My Elf Simulator

Chapter 232 New Year's Day

The three members of Kurosawa's family had New Year's Eve dinner. Although there were not many people there, it was not too deserted.

Red lantern pendants, Chinese knots, and small peppers are hung all over the walls, filling the apartment with the flavor of the New Year.

It is rare for the elves to sit on the seats and enjoy the New Year's Eve dinner quietly with their families.

A program was playing on the TV, and the voices of the hosts and guests became white noise during the meal.

Seeing his parents smiling happily, with uncontrollable joy on their faces, Kurosawa once again expressed how lucky he was to be able to return smoothly before the Spring Festival.

For some reason, at this moment of joy, a huge figure hidden in the darkness suddenly flashed in his mind. He didn't know what happened to him.

In that huge empty dark temple, would he feel lonely after he left?

But soon he shook his head and laughed.

What happened to me? I thought of that terrifying figure on a rare good day.

Although He didn't make things difficult for me, he was still inseparable from Him even after being trapped for several months. It was impossible not to feel resentful. Now that he couldn't help but think of Him again, maybe he was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. ?

Ms. Tao waved her hand in front of his eyes, and Kurosawa's thoughts returned to reality.

"Son, why are you giggling? Remember to get up early tomorrow and accompany your dad to the high-speed rail station to pick up your uncle and aunt."

"Oh, cousin, are they coming too?"

"Yeah, I'm going to stay for a few more days. It just so happens that the old house is vacant. Your cousins ​​said they want to come and watch you play."

Kurosawa nodded to express his understanding.

In the past, about every other year, the Kurosawa family would go to Ms. Tao's natal home to pay New Year's greetings, and they were expected to do the same this year.

But considering that on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the main competition of the Haitang Winter Games was about to begin, my grandfather was very considerate of Kurosawa and did not let them travel all the way. Instead, he asked his uncle and his family to come visit relatives.

"Take your cousin to play around tomorrow. Be more enthusiastic. Don't let people think that we look down on our relatives because we are rich." His mother nagged, and Kurosawa agreed with a smile.

Early the next morning.

Kurosawa accompanied his father in the recently purchased SUV and headed to the high-speed rail station to meet his uncle and his family.

However, he did not get out of the car, but sat in the car and waited.

This is not to show off, but to prevent the congestion caused by the last time after entering the station.

During the Spring Festival, the flow of people in Haitang City has increased visibly. People who went out to work and go to school have returned to this quiet inland town in the past.

Colorful flags were flying in the streets, and the crisp sound of firecrackers resounded in and out of the alleys.

Speaking of firecrackers, Kurosawa remembered that during the New Year's Eve at twelve o'clock last night, the whole city's firecrackers and fireworks exploded in an instant. The noise was so loud that the elves who were still wrestling in the living room were startled. Thinking that danger was coming, Kurosawa comforted them for a while before they calmed down.

Not long after, Kurosawa's father pulled the box and led his uncle's family to the car.

Kurosawa put on his mask, looked around to make sure no one was paying attention, then opened the car door and walked out.

"Uncle, aunt, Shuling, Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year, Ozawa. You've grown taller and become more handsome." Auntie looked at Kurosawa, raised her other hand to touch his head, and said with a smile on her face.

Compared to when they met half a year ago, Kurosawa had grown slightly taller.

At that time, he should be 1.83 or 4 meters tall, but now he is 1.88 meters tall. The smile on his face is very friendly and makes people feel very comfortable.

"Get in the car first." Kurosawa's father said.

He noticed that several people next door seemed to be constantly glancing at Kurosawa, who was wearing a mask, and whispering something. It would be troublesome if they were stopped.

The temperature in the early morning was a bit cold.

Tao Shuling tightened her white scarf and leaned closer to Kurosawa subconsciously.

His body was constantly radiating warmth like a human oven.

Tao Shuling raised her head and glanced at her cousin. She, who had always been carefree, suddenly became shy.

Half a year ago, she and her grandfather came to watch a Kurosawa game, which was the finals of the summer competition. However, at that time, because she knew too little about elves and elf masters, she didn't have deep feelings about many things. It’s like a layman looking at things in the fog.

But as she got to know him over the past six months, she finally understood what her cousin's talent meant.

No wonder most of the citizens of Haitang City have become cousin's fans.

After knowing all this, she felt guilty and uneasy. Although her cousin took her to the countryside to catch tadpoles, spin weavers, and make landscape ecological bottles when she was a child, those things had passed for too long. Now she faced the Kurosawa family's low self-esteem. Feelings can't help but emerge from the bottom of my heart.

In my cardamom years, my mind is particularly sensitive, and I can't help but care about these trivial things.

Kurosawa sat back in the back seat and chatted with his aunt, when he lowered his head and noticed her expression.

After contacting her again with her lively appearance, Kurosawa smiled knowingly, why was he suddenly shy.

He waved his hand to summon the little Shining and placed it on her lap.

"I'll take you out to play in the afternoon."

Kurosawa thought she couldn't let go because her father was there, but he never thought it was him.

Tao Shuling touched the little Shining who had become extremely beautiful. She raised her head and met Kurosawa's smiling face. Suddenly her cheeks turned rosy and she lowered her head. With her head lowered, she exhaled a long breath of warmth, feeling much more settled.

It seems that nothing has changed about my cousin.


"Bah bah!"

On the two-way carriageway, traffic jams formed a long snake.

It was the first day of the Lunar New Year when people were visiting relatives. The drivers were upset by the sudden traffic jam. The horns honked one after another, as if the road would be clear again if they honked loud enough.

"Why is there a traffic jam?"

The road that was originally green on the navigation software suddenly turned red.

Kurosawa's father leaned out of the car window to see what was happening ahead.

Unfortunately, the line of vehicles was too long, and he didn't get anything.

Kurosawa also looked forward and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although he hadn't activated the power of nature yet, he had already smelled the unusual breath ahead.

He pursed his lips, and the energy in his body that was radiating powerful vitality surged and slowly gathered in his eyes.

The bright pupil light condensed into substance shot out from his eyes, and the perception continued to extend forward along a straight line, passing through one car after another.

At this moment, the band-shaped perception within a distance of 200 meters in front of him appeared in his mind, and the people, cars, and the energy breath floating and flowing in the air were all extremely clear.

Although he didn't get the information he wanted, the restless energy in the air did tell something.

More than a hundred meters ahead, uniformed traffic police got off their motorcycles and blocked the road ahead.

Abnormal incident with elves?

Kurosawa tilted his head, a trace of doubt flashed across his expression. It was not common for such incidents to occur in the city center. He used to perform tasks in the suburbs on the edge of the city.

Moreover, it was too slow.

Kurosawa looked in a certain direction and frowned subconsciously.

Tao Shuling tilted her head and noticed the change in his expression. His face, which was originally as gentle as spring breeze, suddenly became serious. She couldn't help but shiver, and a coldness like ice and snow hit her face.

What's wrong?

She subconsciously felt a little uneasy.

She wanted to ask, but seeing Kurosawa's thoughtful look, she hesitated for a moment and didn't dare to ask.

Not long after, Kurosawa's pocket vibrated.

He took out his mobile phone, and the screen showed a phone number with a special note, and he immediately chose to connect.



"No problem, we'll be there soon."

Kurosawa answered the phone, answered twice and hung up.

Until this time, Kurosawa's father, who was still discussing the road conditions ahead with his uncle, also realized something. The voice of the conversation gradually dropped, and he turned around and looked at Kurosawa.

"Dad, you guys wait here for a while, I'll get off first, there's something urgent, someone should come to evacuate you."

Now the whole road is blocked, and it's impossible to turn around and leave, but there will definitely be traffic police to evacuate the vehicles later.

After the call was connected, the staff on the other end of the phone only needed a few words to let Kurosawa know what happened ahead.

"Is it okay?" Kurosawa's father asked with concern.

"It's a small matter, don't worry." Kurosawa said calmly.

After speaking, he opened the door and stepped out of the car.

At the same time, his right hand threw out a card without leaving a trace.

With a flash of light, Nightmare quietly hid in the car, and the Crow Envoy also came out at the same time.

The psychic power conveyed the command, and Nightmare immediately understood the task that Kurosawa had assigned to him.

Following the vehicle as a bodyguard.

The attributes and abilities of Nightmare and Crowman allowed them to evacuate with several people more quickly when they encountered a crisis.

"Dad, you guys go home first, I'll be there soon."

"Okay, then you be careful."

After Kurosawa finished speaking, he stood on tiptoe, and the next moment his body shot out like an arrow from a string.

Soon he was running fast in the busy traffic.

Even if he didn't rely on Nightmare to enter the state of [Ghost Transformation], his own superhuman physical fitness was enough to make him burst out at a terrifying speed.

His figure was as fast as a phantom along the way, and the drivers who didn't know the situation screamed continuously.

"What is that? Did you see it?"

"It looks like a person?"

"You must be kidding. How can someone run so fast!"

The wind flows along the smooth muscle lines. Kurosawa's agile and powerful body continues to burst out at an amazing speed. The powerful core strength is transmitted along the spine to the thighs, calf muscles, ankles and finally condensed to the front of the soles of the feet.

His movements seem to have a small arc, but they are as fast and powerful as shrinking the earth into an inch.

This skill is not something he suddenly realized, but a new product drawn in the world of Shabu using the number of wishes in the exchange store in November.

A body movement called [Light Leaping Technique].

It sounds like a martial arts, but in fact it does not involve any internal energy or internal strength. It is just a force-generating technique to better control the strength of the whole body so that the strength will not dissipate, so that it is concentrated on the toes and increases speed.

The reason why he has such a magical effect is purely because of his personal physical fitness.

Even if he didn't use his body skills, he could still run fast by relying on his instinctive brute force. [Light Leaping Technique] was just the icing on the cake. Ordinary people who practiced this technique would not only fail to increase their speed, but would forget their running and exerting force like a toddler, which would have the opposite effect.

After Kurosawa spent 500 points to buy the Light Leaping Technique, he automatically mastered the various skills inside, and quickly mastered it with a little practice.

Overall, the Light Leaping Technique made Kurosawa very satisfied, and it was the best product that Kurosawa obtained through the exchange store.

Its existence does not conflict with [Ghost Transformation] or even the super-strong physical state in the Zeus state.

The reason why the latter two can enhance speed or explosive power is more dependent on the power of the elves in the body, while the light flying technique is his personal physical force technique, which means that he can also use the light flying technique in the ghost state or Zeus state to further increase his speed.

Moreover, it can also allow Hei Ze to obtain faster mobility under extreme conditions where there are no elves.

Hei Ze ran quickly, recalling the details of the phone call in his mind.

It was indeed an abnormal elf incident, which came very suddenly. Wei Ting, the Minister of the Alliance, was not in the base today. When the staff of the Haitang Alliance Information Department were worried, they suddenly found that Hei Ze was near the scene, so there was a phone call not long ago.

Now it is the first day of the new year. In the Haitang city area where Wei Ting is not there, there are not many high-end forces that can resist a runaway high-level elf.

As for the arrival of other elites at the scene, it will take some time.

Hei Ze slowed down before reaching the blockade.

"This matter is too strange."

"Have you contacted the head of the road base?"

"On the way."


Hei Ze could vaguely hear people's discussion in the distance.

It sounds like they haven't received any news about Kurosawa yet.

This is not surprising. He rushed here immediately after receiving the call, without any delay.

"Sorry, the road ahead is blocked, please don't go any further."

Kurosawa, who was walking fast, was stopped by armed men with guns and live ammunition.

Kurosawa quickly pulled down his mask, revealing a face that is well-known in Haitang City.

"I am Kurosawa, take me to your leader."

Kurosawa said straightforwardly.

It is obviously impossible to understand the details of the scene by just one phone call. Kurosawa needs to find out more about the specific situation.

He looked forward through the blockade.

The road and the street were in a mess. A circular crater-like terrifying destruction appeared in the middle of the road. Several cars turned over. The shops on the street and the ground were full of traces of burning, but the flames seemed to have been extinguished.

It was indeed the work of a high-level elf.

The destructive power of supernatural creatures with attribute cores can be seen. If there is no opponent of the same level to block it, the city forest of reinforced concrete looks hard but is actually as brittle as thin paper.

Fortunately, the casualties should not be too great. Kurosawa did not smell too much blood, and the people nearby should have been evacuated to the nearest underground civil air defense project in an orderly manner.

However, what about the elf who committed the crime? Did it escape?

Kurosawa needs to ask the people present to draw further conclusions.


"Please follow me!"

The armed man saw the face of the man in front of him after he pulled down the mask, and was visibly stunned for a moment, but he soon reacted, with surprise and surprise on his face.

He hurriedly trotted ahead and led Kurosawa through layers of roadblocks.

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