My Elf Simulator

Chapter 263 Purification and Harvest

"The second series of tasks [Fighting the Evil] has been completed. Congratulations on receiving the reward of 1,000 points and 3 epiphany fragments of your own choice."

"Subsequent series of tasks are waiting for subsequent events to unlock--"

When everything was settled, the system sounded.

Hei Ze carefully released his perception ability, and only when he really could not sense any abnormal breath did his body slowly fall from the sky.

Because of the fierce battle just now, he couldn't even find a flat ground to land on.

The heterochromatic black goat kid waded through the muddy ground and came to Hei Ze. Hei Ze knew what it was thinking, and immediately took out the refined super-concentrated black algae pills from the storage bracelet.

While praising and encouraging it, he fed it.

The battle just now seemed easy, but in fact, if it weren't for Xiao Lan's existence, Hei Ze would have had to run away the moment the evil spirit clone appeared.

The heterochromatic black goat suppressed the evil spirit clone, so Hei Ze could cooperate with it to complete the destruction of the energy supply source as he wished.

From this perspective, the elves of the Black Goat Clan are indeed powerful, and the five-star race qualifications are not vegetarian.

Little Blue has only been promoted to a super elf not long ago, and it already has a stable super-class combat power.

Little Shining, Nightmare and Crow Messenger came closer, looking at the extremely large black goat cub, with surprise and envy in their eyes.

Especially Little Shining and Nightmare, they had seen Little Blue several times in the Shab world before, but at that time it had not yet broken through the super class. Although its aura was strong, it did not give them a thrilling sense of threat like it does now.

"Relax, don't be so nervous." Hei Ze gathered the elves together and comforted the three little ones who were tense.

Little Blue, who had already eaten the black algae pill, also took a step forward, lowered his head, and the tentacles on his head tried to contact them.

It was releasing its kindness as much as possible.

But it was not as it wished. Because its momentum was too strong, the three elves subconsciously dodged together.

Hei Ze saw all this.

This behavior has nothing to do with others, it is just instinct.

If Kurosawa ordered them to fight Xiaolan, the three little ones would definitely not lack courage.

But they realized that Xiaolan was not an enemy, so they chose to avoid it with all their heart.

Kurosawa, as the link in the middle, led them to communicate with each other for a long time, and the awkward relationship between the four elves gradually became harmonious.

Kurosawa recalled the gains from the two tasks just now.

A total of 1,300 points and four self-selected attribute epiphany fragments.

Thinking of this, Kurosawa's heartbeat could not help but start to accelerate.

Self-selected attribute epiphany fragment!

It can be said that this is the bottleneck that currently restricts the son of Shining from breaking through the super level!

Its improvement speed has always been too fast compared to other elves of the same level. The existence of nutritional value reduces its process of slowly honing energy value, but at the same time, due to the short time, its perception of attributes is relatively weak.

Kurosawa is not sure what the effect of this epiphany fragment is, but he hopes to help Xiao Shining enter a new stage.

Only by contracting a super-level elf can one become a true master elf master.

As for establishing a contractual relationship with the black goat kid Xiaolan, it is possible to achieve the Pan Seal, but it should be a slow process and it will take a long time.

Kurosawa calmed down his excitement. Now is not the time to use the epiphany fragment.

And——there is another place to check.

His body floated towards somewhere.

Finally, he slowly came to the top of the root system that had just been cut off.

The comet struck the ground and left a pit more than five meters deep. The surrounding tens of meters of land were scorched by the intense high temperature that broke out in a short period of time.

Not long after, the sharp lightning still remained on the surface.

In the center of the pit, there was a purple object exposed to the air.

It looked like a bundle of half-meter thick wire sections, and black energy was constantly escaping from the port.

Those energies made people feel uncomfortable subconsciously.

This is

Kurosawa frowned.

If I am not mistaken, this should be the reason for the existence of this evil organization's base, which continuously collects various negative emotional energies and stores them in some form.

Then the unknown evil spirit behind will regularly harvest these stored energies to strengthen itself.

There are many ways for elves to become stronger.

Magical resources are the most common one, but in addition, there are many invisible energy sources.

For example, Mumu will become stronger by absorbing light, and the crows will absorb the fright energy when hiding in the horror house in the past, as well as the energy field emitted by the magical meteorite in the secret realm of the school.

The energy that is escaping and floating in the air in front of him is the most uncomfortable energy that Kurosawa has ever felt.

It is an indescribable feeling. If you get close to it, you will feel depressed, as if you are covered with a thick layer of cotton cloth, which makes people feel suffocated and unable to breathe.

This description may not be enough to explain its harm, but you must know that Kurosawa is standing here now. He has master-level psychic power and various means of protection.

Let alone ordinary people, if it were other ordinary elf masters, they would probably not be able to bear it in a few seconds.

Kurosawa's intuition told him that if he left it alone, there might be a big problem.

But he didn't know how to deal with it in a short time.

Could it be that the altar that was originally used as a switch has been covered with soil and buried, and it is nothing more than a blind spot, deceiving oneself.

Just when he was at a loss, the Pan Seal on the back of his right hand flickered again.

Kurosawa was stunned.

At the beginning, the evil spirit tried to possess Kurosawa's body when he appeared here, and it was the Pan Seal that drove it away.

Could it be that it can handle the mess in front of it?

Kurosawa had a guess in his heart.

So, he carefully stretched out his right hand protected by lightning.

If there was any abnormal situation, he would stop immediately.

Fortunately, the scene he was worried about did not appear.

When the Pan Seal approached the outlet of the pipeline that dissipated the evil energy, countless golden particles gushed out from the back of Kurosawa's hand.

They entangled the emotional energy that was attached to it.


In an instant, accompanied by the sound of boiling liquid, countless black smoke surged out from the junction.

Pan Zhiyin is purifying these energies!

Hei Ze suddenly understood.

Looking at the black smoke curling up, Hei Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

I didn't expect Pan Zhiyin to have this function.

After purifying the energy groups that dissipated in the air, the golden particles did not intend to give up. They poured in from the pipes and went deep into the ground along the pipes.

Underground, more energy is stored.

The evil clone was able to recover and regenerate continuously just now, relying on the energy reserves underground.

The purification process lasted for nearly two hours in total.

During this period, black smoke continued to emerge, like a forest fire.


Sitting on the ground waiting for the purification to end, Hei Ze suddenly felt the ground shake violently.

Some kind of dull explosion sounded.

Hei Ze was sure that it came from underground.

Is the purification over?

Sure enough, the lingering sense of depression suddenly disappeared!

The mist around was dissipating rapidly.

Above the head, the bright sunshine fell.

The golden particles returned along the outlet of the pipe. They gathered on the back of Kurosawa's hand like returning home, reshaping the golden goat horn mark.

No, it was not reshaping.

After the two goat horns were formed, the golden particles continued to emerge, forming about one-third of the goat face downwards.

Pan Zhiyin seemed to have become more perfect after purifying those energies.

Moreover, Pan Zhiyin did not forget to feed back to his host.

Countless more pure energies surged out of the mark.

Kurosawa's spiritual energy subconsciously began to absorb and digest these extremely pure and ownerless energies.

The spiritual energy that had just been promoted to B-level began to increase again.

Spiritual energy: 218 (B-)

Spiritual energy: 219 (B-)

It took about five minutes.

The spiritual energy finally stopped at 401 (B-).

Kurosawa opened his eyes, feeling the increasingly surging spiritual energy, and his face was filled with uncontrollable joy.

Previously, if his psychic power was only comparable to those elf masters who had just been promoted to masters, now he estimated that he had reached the psychic power level of some masters who had been promoted for several years.

Of course, the stronger the psychic power, the better, it is the foundation of everything for elf masters.

With the foundation of psychic power, even if a new elf is contracted again, it can be quickly cultivated.

Not to mention that there are more uses.

For most elf masters who have left the professional level, psychic power and elf strength are often dragged down by the former.

Although there are training methods to cultivate, it is still very difficult to improve psychic power.

It is rare for someone like Kurosawa to have psychic power far ahead of other aspects.

However, considering that other people have neither the system nor the opportunity of Pan Zhiyin, it seems reasonable that the psychic power progress is slower.

Kurosawa left the place with satisfaction.

This trip can be said to be a great harvest.

In the distance, the group of agents who commissioned Kurosawa did not approach.

It is estimated that seeing that he closed his eyes and concentrated on dealing with the pollution source, they were worried about disturbing him.

Kurosawa flew to the front of several people.

The expressions of several people who had seen Kurosawa's "strength" from afar were even more respectful.

The world of elves has always been a place where the strong are respected, not to mention that Kurosawa has done them a favor.

"Is everything okay now?"

Kurosawa looked at one of the women.

She was the female agent who was lying in the center of the altar just now.

Her appearance can only be regarded as above average, but her height is quite eye-catching, about 1.8 meters tall.

Now she seems to have completely sobered up, and the chilling piety and fanaticism on her face have disappeared.

"Thank you for your rescue, senior. I was confused before, but now I have recovered."

She said to Kurosawa with gratitude.

This gratitude is not mixed with a trace of water.

If Kurosawa was not here, she would definitely suffer a lot today.

"That's good, but you still have to pay attention to recuperation after returning." Kurosawa nodded, and he didn't intend to explain her calling him a senior.

After obtaining the epiphany and his spiritual power surged again, he estimated that the day when he would truly be promoted to a master elf master was not far away.

If at the elite level, there was still a generational relationship between elves due to age, after the master level, the factor of age could basically be ignored, or it could be said that the consideration of first achievement dominated.

The Master Divide has isolated many elves, and the status of the master has soared.

An old elf master in his seventies or eighties saw a master in his thirties or forties and also recognized the latter as a senior.

Kurosawa chatted with several "juniors" for a while.

The reason for delaying time was to politely respond to the gratitude of several people and roughly explain to them what happened just now.

As for the rewards they mentioned, Kurosawa didn't take it too seriously.

He had already received the reward, and he himself was not short of resources, especially after finishing the trial tower.


A penetrating howl suddenly sounded in the depths of the forest.

The black goat of a different color, which was still communicating with the three little ones, heard the movement and responded with a cry.

Kurosawa looked at the source of the sound and knew that it was an "expulsion order" issued by the super-class elves in this territory.

Obviously, the collision between the two super-class individuals had attracted its attention.

In the wild area, just like those wild beasts, elves are also accustomed to occupying their own habitats, and at the same time they are highly vigilant against the same level approaching their territory.

Kurosawa is not prepared to clash with a super-level elf for no reason.

Although the previous evil incarnation has super-level combat power, it was only formed temporarily and is not a real elf. To judge its specific strength, it is at best a lower-level super-level existence.

"Let's leave first. If we stay any longer, we will inevitably clash with the super elf inside."

"I'll do as you say, senior."

After a short conversation.

The group gathered together, summoned the elves, and headed towards the nearest city with a group of rescued innocent people.

The whole journey was plain and there were no accidents.

With the existence of a super-level heterochromatic black goat kid, no thorny elves came out to provoke.

The breath it released made the elves along the way change color and hibernate.

This experience also made several members of the detective team envious and sigh.

It was a rare experience for them to travel freely and unimpeded in the wild.

The nearest city was Shiratori City, about 200 kilometers away.

Because they had to take care of the weak people, even with the elves riding, the overall speed of travel was not fast.

It was not until noon the next day that the bright Shiratori City gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief and finally escorted dozens of people to the city safely.

The certificates presented by the detective team were very useful, and the several lines of defense entering the city were not blocked.

When approaching the city, ambulances with flashing lights stopped by the roadside waiting.

They were more experienced than Kurosawa in arranging the subsequent treatment of the wounded, psychological mediation, contacting family members, etc.

After Kurosawa exchanged contact information with the detectives, he left first.

This trip was fruitful, and he needed to find a quiet place to digest it silently.

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