My Elf Simulator

Chapter 262 Killing the Evil Spirit

Trial Tower, ninth floor.

The originally empty world has been planted with some crops by Kurosawa.

Some are seeds and seedlings of magical crops he bought on weekdays; some are ordinary fruits and vegetables to satisfy his appetite.

Because Kurosawa had given instructions before, Xiaolan, who came here, sat down on a piece of open space to rest after a short exploration.

Suddenly, it stood up slowly. It felt familiar eyes falling on it from the top of the sky.

Finally remembered that it was here.

It was a bit active in its character. The space here was the largest, but it was very monotonous. The only crop that existed could not be moved. So even though it had not been here for a long time, its body was almost idle.


Receiving Kurosawa's call, it made a joyful cry.


The monster that turned into a meat mountain looked at Kurosawa with a playful look, just like a cat that forced a mouse into a corner, it was not in a hurry to perform actions at this moment.

The original body cannot come to this world because of the rules, but it does not mean that it knows nothing about this place and human society.

In fact, as an elf who is proficient in bewitching people, it has collected a lot of information from the human brain.

A young man who has just started out like this is probably not very strong.

Besides, it has never felt the slightest threat from him.

At this moment, it is already thinking about what kind of punishment to impose on him who has caused it to lose a precious clone.

Years of extracting pain energy have made it extremely proficient in various torture methods, and it can completely make people want to live but not want to die.

Washing, lingchi.

Those delicious pictures in the past flashed, and it couldn't help licking its mouthparts with its huge and heavy tongue.

Ten seconds later.

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief.

The evil spirit in front of him is really full of martial virtue.

He didn't expect that the other party would watch him guide the black goat of different colors in the trial tower but remained indifferent.

He had already activated the flying air and was ready to dodge.

In return, Hei Ze would of course go all out.

A dark blue elf of the same size suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Feeling the malice in the eyes of the meat mountain giant, Xiao Lan, who had just appeared, stared back without hesitation.

As a super-level elf, it would not be timid, and it was a noble black goat clan!

Hei Ze's psychic energy came out of his body, and the psychic energy that had reached the master level covered Xiao Lan's body, making their cooperation more tacit.

Xiao Lan roared to the sky and let out a desperate howl. All life within a radius of several kilometers was trembling.

It stomped its huge hoof, and the rain forest seemed to start an earthquake.

The meat mountain obviously couldn't understand the sudden appearance of the black goat of different colors.

Is there any misunderstanding here?

The black goat cubs are a very strong elf race.

They have a powerful body and can easily launch earthquake-like natural disasters. The most terrifying thing is that they carry immortality, which can be called the nightmare of elves of the same level. Unless they are individuals with enough strength to crush them, it is difficult to completely defeat them.

The summoning process just now was not normal. What was going on? It was in great confusion.

But no matter what, it was a fact that this super-class black goat kid seemed to be ready to intervene in the battle.

"Impolite person, I am also familiar with Shabu-Niggurath, the mother of the black goat clan, and I can't bear to attack the younger generation. Forget it, you retreat, I forgive your previous offense."

The meat mountain withdrew its cat-and-mouse gaze angrily and made a dull sound.

Until this moment, it was still pretending to be majestic.

"Xiaolan, go!"

Kurosawa ignored it and said.

He didn't think that Shabu in his impression would have any intersection with this kind of evil spirit.

It was nothing more than pulling the tiger skin and pulling the flag.

Hearing Kurosawa's order, Xiaolan moved.

Its height had exceeded twelve meters, and it could completely cover Kurosawa, but the speed it burst out the next moment was completely inconsistent with its mountain-like body.


Its huge hoof pressed down slightly, black light condensed at the hoof tip, and the ground exploded with the black light.

I saw a flash of blue light, and its body weighing more than ten tons shot out instantly like a super heavy artillery.


All the trees blocking along the way were fragile in the face of such unparalleled power, and they were thrown out like waves.

After crossing a distance of hundreds of meters, the black goat kid with a vast ocean of attribute energy smashed into the evil meat mountain incarnation.

Flesh, mud and some indescribable sticky liquid gushed out like a fountain.

A huge blood hole was dug out of the 30-meter-high meat mountain by the black goat.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

The meat mountain roared in pain, and waves of sound rushed into the sky.

The flesh on the side of its body quickly began to soften, trying to swallow and wrap Xiao Lan.

Countless thick mucus wrapped around Xiao Lan's huge body.

The soil on which the two elves stood melted rapidly like ice under the scorching sun, and the corrosive force released by the meat mountain was terrifyingly strong.

And it seemed to be constantly recovering its body while being injured.

Kurosawa looked at the two entangled beasts and the rain forest that had been destroyed into a sinking valley. With lingering fear, he released the power of flying in the air and floated himself high up.

For Kurosawa, who had never been exposed to a battle of this level before, the fighting skills of the super elf were like the fighting skills of gods.

Only when psychic energy is attached to Xiao Lan's body can he truly experience the explosive physical power and attribute strength of the super elf.

Both elves are very strong!

Strictly speaking, there is some similarity between the evil incarnation and Xiao Lan's power.

Xiao Lan was born with powerful immortality due to her racial talent, and the evil incarnation seemed to be able to continuously heal her injuries through some mysterious energy existing around her.

Kurosawa frowned slightly as he looked at the two elves fighting together.

One moment they tear off my tentacles, and the next moment I bite off your head.

He couldn't tell which side had the advantage.

After all, he has not really completed the contract with Xiao Lan, and the level of tacit understanding is still far behind compared to The Shining Nightmare. Now he can only help it accelerate the energy circulation in his body through spiritual energy.

This can't go on like this

Kurosawa is not one to sit back and wait for death.

Since the injuries of this incarnation can be continuously recovered, it is definitely impossible to consume no energy. The best way is to cut off its energy source.

Kurosawa, who was floating hundreds of meters in the sky, narrowed his eyes slightly and scanned the ruined rainforest below.

Perception scans the ground like a skynet, pervasively.

He concentrates and pays full attention to all the energy flows around him.

Although the energy aura has been stirred into chaos due to the fierce battle between the two giant beasts in the center, you can still feel that some kind of stable energy seems to have left a fixed trace of transportation in the air.

It's just that it's extremely weak. Kurosawa closed his eyes.

The moment Roshan emitted green light again and recovered from his injuries.

He suddenly opened his eyes, bright eyes bursting from the depths of his eyes.

found it!

His eyes were fixed somewhere on the ground.

There, there is a black altar, but it is currently covered by toppled giant trees and layers of mud.

Beneath it, countless tough roots connect to the deeper ground.

And the energy that helps the evil clones to continuously recover comes from there.

As long as those roots are cut off, the evil clone will lose its almost immortal ability.

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to the natural perception ability, otherwise it would be impossible to find the faint traces of energy in the chaotic energy field in front of us.

Coincidentally, in the distance, the little Shinings also conveyed the idea that the mission was completed.

Kurosawa looked several kilometers to the southeast.

Through Little Shining, they vaguely felt a few familiar scents.

It was the group of agents who had entrusted him with it earlier.

Kurosawa glanced at them from a distance.

Now that the victim has been placed, he conveys recall emotions to the little Shinings.

The fight between Xiaolan and Roshan is inextricably linked and has reached a fever pitch.

The forest within an area of ​​nearly one kilometer was completely destroyed.

The hot, highly corrosive blood ignited the forest, and from time to time, inexplicable energy explosions were born in the venue.

This is because they did not deliberately start a chase, otherwise the damage to the environment would have doubled.

Therefore, super elves also had small natural disasters in the past.

The first person to fly back to Kurosawa to report was Little Shining.

It flew around Kurosawa several times, looking very excited.

"calm down"

Kurosawa touched its head.

"There is indeed an important task for you to complete next."

Upon hearing Kurosawa's words, Little Shining's bright eyes became even brighter, shining brightly.

"If you see it's not there, just"

Little Shining listened to Kurosawa's instructions and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Perhaps because of the fierce battle, Xie Sui gradually became distracted, and the distance gradually became wider.

Kurosawa felt that the time was almost right, and looked at each other with Little Shining.

Part of the spiritual energy quietly entered its body.

"Thunder, thunder, thunder!"

Flashes of lightning flashed from its white wings.

The four elephants are activated!

Enter the bird form of the Four Symbols.

The only golden skill was released, and Little Shining's body expanded.

It instantly grew to three meters in length.

The physical lightning energy also began to surge.

The energy value soared directly from more than 540 to more than 600.

After the energy gathering was completed, its side flickered, and another similar light lit up.

The phantom clone emerged.

The two top high-level elves reflected each other in the air. It would have been a spectacle to watch in normal times, but now it was obscured by the roaring battle below.

In terms of combat ability that can burst out in a short period of time, Little Shining may not be far from the bottom line of a super elf.

Kurosawa stretched out his hand and fully activated his spiritual energy. The advanced lightning affinity badge and the passive skill of lightning control allowed him to reach the peak of lightning control accuracy.

Comet flash superimposed astrological thoughts!

Just a thought, and the entire sky was filled with magnificent starry nights.

A bright comet shimmered on the curtain of the sky. It turned out to be a little shining spirit that jumped into the clouds.


Comet's momentum has reached its peak!

The evil clone also noticed the abnormal energy above his head.

Even it was shocked by the surge of momentum in a short period of time.

That is?

It looks towards the comet.

But the black goat is not a vegetarian. Taking advantage of the moment when it was stunned, the powerful weird energy was concentrated in its mouth, and the dark energy bomb blasted into the huge body of the meat mountain.

The meat mountain was directly blown away dozens of meters.

Tons of flesh and blood exploded, and scarlet blood rain poured down.

But it was obvious that it had no intention of paying attention to its own injuries at this moment.

The bright comet was falling rapidly!

The direction of the fall was exactly where it was most worried.

Why could he find it? Xie Suobo had no time to think about this problem that troubled it in the first place.

Countless tentacles extended from the bottom of the bruised body, and the tentacles broke away from the body and quickly passed through the surface. Hundreds of brown roots rushed to the landing point of the comet like a group of snakes.

Xiaolan's body jumped high, and then smashed the meat mountain into pieces with the momentum of Mount Tai, and the black tentacles on his head were still tearing in the body of the meat mountain.

Bo let out the most painful howl since the battle began.

But what frightened him even more was that the comet in the sky was not hindered by the countless clones he released.

Before the comet landed, a "star" quietly landed on the ground at a faster speed.

In the sky, Hei Ze quietly flew more than a hundred meters higher, looking at the gradually brightening light below, his mouth curled up slightly.

Yes, earlier than the comet flash with superimposed secrets and astrological thoughts, [Sacrifice Strike] was released.

Purple-level skill - Sacrifice Strike!

Strictly speaking, this is its first appearance in actual combat!

Sacrifice Strike is a skill that hurts the enemy by a thousand and hurts itself by eight hundred.

But because the little Shining has a phantom clone with a real form, the negative impact of this skill is reduced to a minimum, and the power is multiplied.

The phantom clone can be regarded as another little Shining.

At this moment, the self-sacrificing attack can completely release all the energy of the phantom clone. All the energy of a top-level high-level elf explodes in an instant. You can imagine how powerful it is!

Phantom clone + self-sacrificing attack is not inferior to the gold-level skill at all.

"Boom boom boom——"

The light that is enough to make people fall into tinnitus and dizziness swallowed everything.

The self-sacrificing attack released a huge amount of lightning energy, plowing all the branches of the evil clones that surged below.

In just a moment, a huge shock wave flew out, clearing all obstacles for the small flash that followed closely!

The energy deep underground also showed obvious tremors!

The comet as the main body has finally arrived! !

The soil and silt were dried by the tens of millions of volts of current in an instant, and countless dust particles rushed into the sky.

More than ten meters underground, the root system that was entangled and condensed in everything like a giant pillar was cut off by the lightning concentrated to the peak!


Seeing this, the evil clone howled with hatred.

The many faces on its body looked at Kurosawa in the sky at the same time, and the threatening malice in its eyes, as if wanting to devour Kurosawa, almost materialized.

"I will find you!"

The curse-like voice reached Kurosawa's ears.

Kurosawa remained calm.

Seeing that the evil clone, which was completely suppressed by him, dared to be so arrogant, Xiaolan immediately increased his strength and attacked it more strongly.

Not long after, the vitality of the evil clone, which lost its energy supplement, quickly withered.


Countless pieces of meat emitted white hot steam. At the moment when the evil clone collapsed, the flesh and blood remaining on the ground also melted like spring snow!

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