My Elf Simulator

Chapter 188 The Origin of the Training Method

Before going to the Jinling School, Kurosawa deliberately turned to the cafeteria in Jinling University to personally "inspect" the food situation of Jinling University students.

A large bowl of oil-splashed pulled noodles, five yuan.

The taste is not bad. Kurosawa hasn't eaten such a good and cheap meal for a long time.

Garlic sprouts, green vegetables, chopped green onions, hot oil poured on the chili noodles and garlic sprouts, the rich aroma sizzled, and large balls of big balls came out, which made people very appetizing.

Kurosawa ate two bowls and left the cafeteria with satisfaction.

The cafeteria of this top university is different. Kurosawa vaguely remembers the cafeteria when he was in junior high school. The quality of the food made by the chef is really hard to describe, so that almost all students choose to go out of school or go home for meals.

When walking down the stairs and out of the cafeteria, Kurosawa vaguely heard someone behind him mention his name.

Turned around.

They were a couple, and the girl with a ponytail was very tall, about the same height as Kurosawa now, about 1.8 meters.

When Kurosawa turned around, she had a look of doubt on her face, as if she was struggling whether to go forward.

"I said it was him, right?"

"It seems to be true"

"Go ahead, I remember you like him very much, don't you?"

"Stop talking! Speak softly, he's looking at me."


When the two of them were whispering, Kurosawa hesitated for half a second.

They didn't know how good their hearing was now. As long as he paid attention to the little sound, he could hear it clearly, even if it was a whisper at a distance of dozens of meters.


Fang Shiying is a sophomore at Jinling University.

Her hometown is from an unknown small city in the mainland.

When she was in the first year of college, she was very shy when she talked about her hometown during the class meeting.

When she talked about her hometown with her classmates from Jinling, Zhongdu, Dongdu or other big cities, she always felt inferior.

She actually understood that this feeling of shame was groundless and incorrect. Where you come from has nothing to do with what kind of person you will become. It only depends on your personal struggle.

There are also homeless people who are willing to degenerate in Nandu, and there are also people who are extremely outstanding in Haitang. No one is nobler than anyone else.

But people's subconscious is really hard to control. Even if she knows this clearly, she still feels ashamed when talking about Haitang.

Like her roommate, she often participates in social activities organized by the hometown association.

In Haitang City, there were only two people who were admitted to Jinling University in her class. There was no mass base at all. Moreover, one of the two was her whose grades suddenly exploded in the college entrance examination. Her usual grades were just enough to reach the key line of the six schools.

The reason for her inferiority complex may also be due to this point. The education level of Haitang City is indeed not as good as that of many cities. Some key high schools outside the province can have dozens of people admitted to Jinling University in their own school every year.

Her strange inferiority complex did not improve until she found a boyfriend half a year ago.

But the reason behind it may not only be about love, but she herself also understands that it is that person.

She has been in the habit of watching Haitang's games since she was a child. Even after going to college and being away from home, she has not stopped paying attention. It was half a year ago that a new star rose rapidly.

She witnessed him from the immaturity of the spring season auditions, being belittled by her fans before the match with Cen Biyao, and his awkward and decent response in front of the camera.

Until the summer finals, when Kurosawa stood on the green lawn under the spotlight, the highest stage of Haitang City, the battle area of ​​the summer finals.

She was really moved from the bottom of her heart through the screen, and goose bumps came out all over her body.

It was then that she realized that as long as people work hard, they can continue to get better.

Even if you are not as good as the people around you for a while, as long as you can gain more and work harder every day than the day before, maybe one day, you will suddenly realize that you have surpassed your companions without realizing it.

She is a real old fan in the group of Kurosawa fans. There are also many fans in the group who are inspired by Kurosawa like her, including students, free entrepreneurs, and office workers.

Of course, she has also heard of a point of view. Many people say that although Kurosawa failed to be selected for Haitang Academy, his personal talent is definitely top-notch. His success is a rare case and has no reference value. Using Kurosawa's experience to inspire oneself is just a fake chicken soup for self-touching.

But she has a different opinion on this.

Talent is something that cannot be seen or touched. You can't use such a false thing to wipe out all the efforts of the person involved.

Which player is as clean and pure as Kurosawa, without any bad habits?

He just spent the time that others spent on nightclubs, picking up girls, eating, drinking and having fun on training.

Hard work must be rewarding. It may not come too early, but one day, it can give you a clever help.


It seems that I met a fan.

Kurosawa stopped for a moment.

I don't know whether to go or stay.

On the one hand, he shouldn't be able to hear the other person's whispers from such a distance.

He rashly walked up to her and asked if she was his fan, which seemed too narcissistic, which was not good.

On the other hand, he did hear it, and he couldn't pretend he didn't hear it. It was rare for someone in Jinling University City to recognize him. He felt it was not easy. He felt a little sorry for turning around and leaving without saying hello.

Fortunately, Kurosawa didn't need to worry about this issue. The girl was pushed by her boyfriend to Kurosawa.

"Well, well, hello!"

The girl's cheeks were red, and her eyes glanced at Kurosawa's face, and she immediately lowered her head as if she was electrocuted.

It's really him!

Perhaps with the added filter of fans, she thinks Kurosawa in real life is better than what she sees on camera.

How could she suddenly meet him here?

Fang Shiying was a little dizzy.

The person she had been watching for a long time across the screen suddenly appeared in front of her alive, and she was a little unbelievable.

First of all, she stated that most of her special feelings for Kurosawa were not about love between men and women, but about regarding him as a spiritual idol.

Even her boyfriend loved Kurosawa, and the couple became fans of Kurosawa.

Just now, her boyfriend suddenly passed by at the entrance of the cafeteria and recognized Kurosawa.


Kurosawa saw that the girl's face was as red as a fever. After she greeted him, she lowered her head and fell silent in front of him, swallowing saliva. Kurosawa was silent too.

The image of oneself in other people's minds should not be so terrible.

Why don't you follow the procedures.

Identify yourself, take photos and sign.

Kurosawa is already very familiar with this set of procedures. As long as there are not many people, he will try his best to satisfy the small things such as signing and taking photos with people who support him on the road.

He can actually understand this mentality very well. People are more or less vain.

If you meet a star, Internet celebrity, super player or the like on the road, take a photo and edit the copywriting to post it on the circle of friends, you can attract the admiration and envy of your friends.

"Uh, are you here to take a photo with me?"

Kurosawa saw that she didn't speak for a long time, and took the initiative to ask.

He didn't dare to ask if the other party was his fan.

"No." The girl shook her head and nodded.

She took a deep breath and finally woke up from the blank state of her mind.

"Of course, it would be better if we could take a photo together without causing you any trouble."

"It's okay, I don't care so much."

He is not a traffic star, there is no such thing as dying in the spotlight.

"Thank you, thank you." The girl said with a smile.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Kurosawa's personality is indeed the same as in front of the camera.

He did not become arrogant because of his outstanding strength.

She was a little less nervous.

After sending her tool boyfriend to take pictures far away, she put her hands in front of her, straightened her waist, and stood next to Kurosawa to take a serious photo.

"Black idol, excuse me." After checking the photos in her boyfriend's mobile phone, the girl nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time she was confused.

"You said, there is also, just call me Kurosawa."

"I still call you Zebao, Zebao, why did you come to Jinling University?"

Kurosawa roughly explained the process of his coming to Jinling University.

"Then we will be alumni in the future?" The girl seemed very happy.

"It should be." Hei Ze shook his head and smiled. "But I came in through a side door, and I can't compare with you true prides."

Hei Ze was not being modest, he really felt that it was a great thing to be able to rely on his own ability to break through the millions of candidates and get into a top university like Jinling.

He used to have good grades in junior high school, but if he followed that timeline, he would probably not be able to reach the threshold of Jinling University.

"No, Ze Bao, you are amazing." The girl shook her head shyly. "By the way, I used to be in Haitang No. 2 Middle School, but Ze Bao, you probably haven't heard of me."

Hei Ze stayed on her cheek for a moment.

Really no impression.

When Hei Ze first entered No. 2 Middle School, she should have been promoted to high school.

Haitang only has two relatively famous junior high schools, Haizhong and No. 2 Middle School. Basically, students with good grades graduated from these two junior high schools.

"I am Mr. Zhao Mingzhou's teacher."

"Oh, I remember that he taught me Chinese."

The two chatted a little more about Haitang No. 2 Middle School.

"Then I won't bother you for now. Let's go to the cafeteria for breakfast first. Bye!"


"Also, I really like you."

"Please keep working hard in the future."

"Uh, thank you." Kurosawa was stunned for a moment, and glanced at her boyfriend holding her hand without leaving a trace.

Is it okay to say such words in this situation?

But the boy next to him just scratched his head and smiled foolishly, and didn't seem to have an extreme reaction.

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the man was generous. If he caused a conflict between a couple because of this, he would be guilty.


Meeting a fellow alumnus on the way made Kurosawa feel good.

He walked along the archway into the secluded school residence. When he passed the office, he glanced inside.

The staff on duty at this moment was still Senior Brother Lu Pu who was responsible for registering for him yesterday.

He was a little more energetic than yesterday.

But he didn't get much better. He still held his chin with his right hand, and his eyelids closed and opened, opened and closed, fighting all the time.

"Are you that sleepy?"

Kurosawa was a little worried about him.

This senior brother is a bit strange. As a genius who was promoted to the elite at a young age, he has fallen to a role similar to a security guard.

Is he doing some strange training or life experience activities?

Hei Ze didn't know.

He didn't go into the office to disturb Lu Pu. He looked at the map inside the station and walked towards the central library.

Arrived at the library and walked into the door.

As soon as he stepped over the threshold, he smelled a pleasant wood aroma.

There is no air conditioning in the library, and it is naturally ventilated, but the temperature is very low, just like a cold room in the hot summer.

There are two people sitting in the public reading area, holding books and reading quietly.

After swiping his ID card at the front desk, Hei Ze walked towards the rows of bookshelves in the Renyuan area.

Here you can see many precious collections, notes, and even rare copies of important books that cannot be bought outside.

Not only related to training, but also many life-related, cooking, and a thousand strange skills, such as how to use scientific training methods to raise sows and give birth to healthier piglets.

The sharp-eyed Kurosawa took out the book titled "Elf Derivatives: Postpartum Care for Sows" from the bookshelf and flipped through two pages.

It felt very interesting. As for how much reference value the content has


I won't comment too much.

He put the postpartum care back on the bookshelf and continued to browse for a long time.

He actually didn't come to the Central Library aimlessly. He still had a type of book he wanted to read.

That was books related to training methods.

Unfortunately, there were many books in the free area with the rights of human yuan-level members, but there were still few precious books related to training methods.

Some were just general training methods promoted to some outstanding students in various academies.

He had read it before.

Suddenly, he found a strange general volume.

"Overview of the Heart Method"

The author's name is Gan Fuzeng.

A name Kurosawa had never heard of.

However, although the author is not very famous, the quality of the content should be guaranteed.

It can be seen from the wrinkled and yellowed paper.

Kurosawa roughly flipped through the catalog.

This person named Gan Fuzeng lived two hundred years ago. According to the author who edited this book later, he was a person with a very strong personality. He did not like to train elves and enhance their strength in a rigid manner. Instead, he traveled around and made friends.

He wrote down the names and effects of all the training methods he knew, whether they were from the sect, family inheritance, or self-created training methods, and recorded them in a book.

Of course, at that time, the training methods were not called training methods, but mental methods, exercises, etc., but generally speaking, they were the same thing.

At that time, Gan Fuzeng even prepared to publish a "Divine Refining Chart" to rank the "mental methods" he thought were top-notch.

Unfortunately, he died in an accident on the way before he could realize his lofty ambitions.

So this "Overview of the Mind Method" is actually an unfinished book.

It only records the introduction of a part of the mind method.

"Will there be an introduction to the training method I practice?"

When Kurosawa held the book, a thought suddenly popped up in his head.

He still doesn't know the specific name of the training method he is practicing.

When he asked Gong Lihua once, he saw that she frowned and looked dazed.

Guessing that there might be some bad stories, Kurosawa didn't continue to ask.

As for the training method, it's OK as long as it works well. There's no need to worry about the specific name, it's just a code name.

But, even so, if you ask Kurosawa if he wants to know the origin of the training method, he will definitely be very curious.

Some time ago, when he was fighting with the thunder drum in the second round of the provincial competition.

The strange and extremely powerful blue gold lotus vision was mostly supported by the tree training method in his body. In fact, the appearance of the blue gold lotus is likely related to his training method, which made him more aware that what Gong Lihua taught him was an extraordinary thing.

Thanks to "Jiuyuanzhuang" for the reward of 100 starting coins, and thanks to "Hui Wentian" for the reward of 1500 starting coins.

I have good news for you all. I am now free. I should have more time in the future and will probably increase the amount of updates.

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