My Elf Simulator

Chapter 198 School Starts

Kurosawa carefully checked his current physical condition.

It can be roughly summarized that the improvement brought to him by the I Ching Cutting Marrow has three aspects.

The improvement of charm to D level is mainly reflected in changes in temperament, as well as in other factors such as skin delicacy, correction of small facial flaws, etc.

The second is physical fitness. His already outstanding body became stronger after undergoing the I Ching cut. The muscles did not change much, but the strength inside doubled.

The last thing is the change of spiritual energy.

Perhaps there are deeper improvements that he is not aware of.

All in all, the Yi Jing Cutting Marrow reward this time may be the most valuable reward he has ever received.

The improvements it brings are permanent and comprehensive.

Kurosawa was less narcissistic and walked out of the bathroom after examining himself in the mirror.

He slightly heated a small pot of the auxiliary medicine decoction that he had made earlier.

Accompanied by the rising warm mist, he began to read before going to bed every night.

The smell of Yaogong prescription decoction is somewhat similar to the smell of boiled grass, which is a relatively unacceptable smell for ordinary people. It is very strong and nauseating, and the first smell will make you want to vomit.

However, the duration of Kurosawa's regular consumption was far from short. Both the body and the consciousness gradually adapted to this weird smell and taste, and even slowly realized the sweet taste behind its bitterness.

Maybe his sense of taste has been distorted.

Thinking of this, Kurosawa smiled, shook his head and looked at the book in his hand.

What I read tonight was not a book related to elves, just an ordinary literary novel.

Thanks to his increasingly smart brain, he was able to read ten lines at a time, but he did not swallow everything. In fact, he read very carefully.

Forty minutes later, he closed the finished novel and stretched.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, he summoned Little Shining to practice the Immortal Tree Heart Technique together.


Early next morning.

Kurosawa sat up from the bed, the sun was shining brightly outside the window.

Thanks to the improvement of his psychic training talent, the Immortal Tree Exercise last night was even better than he expected.

If we must compare the previous speed in terms of orders of magnitude, it is about a little more than twice.

He has not yet fully adapted to the huge changes brought about by spiritual energy. If he is completely familiar with it, his cultivation speed may be further improved.

Of course, he is already very satisfied with the current speed of cultivation, and the increase in spiritual power is real.

Wash up, have breakfast, and go out.

Arrive at Jinling University.

I received a lot of looks along the way.

It wasn't that he recognized "Kurosawa", but he was surprised by his good temperament and appearance.

Fortunately, Kurosawa had already developed a calm attitude.

Today is September 1st.

The number of prayers in Kurosawa's system store has been refreshed again, and he has not used it for the time being.

"Personal level: Level 4 (97/100)"

Soon he will be able to upgrade his personal level to level 5, and the store level will also be improved accordingly. Although he doesn't know whether the products refreshed by praying are directly related to the store level, he feels there is no need to rush and pray for a while. It won't disappear even if you leave it alone.

"I haven't seen you come to school for several days."

The security guard at the south gate received the school card passed by Kurosawa, raised his head and smiled at Kurosawa.

This person was the security guy whom Kurosawa met on his first day here.

"Well, I went out on a mission, and I just returned to Nandu yesterday." Kurosawa put away the school card handed back by the security guard, glanced at the university campus, which was obviously much more lively, and asked casually. "Has Jinling University started school yet?"

“Yesterday was the last day for undergraduate and graduate students of all grades to return to campus.”

"Military training for freshmen has also begun. Didn't you receive the notice?" the security guy said subconsciously. Kurosawa's student number is the same as the freshmen's, also starting with 2022.

Kurosawa shook his head.

"Oh, I forgot, you don't need to participate." The security guy patted his forehead.

After chatting with the security guy in front of the gate, Kurosawa entered the campus.

From a distance, you can hear the uniform commands of 1212.

Kurosawa watched the freshmen's military training from a distance outside the stadium.

The weather was still very hot in September, so the students wore camouflage short-sleeves and practiced walking in unison under the warm morning sun.

He drank the drink and watched for a while, until an instructor in a blue camouflage officer uniform noticed him, and then he licked his lips guiltily and left.

It’s really not good to be a crowd-pleaser.

Just now he was chatting with the security guy about the report, and then he remembered that the counselor of his professional grade seemed to have added his WeChat account before.

But he usually doesn't check WeChat very often, and he is even less busy with tasks during this time.

He quickly opened the software and found the other party's message among a large number of unread messages.

Although he is not a student in the true sense, at least his student status is still in the undergraduate program of Jinling University. Strictly speaking, he is under the supervision of the counselor. However, his situation is special, and the counselor's control is another matter.

Kurosawa browsed the counselor's message, which was sent a few days ago.

Ask him when he is free to report to school and fill in some information.

Since there was no other means of contact except this simple WeChat account, Kurosawa ignored the counselor's messages for several days.

He scratched his head, looking slightly regretful.

The memory of his well-behaved student period made him feel that ignoring the teacher was a serious sin.

Forget it, before going to practice, let's finish the school affairs first.

After asking the counselor whether it was convenient, and getting a positive answer, Kurosawa opened the map software and walked along the location coordinates given by the counselor.

Public Administration Hall, Building A 405.

Hu Xiaoli is a freshman counselor of the public administration major at Jinling University.

This morning, after she finished her work, she wanted to go to the stadium to care about the freshmen who were in military training.

However, she received an unexpected message and temporarily cancelled her schedule.

She felt extremely overwhelmed for being assigned to such a special student.

Both the school leaders and the college leaders emphasized the importance of the student's work, but repeatedly stated that they should not disturb him too much. Isn't this a contradiction?

Even the notification of reporting was directly put on hold for several days.

Thinking of this, she was filled with anger.

"Knock, knock."

There was a sudden knock on the door.

So fast?

"Come in." She quickly put on a smile.

Although she was dissatisfied with Kurosawa's lack of contact, Kurosawa was that kind of student after all, so she didn't dare to show him a bad face.

Kurosawa pushed open the door.

There were two or three young female teachers in the office. He glanced over the desk and immediately saw one of the young women waving at him.

Although she had a kind smile on her face, Kurosawa felt that there was still some impatience between her eyebrows.

Mostly she felt embarrassed about herself. Kurosawa had some self-knowledge.

Kurosawa came to the chair next to her and sat down.

"Teacher Hu, hello, I'm so sorry, I was busy with things some time ago, not in Jinling, and I didn't turn on my phone much."

Kurosawa briefly explained the reason for his loss of contact and described what happened in Shenhai City in concise language.

The nameless anger in Hu Xiaoli's heart disappeared by 60% to 70% the moment she saw Kurosawa's appearance.

The effect of D-level charm is immediate. Although it does not have the legendary effect of making people fall in love at first sight, it can make Kurosawa give others a strong sense of affinity. At first sight, they feel that this person is upright and sunny.

In addition, after listening to Kurosawa's explanation, Hu Xiaoli lost her temper instantly.

Instead, she began to feel guilty. It turned out that he went to rescue the disaster. She had been urging him in the chat, and even felt dissatisfied for a while, thinking that his behavior of relying on his status to play big was a bit mean.

She conducted self-examination in her heart and put on a smile on her face again.

"It's okay, it's not urgent to report this matter. I just can't contact you and I'm worried about your safety." At this point, Hu Xiaoli, who was flattering herself, couldn't help blushing.

Kurosawa completed the reporting procedures and filled in and registered some information in the office, and officially became a student of Jinling University.

Before leaving, he also gave some health-preserving potions that he practiced to brew as compensation. The potency was very weak, but it was just suitable for ordinary people to drink.

The counselor didn't accept it at first, but when he heard that it was a medicine he made himself and had the effect of beautifying and nourishing the skin, he couldn't help but accept it.

After Kurosawa left, the originally quiet office suddenly became noisy.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, your student is so handsome, much more attractive than those stars on TV."

"Which class is he from? What's his name?"

"What's the point of asking, he doesn't have to go to class on weekdays."

"What a pity."

"Everyone gets a share, give me a share of the beauty medicine."

"I want one too."

The age of college counselors tends to be younger, not much older than the students. The office was noisy for a while, and it was not until the beauty medicine was distributed that it became quiet.


Kurosawa didn't know that the medicine he made casually was in great demand. He came to the school residence in the university.

He found that the number of members in the school had increased significantly.

Passing by the office near the arch, Lu Pu was not there, and a middle-aged man replaced him.

Yes, it is impossible to let an elite player handle such miscellaneous work all the time.

Kurosawa walked straight to the central square.

The library, activity building, and subspace nodes are all distributed around the central square.

When he came to the wide square, his eyes were attracted by the big screen in front of him.

"September 9th is the offline association recruitment day."

"September 12th, the joint competition day for domestic and foreign universities."


He read it in a low voice several times.

Finally, there are activities. He has been in Jinling School for a few days. He almost thought that the school was just a loose alliance-like organization.

But it is still different.


A light voice sounded in his ears.

Turning his head, he saw a heroic woman with tied hair.

Her eyes were slightly narrowed, and her eyebrows were like willow leaves, smiling.

"Well, who are you?" Kurosawa asked curiously.

The interpersonal relationships in Jinling School are relatively indifferent. It is the first time that he has been approached by a stranger in a public area.

"Didn't Gong Lihua mention me to you?" The woman frowned subconsciously.

Kurosawa shook his head honestly.

"Huh." The woman's expression became intriguing. "Forget it, it's not important."

She relaxed her brows and looked at Hei Ze.

"My name is Shen Zhi, you are Gong Lihua's apprentice Hei Ze, right? If you encounter anything you don't understand in the school or need help, you can come to me."

"Of course, on September 9, the day for recruiting new members, if you don't have an ideal place to go, you can also join my training association."

Shen Zhi's expression was very indifferent, but her words were very kind.

The moment Hei Ze heard her name, he remembered her. There was a joint recommendation in his recommendation letter, which was Shen Zhi.

This means that the other party and his master Gong Lihua are members of the same earthly branch level.

"Thank you, can I ask what is your relationship with my master?"


The two did not communicate much.

Hei Ze was going to the Meteorite Training Field to seize the time to train.

And Shen Zhi didn't look like a talkative person, so the two parted at the square.

Hei Ze returned the book at the Central Library, passed through the subspace node, and arrived at the Meteorite Training Field.

He hadn't been back here for a few days, and smelling the faint burning smell of sulfur in the air, he missed it a little.

The old man who registered the information at the door still remembered Hei Ze.

"How many hours?"

"Let's start with ten hours."

"Don't be too stubborn, newbie."

"Thank you for your concern, teacher. If I can't stand it, I'll come out to take a break."

Hei Ze followed the passage leading to the underground to the training hall on the first floor below ground.

There were quite a few people today.

He found a relatively secluded corner and summoned three elves.

He now has 295 contribution points and can train for 295 hours in the public hall on the first floor below ground. With the remaining 2 hours before, it is almost close to 300 hours.

A sea tide, the effect of the days of actual combat is very good. The little Shining has approached 50% of the attribute core essence, and the core crystal has a prototype.

He wants to rush and upgrade the little Shining to the advanced stage as quickly as possible.

"Blue-level skill special acceleration card (Shining Bird-Electric Shock) is activated."

"Purple-level skill special acceleration card (Nightmare-Horror Scream) is activated."

"Purple-level skill special acceleration card (Miracle Colossus-Holy Light Explosion) is activated."

"Use real phantom."

Looking at the elves who couldn't wait, Hei Ze announced the start of training.

In the next stage, he will become a true elite elf master, not just a professional level with elite combat power.


In the following days, Kurosawa spent almost all his time in the Meteorite Training Field except for rest.

At first, the administrator was worried about this arrogant newcomer, but as Kurosawa practiced more, he seemed to understand the special features of Kurosawa and let him practice.

Basement 1, training room on the first underground floor, second underground floor.

Kuroze went from 1 contribution point/hour to 1.5 contribution points/hour, and then to 2 contribution points/hour.

He usually stayed in the Meteorite Training Field for 14 to 15 hours a day, with very little time for sleeping and handling chores, and was focused on training.

In the following days, the daily contribution points alone would consume nearly 30 points.

Fortunately, the effect of the second underground floor was much better than that of the first underground floor. Except for the occasional feeling of extreme fatigue, there were no other side effects, and the progress of practice was rising.

In the dark red training hall.

Kurosawa looked at the little Shining Spirit that had condensed into a ball in front of him, his eyes extremely bright.

Yesterday, the attribute core of the little Shining Spirit had reached 100% condensation, and today, it was in an extremely active energy state all day.

Perhaps the little Shining Spirit will be promoted to the advanced stage today!

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