My Elf Simulator

Chapter 289: A Rider Away from the Others

Amidst some undercurrents, the short lunch break ended.

The Haitang team entered the C training ground, and the team chatting at the door was obviously quiet for a moment, and all eyes were focused on them.

Kurosawa remained calm, as if he didn't see the players who were looking at him. He seemed particularly calm and was still discussing with Zhuang Yanbing which window in the restaurant had the best food.

After the lunch break chat spread, almost 99% of the players in Group C now know that there is a person like Kurosawa.

Therefore, they are more concerned about his future performance trend. Is he going to be at the peak at the beginning and then slowly decline, or is he really a super dark horse?

How long can he keep his winning streak?

For this topic that came to their minds, many people actually had a joke attitude.

After all, the other five undefeated players are from Changchuan.

It seems that they are used to the fact that the people of Changchuan are better than themselves and stronger than themselves and others. However, they used to suffer together and were beaten by the four major teams. Suddenly, someone turned over a new leaf. It was something that made them feel uncomfortable.

There was not much time for the players to slack off.

The staff of Group C gathered everyone and prepared to start the afternoon competition schedule.

On the sidelines, many media teams also turned on their equipment.

They were the broadcasting teams sent by various cities and prefectures. Among them, a group of people had the most luxurious equipment. They were the official filming team of the organizer of this event.

At two o'clock in the afternoon.

The official account of the Hanquan Alliance started the live broadcast on time, which was divided into four channel rooms, ABCD.

Of course, according to the situation in the morning, the number of viewers in Room C was the largest. After all, the provincial capital's representative team was in this division, and most of the audience would want to see the strength of the provincial team in advance.

After the push was turned on, the screen of the C live broadcast room jumped to a neat recording room. Several commentators in formal attire sat on several sofas. If the audience entered the C room in the morning, they were not unfamiliar with them. They were several commentators from the commentary team of Changchuan City. There were both old and new commentators, including well-known veteran commentators and new commentators who had just joined the work not long ago.

Although it is a provincial station facing the audience of the whole province, Changchuan is the provincial capital after all, and various places will obviously have some advantages. The staff on the sidelines are from Changchuan, and the commentator of the game is also the official commentator of Changchuan.

"Welcome back to our afternoon game, I am Brother Fu."

"We specially invited a new guest this afternoon?"

The old commentator sitting in the middle and responsible for controlling the field said mysteriously.

"Oh, who is he?" The commentator next to him immediately answered.

"Without further ado, let's invite our special guest for the afternoon. He is Hongguang, the official commentator from the Haitang City League Tournament Group. Let's welcome him!"

When a man trotted into the recording from the backstage, the moment he appeared in front of the camera, the excitement and nervousness on his face could be clearly seen.

"Welcome Hongguang."

Hongguang nodded, bent down and shook hands with several commentators.

These commentators, even the one with the least experience, have a status in the commentary world that he cannot match.

There are more games in Changchuan City, and new commentators also have many opportunities to appear on camera, not to mention that they can participate in the commentary work of some provincial events from time to time.

Hongguang still remembers that when he first joined the Haitang League and took over the work under the guidance of the old commentator, the belief that inspired him to move forward despite the criticism of the audience was to step into the commentary work of a higher-level league and be seen by more people.

He constantly honed his professional ability as a commentator, from the beginning of "reading pictures", to desperately studying the battle videos, recording and repeatedly listening to the commentary audio, writing and improving, and finally his understanding of the details of the battle was no longer criticized by netizens, and he was done in one go.

But he also gradually gave up his dream of stepping into the high-level league commentary stage. After all, it is too difficult for a person from Haitang to appear on the provincial stage.

So you can imagine how surprised and excited he was when he received an invitation from the provincial TV station at noon today.

It happened that he also came to Changchuan with Haitang TV to handle work, so he accepted the invitation without saying a word.

However, he who paid attention to the results and scores of the morning games also knew very well that being here today was not the result of God's reward for hard work, but simply because the Kurosawa player from his own league performed too well, which surprised everyone.

The luxurious seven consecutive wins, and the other five people tied with him are all well-known figures in Changchuan Province.

"Hongguang, how many years have you been involved in commentary work?"

"Three years."

"Oh, then you should have been following Kurosawa's games since his debut?"

"Yes, I was the commentator on his first spring game."

"Oh, haha, then we have invited the right person this afternoon. Let me give you a brief introduction to the audience friends who just clicked in. Kurosawa won seven consecutive games in this morning's game schedule." The commentator said slowly. "Mo Zilong, Lin Xixia, Qi Yufang, Dai Jiu, and Qin Ling who have also achieved this result should be familiar to all audience friends."

"Although I don't know how the subsequent games will be, it is not easy for this young player Kurosawa to get here."

"Yes, although Kurosawa's player did not encounter too strong opponents in his schedule, he came to represent Haitang and has fully demonstrated to us the vitality that has gradually exploded in lower-level leagues in recent years."

"I also hope that Kurosawa player can continue to work hard in the afternoon game and not relax. After all, there is a high probability that he will be tested by the players from our provincial A team from Nagagawa."

"haha, yes."


Hongguang, who was sitting on the sidelines, listened to the dialogue between several commentators. He was smiling at the beginning, but as their dialogue progressed, the more he listened, the more he felt an indescribable annoyance.

Although before he came, he felt that the opponent Kurosawa was assigned to in the morning was indeed not too strong, but why is it that the same player who has maintained a complete victory so far, according to several commentators, seemed to be lucky enough to pick up 18 points? Do you naturally have to be inferior to the other five people in terms of posture? Why?

He finally understood why he felt uncomfortable. The vague arrogance of "high-level league people" in the words of several people made him very unhappy.

"In the afternoon, our official shots will focus on several players who have won all the time to see who will fall behind first. Of course, this does not mean that players who have not maintained a complete victory are not strong. Like our Qi Yijie, It’s a pity that players like Zhuo Yu encountered a civil war early. In fact, they are also very capable players in our Changchuan.”

A new female commentator continued.

Maybe he felt that he and others were too strong, so he kept talking endlessly, and the field control commentator turned the conversation to Hongguang.

"Hongguang Commentator, what is your analysis of the game that is about to start in the afternoon?"

On the big screen opposite several people, the contestants were already in place.

The camera happened to cut to the Haitang team, aiming at Kurosawa, and Hong Guang happened to be watching this scene.

Kurosawa's face was still so calm, a kind of calmness that always seemed to give people enough confidence.

He seemed to be aware of the camera pointed at him, and cast his eyes over, that calm and sharp look.

Hongguang's memory drifted back to the spring game more than a year ago.

I still remember that when Kurosawa made his debut in the main game and officially appeared in front of the camera, he looked so calm, but he was a little greener then than he is now.

He suddenly felt very familiar.

Ancient sages said that one cannot step into the same river twice, but now he has a strong feeling of historical reappearance.

He stared at the face in the camera for a long time without saying anything.

The host waited for several seconds, looking a little embarrassed that his question was ignored.

The question was repeated again.

Fortunately, the camera had already cut away from Kurosawa at this time, and Hongguang, who had just immersed himself in the peak of Kurosawa's debut emotions, was in high spirits and heard questions from the commentators around him.

"I think Kurosawa will continue his winning streak." He took a deep breath and said with determination.

As soon as he finished speaking, several other commentators immediately turned to look at him.

It was a very surprised look, as if to say, as an official municipal commentator, why are you so unprofessional?

"What Hongguang said is that Kurosawa's luck will be as good as in the morning? That might be a bit difficult," the host said after hesitating for a second or two.

"No, I think Kurosawa player will keep winning today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow!"

Hong Guang has regained his composure.

What he said was not impulsive, but a judgment based on the joint action of reason and sensibility.

Kurosawa has not been a person who likes to impress people since his debut. On the contrary, he has a maturity that belies his age. He had watched the video that Kurosawa posted on his official account yesterday from beginning to end, and combined with his performance like a machete chopping vegetables in the morning, Hong Guang had a vague feeling that Kurosawa might perform amazingly this time.

"Ha ha!"

A new female commentator sitting in the corner was stunned. When she heard what he said, she couldn't hold back her laughter, or maybe she had no intention of hiding her smile in the first place.

"Hongguang Commentator, you may not often watch our games in Changchuan City, so you have misjudged the strength of the players." The new female commentator is very beautiful, but her expression is sharp at this moment, and her body moves from the sofa when she speaks. Sit up with the upper half of your body.

"Or maybe you don't know the results of Kurosawa's players in the last provincial first-class qualifying competition?" She then questioned with an aggressive attitude.

It’s really not her fault for being so assertive. The commentator from Haitang City didn’t take the players from Changchuan City seriously at all. She was arrogant and arrogant. She felt that challengers should lower their attitude.

"Okay, Teacher Xiao Ou. Hongguang's commentator is right to support his own players. It's human nature." The field control commentator said quickly.

He actually had some complaints about Hongguang's sudden change of attitude, but he couldn't watch the live broadcast room turn into a war of words.

Soon he regained control of the conversation and stabilized the atmosphere in the recording studio.

However, the recording room temporarily cooled down a lot, but somewhere in the room the temperature suddenly increased uncontrollably.

In room C of Hanquan's official live broadcast room, more than half a million people had already entered in just a few minutes.

Looking at this kind of situation, it is estimated that the number of online viewers at the peak will soar to millions.

You know, this is only a quarter of the room for the provincial first-class qualifying competition, and the number of people watching online in the morning was only over two million.

Moreover, the audience who entered the room had a high retention rate, and they did not exit immediately when they clicked in. Instead, they started watching the program seriously, and the number of comments also increased significantly.

In the broadcast room, the staff who were observing the data in real time gave each other a high-five.

The live broadcast room was filled with barrage.

[I heard there’s going to be a quarrel! What happened when you first came in? 】

[I heard in Room A that there was a fight between your commentators? 】

[I want to see a river of blood! 】

[No, no, it’s just that the atmosphere is a bit tense and the commentators on both sides can’t deal with it. 】

[I feel like these commentators have ridiculously crooked buttocks. Why are they all winning in a row? Do they think Nagakawa is superior? 】

[Laughing, there is nothing wrong with this. They are originally local commentators in Nagakawa, and they must support their own players. 】

[I wonder if the players from other places are not that strong. Every year, almost four cities win the main draw. If you want us to respect you, you must at least have some results, right? 】

[We Changchuan people really want to be superior to others. 】

[One thing to say is that the player named Kurosawa is really handsome. 】

[The competition is not a beauty pageant, so what’s the use of being handsome? 】

The audience who entered the live broadcast room were of mixed composition. Some of them were Changchuan people, some were Haitang people, and some were Lezi people who came to watch the excitement, and other third-tier and county-level city people who had some opinions of their own.

Kurosawa didn't know what was going on in the recording room and live broadcast room. When he saw his name on the list, he walked to the battlefield according to the prompts above.

He came to the No. 3 battlefield.

The photography team of the provincial station also followed his steps and came here.

Unfortunately, this is not the big drama of Mars hitting the Earth that everyone expected.

Kurosawa's opponent is still an ordinary opponent from a third-tier city.

One minute later.

Kurosawa easily won.

Four points were accumulated again, bringing the score to 22 points.

Since he played in the first round in the afternoon, his score directly exceeded the other five players who also had seven consecutive victories in the morning.

Jump to the top of the list in one fell swoop! !

In the recording room, the commentators who saw this scene had different expressions.

Hong Guang, who absolutely supported Kurosawa, had an excited face.

The female commentator named Xiao Ou's face was slightly stiff, silent, and she bit her red lips calmly.

He was probably complaining in his mind about Kurosawa's good luck.

The scene she most wants to see right now is for Kurosawa to bump into a strong player in his own division and give him a hard blow.

The smiles of several other commentators were also relatively forced.

Although it is clear that Kurosawa's number one position is a temporary result of the order of appearance, it is still an embarrassing moment for a player from Haitang City to step on top of many Nagakawa players.

They deliberately avoided mentioning the fact that Kurosawa's points reached the top of the list, and only vaguely congratulated Kurosawa for winning another victory and accumulating four more points.

The director's office behind the scenes also seemed to have omitted something and did not bring up the real-time rankings after the game to announce to the live broadcast room audience.

Just when the camera was about to switch to the next battlefield, someone spoke up and broke the invisible tacit understanding in the room.

"It should be noted that after Kurosawa's eighth victory, his current score has reached 22 points, ranking first among the many players in Group C!" Hongguang lived up to his name, with a full face. He said with a glow of praise. "You know, Kurosawa just celebrated his eighteenth birthday a few days ago. He is an absolute genius with an extremely bright future!"

The other commentators looked at each other.

"Haha, yes, it's really amazing." The field control commentator laughed dryly. "The player appearing on our camera now is..."

Invisibly, the smell of gunpowder in the recording room became faintly stronger, which can be summed up in two words - wait.

Although the other commentators did not speak, they were already holding back their anger secretly. It was okay that Kurosawa was undefeated, but I would be afraid if he lost.

Hongguang didn't care about this, he only knew that he was comfortable.

He didn't originally want to be so aggressive. One of the commentators on the scene was even his favorite "idol" and a veteran in the industry.

But it wasn't until I saw their arrogant postures today and the filters shattered that I realized that they are just ordinary people with such double standards.

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