My Elf Simulator

Chapter 192 Sense of Security

"Captain Kurosawa, I am Liao Hua, a professional elf master from Shigang City. My core elf is: Vine Dragon, which is good at control. During the battle, I can effectively bind the enemy for everyone, up to 15."

"I am Lv Qijie, a professional elf master from Ningwo City. My elves are Twisted Smoke, Ghost Spider, Venomous Jellyfish, and I am good at using poison."


In the tent, several people were introducing each other's information.

They will be fighting in a group soon, and it is very necessary to know the information of their partners before the battle officially begins.

Kurosawa listened carefully to the self-introductions of the seven professional elves, paying special attention to their elves and their areas of expertise.

When Lv Qijie introduced himself, he cast an interested look.

Grotesque, ghost, poison, his elf attributes are all relatively sinister types, and most elf masters don't like this type of elves, and his main battle elves are all of this type, which is rare.

When it was Kurosawa's turn to introduce himself, he didn't hide too much, and roughly explained that he had the strength of a weak elite.

In fact, the other seven people had already known Kurosawa's strength in advance.

Knowing that his cute and harmless bird has the combat power of a high-level elf.

But in fact, Kurosawa's strength may be even higher than the intelligence collected by several people.

In the competition, Kurosawa is in the system rules and cannot use nutritional value to replenish the elves' physical strength during the battle.

So although the little Shining has the combat power of a high-level elf with more than 100 energy values, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the endurance is far behind that of a high-level elf.

But this disadvantage exists in the battle of regular competitions. On weekdays, there are not many restrictions on the use of nutritional value. The little Shining can basically be regarded as a high-level thunder elf with more than 100 energy values.

Moreover, it has a phantom clone to assist.

Countless bean-sized raindrops fell from the sky and rippled on the sea.

In the storm, the ocean became capricious.

The dark clouds were mighty, and the muffled thunder surged in it, making people breathless.

The patrol team has been deployed on the shore.

The super-large long-range lights were projected on the sea surface, illuminating the dark sea water like ink, and everything below was transparent.

Just now, Kurosawa received a notice from the headquarters, and the isolated ocean observation point overseas sent a message that the main force of the elves of the small tide named Fireworks suddenly accelerated at 4 a.m. and would arrive in Deep Sea City earlier than originally expected.

Kurosawa and others could only come to the shore for patrol in advance, and no one knew when the tide would arrive.


Kurosawa had taken off the thunder attribute affinity badge in advance.

Even if the thunder attribute affinity badge was lost, the little Shining Spirit still had the strength of a weak high-level elf.

He opened the system exchange store.

"Do you want to buy the dream attribute primary affinity badge?"


"The current number of remaining coupons: 965."

The main attribute of Nightmare is Dream Attribute, and the secondary attribute is Ghost Attribute. Even if some skills involve more ghost attributes, they are still essentially inseparable from the main dream attribute, so Kurosawa still exchanged the Dream Attribute Affinity Badge.

Looking at the extra purple badge in the backpack.

Kurosawa put it on without much hesitation.

Suddenly, he shuddered, and a dreamy and light energy surged deep in his body, and then transformed his body in a very short time.

The mist-like energy breath went down from his brain, followed by his torso, arms, joints, fingertips, and internal organs.

Inexplicable magical changes were going on in his body.

24 hours ago, he was still a thunder-affinity physique, and now he has become a dream-affinity elf master, which is probably the power of the affinity badge.

Unfortunately, his current state can only accommodate one affinity badge at the same time, and the compatibility between different affinity states is relatively poor, otherwise he would not have taken off the thunder attribute badge in advance to make room for the new badge.

But it will be soon.

He looked at the 97/100 experience slot. After the upgrade, the number of affinity badges he can match at the same time should be able to be increased.

As for why he took off the Thunder attribute affinity badge and replaced it with the Dream attribute affinity badge.

It was because Kurosawa discovered that even after taking off the Thunder badge, the strength of the little Shining Spirit could still be maintained at the stage of a weak high-level elf.

Although Nightmare's own strength was quite outstanding in the transition stage, it was far from having the strength of a high-level elf. It happened that some time ago, it awakened the joint ability [Ghost Transformation] with Kurosawa. With the crystal ball and the Dream attribute affinity badge, its combat power broke through the upper limit of the intermediate transition stage and entered the stage of a weak high-level elf.

In this way, with the Little Shining Spirit and Nightmare, plus the nutritional value, he was equivalent to having two high-level elves, who could deal with more crises.

Nutritional value: 153

Kurosawa glanced at the panel, and he converted all the last bit of magical resources in his storage bracelet into nutritional value.

Although it was used for long-term training, these one hundred points were not too much, and it should be able to last for a long time to be used for combat supplements.

There were also some nutritional pills that he had taken the time to refine during this period in the storage bracelet, which could also replenish the physical strength of the elves.

Kurosawa counted the preparations before the battle.

This was his first time to be the backbone of the team, with hundreds of lives directly under his charge.

He felt a great sense of responsibility.


It was seven o'clock in the morning, and the sky was not bright.

The heavy rain continued.


The alarm suddenly sounded in the sky above Shenhai City.

There were 6 alarms in total!

This was a signal that the tide was approaching.

Everyone looked at the black ocean suddenly.

The waves there were surging, and it didn't look much different from the previous two or three hours.

But since the alarm sounded, it meant that the tide was coming.

Kurosawa narrowed his eyes slightly, and the power of nature attached to his body, strengthening his perception.

His eyes suddenly turned ultramarine.

The various aquatic plants under the sea in the distance provided him with a clear vision.

He saw

The black biological community was surging rapidly like an iron curtain.

Tidal crabs, shrimps, trilobites, and various hybrids.

Kurosawa couldn't count how many there were, and they were basically adults and elderly bodies with combat power.

Liao Hua, who followed Kurosawa, had been paying attention to Kurosawa's expression. From the moment Kurosawa's eyes suddenly changed color, she suppressed her curiosity.

Fortunately, she saw that Kurosawa's eyes were empty, as if he was using some ability, so she didn't disturb him.

Five seconds later, Kurosawa's expression became spirited again.

But he was replaced by a solemn look.

"Everyone be alert! There are about 70 seconds left, and the tide will come ashore!"

Everyone heard Kurosawa's shouting. Although they didn't know how he observed the situation in the sea and was accurate to the second, they still didn't dare to neglect it.

The armed personnel clenched the modified guns in their hands, the elves mobilized their spiritual power, and the elves stood in front of them, arranging in formation.

The air became very quiet. Obviously, the rain was still falling, hitting the sea surface and making a noisy sound, but everyone had no intention of paying attention, and their eyes were fixed on the waves surging and hitting the beach.

"Triggering event task [Abnormal movement in the deep sea]."

Kurosawa seemed to remember the task prompt sound of the system in his mind. He didn't have time to hear the specific content and hurriedly chose to accept it.

"Here it comes!" Kurosawa shouted into the intercom.


As soon as he finished speaking, a row of blue-black sea beasts rushed onto the beach with the sea water.

The one-meter-high tidal crab, with its dark green crab shell like a layer of natural armor, reflected the white light under the illumination of the long-range light.

The fish elves floating in the air, with water attribute energy wrapped around their bodies.

In addition, there are more hybrids.

Colorful turtles, hermit crabs that exceed half a meter in size.

There are too many.

"Bang bang bang!"

The armed personnel opened fire!

The gunshots sounded as dense as fried beans.

The specially modified kinetic bullets hit the bodies of hybrids and elves, leaving small pits.

The moment the bullets came into contact with the enemy, they exploded immediately, and the recoil pushed the elves back to the sea surface, and the hybrids were blown into broken limbs.

On this 1.5-kilometer-long battle line, flames instantly broke out.

"No! These two big guys are so tough!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A two-meter-tall tidal crab leader was running fast on the beach.

Several kinetic weapons were pointed at it, spraying a series of flames.

However, the shock wave of the bullet explosion had almost no effect on them.

All the energy disappeared on the surface of its shell.

A layer of ink-colored halo lingered around its thick blue shell, and it seemed that it was this thin layer of light that resisted the impact.


Red light flashed in the narrow eyes of the tidal crab that was baptized by the rain of bullets and ran fast, and even made a sharp and provocative cry while running.

In a flash, the big crab had already run a distance of more than ten meters, and its speed was extremely fast even on the beach.

"Leave this guy to me! You can tilt your firepower to other hybrids!"

Hei Ze quietly came to the side of several people and spoke.


Hybrids are creatures that have been infected and mutated by elves. Although they have stronger physical characteristics than ordinary creatures, they do not have the tenacious vitality of elves. Guns can pose a threat to them.

He has been paying attention to the overall situation on the beach. When he enters the natural body, he can instantly see the situation of the 1.5-kilometer coastline.

The vast majority of the first batch of people who came ashore were hybrids and entry-level and primary elves. A few intermediate elves have been found by other elf masters in groups of two.

Only this tidal crab that took the lead seemed to have an extraordinary energy value. It directly broke through fifty and entered the transition stage.

Even the modified anti-elf guns could not have the slightest effect on it.

Kurosawa and Xiao Shining looked at each other.

The next moment, Xiao Shining was covered with lightning and appeared above the beach with a leap.

"Real phantom!"

After it successfully landed, the golden clone flew out of its shadow at a rapid speed.

Two small suns instantly lit up the beach.

"Electric shock!"

Golden light flashed, and the electric light like a golden sword found its enemy - the 1.5-meter-tall tidal crab leader.

After a violent explosion, the flash of electric shock pierced through their thick shells in an instant.

The tidal crab leader left a two- to three-meter mark on the beach. Its carapace was black, and two fist-sized holes were clearly visible.

The inky protective energy was flying around the holes in a disorderly manner.

The tidal crab struggled to get up from the ground.

But Kurosawa and Little Shining would not give it a chance to resist.

The lightning flashed, and two more bolts of lightning fell from the deep wound.


The Tide Crab roared, no longer able to resist, and fell limply on the beach, losing the ability to move.

Today's Little Shining, even if it only uses dark blue-level electric shocks, the power is still not something that ordinary mid-level elves can resist.

The quality of its lightning attribute energy was so high that it easily defeated their condensed protective layer.

"too strong!"

Everyone who was instantly attracted by the little Shining couldn't help but sigh.

Such a powerful wild elf was defeated in just one or two breaths?

It didn’t feel real to everyone.

"Don't let your guard down!"

Kurosawa said, then continued patrolling the coast.

He found that the strength of those professional level elf masters was quite good.

Working in pairs, as long as they don't encounter transitional intermediate-level elves, ordinary intermediate-level and below-intermediate elves can survive two rounds with their cooperation.

Is this the power of control-type elves?

Elves who are good at control skills generally have mediocre combat abilities on their own, but they can produce excellent results when combined with other elves.

Kurosawa looked away.

After giving a few instructions to Little Shining, he left them on the front battlefield to assist the other elf masters.

He himself took the nightmare and activated [Ghost Transformation].

Nightmare completed the fusion with Kurosawa in the form of energy particles.

The attribute affinity badge he just wore inside Kurosawa's body took effect.

The fusion of Nightmare and Kurosawa is silkier.

Kurosawa's body suddenly became very light.

He tiptoed, and the next moment, his body disappeared from the spot like a phantom.

In his perception, another powerful intermediate elf was about to land.


Area D1-02 on the north side of the coast.

A big golden jellyfish flew out.

Its tentacles extend out a dozen purple-black energy tentacles that are five to six meters long.

The armed personnel responsible for the defense here kept pouring armor-piercing ammunition at it, but unfortunately they failed to penetrate the enemy's protection and could only slightly slow down its progress.

"What kind of monsters are they!!"

The jellyfish, which is two or three stories high, is constantly throwing out purple venom from its tentacles. The venom sticks to the gravel and makes a corrosive sound instantly.

The armed men kept swallowing their saliva, and the kinetic firearms in their hands could not give them a sense of security.

If the jellyfish get close, it will not only be the gravel that will be corroded, but also their flesh and blood.

Fortunately, in the next moment, a humanoid figure with flying black mist flickered beside the members of Team 02 on the north side.

"Leave it to me."

The captain of Team 02 looked at the speaker and was instantly relieved when he realized it was Kurosawa.

Although his words were brief, they were extremely powerful and made them feel a sense of security.

"Another transitional elf?"

Kurosawa frowned.

There were two transitional elves in a short period of time. It was not that it was beyond his range, but was this situation really normal?

You must know that he is only responsible for a small section of the overall defensive range.

What is the situation like in the remaining areas? Or is he just special here?

Kurosawa was confused about this. After all, it was his first time to face the tide.

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