My Elf Simulator

Chapter 297 So Disgusting

Hei Ze stared at Lin Xixia with a solemn expression.

He didn't know much about Lin Xixia's strength. She had only sent out Chimera before, and it was obvious that she had enough strength.

What we know is that this Chimera has been trained quite well.

We can't be careless.

And Lin Xixia, who happened to be in the red command area, had the same idea.

The two commanded their own elves, neither of them was reckless, and were ready to test each other's strength.

The first battle was particularly important for victory or defeat.

Although Hei Ze was fully confident in the depth of his elf lineup, it would naturally be more beneficial for him if he could reduce the exposure of other elves.

Flora floated in the air, and Chimera also spread a pair of giant black bat wings, and rose into the sky with the help of the airflow generated by flapping its wings.

The temperature of Chimera was very high, and the black flames it naturally exhaled from its mouth like breathing were almost the highest among the fire attribute elves that Hei Ze had encountered so far.

The extremely high temperature generated by the black flames caused the air around Chimera to distort, and layers of heat waves spread around the venue like seawater.

Flora moved away to avoid being attacked by Chimera.

Kurosawa's mind was working quickly, thinking about the information about Chimera stored in his brain.

Chimera, the attributes that often awaken are fire and poison.

Compared with ordinary flames, its flames are extremely deep black in color, with higher temperatures, and have some corrosive toxins.

From this point of view, the grass attribute, one of Flora's three attributes, is restrained by it.

Chimera's usual fighting method is to take off and use ultra-long-range corrosive spray flames and splash damage to attack opponents.

When necessary, it can also use its strong physique and sharp claws to fight the enemy.

Compared with the flames and body, it is more important to pay attention to the toxins it sprays.

In this regard, Flora has a certain advantage. It has self-recovery means, which can reduce the damage of toxin erosion carried by Chimera and heal itself.

Generally speaking, Chimera restrains opponents with a wave of bursts. It has life-saving skills, and it is difficult for opponents to defeat it instantly. It can use its high mobility to spit toxins and fire attacks and contain opponents.

On the other hand, it is also restrained by those elves with continuous healing and stronger control means.

In summary, Flora is restrained at the attribute level, and Flora restrains Chimera in terms of fighting style.

It's a long story, but it took less than a blink of an eye to reorganize the information in my mind.

Kurosawa felt much more at ease, but Lin Xixia was confused about Flora.

What kind of elf is this? There is no relevant record?

But only from the attribute analysis, she felt that she had the advantage.

After weighing the pros and cons for a second or two, she decided to take the initiative!

As soon as the thought came down.

The spiritual energy attached to Chimera's body gave orders at the same time.

Chimera flapped its wings and circled over the stadium, staring at Flora below with a pair of sharp eyes, like a falcon locking onto a lamb.

The moonlight sprinkled on its body, blocked by its body, combined with the swallowing black flames, looking from below, it exuded an ominous sense of disaster.

"Deterrence skill?"

Kurosawa was thoughtful, and there was no special reaction on his face.

After Flora obtained her true name, she had a high resistance to mental oppression skills such as deterrence.

Let it use deterrence.

Kurosawa mobilized his psychic energy.

At this moment, he was already wearing a high-level badge of grass attribute,

and spent 3,000 points. The power of the release of grass attribute skills increased by 30-40%, which was very worthwhile for Kurosawa now.

Considering the attribute restraint problem, he made up for this part of the weakness by wearing the high-level badge of grass attribute.

The elf attribute energy value is disadvantageous, but Kurosawa's psychic energy is absolutely superior. The next competition is comprehensive strength.

Kurosawa ordered Flora to spread the grass attribute.

"Jungle Domain!"

The vibrant natural atmosphere spread out with Flora as the center, and circles of green light waves spread across the venue.

Occupying the air advantage will inevitably lose the dominance over the ground.

Flora has the field skill [Jungle Domain], and the speed of generating attribute fields is already amazingly fast.

In addition, Kurosawa's psychic power helps it without reservation at this moment.

With 200 points of standard unit psychic power as the value of the master threshold, he now has more than 800 points, which is equivalent to four times the master threshold, which is really a big improvement in skills.

There is also the blessing of the grass attribute advanced badge.

Almost in an instant, Kurosawa and Flora took over the entire venue.

Seeds were generated under the ground, and from the sky, the ground was covered with a crystal green color.

"So fast!"

Lin Xixia's eyelids jumped when she saw this.

She had never thought of participating in the competition for the venue, but Kurosawa's rapid occupation of the venue still made her alarm bells ring.

"Night Vision!"

"Three Phoenix Fires!"

In the sky, the Chimera, which was hovering and releasing pressure, had a bright light flashing in its eyes, and its vision increased several times.

Its already good vision instantly surpassed that of the Eagle Eye, and Flora's figure became clearer in its eyes.

At the same time, black light lit up in the three lion heads, and three dark flames spewed out of their mouths.

The flames flew very fast, and seemed to have their own consciousness, locking onto Flora's body.

Even if Flora dodges, they will change their path and follow like tracking missiles.

Kurosawa caught this aura.

The moment the three flames approached, the seeds in the ground took root and sprouted. Under the nourishment of the powerful grass attribute energy, they expanded rapidly and squeezed out of the ground, slapping towards the Phoenix flame.

"Vine Storm!"

Two of the flames were unable to dodge and were slapped and exploded by the thick vines. The high-temperature flames of thousands of degrees wrapped around the vines, and crackling and burning sounded.

Before it was burned out, Kurosawa extracted the vitality stored in the vines, and let the vines wither on their own like a hero cutting off his arm.

When the last flame that was not intercepted was about to approach Flora, it opened its hands, and dozens of tough wooden shells were generated from the small palms, instantly wrapping it in the center like a safe house.


Flora resolved the first wave of Chimera's attack, and her body was unharmed.

There was some energy loss, but compared with the huge energy reserves of the super-class elves, it was nothing.

This is because Kurosawa and Flora have super-precise control over the grass attribute and its derivatives. The consumption of fire attribute energy and wood attribute energy is superior to that of fire attribute energy, but Kurosawa uses the touch-and-leave method, which greatly reduces the loss.

"The energy value of Chimera should be around 2200-2500."

After the first round of contact, Kurosawa had a certain estimate of the strength of the opponent's Chimera.

"It's a few hundred energy points different."

Flora removed the wooden shield, which is the defensive use of the super wooden blade.

After resolving the attack of Chimera, Kurosawa immediately counterattacked.

"Spirit Blade!"

"Ghost Step!"

"Parasitic Seed!"

The speed of skill release is extremely fast.

The speed of the Chimera hovering in the sky is very fast, but the impact of the spirit blade still makes it stunned in the air for a moment.

At this moment, Flora performed the ghost step, and her small body left a few afterimages in the air as if teleporting, and came to the side of Chimera.

The parasitic seed flew out of her hand and sprinkled into its body.

The green seeds sank into the Chimera's strong body and took root.

Flora was ready to use the Super Wood Blade at close range to give it a hard blow.

But Kurosawa felt that Chimera was about to regain consciousness, and the Super Wood Blade had a slightly longer pre-casting time, so Flora used the ghost step to pull away again.

The parasitic seeds were enough to take a toll on it.

Although it was a dual-attribute elf of fire and poison, its body was flesh after all, not a pure fire element creature, so it would be greatly affected by the parasitic seeds.

In the next few minutes, the two sides fought several more rounds.

Overall, both sides had gains and losses.

But Kurosawa was not in a hurry, as Chimera could not hold Flora back.

The parasitic seeds continuously absorbed energy from Chimera's body and interfered with its physical state.

Although the flames and toxins released by Chimera were fierce, not all of them could hit Flora. The few that caused damage would be quickly replenished by photosynthesis and the vitality fed back by the parasitic seeds.

Two elves fought in the air.

If you just look at the scene, Flora was suppressed.

First, she did not use the large-scale forest transformation method in the previous rounds. Second, the attack effect was relatively limited. The number of times she hit Chimera was far less than the number of times Chimera hit her.

[Sister Xixia's tender bullfrog]

[Fire overcomes grass! Unfair! I demand a rematch! ]

[Hei Ze is obviously afraid of the consequences and is restrained. The large-scale afforestation in the previous rounds and the means of controlling the opponent can't be used. It is estimated that he will be burned to ashes as soon as he comes out. ]

[But why do I feel that the expressions of the two players are a little wrong? ]

[Really, the female player has a Sima face, but Hei Ze's expression is getting more and more relaxed. What's going on? ]

[It's impossible. Doesn't the fire attribute restrain the grass attribute? ]

[Sister Xixia's fans rest assured, there will be no problem]

There are all kinds of discussions in the barrage.

On the commentary desk, the three commentators also found that the close-up of the expressions of the two players in front of the camera was wrong.

It looked like the roles were reversed. Lin Xixia, who had the absolute initiative on the scene, looked more and more serious, while Kurosawa gradually became relaxed. The changes in both of them were visible to the naked eye.

They looked at each other, knowing that something must have happened on the field that was not known to outsiders, but as commentators, they could only continue to explain the exchange of moves on the field to the audience for the time being.

A few drops of sweat slid down Lin Xixia's forehead and rolled down her chin to her chest.

She reached out to wipe the sweat from her forehead, swallowed her saliva, and felt dry mouth.

Frequent skill releases require spiritual energy to cooperate and consume a lot of brain power.

More importantly, the situation on the field seemed to be out of her control and was running wildly in the direction of being out of control.

Something's wrong! Something's wrong!

Of course, she knew what type of Chimera restrained her elves.

Chimera has the recovery skill of suturing and regeneration.

This skill allows it to be temporarily dismembered when it suffers fatal damage, and then sewed up again, escaping from damage.

For opponents of similar strength, Chimera is not afraid of burst-type Pokémon, but is weak against persistent recovery battle Pokémon.

Kurosawa's Pokémon, with grass attribute and recovery ability, is not as good as Chimera, which is within her expectations.

That is why she had Chimera take off and fly quickly to avoid being easily attacked by the opponent.

But who can tell her why the parasitic seed skill of his grass elf is so stubborn?

It is she who has the dual advantages of restraint and energy value.

She has let Chimera circulate the fire attribute energy in her body to try to remove the parasitic seeds in her body several times, but she has never been able to remove them quickly and completely.

And the elves below continue to use the wood blade skill to interfere, so that she and Chimera cannot concentrate on purifying the parasitic seeds.

That alone is fine.

Kurosawa's control of grass attribute energy is far beyond her imagination.

Fire restrains grass.

But it also has to burn.

Kurosawa frequently uses self-withering to contain and resist the fire attack while reducing his own losses as much as possible, and often operates on multiple lines, with a jaw-dropping reaction speed.

Is this person really a newly promoted master elf master?

Lin Xixia suppressed her anxiety.

The longer time dragged on, the worse her situation would be.

How to break the gradually worsening situation?

Another ten minutes passed.

Kurosawa was still unhurried.

The situation was now under his control.

Chimera wanted to remove the parasitic seeds.

Neither he nor Flora would give it a chance.

Seeing that it was distracted, he immediately used vine storms and wooden blade attacks to interfere with it.

After several times, Chimera not only failed to eradicate the parasitic seeds, but also left a lot of scars on its body.

Chimera went crazy and entered a violent state, spewing dragon-shaped flames from its mouth and pouring venom from its long snake tail.

Flora used ghost steps to dodge, and dodge if she could.

If she couldn't dodge, she would use parasitic seeds and photosynthesis to recover and resist.

Over time, Chimera's condition became worse and worse.

However, Flora, who seemed to be extremely frustrated, never suffered a real decline in condition.

Chimera can pull, but it encounters Flora who can pull even more.

As long as Flora is not fatally injured, no matter how much damage is caused, it will recover in a short time and be alive and kicking again, and a considerable part of the energy absorbed comes from Chimera.

Kurosawa's mouth curled up slightly.

Although Flora has the True Name Release, after a short burst, her strength will be increased and she will crush Chimera in a short time.

But that doesn't make much sense. Chimera can split to avoid damage and delay the burst time of the True Name Release. It is Kurosawa who is at a disadvantage.

So Kurosawa has been keeping calm.

He knows that although he is the one who is beaten, his opponent is definitely the more frustrated party.


Chimera stopped spitting out flames and toxins and fell from the sky.

It was only a 20-minute battle, but Lin Xixia felt sick, and a strong desire to vomit surged in her internal organs.

It was a feeling of nausea and frustration that could not be told to others.

The opponent is as slippery as a loach. If you want to hit it, it will hide. Even if you hit it, it will recover after a few seconds.

If you don't hit it, the parasitic seeds in the body will continuously absorb energy, and the Chimera state will continue to decline.

If you want to purify the parasitic seeds, the little guy will jump out like a fly, and cast a spell to interfere. It can't be done even if you are distracted.

If she is an observer, she will praise Kurosawa's operating accuracy. The timing of interference and evasion is quite appropriate, and an ambiguous distance is maintained at all times. But as an opponent, she is so angry that she just wants to curse.

He is like a roundworm in her stomach. When he wants to avoid the battle and purify, when he wants to attack, he is completely seen through.

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