My Elf Simulator

Chapter 305 League Highlights

Without giving Kurosawa too much time to think, the game started soon.

The referee's voice was transmitted to the two players through the headset.

Kurosawa opened his eyes, and the spiritual energy in his body was adjusted to the best state.

His eyes suddenly became bright.

With the sound of the starting gun, the flash card in his hand flew out.

It flashed and turned into a ball of light, and a small elf stood out from it.

Kurosawa first sent Flora, who was still the number one singles.

As they appeared with the purpose of consuming the enemy, Flora and the little flash in the first two positions did not need too much adjustment.

One of them was proficient in hiding, and the other was extremely fast. As long as the tactics were executed well, they could consume the enemy.

Kurosawa looked at the opposite side.

The opponent Chang Shuliang summoned a huge crocodile, with a slight golden glow all over his body.

The tip of the tail shone in the sun, with a metallic luster and texture.

"Golden Crocodile?"

This is a four-star race qualification elf, and the awakening attribute is super power.

It has a special superpower, metalization.

It can transform itself into hard metal, and can also give other objects a short-term metal state.

A very comprehensive elf, both offensive and defensive are quite good.

It can be seen that the opponent Chang Shuliang did not underestimate Kurosawa.

At the beginning, he instantly let the golden crocodile activate the superpower, metalization.

With a flash of golden light, its whole body began to glow dazzlingly, and then layers of scales hardened rapidly, and finally formed a golden armor that wrapped the whole body.

Kurosawa asked Flora to keep a distance.

The golden crocodile is called gold, but the metal it made by metalization is not gold, but a special metal with extremely high hardness.

"And the energy value is very high."

Kurosawa felt a huge sense of oppression from its body the moment it appeared.

During the recent competition, Flora's strength has not remained unchanged, and the energy value has increased from 1,700 to 1,870.

But the opponent's strength is definitely more than multiple of Flora.

Kurosawa estimated that it has at least 4,000 energy value.

It's not easy to fight, you can't force it, you have to deal with it. He made a judgment immediately.

On the opposite side of Kurosawa, Chang Shuliang was also silently analyzing Kurosawa's strength.

Most of the players present had basically watched the provincial finals and had a certain understanding of Kurosawa's strength.

But that was after all the content transmitted through the camera image. He originally thought that Kurosawa's breakthrough qualifications were still shallow. Even if he didn't know what special means, the elf lineup was unfathomable, but the upper limit of a single elf would not be too high, just the strength of a normal super-class critical elf.

But the small elf named Flora exuded a special breath, which made him frown.

Obviously the energy value is not high, but the momentum is very strong.

To be honest, he was not very willing to face this kind of "duplicitous" elf, which was very easy to fall.

Sure enough, there is no false person under the reputation.

Chang Shuliang's eyes glanced at the surrounding cameras intentionally or unintentionally.

He knew that this battle was definitely the most watched one among the more than 20 battles going on at the same time.

If possible, he didn't want to lose. He admired Kurosawa, but he was not generous enough to use his reputation to achieve the other party.

Therefore, even if the battle had already begun.

Both sides were very cautious to let their elves distance themselves, and did not rush forward to launch an attack, but used their own means to sense and collect intelligence from the opponent.

Some viewers in the live broadcast room did not understand this.

"Why don't you start fighting? Hasn't the starting gun been fired?"

"Falling asleep?"

"Hurry, hurry, hurry."

"I just want to see that golden crocodile explode now!"

"King Ji Ji"

"I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious yet."

"Masters are like this, they make plans before they move, and this kind of invisible confrontation is the most exciting."

"Then do you understand what happened?"

"No, if I understand, would I be an ordinary audience? The excitement is over."

After a stalemate of about a minute, the two slowly began to drive the elves to act.

Kurosawa was undoubtedly at a disadvantage, but his actual strength disadvantage was not as great as 1870 against 4,000 or 5,000.

He had a disadvantage in attribute energy value, but Kurosawa made up for it in other aspects.

Although Chimera, Lin Xixia's first singles elf, had a much lower energy value than the Golden Crocodile in front of him, it was also a real five-star elf. In fact, it was not that weak. It was just that Flora performed too well, which made its strength seem mediocre.

This Golden Crocodile was only a four-star species, and Flora could almost be regarded as a five-and-a-half-star because of the blessing of her true name. In terms of qualifications, it actually formed a crushing advantage, not to mention that he had other advantages.

"Jungle Domain!"

Kurosawa's spiritual energy attached to Flora, and soon the greenery spread out from the land under it.

Vines and saplings drilled out of the soil, squirming and growing crazily.

"That's the golden expansion"

As expected, normal elemental super-class elves would basically learn similar field skills when they reached the master stage.

The golden crocodile stomped the ground frantically with its four legs.

Every time it stepped on the ground, a golden glow spread from under its feet, and the ground was dyed into a metallic appearance. The soil particles and weeds were all deconstructed and hardened into metal.

Flora's jungle realm and the golden expansion collided in the field, and the intersection was like two vicious dogs biting together.

Sometimes, the golden color is saturated with green, and the trees turn into metal and crack. Sometimes, the green color overwhelms the golden color, and the breath of life exuded by the roots makes the metallization ability lose its effectiveness.

But overall, the jungle field was overwhelmed by the gold expansion.

This was also expected by Kurosawa. As long as the site is not completely occupied by the enemy and a part of the private land is retained, it is good news for Kurosawa and Flora.

This was the beginning of the first battle.

The green sea surges and Venus hits the sky.

The first battle lasted longer than the audience expected.


There were some beads of sweat on Kurosawa's forehead.

Most of the spiritual energy was consumed.

But fortunately enough results have been achieved.

The golden crocodile showed its sharp edge and directed its golden direction, splitting the tree in two as if it had been cut by a sharp axe.

But Flora remained patient and immovable.

And he frequently seizes the opportunity to spread the parasitic seeds on the metal-activated joints of the opponent when it moves rapidly.

With and only with this kind of star-point timing, Kurosawa can seep power into the interior through its solid outer shell.

Facing a stronger enemy, Flora's style of play is like this, large-scale control, concealment, and at the same time using the extraction of parasitic seeds to weaken the opponent.

Once or twice may not have much effect, but when this process continues ten or twenty times, the impact continues to superimpose, but it has enough impact.

Of course, parasitic seeds were not the turning point.

What really caused a qualitative change in the battle situation was the opponent's unbearable aggressive attack.

Kurosawa well grasped the flaw that his opponent had exposed, and launched a [True Name Liberation]. In one move, the super wooden blade under True Name Liberation directly penetrated the golden crocodile's abdomen completely.

Although Chang Shuliang has completely sealed the huge abdominal wound to avoid the trauma caused by subsequent pulling.

But that fatal injury directly caused the Golden Crocodile's condition to plummet.

In fact, if Kurosawa asked Flora to implement a roundabout tactic, the winner would definitely be the Golden Crocodile.

After all, the parasitic seeds are not a direct attack. The golden crocodile can often disintegrate the parasitic state by concentrating some energy. It is nothing more than draining some energy and making it irritable.

But perhaps because he felt that Kurosawa and Flora were far weaker than imagined after repeatedly evading them, or because they were constantly being disturbed by the parasitic seeds and found it too annoying, Chang Shuliang chose the most aggressive approach.

He originally wanted to completely overwhelm Flora's jungle realm and disperse it, but he had too much metal power, and the protection he used for himself fell to a low point in a short period of time. Then, his golden crocodile was killed by the timid creature. The rat-like elf suddenly burst out with unimaginable terrifying power and was severely injured.

He made an unimaginable mistake, which may directly affect the outcome of the game!

When Chang Shuliang realized this, it was too late and he regretted it.

It was obvious that he could win steadily, but due to a momentary carelessness and wrong strategic choice, the situation took a turn for the worse.

More and more vines spewed out from the ground uncontrollably, slapping hard on the ground like octopus tentacles. The golden creations made by the golden crocodile continued to turn into powder and collapsed under the slapping of the vine tentacles.

The golden unfolding position that originally occupied two-thirds of the ground gradually shrank, and was finally backlogged by the jungle realm filled with a strong aura of life until only the last bit of land was left at the feet of the golden crocodile.

Countless parasitic seeds lie on the golden crocodile's body like parasites.

The originally metal body flickered for a few times, and it could no longer maintain its hard state. With a "bang", countless golden lights exploded, and the golden crocodile finally fell weakly to the ground.

Seeing this, Kurosawa asked Flora to hold her ground for the time being.

After confirmation by the referee and both players, Kurosawa won the first game.

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief.

The first round lasted a full hour and thirty minutes.

It may seem like smooth sailing, but in fact, the dangers involved in the process are not enough for outsiders to understand.

The opponent took full initiative. The energy value of more than 4,000 leaves was overwhelming Flora and Kurosawa, who had only more than 1,800 energy values. They were almost out of breath.

Defensive counterattack sounds very easy, but the premise is that you must be able to withstand pressure perfectly, otherwise your opponent will completely defeat your defense in a few waves of attacks, and there will be no need to look for opportunities to counterattack.

He was able to win his first victory partly because his opponent gave him a chance, and partly because he was so good at pulling. The force of nature that had just been promoted to C+ yesterday made a great contribution.

The improvement of perception ability is the basis for Kurosawa and Flora to withstand the pressure and accurately grasp the fleeting opportunities. At the same time, the ghost and dream attributes allow Flora to have room to pull. The combination of many methods has achieved a game. A tough victory.

The second singles round began quickly.

Kurosawa had a calm expression on his face and did not let Flora back down.

In fact, Flora's appearance is now empty. She is at the end of her power, and her body is severely depleted of energy.

After all, he had just defeated a golden crocodile with an energy value of four thousand leaves, and its own condition was also very poor.

Theoretically, as long as the opponent sends a top high-level one, Flora will probably not be defeated.

Flora's weakness may not be hidden from her opponent Chang Shuliang.

But Kurosawa was betting, and his opponents didn't dare to bet.

Chang Shuliang's eyes stayed on Kurosawa's cheek for a long time. There was no expression on that handsome face, and he repeatedly showed no concern for the upcoming battle.

Of course he could sense the weakness of the elf named Flora.

Rationally, he should strategically give up the singles round, send out the high-level elf to defeat the opponent's Flora, who has almost no combat power, and then enter the team battle with a two-point disadvantage.

If this goes well, he has two super-levels and the energy value is dominant, and it may not be impossible to defeat the opponent's three super-level lineup within an hour and thirty minutes.

But. Is it really so? That Flora has a recovery skill, and it is constantly recovering through parasitic seeds. Is it really that bad?

What if this weak state is just exposed to him deliberately, and he rashly sends out a high-level elf and loses a round in vain, then the pressure will be too great.

In his mind, the opponent's sudden burst suddenly flashed, a strong light came out of his body, and then the energy value soared instantly, and the sharp blade in his hand pierced the golden crocodile.

He had been paralyzed once, and now it was this time again.

In the end, Chang Shuliang still didn't dare to gamble.

He could accept losing, but he couldn't accept being defeated three times in a row in the singles round. That would be too ugly.

With the [Real Name Liberation] that he couldn't understand, he always worried that Flora's weakness was an empty city plan, so that he could send out high-level elves, and then explode again in the third round to take him out in one wave.

The intention was sinister.

Chang Shuliang thought he had completely understood Hei Ze.

Shaking his head, he thought again and again, and finally chose to send out the super-level elves.

He flashed in his hand and flew out, and the light turned into a super-level fossil Tyrannosaurus.

Only then did a slight smile appear on the corners of Hei Ze's mouth.

This is the benefit of winning the first singles. The win-loss relationship of one round is enough to make the loser feel constrained. The pressure is not only the win-loss itself, but also the pressure of public opinion behind the game.

He knew that his opponent definitely didn't want to be defeated by him in the most humiliating way, even if the opponent knew that the possibility was not great.

Hei Ze smiled for a moment, and soon restrained his smile.

But he didn't know that his smile had been well recorded by the camera.

In the live broadcast room, Kurosawa's fans were celebrating wildly.

Unlike the first round match with Lin Xixia, the process of this match was relatively clear at a glance, and ordinary viewers could roughly understand the direction of the battle. Kurosawa's victory was a tactical victory.

And now, Kurosawa on the screen smiled again.

"Why do I feel that Chang Shuliang has been calculated again?"

"Kurosawa, you are so baby hot!"

"Turtle, is this the tactical suppression of the provincial champion and the youngest master?"

Kurosawa let Flora perform a few attacks casually on the court, and then raised his hand to signal it to leave.

The goal has been achieved, and there is no need to let the extremely exhausted Flora continue to suffer on the court.

Seeing him put away Flora, Chang Shuliang's face suddenly turned black, and he knew he was deceived again.

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