My Elf Simulator

Chapter 285 Real Name Flora

The evolved nightmare panicked and panicked.

After leaving the dream world of the ancestral land, many memory fragments flooded into my heart, and emotions exploded in an instant.

It felt very frightened at the thought of almost never coming back.

In Kurosawa's mind, less than a month had passed, but in Flora's mind, it had not seen him for a long, long time, so it was particularly nostalgic.

Kurosawa kept soothing it.

"It's okay, it's okay."

After evolution, it seems to be more courageous to express its emotions.

Kurosawa felt sorry for it and let it hang in front of him like a little koala.

Elf: Flora (real name)

Racial Qualification: Five Star(?)

Level: Super

Attributes: dream, ghost, grass

Traits: Outcast, Miracle

Emergy: 1750


Equipment Slot: Crystal Ball

"Congratulations, your elf Flora has awakened her true name!"

"The racial qualification has been upgraded to five stars, but it seems that there is something special in its bloodline."

"Elven Flora has broken through to the super level!"

"Elven Flora awakens the third attribute - grass!"

"Elven Flora has learned the dark blue skill - Parasitic Seed!"

"Elven Flora has learned the dark blue skill - photosynthesis!"

"Elven Flora has learned the purple-level skill - Vine Storm!"

"Elven Flora has learned the deep purple level skill - Jungle Domain!"

"Elven Flora has learned the deep purple skill - Super Wooden Blade!"

"Elven Flora has learned a gold-level [spell]—the true name is liberated!"

Kurosawa took a breath while reading the panel information of the evolved nightmare, Flora.

What should I say? Is it too strong?

There was so much information and so much improvement that he couldn't accept it for a while.

The first is [True Name]. Kurosawa understands what a true name is through the system notes behind it.

Real name Flora.

The so-called real name is not something that the elf master as the master or the elf himself can choose.

Verbal acquisition is at best a name, a name, without any additional meaning.

But the real name is different. The real name has power. It is the recognition and favor of a certain elf in this world.

The elves who get their true names will receive part of the gifts from the world's roots, and their potential is stronger than ordinary elves.

At the same time, after liberating the true name, the elves will get help from the corresponding rules of the surrounding environment, and their strength will suddenly increase, similar to an instantaneous increase in blood skills. However, compared to the violent blood, the true name liberation does not have many side effects, and it is only for a short time. It is difficult to reuse inside.

By the way, Flora's true name was liberated at the level of magic.

Skills—spells—forbidden spells correspond to form, intention, and momentum respectively.

In terms of racial qualifications, Flora's information on the panel is five-star, but in fact it is not an ordinary five-star in the true sense. With its real name, it is actually superior to the five-star race.

The two new features and effects are:

The Exile: When fighting the enemy alone and without elf teammates around, its combat ability will be partially improved. (Note: Special attack against Nightmare Mayfly and its evolved race!)

Miracle: When the elf is on the verge of death, it will gain three seconds of miracle time! During this time, no matter what kind of damage it takes, it will not die directly. (Note: It can only be triggered when the elf is on the verge of death, so it carries a certain risk.)

Both characteristics seem to be not to be underestimated.

The miracles are full of features, but they are probably not used most of the time. With the extremely strong vitality of the elves, they cannot be triggered until they are dying. I am afraid they are already in a desperate situation!

The characteristics of the Exile determine that Flora will be stronger in singles.

The moment Kurosawa saw the entry, he handed it a future singles spot in the Provincial First Division and the Provincial Super League.

Five-star race, real name, three attributes, two characteristics, 1750 leaf energy value, gold level spell.

The evolution completed by Nightmare is definitely comparable to the creation of a fish leaping over a dragon gate and becoming a dragon.

Kurosawa didn't know what Flora went through in her sleep, but he expected that it would be a difficult journey.



There was a bell ringing outside the door.

Kurosawa took Flora to the entrance of the venue and opened the door.

There were several club employees outside. They saw Kurosawa open the door and said hello, and looked curiously at the elf hanging in front of Kurosawa.

It exudes thrilling charm, as pure as a little angel.

"Is there a problem?"

Kurosawa asked curiously.

He knew that when he was practicing behind closed doors, if there was no unexpected situation, the employees would not disturb him.

"Mr. Hei, a lot of flowers suddenly grew in the park. We couldn't make up our minds, so we asked you to report."


Kurosawa lowered his head and glanced at Flora, then followed the employees out of the venue.

They were not talking nonsense. As soon as they walked out of the gate, Kurosawa saw the flowers they were talking about. Many small white flowers bloomed on the flower bed outside the venue, dotting the shrubs like little stars.

Looking around, there are also small white flowers under the trees on both sides of the road.

"Mr. Hei, are these suddenly growing flowers dangerous? Do you want to send someone to pull them out?"

The plants that burst out from the soil crazily in a few seconds were clearly not a natural phenomenon. Many people in the park had just seen the spectacle of thousands of flowers blooming with their own eyes, and of course they did not dare to act rashly.

"It's okay. Those flowers are the handiwork of this little guy. You don't need to panic. As for the flowers, just let them continue to grow."

Kurosawa smiled and shook his head, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The three people who were watching him froze instantly, as if they were frozen in place.

He stared at Kurosawa blankly, and there seemed to be a strange charm in the corner of his mouth that made the three of them unable to look away.

This kind of smile was something the three of them had never seen before. It made people's hearts beat faster and made them feel happy and relaxed.

It seems that as long as you look at this smile, time will stay at this moment forever!

Kurosawa was thinking about things in his mind and came to his senses.

Seeing three people staring at him blankly, he asked confusedly.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else you can do?"

The smile on his lips faded as he spoke.

Maybe it was because the words made a sound, or maybe that charming smile disappeared.

The three employees regained consciousness. They also realized that their actions just now were inappropriate and apologized profusely.

A few people were embarrassed to stay where they were and left in a hurry.

Before leaving, the girl in the middle deliberately stayed for a moment to praise her shyly.

"Mr. Hei, you have such a beautiful smile."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and trotted away.

"Oh" Kurosawa slapped his head.

Only then did he remember that this was the special effect brought about by his charm breaking through C-, and he smiled kindly.

He shook his head.

I didn't expect this smile to be so lethal.

It seems that I will try to control my smile in the future.

Especially in daily life, most of the people around him have a friendly attitude toward him, and the effect of this kind smile is more likely to be amplified.


The next few days.

Kurosawa keenly discovered that the number of encounters between employees and him increased.

And she always seemed to want to make him laugh in a roundabout way.

For example, while dining, deliberately telling jokes loudly at the next table.

Kurosawa didn't pay much attention at first, but he actually got hit once or twice.

However, when the smile made everyone confused again, Kurosawa's smile became more cautious.

Excluding these episodes, Kurosawa's progress in training these days can be said to be outstanding.

The crow user also completed her evolution the day after Flora's evolution was completed.

Successfully evolved into a four-star race elf - the Cursed Crow.

In the next few days.

Mumu also consumed the last epiphany fragment of her chosen attribute, breaking through from a high-level elf to a super-level elf.

This morning, Xiaolan's contract circuit finally completed the construction work and became his elf.

Almost every elf has achieved the goals originally set when he was in Nandu, and some even exceeded their goals.

In this way, his current number of elves finally came to six.

Judging from the standards of a newly promoted master elf master, the depth of his lineup is completely top-notch.

Elf: Son of the Shining - Qualification: Four Stars - Energy Value: 1530

Elf: White Dragon - Qualification: Five Stars - Energy Value: 1579

Elf: Flora - Qualification: Five Stars - Energy Value: 1761

Elf: Miracle Colossus - Qualification: Four Stars - Energy Value: 1331

Elf: Black Goat Cub - Qualification: Five Stars - Energy Value: 1990

Elf: Cursed Crow - Qualification: Four Stars - Energy Value: 603

Three or five stars, three or four stars.

Five super steps, one high.

In terms of energy value, although none of the five super-level elves have exceeded the 2000-leaf level.

But the black goat cub is not far away from this stage, and Flora is not far behind with 1761 leaves.

It was a twist of fate. Before Flora came out of her shell, Bailong and the Son of Shining stared at each other, trying to compete for the position of one order.

Who would have thought that in the end, a nightmare that they had never cared about would appear out of nowhere, and its energy value would even overwhelm them.

However, each of their elves basically has their own unique skills to rely on. Except for the cursed crows that have not yet broken through to the super level, the energy value may not truly reflect the strength of the elves correctly.

Just like some time ago, his White Dragon relied on the energy value of 1,500 leaves to complete the following defeats, forcing back a king squid with an energy value of 2,000 or 3,000 leaves in the enemy's lair.

Racial qualifications, tactics, skills, combat wisdom, luck, status.

There are many factors that determine the outcome of a battle.

Three days later will be the official start of the provincial first round qualifying competition.

Considering that the Haitang team has to go to the provincial capital one day in advance.

There were only two short days left for Kurosawa.

A very important thing is before Kurosawa, and that is to finalize the lineup for the game.

Since the elves have been evolving, making breakthroughs, or contracting in recent times, they have never been able to find a suitable time, so this matter has been delayed until now.

Kurosawa promised the elves a few months ago that the lineup for the provincial competition would be determined in a fair and just manner, and would try to satisfy the wishes and strengths of all elves in determining the final lineup.

And this fair way is to organize an intra-team competition.

Otherwise, even if Kurosawa, the master, used his authority to finalize the name and the elves agreed, they might still be dissatisfied.

Kurosawa finished his lunch, came to the club venue again, and turned on the lights.

Then six elves were summoned.

Six elves, large and small, lined up obediently in front of Kurosawa, looking at him with confusion and excitement.

"Yesterday I told you about the first team competition today."

As soon as Hei Ze finished speaking, the elves, Shining and White Dragon, became visibly agitated.

He coughed, and after seeing the two guys calm down, he continued.

"The lineup for the provincial competition will be based on the results of this team competition."

"The members participating in this team competition are Shining, White Dragon, Flora, Blue, Mumu and Curse Crow." Every time Hei Ze read a name, the corresponding elf would make a call to report.

"Since this is a team competition, I hope that you will try your best to follow the principle of friendship first and competition second on the premise of deciding the winner, and don't bring the emotions and grudges on the field to the field after the game."

"At the same time, during the event, all rules and procedures must be decided by the organizer Hei Ze. All the right of interpretation belongs to Hei Ze, do you understand?"

The six elves looked at each other and nodded.

In fact, not only did Hei Ze not know the strengths and weaknesses of each other, they themselves were also confused.

Even the first black goat cub Xiaolan who entered the super class, less than half a year, spent most of his time sleeping in the wild.

As for the other elves, it goes without saying that they have basically not fought in actual battles after being promoted to the super class.

Seeing that the elves had no intention of objecting, Hei Ze took out a small box prepared in advance from the storage bracelet.

Then, in front of them, he put the slips of paper with their information into the box one by one.

The first round of battle pairings were determined by drawing lots.

Not long after, under the burning eyes of the elves, the list came out.

"Little Shining vs. Mumu, White Dragon vs. Curse Crow, Flora vs. Black Goat Cub Xiaolan."

When Hei Ze saw the result of the draw, his expression suddenly became rich.

In fact, he had a certain estimate of the strength of the elves in his heart.

In his opinion, Little Shining and White Dragon had good luck.

Needless to say, Curse Crow, high-level vs. super-level basically has no chance of winning.

Mumu broke through late, and had obvious disadvantages in terms of energy and skill proficiency.

Flora and Xiaolan, the two with the highest energy, met first.

However, since the result of the draw was like this, Kurosawa had no intention of changing it.

In front of the elves, Kurosawa announced the result of the draw and announced the official start of the first team competition.

On the side of the stage, the protection and binding positions rose.

For the sake of fairness, Kurosawa would not intervene in any battle between them, and all elves would fight without psychic blessing.

The stage was divided into three parts.

The three groups of elves each found their opponents.


Kurosawa blew the whistle.

The six elves on the field disappeared in an instant.

They were extremely fast, even the weakest spell-casting crow was top-level, and it was easy to exceed hundreds of kilometers per hour in a short time.

Kurosawa sat high in the stands, his eyes moving left and right in the field divided into three parts.

The three battles had their own characteristics. After all, they were not real enemies, and the elves could not take too heavy hands.

The little Shining and Mumu were both preparing to fight head-on.

The battle between the White Dragon and the Curse Crow was relatively awkward. The White Dragon seemed to be unable to exert its strength. It was afraid to use its weapons. It knew that it was far behind the Curse Crow. It did not want to lose, but was afraid to seriously attack the Curse Crow.

The third group, which Kurosawa had expected the most before the game, surprised Kurosawa the most.

The ten-meter-tall Little Blue and the half-meter-tall Flora were actually fighting openly. The two guys gathered together and didn't know what they were talking about. They gestured and communicated in a way that was incomprehensible.

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