My Elf Simulator

Chapter 194: King Whale

After the tide subsided, Kurosawa spent more than half an hour patrolling the bloody beach.

As expected, he found a few cunning elves hanging in the densely packed corpses and knocked them out directly.

After the battle, the logistics troops came to collect the corpses of hybrids and the wild elves that had lost their ability to move.

The elf master could not directly kill a large number of wild elves, but if the subsequent deaths had nothing to do with them, it would naturally not affect them.

Although the energy of the hybrids and wild elves is chaotic, they can still be used as some special biological materials in various fields after deep processing.

These values ​​will also be included in the rewards of Kurosawa and others in the future. The process of the alliances in various places to collect and utilize these spoils has been quite standardized.

In fact, the bodies of these hybrids and relatively low-level elves can not bring much benefits to Kurosawa.

Only high-level elves are truly valuable biological materials. The high-level elves have condensed attribute cores in their bodies and have stable energy entities. After death, they will not be like low-level elves, whose energy will wander around the body and dissipate and be difficult to use.

90% of the essence of high-level elves is condensed in a small attribute energy core.

Kurosawa tried it before, and the entry-level, primary, and intermediate elf bodies could not be transformed into nutrients, but he thought that the attribute core of the high-level elves was likely to meet the standard.

However, he had no idea whether to convert directly. After all, he had not really hunted high-level elves as enemies, and naturally had not come into contact with the entity of the energy core.

I heard that the energy core itself is very valuable. Whether to sell it in exchange for other magical resources or directly convert it is more efficient, Kurosawa felt that he might have to think more about it in the future.

The current condensation of the energy core of the little Shining Spirit has reached more than 20%.

Today's battle, the continuous use of skills in actual combat has also greatly benefited its improvement, and it has almost reached 30%.

Kurosawa has a strong premonition that after the end of this tide mission, it will not take too long for him to return to Jinling School, and the little Shining Spirit should be able to enter the advanced stage.

Kurosawa returned to the central area of ​​​​D1 area.

A young man took the initiative to talk to him.

"Brother Ze, the inspection is over. Is there any big problem?"

"No, go back early and have a good rest." Kurosawa shook his head.

According to the notice he received, the first wave of the tide is over and he can rest for ten hours.

Generally speaking, for small tides like this, there is a time difference of one day between each group.

Of course, this mechanism is not for the convenience of "land creatures" like Kurosawa to resist.

Instead, different groups of tides have a relatively core leader-type elf. Under its call, elves of different races and different strengths can launch a moth-to-flame offensive against the land under the common will.

The distance between the elves and the mixed-blood groups controlled by different leader elves cannot be too close, otherwise the friction that comes in advance will make the elves "wake up", and the tide will be resolved.

At present, the elf academic community has not investigated the exact cause of various group elf disasters similar to the tide. The most widely accepted theory is that there is a hidden number restriction mechanism. There are too many elves in the ocean. When the number breaks the balance, there will be regular spontaneous reductions.

"Are there any special activities tonight? How about going for a drink with us? I'm really exhausted today." The young man tilted his neck and made a crisp sound.

Kurosawa cast a helpless look.

The man who spoke was called Wu Ma.

Wu Ma was originally a double surname, but his surname was Wu and his given name was Ma.

Wu Ma was quite powerful, especially a snake vine, which was estimated to have an energy value of 40 leaves, and played a strong control and containment effect on the front battlefield.

Kurosawa was able to leave the little Shining Spirit behind and leave the core area where the attractant was placed with confidence to go to other areas of the D1 area for assistance. Wu Ma and his snake vines played an indispensable role.

With Kurosawa's temperament, the mission has not been completely completed, and he will never start to relax without a heart.

After returning, of course, he must quickly digest today's actual combat gains and fully restore his body functions, and adjust his state to deal with the next wave of the upcoming tide.

But everyone has different ideas. Perhaps for some people, getting drunk may be the best way to relax.

"I'm not old enough to drink yet." So Hei Ze didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but just used age as an excuse to politely refuse the other party.

The civil law of Haihua country stipulates that citizens under the age of 18 are not allowed to drink.

"Oh my, Brother Ze, you are so strong that I have forgotten your real age." Wu Ma called Brother Ze all the time without any embarrassment.

In fact, he is nearly ten years older than Hei Ze.

But the elf master is a profession that emphasizes strength, and many people do not judge heroes by age.

"Then I'll go first, see you tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

The little Shining on Hei Ze's shoulder was also saying goodbye to the snake vine under Wu Ma's feet.

Today, the little Shining was in the limelight in the core area, and the snake vine was the green leaf that set off its red flower, so it liked this big guy very much.

"Let's go back too."

After fighting for more than ten hours without stopping, Hei Ze was not an iron man, and he and the three elves were a little tired.

After receiving the news that Hei Ze needed a car, Zhuo Mi drove a black car.

Zhuo Mi is a temporary assistant assigned to him by the Deep Sea Alliance. When Kurosawa was resisting the tide during the day, he did not rest, but communicated with the command center and the general command office in the D1 area, monitoring the entire area and conveying the situation.

"Captain Kurosawa, you have worked hard."

Zhuo Mi glanced at the young man leaning on the back seat through the rearview mirror, and said with genuine concern.

The young man's expression was calm, and he didn't look like he had been fighting for a day.

But no one knew Kurosawa's contribution better than Zhuo Mi in the monitoring room of the command center.

As the captain, Kurosawa was running around all the time. He would appear in time when the defense line needed him, like a guardian god to firmly protect the narrow and long front line.

"Tell me where you are going, and I will drive you there."

"Forget it, let's go back to the hotel and take a nap first, and you should rest early too." Kurosawa shook his head.

After all, he is an elf master. Although he has been fighting for a long time, he may be better in spirit than this assistant.

The Deep Sea Alliance has booked hotels near their respective garrisons for these elf masters, so that they can quickly rush to their respective defense areas when emergencies occur.


The luxury car was driving fast on the road.

Saying goodbye to Zhuo Mi at the hotel front desk, Kurosawa took the room card and entered the room.


In the bathroom, Kurosawa carried the shower head and washed the elves' bodies.

The dirty blood flowed out from the gaps in the elves' bodies and flowed into the hotel's water supply and drainage system along the floor drain.

Little Shining, Nightmare and Mumu, who had shrunk in size using the initial gem, were playing carefree in the bathtub.

Every time they took a bath, these little guys were not very quiet and made him wet. Fortunately, he usually cleaned his body last.

While cleaning the elves, he took a look at the task panel.

"Special event task [Abnormal movement in the deep sea]"

"The current task can get more kinds of rewards, please work hard to complete it!"

"The number of enemies cleared in the current tidal event: 17/∞"

This is Kurosawa's current task status.

The mission is not over yet.

17 transitional elves are the results of Kurosawa's first day.

Of course, there are very few transitional elves that can cause trouble to him now, so the number sounds exaggerated, but it is not so dangerous in reality, it is just a matter of time.

In addition, he has nutritional value to supplement and has strong endurance. As long as many intermediate transitional elves do not land at the same time and attack him and the elves, he can deal with it.

Not knowing what the reward for this mission will be, Kurosawa is a little curious.

With this expectation, after taking a bath, he lay on the bed in the hotel room and wiped the ointment to restore his body and mind to the best condition as much as possible.


Time flies to the fourth day.

Kurosawa was still thinking about the mission in the first two days, but today, he has completely forgotten other things.

"Give me some more time."

In the howling storm, Kurosawa could only shout into the intercom.

I don't know if others can hear it.

He had already cleared the rest of the elves and hybrids that had landed on the shore.

The only one left was that one!

He looked far into the distance.

The dark clouds covered the sky, and only when thunder and lightning roared, there was light that illuminated the world.

The fierce wind swept the raindrops across his cheeks, like a sharp blade.

The Kurosawa Brigade in the D1 area had already retreated from the beach area.

They entered the town area and used buildings for attack and defense.


Shaking like an earthquake.

In the distance, a huge [Dragon King Whale] floated above the town on the edge.


It opened its huge mouth, and a high-decibel roar resounded through the world, with a certain desolate sadness in its voice.

The Dragon King Whale performed [Storm], and pieces of rain clouds followed it.

The heavy waves overflowed the embankment, it exuded a brutal breath, and a circle of blue water attribute energy under its body continued to emit a deep light.

Under the dragon whale, countless control vines and silk threads tightly wrapped around it, but they were torn apart in a moment.

Artillery, energy bombs, and poisonous fog were like mosquitoes and flies in front of its solid water armor, and they were not painful.

Seeing this scene, several elf masters standing upstairs trembled involuntarily, and a look of fear appeared in their eyes.

"Hasn't the headquarters sent anyone to support yet?"

"Dragon whale, how could an elf of this level appear here? Shouldn't it be in the core battlefield?"

"Damn, it's completely useless!"

Listening to the exclamations in the communication equipment channel, Kurosawa looked a little depressed.

The energy value of this [Dragon Whale] is actually not too strong, about 200 leaves.

Today, three top professions have joined the team as support forces.

In theory, the battle area is on land, and its ability as a sea elf has been greatly weakened. He and the other elf masters and armed personnel should be able to jointly resist its impact.

Kurosawa has defeated several high-level elves with an energy value of about 100 leaves in the past two days.

But the one in front of him was different. It was too big.

It was 18 meters long and weighed an estimated 20 tons.

Its four-star race qualification gave it more than 200 leaves of energy, making it more explosive. It would still be violent even after leaving the ocean.

Kurosawa looked at the little Shining Spirit, covered its back with his palm, and used the nutritional value to replenish its and its clone's energy.

I heard that other areas were also attacked by the final general attack launched by the tide, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to get help in a short time.

As the strongest person in the D1 area, Kurosawa must try to intercept the Dragon King Whale in the town area.

As long as he can use that trick, there should be hope.

Kurosawa looked at the rain cloud flashing with lightning and thought to himself.

He was not sure whether he could use the Blue Lotus Bident that he mastered in the provincial competition at this critical moment.

However, time did not allow him to think too much.


Several residential buildings collapsed as the Dragon King Whale slowly floated forward.

Kurosawa's spiritual energy sensed the physical condition of the little Shining Spirit, which was basically restored to 90%.

"No matter, just go like this."

After encountering the enemy of the high-level elves for the first time, he replaced the attribute badge with the affinity badge of the thunder attribute.

Kurosawa entered the ghost state, jumping quickly in different rooftop areas, moving at high speed towards the direction of the dragon whale, while picking up the intercom.

"Ding He, Jiang Meizhi, Qiu Wenzhuo, can you receive my message? Please reply if you do."



"Captain Kurosawa, is there a new order from the headquarters?"

"Or, should we retreat first?"

After a few seconds, several voices rang out in the communication equipment, and while responding, they also asked Kurosawa with their own thoughts.

Everyone had a faint intention to retreat.

This dragon whale did not target everyone for the time being, but was just carrying out aimless destruction. However, once it was angered, with the difference in strength between them, casualties would be unavoidable.

Anyway, the land area has enough depth, even if it is allowed to destroy, how much loss can be achieved?

"The headquarters asked us to continue to hold on for a while." Kurosawa ran at high speed and took a breath. "But we can't let it continue to destroy. There is an underground civil defense project in the direction it is heading."

Although the civil defense project is very strong and it should not be a problem to resist the attack of high-level elves, Kurosawa thinks it is best not to try it easily. It is best to keep the Leviathan in the nearshore area.

"Listen to my orders later. Leave this Leviathan to me. I will find a way."

Hearing Kurosawa's voice, everyone felt relieved.



Although it was unclear what his backup plan was, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard him confidently say that he would deal with the Leviathan.

A dozen seconds later, Kurosawa came to the rooftop of a building just below the Leviathan and stood still.

Overhead, the Leviathan and its entangled water energy completely covered the sky.

While Kurosawa was observing, the Leviathan kept opening its mouth and spitting out water cannons.

When the water cannon exploded on the ground, a building collapsed.

Kurosawa exhaled a long breath.

Throw the little Shining Spirit and its clone into the sky.

Lightning instantly covered their bodies.

"Ding He, Jiang Meizhi, Qiu Wenzhuo use the amplification skill on the elf above me."


Several people in the distance also found Hei Ze who was right below the Dragon King Whale.

They couldn't help but sweat for his bold behavior.

"Invigorating Aura!"

"Ocean Music!"


Several BUFF skills were instantly added to the little Shining Spirit.

The little Shining Spirit's flashing lightning was like a little sun, and its momentum continued to expand.


The lightning and rain on the body collided violently, and the water vapor evaporated on the surface of the little Shining Spirit like smoke.

Thunder attribute affinity badge!

The lightning sword badge in the body lit up.

The little Shining Spirit ushered in a surge of momentum again!

The Dragon King Whale, which had originally ignored the "ants" under it, slowly stopped spitting out water cannons.

It lowered its head, and stared at the small shining spirit filled with electric light with its huge eyes. A hint of human doubt flashed across its eyes.

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