My Elf Simulator

Chapter 306 During the Provincial Competition 1

"What a little sly guy."

Chang Shuliang understood what Kurosawa had done just now.

It's no wonder that he thought too much. Kurosawa could have won in the end, but he still released a large number of skills at all costs to completely crush the golden crocodile, making him subconsciously think that the opponent was actually in good condition at the end.

But when the battle was over, it immediately showed its weakness just right, which inevitably made him, who had already suffered a loss in the battle, suspicious.

The starting point of this series of suspicion chains actually came from the burst method used by the opponent at the turning point of the battle. That kind of unnatural skill planted a seed of suspicion in his heart, making him subconsciously think that the opponent was not an ordinary elf and must have other methods.

But now calm down and think about it, that kind of burst method can turn defeat into victory with such a large energy value disadvantage, how could it be a skill used again and again?

In addition to being annoyed, the game continued.

The fossil Tyrannosaurus is also a four-star elf. It is a mysterious elf formed by the resurrection of the Tyrannosaurus corpse. The awakening attributes are ghost and rock attributes, and the dragon attribute of the original race has been lost.

Since he knew his opponent in advance, Kurosawa adjusted his strategy this time and sent the black goat kid, Blue, to the battlefield.

This kind of skeleton can easily fall into a disadvantageous confrontation when facing a strong and large elf.

Kurosawa has two elves of this type, Blue and Mumu. Considering Mumu's relatively low energy value, Kurosawa sent Blue.

The so-called one step ahead is always the active one.

The opponent can only passively adjust according to his behavior.

Kurosawa threw out the flash card.

The flash card transformed into a huge elf like a hill.

The black goat kid appeared in the battlefield, competing with the fossil Tyrannosaurus in size, and was not inferior.

Its main body is now nearly 14 meters high, and it is even higher with the dark blue tentacles on its head. Just seeing it can feel an irresistible strong sense of oppression.

Chang Shuliang also frowned.

The black goat kid gave him a bad feeling.

The energy value of the black goat cub Xiaolan has now reached 2105. The energy value of the fossil Tyrannosaurus is much inferior to that of the previous golden crocodile, and it is estimated that it has only more than 2,000 leaves of energy.

To be honest, the energy value difference of a few hundred leaves is almost zero for Kurosawa.

There is no need to count his energy value and various other auxiliary. The racial qualification difference between Xiaolan and the fossil Tyrannosaurus is enough to erase this disadvantage.

However, Kurosawa also roughly knows that this fossil Tyrannosaurus should not be his second strongest Pokémon after the golden crocodile. He probably has some luck and saves that Pokémon for the team battle.

"Tarzan slam!"

The thick tentacles on the head of the black goat cub Xiaolan tightly tied the skeleton of the fossil Tyrannosaurus. The three huge hooves exerted force, and the heavy body locked the fossil Tyrannosaurus and began to smash into the ground one by one.


The body of the fossil Tyrannosaurus made a miserable whine, and several thick chest bones broke, and other bones began to dislocate.

In fact, the body of the fossil Tyrannosaurus with rock attributes is not as fragile as it looks, but it is very fragile when compared with the black goat cub, which is known for its terrifying physical strength.

The black goat cub's almost self-harming attack, which hurts the enemy 1,000 and hurts itself 800, is impossible to avoid.

Combined with the black goat cub's super-fast regeneration, even if the fossil Tyrannosaurus wants to fight to the death, it can't do it.

The battle lasted only 20 minutes before it came to an end.

In fact, as early as the moment when Chang Shuliang sent the fossil Tyrannosaurus to the court, or more precisely, the moment when the golden crocodile was eager for success, the series was over.

After the fossil Tyrannosaurus was defeated by the black goat cub, Chang Shuliang hastily sent a high-level elf to the court, and was then taken away by the black goat cub.

In the end, the singles round was 3:1, and Hei Ze was the first to score two points and enter the next round.

In the team battle round, Chang Shuliang's performance was not ideal.

After two super-class elves were deployed in the singles round and the core elves unexpectedly lost, his team battle lineup only had one super-class elf leading two high-level elves.

Although the super elf he sent out was a lava monster with about 4,000 energy points, two fists could not beat four palms.

Facing the three super-class combination of Shang Xiao Shining, Bai Long and Mumu, the high-level elves on its left and right wings were almost eliminated in a few rounds, and then the three elves launched a siege on it without martial ethics.

The team battle lasted only 20 minutes, and the lava monster was finally defeated.

The game ended with the referee's whistle, and Kurosawa accumulated four match points in the first round of the elimination round.

The match point rule of the provincial super elimination round is that a series of three wins in the singles round will accumulate 5 match points. Kurosawa's 4 points are currently considered extremely high.

"Congratulations on winning the first round of the provincial super league knockout match, and you will receive 3,000 points and 200 experience points as rewards."

The provincial super league is indeed much higher than the provincial first league. Even before entering the main competition, the rewards for the knockout rounds are very considerable.

Personal level: LV7 (312/1000)

After the game, Hei Ze walked to the center of the field and shook hands with his opponent Chang Shuliang.

He looked a little annoyed, but also a little relieved, with a very complicated expression.


"Lucky, I played blindly."

"You didn't play blindly."

The two left the field together.

The next two days were all for the points knockout match.

Unsurprisingly, Hei Ze did not go too far.

After defeating Chang Shuliang, he met his second opponent. He lost the first singles round and lost two points. Then he used the lineup system with more abundant team battles to barely win a narrow victory with a 5-minute time advantage.

But he was defeated and eliminated by the third opponent.

In the singles round, the opponent sent out the five-star race Wind God Pterosaur, whose energy value was at least 5-6000 leaf energy value, and suppressed Hei Ze throughout the whole process, leaving no room for resistance. In the end, Hei Ze was defeated three times in a row in the singles round.

He could rely on stronger psychic power, three-phase rune stones, and attribute affinity badges to make up for his disadvantages, but it does not mean that they can always turn the tide. The attribute energy value gap is too large, and no matter how many means and strategies are used, they are powerless to turn the tide.

Hei Ze is generally satisfied with the performance of the provincial super.

LV7 (512/1000)

The personal level experience has only been upgraded to level 7, and half of the progress bar has been filled, which is not too slow.

The provincial super league is more like a stage for him to challenge himself and gain experience.

At the master level, he is still too immature. He has a certain psychic advantage over the previous masters, but the advantage is not as obvious as in the elite stage.

Moreover, the elf masters who can be promoted to masters are not ordinary people themselves.

Kurosawa has a trump card, and so do his opponents.

For example, the female master named Jiao Lana who defeated his third opponent has a great talent for controlling the wind, which is why Kurosawa couldn't resist the wind god pterosaur.

After the elimination round, Kurosawa's points were not enough to enter the main competition.

While he was getting to know the masters, he watched the provincial super league competition live.

It has to be said that he hasn't experienced this kind of experience of being eliminated in advance and having to sit in the audience as a spectator for a long time.

His mood is complicated, but he has to admit that the strength of these veteran masters is really strong.

Twelve of the top sixteen in the main competition were guaranteed by the points of the previous session, and the remaining four places were selected from the elimination round, one of which was barely obtained by Jiao Lana who defeated Kurosawa.

But there is still a big gap between Jiao Lana and other masters of the provincial super competition level, just like Hei Ze was powerless against her, and she was ruthlessly swept against stronger masters.

Hei Ze absolutely believed that facing the core elves of these people, let alone three against one, even if he was seven against one, he would probably not be able to beat them even if he was wearing armor.

The difference in the energy value of the elves cannot be understood by simple addition and subtraction.

Especially after the energy value of thousands of leaves is opened, the purity of the attribute energy of the elves has increased several times, and the difference in combat power may not be one or two times in value, but may be ten times or even more.

The provincial super competition plus the elimination round lasted a total of seven days.

The final winner was a player named Weng Yuanjing. Hei Ze heard from Ning Yexing that he was also the champion of the provincial super last session, and the last session before that, and this year he achieved the achievement of three consecutive provincial super championships.

This is also the reason why the Provincial Super League is less entertaining to the public than the Provincial A League. The contestants are relatively fixed, and the gap between the contestants is not small, so it is easy to have such a situation of continuous dominance.

Before the game, most people were optimistic about his victory. As expected, he won the championship smoothly, and there was basically not much suspense.

It seems that unless he is promoted to the amulet, he may continue to dominate.

Kurosawa and the current Provincial Super League champion Weng Yuanjing have not had much contact in the past few days.

Weng Yuanjing is a relatively late bloomer. He is now over 60 years old. The two are not players of the same age group, and the generation gap is too big.

"Masters, please come in."

After the Provincial Super League, there was an award ceremony that was not particularly grand.

Then there was a celebration dinner. All the masters who participated in this competition came to the dinner, and there were also some garrison personnel at the base.

The dinner was in the form of a buffet, and Kurosawa was still with Ning Yexing and the other two.

Although there was a certain age gap between them, it was not particularly exaggerated. In addition, the three of them often surfed the Internet, so their mental age was actually relatively young.

Even if other masters wanted to make friends with Kurosawa, there were too many people and they were too senior to stick to Kurosawa.

"Eat more of this, deep-sea rose shrimp, good stuff, nourish the body and increase spiritual energy."

"And this."

Ning Yexing kept recommending dishes to Kurosawa.

All these ingredients were provided by the provincial alliance, and a lot of precious ingredients were airlifted.

Kurosawa's appetite increased exponentially after he obtained the talent of a mermaid. With so many delicious and nutritious foods in front of him, he naturally wouldn't be polite.

His stomach was like a bottomless pit in a four-dimensional pocket, and the plates that were filled repeatedly became empty again and again without him noticing.

Ning Yexing and the other two had already eaten most of the food, staring at the thick plate next to Kurosawa with their eyes wide open.

"Are you okay?" Mi Liling, the female among the three, couldn't help swallowing her saliva and asked worriedly, while her eyes inadvertently glanced at Kurosawa's abdomen.

His flat abdomen seemed as if the piles of food were just illusions.

But Kurosawa did eat several times more food than them.

"What's wrong?" Kurosawa was puzzled at first, but then he guessed what they were thinking. "Don't worry, my physique is a little different from that of ordinary people, so I ate a little more."

It was just a little bit.

The three looked at each other.

Elves consume more energy and eat more, but at least there is a limit. Kurosawa's appetite exceeds their understanding of normal humans.

Very unscientific.

Is this the appetite of a true genius? The three of them couldn't help but start to reflect on whether they usually eat too little, so that their talent and beauty are not revealed?

After dinner.

Kurosawa glanced at his spiritual power.

Spiritual power: 915→920

An unexpected surprise, spiritual power actually increased by 5 points. Ning Yexing was right. These ingredients are really good for the body.

Kurosawa burped.

As for Ning Yexing and the other two who had been watching him eat silently, they were completely speechless.

Mi Liling also kept recommending the digestive medicine she brought to Kurosawa, fearing that Kurosawa would be full.

However, they were convinced by Kurosawa's appetite.

Maybe, in the future, they would have to think twice before making a decision to invite Kurosawa to a high-end elf restaurant.

When the waiter came to clear the plates, he glanced at Ning Yexing and the other two in a rather strange way.

He was probably thinking, these people at this table are really a bunch of gluttons, and why did they pile the dishes in front of Hei Ze alone? What a quirk?

After the dinner, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

The next morning.

Someone from the base brought breakfast and reminded him of the gathering place.

For ordinary spectators, the provincial super competition is over.

But the photography equipment was put away, and the provincial super contestants had the next stage of tasks.

Ning Yexing and Hei Ze explained some of the general situation, but Hei Ze still had only a vague understanding of the specific situation, and he needed to go to a deep secret realm to understand it.


"Good morning."

On the way to the gathering place, they met Ning Yexing and a few others who were waiting nearby.

The moment they met, their first reaction was still to look at Hei Ze's abdomen. Obviously, last night's dinner left them with a great shock.

Along the way, other masters were also heading to the gathering place.

Hei Ze also found that in addition to the more than 50 contestants who participated in the competition, there were other masters.

After asking Ning Yexing, he told Hei Ze that some masters did not like to participate in the competition, but most masters would not miss the trip to the deep secret realm.

Every year, the masters of the province would go to the deep secret realm with the worst situation to reinforce and seal it.

The deep secret realm is rarely opened specially. Normally, there is only one time to enter it every year.

The masters go together in groups, and the danger is limited, but there are more opportunities.

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