My Elf Simulator

Chapter 286 New Summer


Although Kurosawa had to admit that he liked Flora even more after it evolved into Flora, and Flora was treated as his own daughter.

But he couldn't be complacent because it was a formal competition after all.

"You two are almost there, be serious."

Hearing Kurosawa's shout from the stands, the two elves stopped talking and distanced themselves.

In terms of energy value, Xiaolan and Flora are slightly better, leading by 200 leaves.

However, for super-level elves, the difference of 200 leaves of energy value is not as big as when they are at a high level.

In terms of racial qualifications, Flora may be slightly better, it has a true name, surpassing the ordinary five-star species.

Xiaolan has advantages in strength and size.

Flora has advantages in characteristics and attributes.

Flora floated up, and the surface of her body lit up with green light.

The pure wreath on her head released a strong breath of life.

In this field, green grass began to sprout wildly in an instant, growing in a hurry, and then extended into tall trees.

"Jungle Domain!"

The trees instantly occupied the entire venue. Each tree twisted and squirmed as if it had life. The wooden dragon-like roots quickly bound Xiaolan, who was more than ten meters tall.

Each wooden dragon has the power to defeat high-level elves.

Flora looks cute and innocent, but when she really starts to fight, she reveals her terrifying destructive power that is extremely inconsistent with her appearance!

If an opponent is really confused by her appearance, it would be a big mistake!

Hei Ze nodded happily.

Those wooden dragons are just derivatives of [Jungle Domain], and they are not real skills that have such power and formation. Hei Ze is very satisfied with Flora's strength.

Many wooden dragons ran on the ground, tightly binding Xiaolan. They kept tightening like giant pythons entangled with their prey. The terrifying power erupted in the center was so strong that steel was instantly shattered.

But the next moment, as Xiaolan's body moved, the thick wooden stems were like paper, all exploded, and turned into powder and floated in the air!

Kurosawa raised his eyebrows and affirmed Xiaolan's performance.

If we talk about which of his six elves best fits the concept of shield mountain tank, it is undoubtedly Xiaolan.

Of course, this does not mean that it can only take beatings and injuries, but it describes that its physical fitness is too outstanding under the condition of terrifying destructive power. Its physical fitness is harder than fine steel, its mountain-like body shape, and its terrifying recovery ability. It is impossible to hurt it with ordinary means.

The battle is still going on.

The elves continue to show their strength.

Flora's three attributes are coordinated; the exile's characteristic entry adds to singles; the parasitic seed weakens the enemy, the healing effect of photosynthesis, and the terrifying power of the real name!

Whether it is its own instantaneous burst and recovery, or the continuous consumption of the enemy, it is very good.

Xiaolan showed his extreme body of arrogance and unreasonableness, and his limb regeneration ability that seems like a god and demon!


Throughout the afternoon, there were constant rumbling noises in the stadium.

The employees of the club park looked at the venue curiously.

They all knew that it was their boss who was training inside.

The sound was not loud, but considering the excellent closed soundproofing characteristics of the venue itself, the sound could be transmitted to the outside, and the noise being made inside might increase by hundreds of times.

"I really want to sneak in and take a look."

"Has the boss become stronger?"

"You ask me, I don't know."

"The boss is a talented player. In terms of talent, I can't imagine anyone who is better than him. It's been half a year. Isn't it normal to become stronger?"

"The provincial first round will start in a few days. I wonder if there will be a live broadcast of the qualifying round?"

"There should be. There was a live broadcast last year."

"That will be a good show. I hope the boss can go further this time and slap those Qingchu in the face."

The employees talked in a low voice as if they knew some big secret.

Their position is of course to stand completely on Kurosawa's side. Kurosawa's strength has become stronger, which they are willing to see.

In the venue.

The first team competition is over.

His team competition was not a formal competition, and the nutritional value could be used, so many games were held.

Each elf showed its impressive strength.

The final ranking was released, and the six elves stood in front of Kurosawa with different expressions.

Some were frustrated, some were happy, and some were indifferent.

They played many games, and based on their wins and losses, they had some guesses about the rankings to be announced.

"I declare that the third place winner of the first team competition is - Xiaolan."

Kurosawa took out the bronze medal he had prepared in advance from the storage bracelet and walked to Xiaolan.

He hung the bronze medal strap on one of its tentacles and glared at it.

The performance of Xiaolan, the heterochromatic black goat cub, in this team competition can be described in one word - playing badly.

It has no desires, and it makes no difference whether it is a single or 3V3.

So when facing Flora in the first game, it came to the little cutie and gestured to express that it was ready to let her win.

Let Flora show herself to her heart's content.

If Kurosawa hadn't noticed that it was holding back and criticized it a little, it probably wouldn't even have won the third place.

If Xiaolan was serious, he would definitely have the strength to compete for the championship.

Little Blue caught the medal, hooked it with its tentacles and waved it in the air twice. Looking at the yellow luster reflected by the medal and the envious eyes of some elves, it suddenly felt that it had worked a little harder in the latter part of the game, and it was not bad to get the third place.

"Now let's announce the runner-up, it is - Bailong!"

Bailong was disappointed at first, but soon became a little happy.

Although it was not the champion, it was the second place after all.

Kurosawa walked to its side, it bent its slender and smooth neck, and waited obediently for Kurosawa to tie the silver medal to it with a long rope.

"Finally, the champion of this team competition is announced, it is, Flora! Let's congratulate it!"

As soon as Kurosawa finished speaking, the little guy flew in front of Kurosawa excitedly, with a smile on his face.

Flora won the team competition with a perfect record, becoming the strongest in the Kurosawa elf lineup in appearance, and most likely in reality!

Not to mention half a year ago, even half a month ago, this result was unpredictable.

In the distance, Shining looked a little disappointed.

Although it had known for a long time that it would not be the champion, after all, it lost two games and tied one, but when the results were officially announced, it was still very depressed.

Its record was not outstanding.

It tied with Bailong, but it lost both against Xiaolan and Flora.

Shining looked at the gold medal hanging on Flora, his eyes full of envy.

"Congratulations to the players who won the medals, and those who didn't should not be discouraged. Keep working hard to improve yourself and strive for better results next time."

When Hei Ze spoke, his eyes looked at Shining.

Its record was actually quite similar to Bailong's, the only difference was that it played Xiaolan later, and Xiaolan had already entered the serious mode at that time.

After the game, it was followed by the determination of the lineup.

Three elves went to singles, and the other three went to team 3V3.

The provincial A qualifying round may not adopt such a formal competition system, but with Hei Ze's current level, it is a sure thing to enter the provincial A main competition, not to mention the provincial super.

Determining the list in advance will also help the elves to practice in the next period of time.

"First, Flora will take a singles position. It is more suitable for singles than team battles now."

The first singles is a very important position, Hei Ze said.

Flora heard Hei Ze say this and had no objection.

Not to mention that what Hei Ze said makes sense, even if it is unreasonable, it will express its support.

Whether to go to singles or team battles depends on Hei Ze's words. It is such an indecisive elf.

Other elves did not object.

After all, the team competition has just ended. Flora's strength is no longer a Wuxia Amon, and has been recognized by all elves.

"Then it's the White Dragon." Before Hei Ze finished speaking, the White Dragon roared softly and turned his head to Xiaolan.

After signaling to Hei Ze, the White Dragon raised his head.

Obviously, it did not want to take advantage of Xiaolan. It knew that it was tied with Xiao Shining, and it was able to defeat Xiaolan purely because it did not play seriously.

"Okay, then the second choice is for Xiaolan." Hei Ze looked at the black goat kid of different colors and paused. "Do you want to play alone or in a team?"

"If you want to play alone, stick out your tongue. If you want to play in a team, shake your tentacles."

Hei Ze let it decide.

After listening to what Hei Ze said, Xiaolan thought quietly for a while, and then shook the tentacles on its head twice.

It chose to play in a team!

It vaguely felt that Hei Ze wanted it to play in a team, and other elves seemed to want to play alone, so it didn't matter to either of them, so it simply chose to play in a team.

"Okay, then Xiaolan will play in a team." Hei Ze wrote its name on the paper.

In fact, Xiaolan didn't feel wrong, and Hei Ze did hope that it could lead the team in a team battle.

This is about the standard rules for determining the winner of the provincial A and provincial super competitions.

Since the competition is divided into two parts: singles and 3V3 team battles, how to determine the final winner?

For example, if one side wins the singles game and the other side wins the team game, who will the referee decide to win?

This requires calculating the points.

The winning side of the team game gets two points.

However, singles games are divided into four results with different scores.

The most ideal situation is that one elf completes a 1-on-3 victory against the enemy, so the winner can get 3 points.

The second is that two elves win the game, so the winner can get 2 points.

The third is that the bloodiness is full, and the two sides fight until the last elf to decide the winner, so the winner can only get 1 point.

There is also a very small probability that the battle cannot decide the winner until the last elf, and the singles part ends in a tie, so both sides get 0 points.

In summary, there are four possibilities for singles, 3, 2, 1, and 0 points, but there are only two possibilities for team games, 0 and 2 points.

If both sides get 2 points, the part that calculates who gets two points has a shorter game time, and the side with the shorter time wins.

Therefore, it is not possible to say which is more important, singles or team battles, as there are many strategic aspects involved.

Depending on the individual situation of the players, there are different strategies, such as grabbing three points, betting on team battles, or delaying tactic of fighting for 2 points.

However, under such a competition system, the simplest strategy is to have an unbeatable elf in the same period, and to stably play 1-on-3 performance in singles, so that the championship can be stably locked. After all, even if there is no team battle, 3 points are greater than 2 points.

Of course, it is quite difficult. Unless the difference in the strength of the elves is really huge, it is not easy to defeat 3 with 1 at the super-level elves stage.

There are too many difficulties, such as the elves that have appeared cannot be treated, and there is almost no time to rest and adjust, and they have to face the next opponent immediately, mental fatigue, etc.

Kurosawa's idea is to play in a balanced way, with a leader in both singles and team battles, and not put all the eggs in one basket.

He looked at the notebook in his hand, singles: Flora, team battle: Xiaolan, then looked at Bailong, his mind was spinning rapidly.

Looking only at the singles level, Bailong and the fourth Xiao Shining are actually not much different in strength, and Xiao Shining even has a certain advantage.

Although the White Dragon is a five-star species and the Little Shining Spirit is a four-star species, the Little Shining Spirit is after all the initial elf of Kurosawa. It has been trained well along the way, has a higher skill proficiency, and has various joint abilities that must be coordinated with Kurosawa, reaching the level of Qinglian Yi and Xingxiang Yi, and the real phantom clone.

Combining all these means, although the Little Shining Spirit is fourth, it is not just fourth, because many of its strengths need to cooperate with Kurosawa.

Singles value the burst attack power of a single elf, but the team battle side values ​​cooperation very much, that is, control ability.

Rationally analyzing, the Little Shining Spirit is an absolute offensive elf, and its control ability is gone except for a thunder prison, and the control means are lacking; the White Dragon has both ice and heavy water attributes, and can easily play a large-scale group control.

From Kurosawa's point of view, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate for the Little Shining Spirit to play singles and the White Dragon to play team battles.

But the two elves have been competing for singles places before. Now that the White Dragon ranks higher, will it be willing to play team battles?

Kurosawa looked at the White Dragon.

"It's your turn to choose, Bailong."

"Nod if you choose singles, roar if you choose team battle."

Hei Ze gave the power of decision to Bailong, after all, it was the reward for the team competition agreed before.

Just when Hei Ze thought it was going to hang its head, to his surprise, Bailong finally opened its mouth and roared.

"Bailong, are you going to fight in a team battle?" Hei Ze even repeated the question to confirm that there was no mistake.

As he stared, Bailong roared again.

Hei Ze couldn't figure out why Bailong had changed, but he was relieved and wrote Bailong on the right side of the notebook.

In fact, he misunderstood Bailong's idea. It was competing with Xiao Shining for singles before, mainly to compete for the position of the strongest. Now there are two elves above its head that are stronger than itself, so it temporarily gave up the previous idea.

Rather than playing solo and being robbed of the spotlight by Flora, it is better to play a 3V3 team battle. It happened that the Black Goat Kid had just let it win its favor, and the White Dragon was willing to cooperate with it in the team battle.

The list is still being drawn up.

As expected, Little Shining chose to play solo.

It doesn't like to cooperate with other elves, and its playing style is a bit unique.

Although the game process made it frustrated, it was able to get the second single position, which made it feel a little better.

For the last two elves, Hei Ze discussed with them and decided to let Mumu go to the team battle and the Curse Crow to play solo.

The reason is simple.

After all, the Curse Crow is now at an advanced stage. If it participates in the team battle, if it encounters an old master, the super-class elf leading the opponent's team battle is particularly strong, it is very likely that it will seize the opportunity to kill the Curse Crow first.

On the contrary, if Mumu is chosen, relying on the team battle resilience of the three super-class, Hei Ze has the opportunity to reduce the enemy's number and then win with more people against fewer people.

In singles, if Flora and Shining can't hold on, the third singles position is actually not much different whether it is Mumu or Curse Crow.

In this way, the lineup for the provincial competition is finally finalized.

Singles: Flora, Shining, Curse Crow

Team battle: Blue, White Dragon, Mumu

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