My Elf Simulator

Chapter 195: Broken Walls and Ruins

A trace of confusion appeared in the violent eyes of the dragon whale.

The tiny elf under it gave it a strong feeling.

It could threaten itself!

But its energy was obviously higher than that of the other party.

What was going on?

This question was destined to be unsolved by its not-so-smart head, and no one could answer it for it.

But this instinctive sense of uneasiness stopped it from destroying the surrounding buildings.

It stared at the little Shining Spirit and opened its mouth in the direction of the little Shining Spirit.


The deep blue water attribute energy gathered and formed in its open mouth.

From a finger-sized energy ball, it continued to expand in size and expanded into a huge water cannon with a diameter of half a meter, and it was still growing.

Ripples continued to ripple on the surface of the spherical water cannon, and the fierce energy continued to rotate in the case.

Even if they were separated by a range of dozens of meters, many elf masters could feel the terrible power contained in it!

In the ten minutes since it landed on the shore, no matter what skills everyone used on it, whether it was binding control, toxins, energy cannons, or sonic state weakening, the Leviathan never gave any feedback.

Just like the giant elephant, the overlord of the grassland, would not pay attention to the ants crawling under its feet.

But now, this Leviathan finally lowered its proud head, and if it didn't move, it would be thunderous!

No one at the scene could withstand this water cannon.

"Be careful, Captain Kurosawa!"

"Too scary, is this the strength of a high-level elf from the deep sea?"

"Leviathan, a four-star high-level elf."

Other elf masters looked at the sky, opened their mouths subconsciously, and muttered to themselves.

They couldn't intervene in such a battle at all. The elf masters with amplification skills had already applied a buff to the little Shining Spirit. The rest of them could do was to stay away and try not to cause trouble to Kurosawa.

Kurosawa's attention was very focused.

The power of nature slowly poured into his whole body along the spinal cord.

The natural power of his innate ability, he chose to bloom without reservation!

"Ka Ka Ka——"

The warm and powerful life energy enveloped Kurosawa's whole body.

The power began to transform his body.

The ice-blue flame flowed out from the top of his head, becoming more and more intense, and finally covered his entire body, cheeks, neck, chest, waist, arms, and finally to his toes.

His pupils turned ultramarine.

The skin was so white that it emitted a faint fluorescence.

In the [Ghost Transformation] state, he had already acquired some of the characteristics of ghost spirits, his weight was greatly reduced, and his body also showed signs of partial virtualization. Now, with the addition of the natural body in the complete state, the effect is even greater, and he has reached a whole new realm.

Kurosawa's body is very light, even so light that he can easily float up by tiptoeing, but at the same time he feels the powerful force surging in his limbs.

This contradictory feeling made him subconsciously feel a sense of confusion and a sense of perverseness.

But it's really strong!

The world in front of him became very slow.

No, it should be said that his nerve reaction speed has leaped to a new stage now.

He can clearly sense the process of energy condensing in the mouth of the dragon whale.

He can even clearly predict the time point of its condensation based on the flow of energy.

Within a hundred meters, everything is under control, too clear.

Kurosawa fell into a brief intoxication with the extraordinary perception of God's perspective.

Fortunately, his personality is relatively calm, and he immediately broke free from that wonderful state.

The battle in front of him is about to break out, and there is no room for distraction!

His eyes are fixed on the dragon whale.

With a wave of his hand, the spiritual energy mobilized the command, and the next moment, the little flash followed him and flashed quickly.

After two clear cries, the golden light rushed up.


The LV4 electric shock is already a level that ordinary elves are difficult to reach.

It's like the electric shock speed of a sharp arrow is too fast.

Everyone's eyes flashed, and the golden light of the electric shock hit the mouth of the Leviathan accurately like a flying bird soaring into the sky.

Leviathan is a whale-type ocean elf, with a huge body and an incredibly large mouth.

The throat sac that can be freely unfolded like an accordion can greatly expand the volume of its mouth.

But as a high-level elf, its protection certainly cannot have such a big loophole.

In the throat and abdomen with layers of folds, the condensed water armor is not only not fragile, but also stronger.

Only the extremely tiny central point will be opened briefly when the Leviathan needs to release explosive energy.

And Kurosawa relied on his extraordinary perception to capture this opportunity in an instant.

"Bang bang bang!"

The extremely fast lightning burst in the body of the Leviathan, and bursts of dull explosions similar to the explosion of torpedoes released underwater sounded.


The Leviathan trembled and let out a shrill cry.

It is not a piece of stone. No matter how hard its outer armor is, its inner abdomen is relatively weak and soft.

However, even if its body was hit hard, the huge heavy bubble condensed in the mouth of the dragon whale still remained stable after a short sway.

Kurosawa's eyes showed a little regret.

It's a pity that the dragon whale is a four-star high-level elf, and its fighting instinct is too good.

The anger caused by the pain is not enough to destroy its reason.

Otherwise, if the skill fails to be released, it will explode in front of it and cause considerable damage to itself.

After a few more breaths, the heavy bubble condensed into shape.

"Quickly retreat, the farther the better!"

Hei Ze exhaled a long breath and informed other elves through the public channel of the communication device.

As for the armed personnel, he had ordered them to evacuate earlier.

In fact, even if Hei Ze did not give orders, the elves present had already begun to run away from the Leviathan. Some of them rode on the back of their elves, and some grabbed the legs and feet of the elves to fly.

While evacuating, they did not forget to look back in the direction of the Leviathan, feeling the overwhelming energy, and their eyelids kept twitching.

If it hits directly, it will definitely die! It doesn't even need to be in the center.

Can Hei Ze withstand it?

They looked at Hei Ze not far below the Leviathan, and at this moment, the thin figure looked particularly small.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the twenty-meter-long Leviathan spit out a huge energy bomb with a diameter of two meters.

The heavy water cannon began to slowly fall in the direction of Kurosawa and Little Shining.

It brought an unstoppable and majestic momentum, as if it had locked onto Kurosawa, and there was no escape from the sky or the ground.

Kurosawa knew that he had no time to evacuate the range of the explosion.

The heavy water bubble of the Leviathan could accelerate, but the dark clouds and rain above continued to inject new energy into it.

But if Kurosawa dodges, he is sure that this giant whale will definitely shoot a cannonball at him at the first time.

Others can run because this Leviathan doesn't take them seriously, so it ignores them.

But he definitely can't run away.

"Use thunder bombs!" Kurosawa shouted.

The wind blew his hair with raindrops and made it extremely messy.

Little Shining's body spits out a purple bomb sphere, which contains powerful plasma energy.

The thunder bomb continued to expand in the air, and finally collided with the heavy water cannon.


Purple lightning flashed, and it exploded on the surface of the huge water ball with ripples!

The plasma was surging like a thunder snake!

It instantly lit up the black sky.


The downward trend of the ripple water ball was temporarily resisted.

But it's not over yet.

The thunder bombs released by the clone followed closely.

"Bang!" With the sound of thunder, the sky was lit up by a strong light again!


The heavy artillery water ball accumulated the field energy of the sky with dark clouds and rain, but the thunder bomb of the little Shining Spirit was released as fast as if there was no consumption.

The level of the purple thunder bomb has reached LV3.

In terms of quality alone, with many attributes such as attribute restraint, affinity badges, the special thunder evolution form of the Shining Bird itself, the echo bonus of the real phantoms, and the blessing of Kurosawa's psychic assistance, it is actually not inferior to the dragon king whale in the fight.

It's just that the order of magnitude is obviously different.

Since the energy level of a single skill is insufficient, it can be compensated by quantity.

Kurosawa's eyes gradually became firm.

His day-to-day skill training finally showed extraordinary results.

He was too skilled in releasing his skills.

Thunder bombs were thrown up one by one.

The sky was constantly lit up, and the definition of night and day seemed to be blurred at this moment.

People who noticed the alternating light and dark scene of the sky here from dozens of kilometers away couldn't help but look up, and worried looks appeared in their eyes. What was happening there?

"Bang bang bang!"

The dragon king whale was also adding energy to the condensed heavy water cannon.

The lightning dyed the surrounding space purple.

The heavy water cannon was gradually weakened by the explosion of thunder bombs.

The frequency of skill release of Kurosawa, Xiao Shining and the clone was too high.

Directly transforming into a fixed turret to release skills, one person is comparable to a team.

But even so, the heavy water cannon still reached the underground layer.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz!"

The water bubble emits a strong blue light.

The intensity of the energy activity inside has reached its peak!


After finally leaving the crowd several kilometers away, he stood on the high building, looking at the water body as bright as a full moon, and spoke anxiously.

"It's going to explode!"

There seems to be a strong smell of water mist in the air.

Kurosawa, who was in the range of the explosion, certainly knew this process better than them. His mind was beating constantly, his heart was pumping blood quickly, and the bright red blood was flowing rapidly in his blood vessels.

"Little Shining, come back."

His consciousness was quite calm.

Little Shining quickly returned to his side.

Remove ghost.

Nightmare releases [Dream Shield].

Then command Nightmare to enter the body naturally.

The light of the huge water ball above his head has reached its peak.

The water shell on the surface cracked several cracks, and a strong energy breath escaped from it.

Kurosawa did not look up, but he knew its changes very well.

"Now, Zeus!"

The little Shining Spirit flashed into Kurosawa's body.

Kurosawa's [Defender Badge] lit up.

"Crack, crack, crack."

Lightning surged rapidly in Kurosawa's body.

The purple lightning armor instantly covered the light of the Dream Shield.

The Defender Badge strengthens his body's ability to withstand various defensive defense functions. In this state, his body can even withstand two defensive skills at the same time.

At the same time, the [Defender Badge] reinforces both the inner and outer layers of defensive energy.

Kurosawa's whole body instantly turned into an airtight shell.

"Boom boom boom——"

The water exploded the moment the thunder armor condensed.

The water energy in it expanded hundreds of meters in a second.

Dozens of buildings collapsed in the face of a huge force.

The dust rose up to tens of meters high, and even the rain could not cover it for the time being.

"Good weight!"

Kurosawa felt a locked energy descend on him.

His body couldn't move.

Fortunately, he did not escape early, but stabilized his body and prepared a defense.

He had a hunch that unless he could run hundreds of meters in an instant and escape the locking range of the bubble, he would not be able to escape this energy.

Energy continued to pressurize the surface of his body.

"Kakkakkak." He clearly heard the sound of cracking rocks cracking on the outer layer of the thunder armor.

He seemed to be in an ocean thousands of meters deep, and everything around him wanted to crush him into powder.

Keep it. This was the only belief left in Kurosawa's mind.

The move in front of me is a skill that condenses most of the energy of King Dragon Whale, and its intensity must be extremely high.

Even if he has managed to weaken it, the remaining power is still terrifying.

Gotta get through it!

With this belief, Kurosawa's brain gradually turned pale.


The aftermath has dissipated.

Everything fell into silence.

The surrounding area has been reduced to ruins.

If you look down from above the city, you can clearly see that the two hundred meters away from the center of the explosion were almost plowed into flat ground.

The Basilosaurus whale floating high in the sky gasped slightly.

In order to maintain the intensity of the explosion, its consumption is also terrible.

It is no longer in its prime at the moment.

It looked down.

The smoke gradually dissipated, but the creature that threatened it was no longer there.

Just when it was about to float deeper into the city and further carry out its destructive behavior.

A bright flash of lightning flashed across the sky.

Its twisting body suddenly stopped.

Look sideways.

A figure was pushing away huge concrete blocks that had shattered the wall.

He turned over and jumped onto the remaining ruins.

Kurosawa looked at the scene of ruins of buildings around him and scratched his head.

The loss was a bit tragic.

His condition at the moment cannot be said to be very good.

His clothes were torn into pieces, but fortunately there was no one else nearby, so no one could see his miserable appearance.

He raised his head and looked at the Basilosaurus in the sky.

By chance, the eyes of the Basilosaurus that had lowered their gaze collided in the void.

Kurosawa coughed, and a trace of blood secreted from the corner of his mouth.

Feeling the languid state of the Basilosaurus in the sky, he smiled.

"Ahem, big guy, can you explode again?"

Kurosawa vomited out the accumulated blood and laughed toward the sky.

In the empty environment, his voice carried extremely far.

Basilosaurus also heard it.

It seemed to feel the provocation in Kurosawa's words and roared angrily.


The dark clouds in the sky are also flashing with thunder and lightning, responding to its wrath.

Kurosawa shook his head, the corners of his mouth curved.

"Then it's our turn!"

"Little Shining!"


Along with his voice, several flashes of light appeared in the sky.

Although his own physical condition is not at its best, there should be some internal bleeding and a dull pain in his body, but the elves are in relatively good condition and have a strong desire to fight at the moment.

Since Kurosawa chose to stay and fight Basilosaurus, it certainly couldn't be the result of hot-headed thinking.

He has his own hidden agenda.

Looking around, the remaining thunder and lightning energy in the sky was activated by the large-scale water-type explosion just now.

As far as the eye can see, thunder snakes are flashing everywhere!

But if you want to defeat this rare four-star Basilosaurus whale with an emergy value of over 200, the strength is still lacking.

Although he didn't know the underlying specific reason, Kurosawa was very convinced that the strength of the Basilosaurus in front of him was definitely far higher than the ordinary elves with an energy value of 200!

He turned over his hands and took out a blue-purple rhombus crystal.

The crystal was wrapped around the fingers, and the extremely beautiful lei element surged in it.

This is the attribute core of a high-level elf with thunder attributes.

He got it by exchanging the two water attribute cores he harvested two days ago with others.

Using his free time, he had washed out the ray element in it into a mark unique to Little Shining. Now it was time to show its power.

The energy of the Dream Shield is condensed in his hands.

Then he suddenly squeezed the crystal hard and threw it into the sky!


The crystal was thrown high and turned into powder at the same time, and countless huge energies rushed out!

Thanks to "Hai Ziyuan" for the reward of 500 starting coins, thank you to "Shepherd and Xihua" for the reward of 1,000 starting coins, and thank you to "Book Friends 20190906124912463" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

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