My Elf Simulator

Chapter 283: Training before the provincial competition

The atmosphere in the lecture hall was far less tense than people outside imagined. There was more silence and stillness.

The contestants who were about to be interviewed adjusted their microphones, and the media workers below edited articles and prepared questions on the keyboard.

"Dear media friends, you can start asking questions now."

As soon as the supporter finished speaking, the media seats immediately raised their arms.

"Haitang TV."

As usual, the first person invited to ask questions was a reporter from Haitang's official TV station.

"Hello, contestants. The first question I want to ask is contestant Zhang Qingzi. Congratulations on your successful advancement to the semi-finals this time. How are you feeling now? What are your goals for this summer season?"

"I am very happy. My goal is to win the championship." Zhang Qingzi approached the microphone and answered calmly and concisely.

"Thank you for your answer." The reporter wiped his sweat. "The second question is for contestant Ji Qingwen"

The questions asked by the official TV reporter were steady, mainly asking about the feelings, goals, and moods of the four contestants who successfully advanced today.

He also looked at Kurosawa who was slacking off on the side several times, but after hesitating again and again, he still did not ask Kurosawa questions. After all, it was an official media, and it could not rely solely on hot topics to output content.

But the Internet media and personal media that were invited to ask questions later were not so particular.

The topic was quickly led to Kurosawa and Zhang Qingzi.

"Now many fans are concerned about a question, and I want to invite all the players to answer it."

"Who is the strongest player in the league in your mind?"

"Can player Ji Qingwen express his opinion?"

"Uh" Ji Qingwen was stunned for a moment when asked. "Kurosawa won the annual championship last year, so the strongest player in the league is naturally him."

The reporter who asked the question was obviously not satisfied with the answer, and turned around to continue asking other people. Worried that other players would also be vague, he directly limited the scope to Kurosawa and Zhang Qingzi.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Zhang Qingzi's performance today is no longer at the same level as other elite players.

"Both Kurosawa and Zhang Qingzi are very strong, but if I have to choose the strongest one, I would choose Kurosawa." Zhuang Yanbing's answer was clear and concise.

The other contestants also answered one by one.

What is very interesting is that for this question that obviously implies taking sides, the contestants on the scene clearly showed two groups of people.

The local contestants of Haitangyuan clearly believed that Kurosawa was stronger, and even Lin Daqing, who had a grudge against Kurosawa before, was no exception.

Foreign contestants such as Zhong Xun chose Zhang Qingzi.

Kurosawa yawned boredly, as if the topic of the question in the lecture hall had nothing to do with him.

"Kurosawa, we all know that you did not sign up for this summer league this time. I would like to ask if you have any plans to arrange an exhibition match with Miss Zhang Qingzi?"

The reporter certainly would not let Kurosawa stay idle. As the reporter stood up and faced Kurosawa, the others also looked at him in unison.

As the saying goes, the real test is in the hands. If they can really fight, it will be clear who is the strongest in Haitang, and the popularity of that game will definitely be higher than the current summer league.

"No. The current focus is on preparing for the provincial competition. The exhibition match has no meaning." Kurosawa shook his head.

His answer made the reporters below look different, thinking as if they were interpreting his attitude.

Escape? Or indifference and contempt?

Including Zhang Qingzi at the other end, she also stared at Kurosawa, with a complicated expression on her delicate face.

If Kurosawa agreed, she would certainly not be afraid of fighting Kurosawa. It would be better to say that she hopes to fight Kurosawa. Other players are too weak for her.

But Kurosawa's attitude at the moment is intriguing. It seems that there is something behind his words. Putting the focus on a higher-level competition, isn't it implying that she, who is still competing for a ticket to the provincial competition, is not qualified to be compared with him?

The interview in the lecture hall is still going on.

The topic kept focusing on Kurosawa, Zhang Qingzi, the subsequent games of the summer league and the provincial competition.

An hour later, the host and staff of the venue began to organize the disbanding.

Night fell.

Kurosawa followed Ji Qingwen, Zhuang Yanbing and others to find a restaurant for dinner.

On the way home.

He took out his mobile phone while sitting in the taxi and took a look at social media.

During the interview just now, he had a premonition of something.

Sure enough, when he turned on his mobile phone, the current Haitang social platform was unprecedentedly grand.

People who eat melons, debates between fans, and discussions about the provincial competition.

The noise on the Internet did not stop because of this media reception, but became more powerful.

Sitting in the car, Kurosawa scratched his head.

In many posts, he and Zhang Qingzi seemed to be irreconcilable, like water and fire.

Some interpreted his attitude as mocking and looking down on the other party, and some analyzed that he was timid and did not dare to challenge.

Some people also criticized Zhang Qingzi for being too arrogant and causing trouble when he first arrived.

But in fact, Kurosawa had no prejudice against Zhang Qingzi.

He didn't want to have an exhibition match. First of all, as mentioned before, he was about to start preparing for the provincial competition. It would be a complete waste of time for both parties to go through the trouble of holding a match whose result was already determined for him.

Besides, it was a bit embarrassing. It was obvious that a master who was promoted to a master was bullying by fighting against an elite player. If it was a regular match, it would be fine. It was too much of a fuss to hold an exhibition match for this.

Soon the taxi arrived at the community.

Hei Ze got off the car and put the public opinion behind him. The ups and downs of the Internet could not affect him.

The two days back in Haitang were a relaxation for both body and mind.

The holiday will be over tomorrow. In the next period of time, he will start training and working for the provincial competition.

Time is tight and the task is heavy.

The next day.

Hei Ze prepared to go to the club he had just completed.

He named the club Dream Building.

The Dream Building Club is benchmarked against the configuration of Ji Qingwen's Hurricane Club.

It is located in the second ring area of ​​Haitang, and the entire venue covers an area of ​​more than 40,000 square meters.

Although Hei Ze himself is not in Haitang, his personal work team is always grasping the progress of the project, including the purchase and installation of various equipment, so the progress has not been affected at all.

The team leader Qiu Yi, Mr. Qiu, used to be the manager of a commercial club and is very good at handling such work.

Today, it was Qiu Yi who drove to pick up Hei Ze early in the morning.

"Grandpa, have you encountered any troubles during this period?"

Hei Ze pulled Carmen and sat in the back seat.

"Thanks to you, everything went smoothly." Qiu Yi answered while driving. "But some issues may require your decision, and I couldn't contact you before."

"If you can't contact me, some things can be handled by you, old man." Hei Ze nodded.

He guessed that it was during the time when he was in the Mermaid Country, and old man Qiu naturally couldn't get in touch with him.

Thinking of the Mermaid Country, he subconsciously touched the depression between his two clavicles, and a piece of cold scales lay there quietly.

Pope Ognye also told him how to return to the Mermaid Country.

But there is no need to go recently.

While driving, old man Qiu discussed work matters with Hei Ze. Not long after, the car drove to the club park.

There were already security guards on duty at the gate.

Seeing the Audi coming, he quickly put down the self-study books at hand and raised the barrier to stop the car.

"Boss Qiu, good morning."

"Don't be nervous, this is the club's chairman Hei Ze. Next time the chairman comes alone, you must recognize him."

The window of the back seat was lowered, and the security brother smiled honestly.

"Don't worry, how could I not recognize Chairman Hei Ze?"

Hei Ze nodded to him.

The security brother was in good spirits, and it seemed that his club should not be a black-hearted employer.

In fact, Hei Ze had already set the tone with Mr. Qiu. He didn't need to care about how much profit the club itself could make. He just needed a place that was convenient for daily training and team members to work.

Forty thousand square meters is not small.

Hei Ze asked Mr. Qiu to let him get out of the car and walked alone in the park.

After Mr. Qiu parked the car, he walked to Hei Ze and introduced him to the club.

The club park is roughly divided into five parts.

First, the comprehensive building is mainly used for team members' office, photography, and reception of outsiders. At present, many spaces are idle.

2. The central stadium, which is the core building of the park, is egg-shaped. The mechanical roof on the top can be opened freely. There are hundreds of seats around it. It is a smaller version of the stadium where Haitang holds various events. It can also hold some small and medium-sized events if needed.

3. Outdoor open-air training ground.

4. Canteen.

5. Underground training hall and parking lot.

As for the scenery interspersed in the ground area, it is not included.

The whole park is lush and green, giving people a very comfortable and pleasant feeling.

Kurosawa couldn't find any faults and was very satisfied.

After a long walk, he came to the central stadium.

Now the club has not been officially opened, and all the buildings and equipment in the park are very new.

With the switch pressed, the entire central stadium "da da da" lit up white lights one by one.

Kurosawa came to the center of the stage, sat down slowly, and scanned the stadium.

From now on, this will be his training ground in Haitang, a base that belongs to him.

He summoned the elves to familiarize themselves with the environment.

There are still ten days before the official start of the provincial first-class league.

Elf training, necessary business activities, personal training

The scheduled schedule filled his time.

He patted the ground and jumped from the stage.

"Let's start the training arrangement now."


The arrival of Kurosawa officially activated the club park that seemed a little deserted, and also announced that the Dream Building Club was put into use.

At the same time, the members of Kurosawa's personal studio also moved into the park.

Kurosawa handed over his public social account to the operation team in the studio for management.

What the operation team needs to do is to keep the fans of the account active from time to time, and at the same time complete some filming work, record Kurosawa's daily training and daily life, and edit them into videos for uploading.

Other team departments also have their own responsibilities.

Everything is on track in an orderly manner.


In the central venue, the door is closed.

Kurosawa is in the middle of the stage, feeling excited and complicated.

What excited him was that the evolution of the crow was very smooth, and the elf egg in front of it was full of flashes, indicating that it would be hatched soon.

But what made him a little entangled was the nightmare.

I don't know if there was any problem with its evolution, but its progress was obviously much slower than that of the Crow Messenger.

As for Little Shining, Mum, White Dragon, and Little Blue, their respective progress is relatively smooth.

Little Shining and White Dragon can train well on their own without him needing to worry too much.

Mumu has completed the accumulation of emergy. For a long time, in addition to training every day, it has been digesting various rare treasures that stimulate breakthroughs. Now its emergy has reached 670. He expects to complete its breakthrough within a few days. .

Xiaolan's contract completion rate is about 60%, and she is expected to complete the contract before the official start of the provincial competition.

By then, the complete lineup of four super elves, let alone the provincial championship, will be more than enough to fight for a provincial championship.

As for himself, he integrated the talents of the sharks, and his training in the martial arts of the sharks was also very smooth.

The previously completed introduction to the Steel Fist brought about a breakthrough in his strength and physical fitness, truly surpassing the limits of the human body.

Yesterday, attributes related to physical fitness officially popped up on the personal panel.

【Personal Panel】

Player: Kurosawa

Level: 6 (22/400)

Psionics: 870 (B-)

Physical fitness: C-

Charm: D

Talents: Power of Nature (C), Control of the Air (D)

Points: 5100

Nutritional value: 4040

Backpack: Psychic Free Attribute Points (3)

Mission: Long-term achievement mission [Group Faith] (2603450/∞)

Follow-up of the Master’s Road (to be started)

After the psychic attributes are displayed in the personal panel, the physical aspects are also presented in a digital form.

Physique is an attribute that comprehensively summarizes his physical fitness, including strength, endurance, reflexes, etc.

He guessed that before he started training in Merman Martial Arts, his physique should be at the D+ level. After completing the introductory practice of the Merman Martial Arts Steel Fist, his physique broke through from D+ to C-, and he should be able to continue to improve in the future.

As for other data on the personal panel, there is little change from before.

Yukong has once again been upgraded a small level, from D- to D.

The orderly increase in points is due to the long-term achievement mission. Although there is still a certain distance before he can unlock the next tens of millions of talents, the ordinary stage of 100,000 will also provide him with various points rewards.

For example, if he reached 2.6 million fans yesterday, he would be given an additional 200 points.

If the number of fans exceeds 3 million, the number of coupons provided for each 100,000 stage will increase to 300.

This is why Kurosawa needs an operations team. As the number of fans grows, the rewards provided by this long-term achievement mission become increasingly substantial.

Look at the 5100 points in the panel.

Kurosawa thought for a moment and opened the system exchange store.

Four more prayer times have been accumulated in the store, which were refreshed in April, May, June, and July.

"Try your luck."

Kurosawa didn't pay too much attention.

He has figured out the rules a long time ago. The probability of refreshing something particularly good by praying is relatively low. Only after the player level increases and the store is updated, the refreshed products will be more precious.

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