My Elf Simulator

Chapter 224 Mother and Son

Whether the elves are there or not is not important to the mysterious creature in front of him.

Kurosawa knew very well that its strength was far beyond his imagination.

In the face of a huge gap in strength, resistance can bring little effect.

Fortunately, the mysterious creature was relatively friendly to Kurosawa, otherwise Kurosawa would never have survived.


He looked at the fragile, insignificant, pitiful life in front of him that seemed to be broken at the touch, and couldn't help but feel a little pity.

As the first one born in the darkness, it enjoys an immortal life.

The last time he saw Pan, even if calculated by his long years, it was a long time ago.

So long that he could let go of many things.

And Pan who came this time was particularly weak. He was so weak that he actually felt pity for him.

What attracted his attention most was that his small body exuded a strange charm.

This charm transcends species boundaries, aesthetics, age groups, and identity differences. It is a natural existence. As long as a thinking individual will quickly realize it, the simpler the mind, the more so.

Weak but extremely beautiful, it slowly aroused a certain emotion deep in his consciousness. He didn't understand what this feeling was, and was stunned for a few seconds.

If he were a human, he might understand that this was called the desire to protect.

"You are too weak now, Pan."

The shadow made a low voice again in the darkness.

Kurosawa wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Of course, this is as it should be. He is not the other party's descendant. As an ordinary human, at least in terms of the body, he is strong enough, but no matter how strong ordinary people are, it is difficult to keep up with the gains of the elves.

In fact, he has some idea in his mind. The mysterious creature thinks that he is its descendant, most of which is the influence of the mark on the back of his right hand that led him to this place. Alas?

Kurosawa was suddenly startled, because when he glanced at the back of his right hand, he found that the mark disappeared at some point.

It was the mark that led him here, and it suddenly disappeared at this moment. He suddenly panicked.

Swallowing his saliva, he answered carefully.

"Maybe it's because you're too strong." Kurosawa lowered his head, worried that the shadow would see the tension on his face, so he chose to continue to be hypocritical.

At this time, even he could only maintain basic calmness.

No, it should be said that being able to maintain calmness is itself a rare and precious performance.

Facing a powerful individual who has noticed him and may wipe out his life at any time, one cannot help but be nervous.

"Pan, you have changed. It seems that the outside world has changed you a lot." The shadow said lightly.

The communication process between the two of them is also very interesting. They obviously speak different languages.

But the communication is unimpeded.

The other party's low tone can be converted into meaning that Kurosawa can understand, and it can also understand the standard Haihua language spoken by Kurosawa without deviation.

When Kurosawa realized this, it was already half a minute after the communication.

But this has nothing to do with him, it should be mainly the credit of the other party.

"You need to eat more."

As if pitying Kurosawa's thinness, the divine creature roared at the shadow.

Kurosawa wanted to say that he was not hungry, but the other party was clearly saying "I think you are hungry", so Kurosawa had no room to refuse.

Is it just eating?

Kurosawa had a vague feeling that something was wrong.

Several familiar black lights flashed by.

Countless fine black bubbles intertwined and slowly condensed into shape.

Finally, it turned into a ball of turbid meat and fell on the ground of the temple with a plop, bloody and indescribably disgusting.

White fascia, blood, and mucus mixed together, emitting a pungent odor.

It was like throwing a living life into a juicer and chewing it into pieces, and finally squeezing out the juice and kneading it into a ball.

Sure enough, the black light that Kurosawa met outside belonged to the mysterious phantom.

It constantly plundered corpses from the outside world, and occasionally obtained prey by itself, and sacrificed it to the phantom after careful processing, like a conscientious cook.

"Eat it."

The huge creature in the dark was very satisfied with the speed of the black light and looked at Kurosawa.

For some reason, He seemed to be particularly lenient to him now, and even gave him his favorite dessert. You know, this is a treatment that none of her relatives and direct descendants have ever enjoyed.

Kurosawa was in a dilemma.

The bloody flesh was sent to him.

It was a product made from the remains of an unknown creature weighing more than 100 kilograms.

What a joke, how could he possibly eat it?

Kurosawa just sniffed it, and he felt as if his body was churning, and the desire to vomit kept pouring out of his body like a tide.

A smell that normal people could never accept.

Kurosawa felt that he was being watched all over.

The black light around him also paid attention to it. It was indeed a special form of life.

Standing in front of the wet and sticky flesh, Kurosawa stood still for a few seconds like a bamboo pole.

After repeated ideological struggles, he still couldn't eat it.

"Why don't you eat it?" The life in the dark asked calmly, seemingly without any emotion.


Although it was a cold tone, Kurosawa felt a sense of majestic questioning.

It was as if a parent suddenly put down his bowl and chopsticks in the middle of a meal and asked his picky child.

"I can't eat it."

Kurosawa was silent for a moment, but still told the truth.

The meat ball gave him an extremely uncomfortable feeling, and he also had a hard time overcoming the nausea of ​​eating raw food, so he couldn't stuff it into his mouth. Just thinking about it made him want to vomit.

When he said this, he held his breath, and he had already made some psychological preparations in his heart.


The expected storm did not come.

After a few seconds of silence.


"Then hunt on your own."

Unexpectedly, the powerful life in the darkness showed tolerance beyond intention.

It was so tolerant that Kurosawa felt incredible and felt a sense of disobedience.

The other party was not a human, and the strength of both sides was completely unequal, but it expressed tolerance again and again.

Did it take on the role of a mother?

Kurosawa couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, maternal love is not a human monopoly. Whether it is low or high, strong or weak, maternal love is always everywhere.

The meat ball that Kurosawa refused to eat was soon dragged into the darkness by some force.

A tiny sound was heard, and the mysterious creature ate the meat ball and made a happy sound.

It has a huge appetite, and hundreds of kilograms of minced meat are not enough even as an appetizer. Later, black light continued to deliver minced meat while it was eating.

Kurosawa listened to it eating silently.

He still couldn't see its appearance through the black fog.

When the mysterious creature finished eating, Kurosawa asked to leave.

"Why do you want to leave?" It was confused.

"I want to go out and see."

"The outside world is too dangerous for you." The mysterious creature shook its head.

"But I came from outside." Kurosawa explained.

Unfortunately, the mysterious creature did not agree with his willfulness again this time.

"You can live here. It's not too late to go out when you grow up." The existence in the dark said this in an unquestionable tone.

For some reason, an invisible force controlled Kurosawa so that he couldn't say no, and he couldn't open his mouth.

He left the temple dizzy.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

Walking down the long steps, without the mental oppression of the existence hidden in the darkness in the temple, the air seemed to be much fresher.

Kurosawa shook his head to get rid of the strange buzzing sound in his head.

Sure enough, if he wanted to leave here, it would be impossible for the owner of this place to be kind and let him leave.

It could allow itself not to eat the food it provided, but it could not tolerate Kurosawa leaving here. Maybe it wanted to "keep" him here like a pet.

Kurosawa looked into the distance.

The scene had changed.

Originally, the black fog was diffused in the distance, but now the fog dissipated, and the area inside appeared in front of Kurosawa.

There were trees, mountains, and water.

The shielding effect of the previous fog should not be a physical effect, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why the fog of ten meters high could cover a mountain at least two hundred meters high.

Kurosawa patted his cheek, reminding himself that many common sense here cannot be applied mechanically.

I don't know when I will have the opportunity to go out.

He has no clue for the time being, but he will not give up exploring.

The first thing to do is to get familiar with this small world that seems to be isolated from the world as soon as possible.

How big is this place? How many areas are divided into? What lives and inhabits it?

It did not let Kurosawa leave, and had said before that he was allowed to hunt on his own. Obviously, there were other lives in this world, and perhaps the species diversity was not low.

Kurosawa did not know that after he left the temple.

The air began to vibrate violently.

The shadow slowly solidified.

His body was so large that it was suffocating, and his whole body was pitch black. Many pitch-black tentacles soared into the sky, baring their teeth and claws.

His body was not here, but in the void.

Ordinary creatures could not look directly at Him. Only after knowing His name and meeting certain conditions to call Him, there was a slight possibility of attracting the attention of His projection.

Of course, only a slight possibility.

After all, if you think about it, would people care about the actions of ants on the ground?

Even if they were prostrating themselves and bowing to them, most people would still choose to pass by without noticing.

Unless there was a time when people noticed the abnormality of ants, they might pay attention to them.

This analogy is very inappropriate. After all, the gap between Him and humans is much greater than the gap between humans and ants.


Kurosawa walked towards the forest.

He was a little away from the temple before he dared to summon the elves, fearing that getting too close would anger it.

He checked the status of the elves.

He found that apart from the lingering fear, there was nothing wrong with them overall.

And it didn't take long for them to become active again, as if they had forgotten everything in the temple.

The elves protected Kurosawa and took a walk to get some fresh air.

Kurosawa originally wanted to summon the Raven Master, who had been hiding in a coin with the ability of the narrow space.

But unfortunately, he failed.

The Raven Master's ability of the narrow space was suppressed by this world, and if he went in, he couldn't get out.

He left the square where the temple was and walked into the forest.

The time around him became darker, and the vision seemed to be covered by a layer of blurry things. Everything was unclear, like flowers in the fog. An indistinguishable noisy rhythm enveloped his ears, rising and falling, as if floating on the sea.

Kurosawa's natural power doesn't work here, so he can only go back to the state of keeping his eyes and ears open.

Occasionally, he would come across a corner of a ruined building in the woods, with rats running around in it.

It is also a kind of elf, not big, but with long and sharp teeth, which can directly pierce the lips, revealing the sharp weapons of ten centimeters at both ends.

They always hold the wooden board and chew tirelessly, and sharpen the teeth that pierce the skin and expose the air.

In addition to the mouse elves, there are really many creatures in the forest.

Rabbits with tentacles, various strange goats, and bipedal and fast-moving land fish.

They are not very intelligent, and they don’t have a strong desire to attack Kurosawa, but they are a bit paranoid, focused and lack of nerves.

For example, Kurosawa just saw several land fish racing in the forest, chasing each other and having fun, just like children playing happily, but as soon as it ended, the last land fish was dismembered by other companions, and his mouth was full of blood.

The elves here are neither like contracted elves nor wild elves.

He suddenly remembered the fragment of the previous conversation with the creatures in the temple.

It mentioned a word, dependents.

Perhaps this is the relationship between the elves in this small world and it, which is why it shows a rare aura that Kurosawa rarely sees.

Where do the elves here come from?

Although they don't have a strong desire to attack themselves, they still fight with each other a lot.

Kurosawa had only been in the forest for less than half an hour when he witnessed the death of five or six elves.

According to this way of death, the elves would have been extinct long ago. Where did the elves come from?

"Ding! Congratulations on your participation in the special event mission! [Leave]"

"[1] Find the birthplace of the elves."

"[2] Please return to the real world."

While Kurosawa was thinking, a bell suddenly rang in his mind.

Perhaps the incident he was involved in was special, and the task issued by the system had two requirements.

He could use the system here as well, and knowing this made Kurosawa subconsciously feel a lot more at ease.

I hope I can get out as soon as possible.

It is now late November, and it will soon be December, when the temperature will start to drop.

About a week before the Chinese New Year is usually the time node for the winter competition in Haitang City.

For his current level, it doesn't matter whether he goes to the Haitang City Winter Tournament or not. Even as his strength increases, he may not necessarily get the system reward, just like he originally planned to sign up for the Autumn Tournament, but ended up failing the system reward stage.

But Kurosawa still wanted to go back to spend the Spring Festival with his parents and have a good rest for a few days.

There are only about two months left, is it enough?

Kurosawa didn't have much confidence.

He was inexplicably mistaken for a descendant by an existence whose appearance and life form he didn't know at all, so there shouldn't be any problem with safety.

But it's probably not easy to leave here.

Kurosawa was walking in the woods.

As he walked, he heard a woman crying.

Is there anyone?

Kurosawa couldn't help but feel surprised.

The dim light shone through the layers of leaves and hit Kurosawa's face.

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