My Elf Simulator

Chapter 284 Shopping, Smiles and Promotion

If you don't have hope, there will be no disappointment.

With this feeling, I pressed the button.

"Do you want to use the exchange shop wishes for April, May, June, and July?"


"The exchange shop wishes have been used successfully!"

Kurosawa immediately looked at the list of goods in the store and scrolled to the end.

[Everyday Miracles - 500 Points (Limited)]

Description: Every most incredible miracle comes from the most ordinary daily life. Put it in your backpack, maybe one day it will bring you a surprise.

Kurosawa's evaluation is that it is an item with unknown meaning, but considering its description, it is okay to buy it and put it in your backpack.

[Charm Enhancement - 1000 Points (Limited)]

Description: Improve your charm, buy it!

[Dream Flower - 1000 Points (Limited)]

Description: Dream Flower, the flower of evil. The power to influence dreams.

[Magic Kettle - 1000 Points (Limited)]

Description: A kettle that can be used for irrigation. The water it flows out has the magical ability to accelerate the growth of plants!

Kurosawa read the introductions of the four refreshed products.

After hesitating for a short moment, he took the lead in purchasing the charm enhancement.

Don't get me wrong, he is not overly concerned about outsiders.

It's just that the charm enhancement is beneficial to his current long-term achievement task, and the reward for the task can continuously provide him with coupons, which is equivalent to a necessary investment.

A burst of fresh energy swept Kurosawa's body. After a short coolness, Kurosawa got up and walked to the locker room, facing the full-length mirror to observe his changes.

"Congratulations, the charm attribute has been upgraded to C-!"

"Get the charm derivative characteristic-friendly smile."

"Your smile has magical power, even people who hate you will lose their minds for a short time because of it."

The charm enhancement directly surpassed the D+ level. It may be because his charm itself is at the top of the D level, and the difference is not big.

The C-level charm seems to add relevant characteristics to him in a certain direction.

This is also reasonable. When he was at the D level, his facial features and skin were basically impeccable in the eyes of ordinary people. If he wants to improve it, it will be very difficult.

He looked in the mirror, pulled the corners of his mouth, and revealed a slight arc.

Then he focused his eyes on the corners of his lips in the mirror, observed for a moment, and fell silent.

"I don't seem to see any difference."

"Maybe, it doesn't work on myself?"

Find an opportunity to use it on others.

Then, Kurosawa continued to open the exchange store.

He bought all the dream flowers, magic kettles, and daily miracles.

The number of points is still enough.

The dream flower seems to be helpful to the sleeping nightmare.

The magic kettle can be used to irrigate the crops and magical plants in the ninth floor of his trial tower, accelerating their growth.

And the daily miracle is bought and put aside, maybe one day it will surprise him as described in the introduction.

Shopping is over.

Points: 1600

Kurosawa doesn't feel bad about the consumption of points, money is only valuable when it is spent.

In a while, it will be the provincial first and provincial super, and points will be added.

At noon, go to the restaurant to solve the lunch problem.

The chefs in the club's restaurant are very skilled.

Kurosawa was too lazy to go out for dinner.

From the conversations of other employees, Kurosawa learned that the summer league had ended last night.

As expected by the public, the player who won the summer championship was the talented Zhang Qingzi.

Kurosawa was not surprised by this result, and basically other players also expected it.

So Ji Qingwen did not invite him to watch the subsequent games.

On the one hand, it was to reduce the pace, and on the other hand, it was also because of fear of embarrassment.

The end of the summer season means that the plan for the provincial competition is officially on the agenda.

According to last year's situation, the official list of the Haitang team participating in the provincial first division should be confirmed within the next two days.

Kurosawa's quota has been determined long ago because he won the championship of the winter league last year.

According to the arrangements of the Haitang League, more people should be added to the representative team in the future.

Especially in recent times, the strength of the Haitang League has increased greatly, and many fresh blood has come.

After lunch.

Kurosawa received a call from the Haitang League's 2023 Provincial First Division Preparatory Working Group.

The alliance staff of the working group came to ask him whether he wanted to participate in this year's training arrangement.

Kurosawa participated last year.

However, he hesitated for a moment and still refused this year's training arrangement.

His current level can hardly be improved by going to the training.

The last week is the final sprint before the provincial championship.

Each elf has its own expected goal, and he cannot afford to be distracted.

Kurosawa returned to the venue.

Refusing training is, in a sense, a privilege brought by his strength.

If he had not won the winter competition last year, it would be difficult to refuse such activities arranged by the alliance so simply.

Kurosawa gathered his thoughts.

Summoned Nightmare from the flash card.

Now it has returned to the state of an elf egg.

The surface of the eggshell is dark purple. Compared with the active energy fluctuations of the Crow Master who is evolving at the same time, its energy state is relatively calm, replaced by jumping thoughts.

This is not going to work.

The evolution process of Nightmare seems to have stagnated due to some changes.

Kurosawa had to help it. He looked at the Dream Flower in his backpack.

Focus on the [Flower of Dreams].

A prompt popped up soon, asking him to choose one of the five contract elves to use.

Kurosawa chose Nightmare.

The flowers in the backpack exploded.

Countless strands of symbolic dreams floated out of Kurosawa's body and slowly merged into the elf egg.


at the same time.

Beside an almost endless lake, countless elven creatures live.

The density of elves here is far beyond normal, and dangers lurk everywhere.

And at the bottom are the nightmare mayflies. Even if they are in groups, they still have to be wary of various natural enemies hidden in the dark.

Among the many nightmare ephemera and nightmare individuals, there is a little guy who looks different.

This is a young nightmare mayfly, its body length is only slightly larger than a finger. It is obviously just born.

Unlike the other little guys of the same race who were already wandering around in the grass, playing games, it had no intention of playing at all. It lay alone next to a grass stalk and looked at its brothers and sisters silently.

The contradiction between reality and memory makes it unspiritual.

It is a special nightmare ephemera with a large number of flashbacks of memory fragments in its mind.

Among those intricate memory fragments, sometimes it is a fragile insect, and sometimes it is a majestic elf king.

It's a pity that no matter what identity or strength, in the end only regret remains.

After countless reincarnations, the remaining instinct about evolution in its blood told it that this was the final home of the Nightmare Mayfly clan.

Some "geniuses" who try to break through the restrictions of bloodline will be led here to seek opportunities and gifts left by their ancestors.

There is a saying that when God closes a door for you, he will open a window for you.

Nightmare Mayflies are inherently deficient, but this gift can allow a few talented individuals to gain greater power after breaking through to high levels.

However, it never received a response.

This inherited spiritual world seems to have forgotten it, neither choosing to help it nor expelling it.

It is this indifference that has led it to the most dangerous situation.

Unsurprisingly, it will remain trapped here.

Just when it felt disheartened, a swirling stream of colorful light suddenly fell from the air in front of it.

This rotating light is full of magical colors, making creatures who see it subconsciously unable to move their eyes.

Finally it condensed into a small flower and stopped in front of it.

The world seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, and everything around it came to a standstill.

Playing companions, birds in the sky, adults of the same species returning from collecting in the distance... and it itself all stopped for a moment.

When he couldn't move, the space around the magical little flower began to collapse, sinking into a deep darkness that made people despair, as if the world was about to usher in extinction.

The little flower floated slowly, approaching it.

It started to get panicky.

The survival instinct made it want to retreat, but it still couldn't move.

Finally, in its widened and frightened eyes, Xiaohua finally crashed into it.

Without any surprise, its body also began to collapse!

The wings, as fragile as cicada wings, shattered with a "bang", followed by skin, flesh and blood tissue, and internal organs.

The organs exploded, and the mixed solid and liquid exploded like fireworks. Countless colorful things rushed out from the inside of the body.

"so beautiful!"

This is its subconscious thought.

There was no pain, the "body" exploded, but the spirit still existed, quietly watching this gorgeous performance.

The crumbling disintegration of the body seems to be an abnormal condition.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, darkness fell, and the whole world seemed to change.


A furious thunder fell from the sky!

Brilliant thunder and lightning struck the little flower, but unfortunately the furious lightning had no effect at all, and the little flower was still devouring the surrounding space.


An invisible and immaterial spiritual body staying next to the magical little flower finally remembered everything accompanied by a thunder and lightning.

He instantly understood why he came.

It looked high into the sky, as if it could see Kurosawa through the cloudy sky.

The magical little flower ruthlessly began to plunder everything around it, and energy began to continuously gather into its consciousness.

The nightmare felt like it was starting to "expand"!

There was a "stretch" sound, and some kind of restriction was broken!

The next moment, it can feel the world outside.

Its body was lying quietly in the elf egg, its energy surging rapidly.

And outside the eggshell, was its owner looking anxiously.

As long as it thinks about it, this dream world can no longer restrain it at this moment. With just one thought, it can escape from this prison that has been reincarnated hundreds of thousands of times.

However, the current nightmare is not in a hurry to leave.

It looked up at the sky of the dream world and couldn't help but feel angry.

The spiritual world of this nightmare mayfly family is so cruel to it. If its master hadn't come to help, it would have been trapped in it forever, and even its master would have forgotten it.

It simply can't figure out why.

Looking at the changing sky, it felt a little happy.

The world around the magical little flower is still collapsing crazily, like a black hole, and it is getting worse.

Originally, it was unable to enter this pure spiritual world, but the existence of the anchor point of nightmare not only awakened its consciousness, but also caused the spiritual world of foreign objects to gradually become damaged.

In the huge purple lake, a certain existence awakened.

It floats above the lake, and its size is so huge that it makes people want to crawl on it.

It looked at the nightmare.

"Leave, don't continue to be greedy."

It looked at the magical little flower with fearful eyes.

Nightmare ignored it and continued to stare at it stubbornly.

Nightmare is definitely the smartest one among the elves in Kurosawa. It has awakened its consciousness and is no longer confused. It will not be easily intimidated by the opponent's power, which is like a god.

Although I don't know why, its actions tell the nightmare that the big man who can destroy his spirit at any time is also afraid of him.

And now every moment in the dream world passes, my own body becomes much stronger.

The two beings with huge body size differences stared at each other for a long time from a long distance.

The monster in the lake that blocked the sky and the sun looked at a small part of the world that had collapsed, and finally gave in.

"Forget it, traitor, go away. I will give you your true name. If you don't leave, you can stay forever."

After struggling for a long time, Nightmare agreed before the lake monster gave off an extremely dangerous aura.

But it still clings to the magical little flower.

It felt that flowers were something that the monster in the lake was afraid of.

The monster in the lake sighed, and the purple lake boiled like boiling water!

Countless water bodies were quickly evaporated, turning into psychedelic mist and dissipating invisible.

The nightmare suddenly felt a voice resounding in its heart. It was a kind of brilliant heavenly power, like the voice of natural rules. It declared majestically.

"Nightmare King, your real name is Flora!"


Countless streams of light were born at this moment!

Millions of nightmare mayflies all raised their heads and looked in the direction of the nightmare. The instinctive genes in their blood told them that this aura represented the emergence of a new great emperor in the race!

However, the aura that made them shiver and worship only lasted for a moment. The next second, the sublime aura that descended on the world disappeared without a trace!


Kurosawa silently recited the unusual sound that just appeared in his mind.

In front of him, the originally calm elf egg suddenly shook violently.

Was evolution successful? He didn't have time to worry about the unusual sound that appeared in his mind, and stared at the elf egg nervously.

The purple elf egg shell turned into countless radiant particles and melted with a "Woo" sound.

In the eggshell, there lay a beautiful elf that looked like an elf.

It sleeps quietly on the ground, like a child, with baby-fat cheeks that look poppy, and a pure white flawless little garland floating on its head, which adds to its angelic appearance. A sense of sacredness.

Just looking at the appearance, it is difficult to connect it with the previous nightmare.

Just as Kurosawa bent down to pick up the cute little guy, the little goblin suddenly opened his green eyes and came to life.

Meeting Kurosawa's eyes, it immediately crashed into his arms.

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