My Elf Simulator

Chapter 225 The World and Three Forms

Kurosawa lifted the leaves and saw a lonely double-story attic with a mansard roof.

The wooden attic walls were covered with large patches of dark green mold, and roses as thick as arms covered the walls.

The wind blew through the forest, and the holes in the wall made a "woohoo" sound, like a woman's wailing, which also gave this attic standing in the dense forest a bit of horror.

Kurosawa stood on the high slope outside the house and observed for a long time from a high position.

There were no traces of elves around the attic, and they seemed to be consciously avoiding this place.

Undoubtedly, this attic is a very special place in this small world.

There is no one here, but there is an ancient building that looks like it has been around for hundreds of years, which is very intriguing.

Or, is there actually someone living here? Or someone came here before, but disappeared for some reason?

Kurosawa looked for a while and did not enter the house.

He stepped back a few steps, slowly evacuated, and continued to explore this small world.

Three days passed in a flash.

Kurosawa roughly completed a superficial exploration of the mysterious world he was in.

This world is bigger than he imagined at first.

It can be roughly divided into four areas.

The core area is the flat square where Kurosawa first appeared. In the center of the square is a huge temple, surrounded by four tall pillars. The pillars are not regular in shape, and the surface is twisted and undulating, shaped like a strong and powerful animal hoof.

Surrounding the core area are three subsidiary areas, which Kurosawa also named one by one according to their characteristics.

The first subsidiary area is the strange forest, which has the largest area and is distributed with various kinds of elves. They are not very aggressive and have a kind of contractual relationship with the owner here. Their behavior pattern is muddleheaded, which is very different from the elves in the outside world.

They are often immersed in their own affairs, and they will be at peace if they are not disturbed.

If you interrupt them, they will fight you to the death with red eyes.

In their spare time, they will fight with elves of the same type. Fighting is not for the purpose of companionship, territory, food, etc., but a kind of arbitrary activity.

Kurosawa called them model organisms, and felt that they were not like normal life, but rather like zombies.

Unless he took the initiative to attack, Kurosawa, as an outsider, would not be included in their internal struggle.

The second subsidiary area is the Dependent Plain.

This is the second area Kurosawa has set foot on during the three-day exploration.

He originally thought that the elves in the forest were the dependents of the mysterious life.

But when he entered the plain area, he saw the existence of a large number of elf clans of a single system, and immediately understood that they were the direct dependents of the master of this world.

It was also through their existence that Kurosawa finally solved the confusion of the past few days and understood the identity of the master of this world.

The huge phantom in the dark is most likely one of the three weird pillars, the black goat of the forest, the goddess of dark abundance, Shabu Nicholas.

Its dependents and servant races, a large number of black goat eggs and a few black goat cubs are distributed in the Dependent Plain.

Black goat eggs are egg-shaped elves ranging in height from 20 centimeters to 1 meter. They have a black, sticky surface with many depressions. They look a bit creepy, and the depressions can release corrosive rays.

Black goat kids are the evolution of black goat eggs, a five-star elf species.

It sounds like a very weak elf, but it is not. It is a very powerful life form.

It is 3 to 6 meters tall, and a very small number of special individuals can even grow to nearly 10 meters.

Its appearance is very impactful. The trunk is a knot similar to a certain tree. The cracks in the trunk are huge mouths with low mucus. There are many of them, constantly biting the air. At the top are countless black tentacles, and the trunk is supported by five thick giant feet like sheep's hooves.

However, black goat kids are not the pinnacle of the life of the followers.

There are three extreme race forms above black goat kids.

One is called the field stalker.

It is a huge green body, with green light flashing all over its body, and a pair of scarlet eyes like footballs. It is like the stench of corn leaves that have been dried and rotten for a long time in a cold barn. It is said that it lives in a maze-like underground tunnel.

When Kurosawa first arrived at the Dependent Plain, he was quickly besieged by a large number of black goat eggs and black goat cubs.

A large number of intermediate and high-level elves, as well as a small number of super elves, put Kurosawa in a huge crisis in an instant.

At the critical moment, the field stalker took the initiative to show up, and that was the only time Kurosawa had seen it.

It obviously received some orders.

It did not attack Kurosawa, but roared and dispersed all the black goat eggs and black goat cubs present.

After resolving the crisis for Kurosawa, the green giant beast, about 15 meters tall, blended into the darkness and left quietly.

Since then, Kurosawa will never be attacked by black goat eggs and black goat cubs when he travels through the Dependent Plain.

He would maintain a state of peaceful coexistence and would not take the initiative to attack them. After all, this was still the territory of these inhuman beasts, and his goal was to leave this small world.

The second evolutionary form of the black goat kid was the Moon Mirror Guardian.

Kurosawa did not meet it in the Dependent Plains.

It is just that humans in the outside world have written records about it. Someone once communicated with a strange creature in a dream, and obtained a lot of information about special life forms in the communication with it, including Shabu Nicholas and its followers.

After recording the information in the notebook, the person died soon, and people revered it as a dreamer.

The Guardian of the Moon Mirror is a huge milky white body, with countless round suction cups and bony legs supporting a swollen body like a sac. The head is a layer of white gelatinous material, which is covered with swollen round eyes. When it wriggles and trembles, those swollen eyes will look in different directions.

It is not very good at sports. The way it moves is to rely on the three sharp spines under the neck to pierce the ground, and then paddle backwards like paddling, dragging its heavy and huge body slowly.

There should be no Guardian of the Moon Mirror on the surface of the Followers Plain, at least Kurosawa did not find it.

As for the last evolutionary path, it was the name that Shab-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Forest, blurted out when she first met him, Pan.

Pan, the Great God Pan, is extremely special compared to the other two paths, inheriting the male side of Shab-Niggurath, the mother of all things.

Even the notes of the dreamer are vague about the description of the Great God Pan, even less than the description of Shab-Niggurath.

[Walking among the people in the world in a coat]

[Wild and unruly vitality]

[Once worshipped by humans as the god of nature and fertility]

[Extremely handsome and extremely ugly]

Undoubtedly, the mark on the back of the right hand that has disappeared and guided Kurosawa here is closely related to [Great God Pan].

Because of it, Kurosawa was mistaken for the Great God Pan by Shab-Niggurath.

The last area is the lowest point of this world, dark, deep, bottomless, like a crack in the abyss, stretching for dozens of kilometers.

The east and west sides of the abyss are steep cliff landslides.

The creatures that lost their footing inevitably fell into the cracks of the abyss along the cliff, but in addition to the creatures, there was more of a sinking black gas in the air, which fell into the abyss along the cliff like a fluid.

On the north and south sides were two winding paths, winding up from the bottom of the abyss to the ground. Various elves and black goat eggs were born from the paths, came to the ground, and finally merged into the plains and forests.

This is also the reason why the elves in the strange forest like to fight and fight each other, but can still maintain a stable number.

It is like a sophisticated reincarnation machine, absorbing unknown energy and then producing new elves.

This area was named the Sea of ​​Bitterness Abyss by Hei Ze.

The abyss is its geomorphic feature, and the sea of ​​bitterness means the sea of ​​life and death in Buddhist language, representing the six reincarnations of all beings, life and death, endless, like the sea.

After three days of exploration, Hei Ze had a comprehensive understanding of the special world he came to.

Of course, it was relatively superficial, just using his eyes to collect some information. He could realize that the greater secrets of this world had not been revealed to him.

Of course, just the tip of the iceberg is enough for Kurosawa to digest for a long time.

Kurosawa observed and analyzed, and finally roughly summarized several operating characteristics of this world.

This world does not exist in isolation. Although it seems to be able to realize internal material circulation and energy flow, it is not a completely separate and independent existence.

There are messengers who communicated between the world of Shab-Niggurath and the real world.

That is [Black Light]. In addition to providing food and snacks to Shab-Niggurath, it also abducts creatures and elves in the real world and enters the strange forest of Shab's world.

There is a certain law running in the strange forest, which can transform other creatures into simple model creatures.

The model creatures kill each other, forming a layer of black mist that sinks to the surface and flows, and then as time passes, it slides into the cracks along the cliffs of the bitter sea abyss, and finally generates new model creatures and a small number of black goat eggs, crawling out from the trails on the north and south sides.

The model creatures continue to invest in the reincarnation of the strange forest, the black goat eggs are integrated into the dependent plains, and a small number of them move towards a higher stage.

In other words, the black light plundered the lives of the real world and entered the world of Shab, using the huge instrument of the strange forest to transform the outsiders step by step into usable energy, and the energy created Shab Nicholas's followers through the hotbed of the bitter sea abyss.


Hei Ze sat on a low mountain outside the bitter sea abyss.

He was high up here and had a good view.

He looked around and could see the entire bitter sea abyss.

The black clouds fell into the abyss, rolling and disintegrating constantly.

He squinted his eyes, as if he saw the combination process of black goat eggs at a depth of tens of thousands of meters. The clouds gathered together to form a terrifying body tissue, black mucous membrane, a mouth that released mucus and energy, and sticky tentacle buds. They were spliced ​​together and finally gave birth to the process of black goat eggs. They were produced like an assembly line.

The reverie that floated before his eyes seemed to accelerate time.

The number of black goat eggs produced in a short period of time may not be too large, but over the years, the ignorant black goat eggs merged into the plains.

A small part of them will evolve into black goat cubs.

Kurosawa nodded.

[Black Light] will definitely send out some black goat eggs and black goat cubs at some point in time.

There are two reasons for making this speculation.

First, there are black goat cubs in the outside world, but black goat eggs seem to be made by the bitter sea abyss, and do not rely on the normal elf reproduction process.

Second, black goat eggs continue to be born in the bitter sea abyss. Although the number is small, it is very stable. There are very few fights between black goat eggs in the dependent plains. They eat a kind of black terrestrial algae-like plant that grows from the surface on a daily basis.

Under this state of continuous production, the number of black goat eggs and black goat cubs in the dependent plains seems to be less.

So there must be some mechanism to reduce the number. The most likely one is the [Black Light] that can transfer and transport the substances of the two worlds. The Black Light first showed him the ability to turn corpses into black bubbles. Later, he saw it in the strange forest that it could send life from the real world. It is reasonable to infer that it has the ability to send life out.

When Kurosawa came in a few days ago, he didn't know anything.

He woke up and lay in the temple square. Now think about it, his arrival should also be the work of [Black Light].

After Shab Nicholas refused to let him leave, it seemed that his only way out was [Black Light].

It is the magical door connecting Shab's world and the real world.

Blacklight is a strange life form that obeys Shab-Niggurath's orders. It manifests itself as a pure black light. It cannot be recognized under normal conditions, and can only be detected when using its abilities. There are many blacklights, and each has its own independent consciousness.

Kurosawa set himself the first goal, to strengthen his perception ability.

He must be able to detect the location of blacklights at any time. Otherwise, he will be completely in the dark about them, and subsequent plans will be blind.

Speaking of which, being trapped in the world of Shab-Niggurath is not without benefits. The environment here is extremely spiritual and stable, which is very suitable for cultivation.

After Kurosawa entered the third stage of the training method, he can passively operate and cultivate freely 24 hours a day.

In the past few days, in addition to the accelerated growth rate of the spirit energy value, his psychic energy progress is more significant, which is increasing.

Psychic energy: 10.4→11.5 (C-)

In three days, the psychic energy has increased by one-tenth, which is very terrifying.

Although it is likely to be difficult to maintain, the growth rate should decrease after subsequent adaptation, but it is definitely still faster than outside.

Kurosawa now has 11.5 standard units of psychic energy, which is quite a lot.

The stronger the psychic energy, the better the talent can be developed, which is why he is confident about the rapid improvement of talent perception.

His natural power ability is obviously not developed to the extreme.

The development of various talents is divided into several stages step by step. After proficiently using the talent itself, there is also a super awakening state, which can greatly enhance the ability itself.

Take Wu Fu, a gifted person familiar to Kurosawa, for example. When she first awakened her telekinetic talent, her ability was very weak. She could basically only carry water and transport things, which did not require precision or strength. Later, through training, her ability was super awakened, and she reached the ton-level telekinesis in one fell swoop, and then she had a strong combat power.

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