Nightmare's [Ghost] joint ability is similar to Shining's [Zeus].

However, in terms of attack strength, Ghost is inferior to Zeus, not so domineering, but the fusion is softer, focusing on speed and concealment.

If Zeus is a thunder and lightning warrior in his state, Ghost is more like an assassin who comes and goes without a trace.

Kurosawa ordered others to disperse and faced the poisonous jellyfish in the distance alone.

The poisonous jellyfish is a three-star race qualification ocean elf, and the one in front of him has reached the transition stage.

Although they are both intermediate transition elves, in Kurosawa's perception, it is much stronger than the tidal crab he just defeated.

Kurosawa's figure flickered, and his whole body dispersed like black mist.

During the period from the end of the provincial competition to reporting to Nandu Jinling University, Kurosawa was not just on vacation.

For example, he never relaxed his practice of some important skills and abilities, especially the ghost transformation that he had just mastered, it was time to strike while the iron was hot.

In addition, it is easier to train than [Zeus], ​​so he is now quite proficient in ghost transformation.

Moreover, the attribute affinity badge installed also strengthens [ghost transformation], making its ability even better.

The black fog gathered in front of the three-story-high poison bud jellyfish.

In the blink of an eye, Kurosawa crossed the layers of roadblocks and dozens of meters of beach that were set up in advance.

The poison bud jellyfish noticed the little guy who suddenly appeared in front of it.

Jellyfish have no eyes, but they have a special visual organ, similar to the compound eyes of insects.

With the 20 dots on the top edge of the umbrella, it can detect changes in external light and find enemies.

It didn't take the little guy blocking the way in front of it seriously.

The tentacles as thick as a water tank, wrapped with toxin energy, bent and stood up, and then suddenly smashed down in the direction of Kurosawa.


The toxins and water splashed out in the void at the edge of the tentacles.

Kurosawa didn't mean to resist.

With a tap of the toes, the feather-light body leaped to one side.

"Boom boom boom."

The tentacles bound with poisonous water slapped on the beach.

Instantly, the soft sand was eroded into a dent five or six meters long and half a meter deep.

This is the power of the elves in the intermediate transition stage!

The intermediate elves awaken their attributes and gain extraordinary power, while the transition stage is based on this, mastering the use of attributes, and the attribute energy level reaches the peak of the current stage, and the body and recovery ability are also extraordinary. It can be said that conventional means are difficult to threaten them.

Even if they are at the same level, it takes a lot of time to defeat each other.

Fortunately, Kurosawa's own strength is already above the transition stage.

Kurosawa's toes stepped on a section of the tentacle of the poisonous bud jellyfish, and the [Dream Shield] energy wrapped under his feet protected his body.

The next moment, he used the force to kick back, and his body in the air rose again.

The black smoke lingering around his body rushed up and reached a height of more than ten meters.

He could already see the smooth huge cap of the poison bud jellyfish. It was like a big mushroom, round and even a little cute.

Kurosawa's right hand lit up with a purple light.

Then he followed the kinetic energy of the leap and gently covered the cap of the poison bud jellyfish with his palm. A flash of purple light appeared, and a strange energy slipped into the body of the poison bud jellyfish through his palm, and formed a small ghost face mark above the head.

Kurosawa flipped over and landed on the ground.

Ghost mark engraving, completed!

"Wild elves are quite easy to deal with in some ways. If it were an elf master's elf, it would definitely not let me get close so easily."

Kurosawa successfully completed the arrangement of the hidden hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

The engraving of the ghost mark can save a lot of time and energy for the battle.

Wild elves will be more outstanding in terms of physical fitness and energy value, but because of their low intelligence, elves at the low level often use instincts in combat, and are easily targeted by elf masters.

Kurosawa had left a ghost mark near the center of the poison bud jellyfish.

The next moment, nightmare floated out of his right hand.

"Launch the terrifying scream!"


The nightmare floated in the sky, holding a transparent crystal ball in his hand. With multiple blessings, its combat power level has broken through the level of the transition stage.

Powerful energy wrapped around its body.

It held the crystal ball tightly in its hand, and the next moment a sharp cry sounded from its body.

The dream attribute energy condensed into substance spread like clouds and mist.

At the same time, the poison bud jellyfish was about to launch a second whip attack on the "jumping up and down" Kurosawa, and a small mark above its head suddenly emitted a huge light.

The clouds in the shape of pale ghost faces received the guidance of the ghost mark and rushed towards it in all directions.

"Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!"

The cloud and the toxin protective layer on the surface of the poison bud jellyfish came into contact, and a reaction similar to evaporation occurred instantly, just like water pouring on hot and boiling magma.

However, it is clearly visible that the dream attribute is disintegrating the toxin.

There is no restraint relationship between the two, and the victory or defeat depends on the magnitude and quality.

The white mist with special spiritual energy is too terrifying. The attack of the poison bud jellyfish is frozen in place, and the tentacles have been raised high, but they can no longer move.

It is as if the nightmare is not launching a terrifying scream, but Medusa's petrification skill.

The terrifying scream, sustained!

The poison bud jellyfish cannot move.

All the hybrids within a radius of tens of meters collapsed.

Pus and blood gushed out of their facial features, dyeing the golden beach bloody.

Horrible scream, lasting 5 seconds!

"Crack, crack, crack, crack--"

The toxin layer on the surface of the fang jellyfish collapsed.

It turned into mucus and fell on the beach, emitting a fishy smell.

Time came 8 seconds.

The body of the jellyfish finally woke up from stiffness, but this was not a sign of its escape.

The powerful soul energy of the terrifying scream directly defeated the consciousness of the jellyfish.

Its consciousness fell into a paleness.

In a moment, the huge body fell to the ground with a bang.


Sand and dust several meters high were raised.

"This is too fast!"

"So strong. Gu."

Because Kurosawa briefly cleared all the enemies around.

The armed personnel on guard nearby were able to stop their fire. They looked at Kurosawa with their mouths slightly wide open, still swallowing saliva.

From the time Kurosawa appeared to the end, it took no more than twenty seconds.

Although they knew that he was the leader of this brigade and the strongest, this kind of overwhelming battle was too exaggerated. The ferocious enemy could not even survive a few rounds in front of Kurosawa.

Kurosawa killed the jellyfish in such a short time and cleared dozens of hybrids for them. In their opinion, it was undoubtedly a crushing defeat.

In fact, it was indeed a crushing defeat. The advanced stage was fully exerted. Even if the intermediate elves were in the transition stage, the resistance they could offer was very limited, not to mention that the nightmare was still a relatively fierce mental attack.

Kurosawa flipped his hand and took out a palm-length metal object from the storage bracelet, came to the unconscious poison bud jellyfish, and stabbed it on the top of its head.


The strange silver-white metal nail sank into its body.

The unconscious poison bud jellyfish trembled all over, and then fell into calm.

This silver-white metal nail is called a mithril nail, which is a sealing tool. It contains a special metal mineral particle. The spirit that has lost energy will fall into a long sleep when the mithril nail is hit into the body.

Don't worry about the poison bud jellyfish relying on its own recovery ability to wake up.

"You continue! If there are enemies that you can't deal with, call me using the intercom device."

Nightmare returned to Kurosawa's body and completed the ghost transformation.

Kurosawa left a word and his body became erratic again, leaving the northern part of the beach with a few flashes.

"Special event mission [Abnormal movement in the deep sea]"

"The current mission can get more kinds of rewards, please work hard to complete it! The reward depends on the completion."

"The current number of enemies cleared by the tide event: 2/∞"

On the way, he took the time to look at the task reminder that sounded in his mind when the tide came.

It seems that the event mission triggered this time is different from the previous ones, so the system has specially reminded it.

However, this 2.

The number of enemies cleared by Kurosawa is definitely more than 2.

Obviously, the system only recognizes intermediate transitional elves, and hostile creatures below this level are not included in the statistics.

Time is still going on.

Kurosawa repeatedly ran around the beach area within a range of 1.5 kilometers.

"Kurosawa, how is the situation in your D1 area? Do you need help?"

Kurosawa thought for a moment and answered truthfully.

This was the third time Kurosawa received an inquiry from the command center through the communication device.

However, he has not called for help. On the one hand, it is indeed not at the point where he cannot handle it. On the other hand, the assistance force is limited after all. If he calls for help, the squadrons and battalions that really need help may encounter trouble.

"The current number of enemies cleared by the tide event: 8/∞"

In one morning, Kurosawa dealt with 8 intermediate transitional elves.

It may be because he is facing wild elves. Although the location this time is on the coast of Deep Sea City, his field exploration manual module also played a role and received several rewards.

50 coupons and several points of skill proficiency.

The number of enemies is more than Kurosawa expected before coming to this mission.

But, it is still within his ability.

Little Shining and Nightmare, combined with their nutritional value, can almost be regarded as two weak high-level elves.

Even Mumu, using its strong body to fight in a big way, also gives it an advantage in facing enemies that surge onto the shore like a tide.

Kurosawa looked at the dark sea and fell into thought.

Judging from the current situation, this tide event is undoubtedly larger than the scale expected by the Deep Sea City Alliance.

It's okay on his side, but I heard that there are several areas defended by squadrons led by top professions. The front line has been broken through several times, causing casualties, and the surrounding buildings have been damaged by the upwelling of sea water caused by the elves.

I don't know when this tide will end.


Kurosawa looked at the sky far away, and there was a faint flash of lightning between the black clouds.

There is the core A area under the charge of An Hong, the Minister of the Deep Sea City Alliance.

The coastline of the joint defense of Deep Sea City this time is not continuous. An Hong's A area is about 30 kilometers away from Kurosawa's D1 area.

But even at such a long distance, he could feel the energy vibration in the air, and one could imagine how intense the battle on the main battlefield was.

A large amount of attractants were put into area A, distorting the surrounding spiritual field.

Most of the enemies are in Area A. To cause such a big commotion, there must be a lot of intermediate and advanced elves, and there must be master-level elves.

Kurosawa was relieved that he could still deal with the enemies surging from Area D1, and he was curious about the distant main battlefield of Area A.

If he were there, he would have defeated many more enemies.

The number of enemies to be cleared in the mission is not just 8.

"Team Kurosawa, we have one here"

A voice came from Kurosawa's intercom, and he waved to the nightmare fighting on the beach in the distance.

He instantly turned into a ghost, and then rushed to the area reported in the intercom.


The continuous upwelling trend of the tide gradually slowed down.

Kurosawa almost thought that these hybrids and elves were endless, and they would only rush to the land one after another to burn their lives.

Most of the elves were fine, with strong vitality, and fell on the beach dying, and more hybrids had been bombarded into minced meat residues by various attacks.

The rainstorm has stopped, and the dark red sunset glow is gradually fading.

The light yellow beach has been dyed blood red, and it is unknown how long it will take to wash it off.

The smell of sulfur smoke and blood lingered for a long time.

"Da Da Da!"

The sound of gunfire in the air has gradually become fragmented.

With the cessation of the rainstorm, at around 5:30 pm, the first wave of the tide seemed to have passed.

What was left was a pile of corpses.

After a day of fighting, even Kurosawa couldn't help feeling tired.

But he couldn't rest yet. He ran quickly along the beach, sensing the situation on the beach to prevent the hybrids and elves who pretended to be dead and hidden.

Suddenly, he saw several people gathered together on the beach in the distance.

Several flashes came to them.

"How is the injury, is it serious?" Kurosawa glanced and found that his thigh was stained with blood and there was a fist-sized bite mark.

Several teammates were surrounding him to bandage him.

"Captain Kurokusawa, I'm fine, just a minor injury. Thank you so much for today, I almost lost my life."

The few people who were concentrating on bandaging the wound looked up and found that the person coming was Kurokusawa, and they were flattered.

Kurokusawa's legs and feet have not stopped today. Thanks to his ability to move at high speed as a ghost, he almost took care of the entire defense line.

Almost all the armed personnel were helped by Kurokusawa.

He even rescued several people from the critical moment of life and death.

"It's okay, I should do it."

Kurokusawa shook his head and didn't take credit.

He had some impression of the man who fell to the ground. In the afternoon, a primary sea snake spirit lurked along the corpse and broke through the beach. He was careless and was tightly entangled by the sea snake. When he was about to suffocate, Kurokusawa, who received the emergency alarm he pressed, arrived in time and hypnotized the sea snake instantly.

"There is a special toxin left in your wound. Ordinary wound medicine may not work well. Use my medicine."

Kurokusawa glanced at his wound and suggested.

It should be a bite by a hybrid, and there are disordered toxins in it. Although it is not fatal, if it is not treated in time, the subsequent attacks will cause continuous pain for a period of time.

He handed over a packet of powder, which was the basic antidote he made himself.

"How can I be so embarrassed." A trace of embarrassment appeared on the honest face of the man.

"Take it, it's not a valuable thing." Kurosawa handed the powder to the other party, and after telling the specific usage, his body flashed again and disappeared from the spot.

After Kurosawa left, several people breathed a sigh of relief and continued to talk in a low voice.

"Really reliable, Captain Kurosawa"

"Who said it's not? I've been running around all afternoon."

"When I was assigned to D1 at the beginning, I was afraid that he was unreliable, haha."

"I heard that the casualties in other places were quite serious. We are really lucky to be assigned to such a dedicated captain like Kurosawa. Alas. I don't know when it will end. I hope God blesses us."

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