My Elf Simulator

Chapter 233: Creeper

"What exactly happened?"

Kurosawa didn't waste time chatting with others and got straight to the point.

The information he received on the phone was that a high-level elf appeared in the city center and destroyed a section of road and surrounding shops.

He wasn't sure what would happen next.

The elf that was the cause of the disaster was not present at the scene, so he could only obtain information through other descriptions.

Looking at the ruined streets, the armed special police and several ambulances under martial law, Kurosawa felt heavy in his heart, and the expression on his face unconsciously became serious.

Seeing Kurosawa, the director in charge wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Kurosawa's arrival relieved his anxiety to a certain extent.

No one knows how the situation will develop. All the public security personnel and the temporarily transferred elf masters are working under tremendous pressure.

The professional elves at the scene did not dare to explore the surrounding area too much. Instead, they were on guard at the scene and at the same time rescued the injured people in the ruins.

The combat power of intermediate elves is far different from that of high-level elves.

Although everyone doesn't know that Kurosawa has been promoted to the elite, Kurosawa has shown his combat prowess at the advanced stage after all, and they can only rely on him now.

"The one who carried out the destruction was a grotesquely awakened creeper with advanced powers."

As soon as the director spoke, Kurosawa's eyebrows subconsciously frowned more tightly, and images and information about the creeper appeared in his mind.

As his psychic powers increased, his memory became better and better, and he could recall information in his mind at any time.

Creepers are a three-star race with only high-level strength.

Their inferior race is the two-star tomb worm or tomb maggot.

The creeper is the pinnacle creature of this line of elves, and no further evolution possibilities have been discovered yet.

It doesn't sound like a powerful elf clan.

But creepers are a very dangerous type of elf to humans.

They are often born in cemeteries, mass graves or in the bodies of highly intelligent animals. The wandering Yin Qi and unconscious thoughts are the natural breeding ground for the birth of grave worms.

The maggots crawling out of the tombstones will eat and bite the surrounding corpses. At that time, a kind of terrifying life may emerge at the right time. Born from the rotting corpses, they absorb nutrients and their dull consciousness becomes cunning. Insidious, thousands of maggots eventually formed a new evil spirit, the creeper.

Creepers usually take on a human form and disguise themselves as humans by covering their bodies with rag robes.

They have the ability to corrode, confuse the mind, clone themselves, communicate with each other, and devour corpses to replenish the remains.

The creeper moves quickly. Once it encounters a strong enemy, it will disperse at an extremely fast speed and divide into countless maggots that are densely packed and flee. Therefore, its vitality is extremely strong. Conventional attacks can only kill some of the bugs. They are not fatal, and once they are allowed to escape, they can quickly gather together to re-form and replenish dead individuals through rapid reproduction.

If you want to completely kill the creepers, you must either use strong flames to destroy them all, or accurately find the core individual among countless maggots.

"We have sealed off the surrounding residential areas and driven away the people. It is still unclear where the creeper is hiding," the director added.

Uneasiness was written on his face.

Creepers have a desire to devour corpses, especially highly intelligent creatures, including humans.

That kind of weird individual formed by countless wriggling maggots can make people shudder with horror just by looking at it.

"What was the last direction the witness saw it leaving?" Kurosawa interrupted the director who was about to continue explaining.

The director's words stuck in his mouth and he was stunned for a moment.

"Champion Kurosawa, why don't we wait for Commander Lu from the execution department to come? Now I'll help you sit on the scene for us." He showed an awkward smile.

Obviously, he trusted Lu Dawei, who had been famous for a long time, more than asking Kurosawa to take action.

He is the head of the execution department, a veteran elite fighter.

If the creeper is not handled well, alerting the enemy will turn into trouble in his opinion. It is better to maintain the status quo. Kurosawa only needs to prevent further troubles on the scene.

Kurosawa glanced at his resentful face, and his keen mind quickly captured the other person's thoughts.

He shook his head noncommittally.

If it were an ordinary high-level elf who had not caused any further damage, he might not be able to save one trouble at all, but the creepers were too harmful to ordinary people and he could not let them go.

Although we don’t know why a creeper appeared in the city center, the top priority now is to get rid of it without delay.

The Director, who had already known his fate, was stared at by his unruffled eyes, and he suddenly felt great pressure.

"Plop, plop!" His heart was beating violently, and he felt as if he was being targeted by some terrifying beast wearing human skin. Big beads of sweat were dripping down his face.

"Gurgling——" He swallowed, stretched out his hand and pointed tremblingly in one direction.

"Going there."

"Very good, thank you for your cooperation." Kurosawa looked away, his expression softening again.

He turned around, pointed his toes, and the toes that exerted force in the light manipulation technique exploded with amazing power, and his body shot forward like a strong wind.

It wasn't until his figure disappeared from the spot that everyone around him, who originally didn't dare to breathe, breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's scary."

"I almost couldn't breathe just now."

"Didn't you say that he is only at the professional level? Why are there so many differences between the others?"

The armed personnel let out a long sigh, pursed their lips and looked at the two professional-levels in the distance.

"Young and famous, it is indeed extraordinary."

Kurosawa's body was running between the buildings.

At the end of an alley, he noticed a set of clothes that had fallen off, as if a person had disappeared here out of thin air.

He squatted down and touched the floor.

He took out a flashlight and shone it on a slightly smooth ground. Under the illumination of the strong flashlight, a white trace of dried mucus appeared on the floor. It was very hidden. If it weren't for his extraordinary eyesight, it would probably be difficult to find.

The creeper ran to this place. The damage just now caused it to lose a small part of its body, so it devoured a person, and then continued to climb over the wall to hunt other humans.

In his mind, Kurosawa deduced its behavior and direction along the way.

The more information he collected, the clearer his perception of natural power.

Kurosawa carefully wiped the mucus on the ground again, and then put his finger next to his nose and sniffed.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, a white track appeared out of thin air.

Kurosawa quickly followed the white trace.

Along the way, Kurosawa saw more and more fallen clothes, and blood splattered all over the ground and walls, like some kind of primitive bloody graffiti.

Obviously, this creeper became more and more unscrupulous. It should be performing a ritual, sacrificing its life to some special existence.

Kurosawa's face became gloomy.

Suddenly, he stopped and rubbed his temple. At this moment, his brain began to buzz for some reason, as if there were some insects stirring inside.

He bent down, supported his knees, and took a few deep breaths.

Many strange sounds rang in his ears, disturbing his brain and causing pain.

At the same time, the natural force exuding the breath of life in his body suddenly expanded.

The natural force actually completed a breakthrough at this time!

In a few breaths, the energy of the natural force doubled several times, and it kept surging in the body like a turbulent sea.

However, the breakthrough of the power of nature was also within his expectations.

Recently, this innate ability has been in a certain active state. Today, he may have seen too many tragic scenes, which stimulated his brain, like the last straw that overwhelmed the bottleneck of the breakthrough.

Otherwise, this process should take several days to come.

Kurosawa's face was pale, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

He finally understood what the power of nature would be after further awakening.


A fishy wind suddenly flashed behind Kurosawa.

A gray-robed man approached him quickly. If you look closely under his flying hood, you can find that there is no face under the brim of the hat, but countless twisting maggots.

The creeper finally appeared!

Kurosawa has been waiting for it for a long time.

Along the way, he actually found a lot of scattered maggots.

They were extremely hidden, hiding in garbage dumps, brick cracks, and soil, and there was almost no energy attached to them.

Fortunately, the power of nature can sense malice.

Because there was no point in erasing the scattered maggots, Hei Ze did not choose to do it.

The creeper was a cunning evil elf. It left a lot of insignificant maggots along the way. They could serve as a field of vision to collect information for it and pass it to the creeper through collective consciousness.

Taking this into consideration, Hei Ze did not deliberately avoid their detection.

Instead, he exposed his own weakness.

His weakness was not pretended. He could not catch the wolf without sacrificing the child. The second awakening of the power of nature did make his brain very tired, and his spiritual power was a little weak. This fatigue also induced the creeper hiding in the dark to take the initiative to attack.

Hei Ze used the light flying technique to the limit, and the terrifying power erupted under his feet allowed him to avoid the surprise attack from behind in an instant.

He turned over and jumped onto a wall.

Staring at the creeper not far below him, his eyes were cold.

The creeper was different from ordinary elves and must be killed instantly with thunder.

Under its ragged clothes, countless maggots twisted and entangled, each of which was only 1-2 cm long. Judging from the appearance and the energy contained inside, it was almost difficult to distinguish the only core from these millions of individuals.

Fortunately, the second awakened natural force became stronger.

Kurosawa's ears "heard" the location of the core.

Millions of individuals remained silent, only a small thing roughly four inches below the right knee was "shouting" to give orders to other maggots.

Of course, the natural force did not capture the real sound.

It was just a perception ability. As long as Kurosawa needed it, he could "hear" many sounds that were impossible to hear.

Plants, animals, and individuals with stronger vitality were easier to hear.

Kurosawa even had a hunch that when this ability was developed to the extreme, he could hear the "voices" of even lifeless beings such as stones.

The creeper missed the attack, but did not give up.

To it, Kurosawa was as bright as a bright light in the night sky, and he exuded an extremely delicious smell.

If he could be sacrificed

"Kill him!"

"Sacrifice him to our great mother goddess!"

Kurosawa heard the greedy desires shouted by the little thing.

The creeper slowly "dissolved", and the maggots became loose, lying on the ground in the form of a crawling beast.


The concrete floor was eroded by the mucus it released.

The greed for Kurosawa gradually confused its mind, and made the creeper more crazy and dangerous.


Several buildings around were hit by the invisible momentum it exuded, and the glass and bricks made a wailing hiss, and the next moment, accompanied by countless crisp cracks, they exploded!

A movement like an earthquake spread along the center of the ground below the creeper, which was cracked like a spider web, and spread for several kilometers.

The destructive power of high-level elves can be seen.

If it destroys recklessly, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Kurosawa directly confronted its momentum, and his originally pale face turned pale.

He was not feeling well. If he himself was also regarded as a combat power, he was currently equivalent to an intermediate elf with 40-50 leaf energy values, and the creeper in front of him was a genuine high-level elf.

The next moment, the creeper flashed, and Kurosawa immediately lost its trace in his field of vision.

He retreated immediately.

But the creeper immediately exuded deep malice.

The malice immediately penetrated him like a shock wave.

His agile figure paused for a moment.

The body of the creeper exploded, and the maggots in the sky gathered towards him like a net. Once the maggots attached to his body, those little bugs greedily craving for intelligence and flesh and blood would frantically gnaw at his flesh, bite through his skin, and devour his flesh and blood.

The core of the creeper floated in the air, as if it had encountered this beautiful picture, and kept making evil "laughters".

However, the picture it expected came to an abrupt end.

A surging lightning suddenly fell from the sky.


The bright lightning cut through the sky and accurately hit an inconspicuous maggot.

The little shining spirit in the sky was like a sinister venomous snake that chose people to bite. If it didn't move, it would be fine, but if it moved, it would be thunderous.


The little maggot was struck by lightning and screamed like a torn heart.

Invisible waves spread, and several buildings around collapsed.

The maggots at the core of the creeper were not fragile.

Its defense was also at the level of high-level elves, but the little Shining Spirit had been planning this attack for a long time. It hid in the clouds and concealed its breath.

Secret, LV3 Comet Strike, Thunder attribute badge, accelerated Lightning Feather, and the final condensed attack was fast and fierce!

Kurosawa sensed the core of the creeper whose breath had become extremely weak. It was mobilizing other clones in an attempt to cover up and escape.

In order to kill it while it was sick, the little Shining Spirit immediately launched a comet strike again like lightning.

Under Kurosawa's command, it accurately hit a point in the rain of insects.


After the flash of lightning, millions of maggots floating in the air withered and dried up, like fine raindrops falling to the ground.

Kurosawa spread his perception.

The creeper had completely lost its life signs and was wiped out from this world.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, it was not difficult to defeat the creeper, but the tricky part was how to kill it completely.

Fortunately, the creeper also coveted Hei Ze, otherwise it would have escaped as soon as they met. With its ability to corrode and drill into the ground, Hei Ze might not be able to do anything with it. He couldn't destroy Haitang City from top to bottom.

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