My Elf Simulator

Chapter 197 Yijing Cuts the Marrow

"This mission is a special event mission, and the rewards are being settled for you."

"Congratulations on getting 300 points, 1 chance to use Yijing to cut the marrow, and an elf egg."

The sound of settling rewards rang in Kurosawa's mind.

He silently recited the words above, and was delighted.

Should we say that it is worthy of being a special event mission that lasts for many days?

The workload this time is still quite large. He has been a little tired after fighting for days, but seeing such abundant rewards, his tired body and spirit have been comforted.

Not to mention the 300 points, which has reached his current single mission reward.

Not to mention the two subsequent rewards.

"Yijing Cut the Marrow (Note: It has the effect of washing away the dross, improving and optimizing the player's body, and can make your talent more outstanding.)"

"An elf egg (Note: Players need to go to this location to receive it.)"

The elf egg reward is followed by a specific coordinate.

It is about a few dozen kilometers away from him.

The fourth elf?

Kurosawa is quite looking forward to it.

After this experience of the tide, it won't take long for Little Shining to be promoted to a high-level elf after he returns.

It's time to increase the number of elves. You know, many elf masters who haven't entered the level may have more elves than he does now.

Although he is going to take the elite route, it doesn't mean that he chooses to stick to his old ways and is unwilling to contract new elves. It's just that he can't blindly increase the number of elves.

The elf egg reward at this moment comes at the right time.

Not long after the dragon king whale was dealt with, Hei Ze quickly received a notice from the headquarters about the retreat of the tide.

The core battlefield finally freed up forces. Considering the lack of personnel on their side, the headquarters wanted to mobilize an elite elf master to support the D1 area. As a result, they received a reply that it had been retreated, and the contact personnel of the headquarters were particularly surprised.

Probably they didn't expect that the personnel configuration in the D1 area could kill a dragon king whale.

It was not until the logistics personnel who came to collect the body arrived at the scene that they confirmed that the dragon king whale had indeed fallen.

After this battle, Kurosawa's reputation spread among the elves who were on the mission of the tide. Everyone knew that there was such an unreasonable professional level.


On the second day after the tide receded, Kurosawa walked on the street.

The heavy rains in recent days have destroyed the streets of Deepsea City.

Even if it is not the city center near the coast, the streets are in a mess. Various signs fell to the ground at will, and there were glass fragments, clothes, and papers everywhere.

Cleaners were sweeping garbage in the streets.

People took to the streets and cleaned the streets spontaneously, and shops opened one after another.

This city has a strong vitality. After the tide dissipated, it quickly restored its original order.

Many citizens saw Kurosawa walking and found the three-headed elf beside him, and they would go up to him to thank him. Probably because they saw Kurosawa attending the press conference with other captain-level elves on TV last night.

Kurosawa was commended by the Deepsea Alliance last night. The time he appeared in the camera was not short. The close-up shot was estimated to be a full ten seconds.

The praise from the citizens on the street gave Kurosawa a heartfelt sense of accomplishment, which he did not have when he attended the commendation meeting last night.

He gained a lot this time.

First of all, there was the task reward given by the Deep Sea City Alliance.

Because the difficulty of the task has increased, and Kurosawa's D1 area is generally better protected than other areas, with fewer casualties, Deep Sea City has increased the reward for Kurosawa.

The basic reward plus the previously agreed 30 contribution points "deposit" is a total of 150 contribution points.

The special contribution commendation reward is 100 contribution points.

The subsequent various elf materials, especially the flesh and blood of various high-level elves, also exchanged for a lot of contribution points. As the captain, Kurosawa can get 50% of the total material sharing reward, a total of 125 contribution points.

Add up to 275 points, which can be trained for 275 hours on the first floor of the Meteorite Training Field of Jinling School.

Kurosawa himself also has several high-level elf attribute cores that he killed alone. This is unique to him, especially the attribute core of the Dragon King Whale, which is very large and estimated to be of high value.

In addition to these real rewards, there are also rewards from the system.

The reason why Kurosawa is walking on the street now is to collect one of his rewards, the elf egg.

He closed his eyes, and he could feel a clear position coordinate in front of him in his brain.

The coordinate allows him to get closer and closer to the target.

"Two kilometers"

"A few hundred meters"

"A few dozen meters, it should be nearby."

Kurosawa stopped and looked around, and the coordinates in his mind had disappeared.

He is now at the lakeside of a city park.

There is nothing abnormal and no pedestrians in sight.

The disaster has just ended, and no one has the interest to stroll in the park. Moreover, this park is not in the bustling city center, and the flow of people is not large.

This also facilitates Kurosawa's search.

He looked at the bottom of the lake.

The only possible hiding place within a few dozen meters is in this artificial lake.

And he can vaguely feel the vague special breath in the deep water. Although it is very weak, it still cannot escape Kurosawa's powerful perception.

"Nightmare, go down and look for an egg-shaped object."


Kurosawa summoned the Nightmare in his body.

He temporarily untied the crystal ball from it and chose to equip the spirit weapon [Canglang Orb].

[Canglang Orb] was the first blue-level concept weapon he had extracted. The effect of wearing it by non-water spirits is that they can be blessed by the sea, increase water resistance, and enhance the ability to move underwater.

Among Kurosawa's three spirits, Nightmare is the most suitable for underwater search operations. Mumu is not to mention. With its body mass, it will sink to the bottom of the water. Little Shining is a bird, and its feathers are not conducive to underwater activities.

Although Nightmare was reluctant to give up the crystal ball, he did not refuse Kurosawa's request.

With the equipment of Canglang Orb, a thin blue film appeared on its body surface.


It gently dived underwater.

Began to search according to Kurosawa's description.

The artificial lake was slightly turbid, and algae plants grew freely in the water.

Nightmare opened his eyes wide, trying not to miss any suspicious objects.

Fortunately, the Canglang Orb enhanced its underwater mobility, so it didn't need to surface frequently to breathe.


Nightmare struggled to pick up a spherical stone and rushed out of the water, excitedly coming to Kurosawa.

Kurosawa looked closely and found that it was a spherical roadblock with a base on the roadside, which fell into the lake for some reason.

He shook his head, and Nightmare continued to search underwater.

After several more searches, he harvested several miscellaneous items.

A glasses case, Kinder Surprise Egg, pebbles

Fortunately, it didn't take too long, as Nightmare came out of the water again.

Kurosawa clearly felt an unusual breath in the air.

He walked quickly towards Nightmare.

The egg-shaped object it was holding tightly was much smaller than Kurosawa had imagined.

It was about the size of an egg and very soft.

Kurosawa carefully took the elf egg from the excited Nightmare, touched Nightmare's wet head, encouraged him, and took out a towel to dry it.

Then he looked at the elf egg in his hand, and with a little perception, he instantly understood why it was so small.

This is an elf egg that is still in the breeding period.

For example, its current state is like an egg in the fertilized egg period, which has just condensed into the bud of life, but it will take some time to develop into an egg with a hardened eggshell, not to mention hatching a chick from the egg.

This is why his perception of it was relatively vague just now.

Kurosawa returned along the way he came, walked to the side of the road and stopped a taxi.

Sitting in the car, he looked at the elf egg with a faint breath in his hand. Its state was very stable, but it appeared too early.

Kurosawa guessed that it would not take more than two days to materialize.

Speaking of this, we have to mention the reproduction process of elves.

The reproduction methods of elves and real creatures are very different, and the moment when the elf egg is born cannot be observed, in various senses.

No one and no image has ever captured the moment when an elf egg is born.

So the specific process of elf reproduction is still very mysterious.

However, people have concluded that after a long period of gathering of mature individuals of the same race, there is a small probability that elf eggs will be randomly born in the surrounding area.

The higher the race's racial qualifications, the smaller this probability.

Through this discovery, humans have been able to build breeding grounds for various elves.

A large area is enclosed to prevent external observation of the interior, allowing elves of a specific race to live in large numbers in it, and at the same time using a mineral with a certain convergence force to form a seal-like boundary to prevent the elf eggs from randomly appearing beyond the breeding ground area.

Of course, this is only the simplest breeding ground. With the improvement of technology, breeding grounds are becoming more advanced.

Kurosawa sent nutritional value to the young elf egg and then looked out the window.

After handling everything, it was time to set off back to Jinling City.


Declined An Hong's invitation to dinner.

Kurosawa took the high-speed rail and returned to the vicinity of Jinling University at night.

After taking a shower, he lay on the bed in the hotel and stretched.

Start thinking about future plans and arrangements.

First, the core task is to train the little Shining Spirit and help it break through to the advanced stage as soon as possible.

After it breaks through successfully, with its experience in front, the difficulty of breaking through the nightmare will be reduced a lot.

By then, he will have considerable strength in the elite stage.

The second is to train Mumu, whose energy value is already very close to the transition stage.

There is also the use of the newly acquired Yijing Marrow-cutting, the breeding and hatching of the elf eggs, and the contract.

It's really fulfilling and busy.

Kurosawa thought with emotion and opened the system backpack at the same time.

Find the Yijing Marrow-cutting and choose to use it.

He doesn't plan to delay too long.

It can improve and optimize the body and improve the level of one's own talents. Of course, the sooner you use it, the better. There is no need to hoard it.

"Confirm the opportunity to use the Yijing Marrow-cutting opportunity *1?"

"Please make sure that you are in an area where you will not be disturbed."


Kurosawa did not hesitate.

The next moment, his body became hot.

There seemed to be magma flowing in the spinal cord, followed by the heart, blood vessels, limbs, and brain.

Kurosawa's consciousness became blank in the inexplicable high temperature.

As he fell into a mysterious coma, his body began to change.

His innate ability and natural power surged around very actively.

The pores all over his body emitted a white mist like steam, his skin turned red, and the blue veins and blood vessels under the skin were clearly visible.

The two eyeballs twitched rapidly as if they had life, and the temples on both sides of the cheeks swelled up.

It was really scary.

Fortunately, no one saw this scene, otherwise most people would have called the emergency number and summoned an ambulance.


I don't know how long it has been.

He woke up vaguely.

Before he opened his eyes, he immediately smelled a strong stench.

There was a turbid liquid like sweat on the surface of his body, and mucus that had scabbed was secreted from the corners of his eyes.

So dirty!

Kurosawa didn't have mysophobia, but he still frowned subconsciously.

Take another shower quickly.

He didn't care about feeling the changes in his body, and got up and rushed to the bathroom.

"Hua La La——"

After washing for a full twenty minutes, he finally washed himself without any stains.

He was emitting heat all over his body, and walked past the mirror with a towel on his body. He glanced at the mirror and was subconsciously startled by the person in the mirror.

Is this me?

It's not that his appearance and facial features have changed, but that his temperament has changed dramatically.

The skin became delicate, and if you look closely, it seems to emit a faint glow.

His muscles became stronger and stronger, and when he clenched his fists, there was a cracking sound. Now it was difficult for ordinary creatures to withstand his full-strength punch.

The most noticeable change was in his eyes. It is said that eyes are the windows to the soul. The strange changes in the depths of his mind naturally brought about changes in his eyes, which became deeper and more translucent, like beautiful gems.

"Charm: D"

Kurosawa opened the system panel.

Sure enough, the data above has changed.

D-level charm.

The system has very high standards for charm.

F-level is the standard within the range of ordinary people. It is not difficult for Kurosawa to break through to E-level psychic power, but charm is different. It has no specific upgrade path. E-level charm is already the standard of extraordinary people.

D-level charm, I really dare not think about it.

"Your talent for psychic cultivation has been greatly improved."

"Psychic level has been raised to C-!"

Kurosawa heard the prompt sound from the system and closed his eyes to deeply feel his own psychic power.

The psychic power wandering in his body has increased several times.

It has accumulated into the size of a small lake.

It is really a double blessing.

As the psychic power becomes stronger, Kurosawa's ability to assist and bless the elves will also become stronger.

If he goes back to the past, even if he is still commanding the newly born Toto, it is estimated that many primary elves of level 10 or 10 will not be able to beat the Toto of level 3 or 4.

Normally, the impact of psychic power is not that great. It can only partially affect the performance of the elves in battle, but once the psychic power reaches a certain level, the impact it brings cannot be underestimated.

The improvement of psychic power from D+ to C- is a qualitative change.

His current psychic power level should be at the same stage as those top elite players.

Moreover, in the process of Yijing marrow removal, the enhancement of psychic power is only a side effect. What is really important is that Kurosawa's psychic power training talent has been greatly improved.

Kurosawa's own psychic power training talent was originally relatively mediocre.

Otherwise, he would not have failed to be selected for Haitang Academy.

His relatively strong talent is the talent for assisting elves in training skills.

As for why he can be ahead of the elves of the same stage despite his mediocre talent in psychic cultivation, it is due to the spontaneous psychic growth brought by the system upgrade and the effect of the psychic enhancement props he purchased. Perhaps the strength of the immortal tree training method also makes up for some of his disadvantages in cultivation talent.

But now, after the Yijing marrow cutting, everything has been rewritten.

He will no longer be "ordinary", running the psychic flow, and the psychic energy runs flexibly under his control like an obedient colt.

He mobilized the psychic energy excitedly.

So this is how geniuses feel? Too light.

After comparison, he felt that his previous psychic state was as stubborn as a stone.

He had a hunch that whether it was using the training method to increase the speed of psychic energy, or the performance of psychic energy in battle, the daily training auxiliary effect, and various abilities would be strengthened.

Thanks to "New Fatty Afeng" for the reward of 2108 starting coins

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