the numb stimulation accompanied by the pleasure of rapid training of the internal training method made people fall in love with this new training experience.

Kurosawa took out the token in his pocket and stopped the button on it.

This dark gold metal token was given to Kurosawa by the old man who was in charge of registration at the door before he entered the underground training ground.

Its function is to remind him to tell the time.

If the token vibrates for a long time and its owner still does not stop, it means that the person may have an accident, and soon a staff member who has received the message will rush to check the situation.

Now almost three hours have passed, Kurosawa is not "in arrears", but a newcomer who has just entered here. Generally speaking, the theoretical best training time is 1-2 hours, and the limit is about three hours. The system detected that he was practicing for the first time, so there was such a reminder.

The ubiquitous meteorite force field in the air is still very strange, like a ghost hand seducing and catalyzing the energy creatures in the force field to be more active.

Kurosawa put away the token, he felt that it was actually okay.

He adapted to the external situation around the training ground very quickly.

But since he was interrupted, he simply went to see how the three little guys were practicing.

He quickly glanced at the empty training ground and quickly captured the location of his elves.

The three elves gathered together to occupy a separate training ground. Although the area was not too large, it was well-equipped and close to a closed corner, so it was usually unlikely to be disturbed by other elves.

Now, there were a total of six elf masters in the training ground outside, including Kurosawa. Each elf master carried a large number of elves, and the training ground became slightly more full.

There were so many rich people.

Kurosawa looked at the time. There were still ten minutes to three hours, which meant that his free training time this month was only seven hours, which was pitifully short.

He came to the training ground of the three elves. At this moment, they were concentrating on the training method that suited them.

Nightmare held its strange crystal ball tightly, floating in the air, closing its eyes, and its soft arms made a tapping arc on the surface of the crystal ball in the air, and it made a sound that Kurosawa could not understand at all, like a mosquito calling and a fish slurping water.

During the training, Nightmare was so mysterious that Kurosawa occasionally felt that it really had a mysterious look like a witch.

As for the training method of Little Shining, it is much simpler and more brutal.

It is like a perpetual motion machine, squandering various thunder skills without any worries.

The breath of meteorites is indeed extraordinary.

Although it can stimulate the energy to become more active, it also restrains them at the same time.

All the skills of Little Shining, electric shock, thunder bombs have been extinguished, only the simple and primitive skills like pecking have not been weakened.

There is a bit of stubbornness in Little Shining's temperament.

It feels that there are invisible enemies in the air, underground, and shadows everywhere against itself.

But it is more motivated.

It doesn't matter if the electric shock can't reach the previous power standard, just practice more!

Sooner or later, it will adapt to the weird environment here and become stronger.

It is not so easy to be knocked down by difficulties.

Kurosawa moved his eyes to the youngest in the "family".

Mumu has freed himself from the restraints of the initial gem and restored his original body. His body is still growing and developing continuously, and his current height should be about two meters and a half.

At this moment, he leaned against the corner of the wall, motionless. Outsiders who didn't know the situation would definitely think he was lazy.

Kurosawa stared at him closely, and his expression became a little solemn.

As the spiritual energy attached to Mumu's body, Kurosawa became even more horrified as he could feel the changes in its body up close.

His heart was shocked.

He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Mumu was actually absorbing the free meteorite breath in the air.


"Good fellow."

Although the meteorite energy field can stimulate life forms and thus assist in cultivation, it is a foreign energy emitted by extremely dangerous objects.

Can this be "eaten" casually?

Kurosawa looked at Mumu's drowsy state and his unresponsive posture when he called him. He was surprised and couldn't help but worry about him.

That kind of weird energy, absorbed into the body, will it really be okay?

Just when he was hesitating whether to wake up the confused Mumu, Mumu suddenly opened his eyes.


It burped unusually satisfied, stood up and stretched, with obvious joy on its face, as if it had just enjoyed a luxurious feast.

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it sounds strange to absorb alien energy and burp until full, judging from Mumu's reaction, at least his health has not been affected by the alien energy.

Kurosawa looked at the panel.

Sure enough, the real-time data about Mumu on it has changed.

Elf: Miracle Colossus (Cub)

Race Qualification: Four-star (14%)

Level: Intermediate

Attribute: Light

Feature: Holy Rune

Energy Value: 43

If I remember correctly, Mumu's attribute energy value was around 41.5 before he came in.

Approaching the fifty energy level mark, Mumu's improvement speed has slowed down recently, and it is no longer rocket-like as before.

Think about it carefully, Kurosawa's elves often achieve a short-term rapid breakthrough in strength when they are in the magical ancient ruins. Mumu missed the gifts of the ancient ruins twice.

The first time, it had not yet joined the team, and the second time it was too young to effectively fight and train.

But it doesn't matter. Let the regrets of the past disappear, because from the current situation, Mumu seems to have obtained a wonderful opportunity in this meteorite training ground.

Other elves certainly can't do it. Just imagine, if they can absorb alien energy like taking a tonic to improve their strength, who would be willing to fight, study and train hard.

And even if it really exists, such a god-level training ground would not be used by Kurosawa. It was sucked dry by elf masters a hundred or eighty years ago.


Kurosawa stared at Mumu's panel with his peripheral vision. As it tilted its head in confusion, he pinched his chin and fell into deep thought.

He suddenly made an even more amazing discovery.

That is, the number following the four-star racial qualification seemed to have quietly moved forward.

He didn't pay much attention to this in recent days. He only remembered that the impression a few days ago was 13%.

Now 14%, is it the gain brought by natural development and growth, or is it brought by the meteorite aura today?

He thinks it is most likely the latter, otherwise it would not rise early or late, but it happened to change when he came to the meteorite training ground today.

If it is the effect of swallowing the meteorite's breath, it is really amazing.

The higher the star-level race qualification, the more difficult it is for the elves to evolve.

Even for Mumu, he has to come here often.

This is still the effect of the underground training. What if it is the underground second and third floors closer to the meteorite body?

What changes will Mumu have?

Kurosawa is looking forward to it.

After watching the three elves' training, Kurosawa also returned to the mat and continued to meditate.

Time in the meteorite training ground is precious, and not a minute can be wasted.

Just after three hours, Kurosawa left the underground training ground with the three elves who were reluctant to leave.

If he delays for another two minutes, he will enter the fourth hour of counting training.

Kurosawa was just hungry. Practicing under the stimulation of the meteorite's breath, the consumption of the body is also increasing exponentially.

But eating and drinking are not allowed in the meteorite training ground. These miscellaneous activities must be handled in the rest outside.

When returning the token at the front desk, the old man recognized Kurosawa as the newcomer who entered at noon.

Seeing that there was no sign of fatigue on his face, he was still radiant.

The old man had a strange expression on his face.

This was the first time he had seen such a relaxed newcomer.

The alien aura of the meteorite lingered, and any newcomer who entered it for the first time, regardless of their level or ability, would basically suffer some hardships and not be able to adapt to the ubiquitous confrontation.

It took a full three hours, and it was already a very good tolerance level for a newcomer to reach this point.

Could he really be an iron man?

The old man looked at Kurosawa's gradually receding back and his slightly brisk footsteps, and shook his head.

Kurosawa passed through the node of the subspace and returned to reality.

He left the slightly deserted school Jinling University and returned to the daily campus.

Kurosawa was generally satisfied with the training situation at the meteorite training ground today.

His own spiritual energy increased a lot, and Little Shining and Nightmare took another big step forward on the road to breaking through the high-level elves.

Previously, the energy concentration in the little Shining Spirit was about 5% on the road to completely condensing the attribute core crystal, and now it has reached about 10%.

The degree of refinement has increased too fast.

It may be because its foundation is very good, and it has stayed at this stage for a long time before, and now there are signs of accumulation and release.

Nightmare is similar, progressing slower than Little Shining, but overall, the training effect is very good.

The one who surprised Kurosawa the most was Mumu.

It would be great if there were endless contribution points.

He could stay in the meteorite training field all day long, and it would not take long for him to make a breakthrough in strength.


Thinking about it, Kurosawa himself laughed.

Shaking his head, he threw away the unrealistic thoughts in his mind.

His eyes stayed on the high-rise dormitory in the distance for half a second.

Now for Kurosawa, there is a very important thing, accommodation.

Jinling University provided him with a dormitory, a four-person room with a bed and a desk. There is no accommodation in the school's residence. Only members who have reached the earthly branch level can live in the residence for a long time.

Where to live is a problem.

Of course, it is impossible to live in the dormitory. The space is too small and the elves can't move their bodies at all.

It is best to find a comfortable house outside the school.

Finding a house itself is not difficult. There are many students in Jinling University City, and this kind of people rent and check out relatively frequently.

But Kurosawa didn't intend to settle for it. He would probably stay here for quite a while.

He wanted to live in a slightly more spacious place, preferably with an independent training room, gym, etc., not too far from the university itself, and a spacious garden, so that the little Shining likes to walk around after eating.

He took the rental app on his phone and indexed the houses.

Of course, he couldn't afford to buy one. The housing prices in Jinling were very high, and every inch of land was worth a lot of money. Besides, his target houses were basically large single-family villas.

Kurosawa was not keen on making money in the past year, but thanks to his excellent performance and strong potential to attract fans, he also had a lot of income.

Most of his income came from competition bonuses, peripheral share, and salary paid by the league.

A rough calculation showed that from the time he awakened his psychic power last year to more than August now, in just over a year, the total income of various sources was more than four million.

Of course, strictly speaking, it was half a year.

Four million in half a year, Kurosawa already felt it was a lot.

This is also the limit that a top player in a third-tier small city can achieve.

But seeing the houses in Jinling that cost five or six figures per square meter, Kurosawa found that he was still too poor.

After a day of hard work, Kurosawa returned to the hotel he had booked.

After taking a shower, he lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep soon after.

The meteorite training field consumed a lot of his energy during the day.


The next morning.

Kurosawa woke up and felt refreshed.

Every acupoint in his body felt indescribably comfortable, as if he had thrown off some heavy package.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Kurosawa swiped his card to enter the south gate of Jinling University.

It was still the same security guard from yesterday, but this time he remembered Kurosawa and swiped his card for him with a polite smile.

"Good morning."

Kurosawa smiled and nodded in response.

There were a lot more people in the university today.

Basically, all the freshmen came to the campus to register.

Kurosawa was out of place in the crowd like an old student.

But in fact, he was in the same class as them. Kurosawa joined the school, and the university registered him as a student in the public administration major, but this was just his official student status, and he didn't actually need to go to class or take exams.

Members of the Jinling School are the top, and they have a high degree of freedom on campus.

Kurosawa walked on the campus path in the morning. Today's schedule was still full. He wanted to visit the school's residence on campus first, especially the central library and the medicinal bath house.

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