My Elf Simulator

Chapter 309 End

Faced with Kurosawa's initiative, Zhu Xiaochuan hesitated for a moment and agreed.

Even though he felt that the plan he proposed was safer for Kurosawa.

But Kurosawa was not a child. As a master, he certainly had the right to make his own choice.

Although Zhu Xiaochuan was the captain, in essence, the members of this temporary team were not superiors and subordinates, but equals.

"Be more careful."

The few people were resolute and decisive. After assigning their respective tasks, the four of them quickly distanced themselves.

Kurosawa sat on the back of the little Shining Spirit. Soon Zhu Xiaochuan drove the Speedy Guard to separate part of the power and accelerate the little Shining Spirit.

Its pale body, which was originally entangled with electric light, suddenly became brighter and almost turned into a beam of light.

Kurosawa felt the joy and lightness fed back from the little Shining Spirit.

After looking at Zhu Xiaochuan, he turned over and rode on the front of the back of the little Shining Spirit, slightly bent down, and hugged its neck with both hands.

Zhu Xiaochuan drove the other two elves at the same time.

The force field messenger unknowingly came to the bottom of the original elves, and the brown light flowed through the surface of the body, and the gravity force field was immediately released.


The bodies of various original elves in the sky froze.

Turtles, fish, seahorses, squids, crabs

All kinds of original elves fell to the ground like rain.

For a moment, the original elves occupying several kilometers around began to riot locally.

The formation also appeared to be disordered to a certain extent.

Zhu Xiaochuan's Franken seized this opportunity and suddenly rushed into the densely packed original elves.

"Swish swish swish!"

The various blades spliced ​​together by its body slaughtered the original elves crazily like a slaughterhouse.

Wherever it passed, the wind swept the clouds and blood flew everywhere.

At the same time, Ning Mi and the two who had already taken their positions on the side also let their elves start fighting.

The destructive power of the super-class elves is very terrifying. The intermediate elves are simply a hindrance to them. Only the high-class elves can stop them for a moment.

However, despite the huge gap, because the number of original elves is too large, several super-class elves were soon drowned by the original elves like a tide.

Only the blood mist that flew out from time to time can explain the tragic battle that is taking place.

"The original elves are really fearless." Hei Ze shook his head.

The other three took action to create an opportunity for themselves to enter the field, and Hei Ze did not waste their efforts.

He saw his palm gently patting the side of the little Shining's neck, and the little Shining opened its wings. In the super acceleration state, it just flapped its wings.

Lightning and hurricanes passed by the side of its wings, and its body flew out in a flash.

"It's so fast."

Zhu Xiaochuan glanced at Hei Ze and the little Shining who had disappeared, and couldn't help but sighed.

He was also relieved about Hei Ze.

The effect of his Speedster's super acceleration still depends on the speed characteristics of the elves themselves. The faster the elves are, the faster they will become after being blessed.

On the contrary, if it is a slow tank elf, even if it is blessed, the improvement will not be too great.

The scene returns to Kurosawa riding on the back of the little Shining.

The little Shining is extremely fast. Fortunately, the enemy's formation is in chaos, and with the cooperation of his C+ level natural force perception, the little Shining can barely grasp this speed.

Because of the chaos in the formation, the density has decreased, and the occupied area has increased significantly. The original elves that originally covered the spherical area with a radius of five or six kilometers have expanded their activity area several times.

The little Shining tries to avoid fighting with other elves along the way.

If it is really unavoidable, use the fastest purple-level [Electric Shock] to kill the enemy.

After going deep into the enemy camp, Kurosawa's vision has been surrounded by endless original elves.

He expanded his perception, but did not expand the perception range to the farthest 400 meters, but limited it to about 70 or 80 meters.

The further the perception of the power of nature extends, the accuracy of perception will also drop sharply. When it is necessary to perceive things with refined perception, the longest distance perception is not a good choice.

On the contrary, after many attempts, he found that the current C+ level of the power of nature can maintain the highest perception accuracy at a distance of 70-80 meters.

The twisted singularity, especially the younger the singularity, the more difficult it is to perceive. Moreover, the surroundings are not calm, and there are countless foreign objects and energy interference.

Kurosawa concentrated his mind.

With the power of nature, he can match dozens of people in the search.

Accompanied by a series of electric lights.

He and the little shining spirit continued to move forward quickly, and the floating power of the air was activated. The surrounding elves were gently moved away by him to make way.


"There is no here either."

Just like a radar scan that has detected every inch of space, despite the interference of many other factors, he can still accurately grasp the subtle changes in space.

Kurosawa searched patiently.

This went on for about thirty minutes.

Just as he habitually dispersed the swarming original elves, he suddenly felt something strange in the perception network.

Following the direction of his perception, he traced the source.

Finally, he came to the location of the abnormality.

Perhaps because the distance was too close, the coordinate power of [Coordinate Movement] in his mind, which had not moved before, was stimulated and fluctuated.

The anomaly was in the air ten meters in front of him.

"Yes, it should be it!"

Hei Ze carefully sensed it, and after making sure it was correct, he reached into his pocket.


He took out a wooden box from his pocket.

After disarming the mechanism, the box opened with a snap.

Inside was a blue crystal.

This was the "purification tool" that Zhu Xiaochuan had just given him.

It was called the Void Spirit Stone, and a kind of spatial force was naturally stored inside it. After special transformation, it could be made into a stable storage bracelet space.

The purification process of the twisted singularity was not complicated. The difficulty was to find it out, and then stimulate the spatial force inside the Void Spirit Stone to form a hedge with the energy of the twisted singularity, and then annihilate the weak singularity.

Hei Ze grabbed the blue crystal.

The spiritual energy was transmitted to the crystal along the palm of his hand.

The blue light soon lit up in the crystal.

Hei Ze activated the floating energy of [Flying in the Air] to wrap the crystal, and then slowly sent it to the specific location of the twisted singularity.

As for him and the little Shining, they kept a certain distance.

"Crack! Crack!"

The moment the ethereal stone and the twisted singularity came into contact, the ethereal stone shattered with a click, and the power of space continued to flow out from it and penetrated into the twisted singularity.

Then there was a series of chain reactions.

The space seemed to overlap and dislocate in the collision.


The crisp sound continued to spread far away.

Something seemed to have changed in the environment.

In the distance, Zhu Xiaochuan and the other two who were commanding the elves to fight suddenly froze and suddenly looked into the depths of the original elves.


"Exorcised the twisted singularity? It really succeeded, so fast?"

Almost at the same time, the lingering feeling of drowning and suffocation in their perception disappeared.

This means that Kurosawa has completed his task first, found the water twisted singularity, and completely purified it.

But how long has it been?

Twenty minutes? Thirty minutes?

A flash of lightning suddenly burst out from the dense group of original elves.

The lightning came to Zhu Xiaochuan and stopped.

It was the returning Hei Ze and Xiao Shining.

"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

Hei Ze turned over and jumped off Xiao Shining's back. His face was somewhat relaxed and happy because he successfully exorcised the singularity.

"Okay, okay." Zhu Xiaochuan's eyes stayed on Hei Ze for a long time. "Thank you for your hard work."

He really didn't expect Hei Ze to handle it so quickly. When he agreed to Hei Ze, he didn't have any expectations. He just gave it a try. After all, Hei Ze was carrying out such a task for the first time. He had no experience before, so it was normal for him to fail.

But Hei Ze used his actions to make him look at him differently.

Zhu Xiaochuan called Ning Mi and the others back.

Now that the twisted singularity has been exorcised, there is no point in exterminating the original elves.

The original elves in the deep secret realm are endless to kill and destroy. Even if they are exterminated in this state for a short time, this world will soon breed a new batch of original elves.

No one would put their energy into such a useless task.


"Is it done now?"

The two of them felt that they had just warmed up, but the task was over.

"We have to thank Kurosawa for his high work efficiency. Under normal circumstances, it would take at least one or two days." Zhu Xiaochuan pulled his beard and said happily.

He was also happy to finish the task ahead of time.

The one or two days he mentioned included the time to expel the original elves and then find the twisted singularity.

"Good luck." Kurosawa said modestly as always.

It can only be said that everyone has his own expertise. He is highly mobile and has a strong perception talent. Dealing with such incidents is twice the result with half the effort.

The four chatted for a while and prepared to leave the area.

Due to their high efficiency, the next few days were all their free time.

Zhu Xiaochuan led the three people to wander around the brown soil to find minerals and precious magical plants, and the harvest was divided equally among the team members.

The elves were also pulled out from time to time for combat training.

Until the last day, Kurosawa and others reluctantly stopped the exploration.

Under the guidance of the return target map, they rushed to the direction of the "birthplace" that appeared at the beginning.

The way back was the same as the way here.

Kurosawa was still a scout, but now his teammates had more confidence in his ability.

Although the few days they spent together were not long, Kurosawa left a deep impression on them in terms of combat quality, comprehensive lineup and adjustment ability.

Before this, even if they didn't say it, they more or less treated him as a child in their hearts. There was no way he was too young, so they always took care of him subconsciously.

Kurosawa sat on the back of the little Shining and looked back at a few people.

Although it was only a week, his improvement was indeed not small.

Each elf increased its energy value by about 100 leaves on average, and the increase was different for each elf.

The little Shining, who had the most appearance time, increased by 150 leaves.

It increased from 1610 before entering to 1760 leaves.

The least is the black goat kid, which has only fifty leaves.

In addition to the most direct increase in the spirit's energy value, the blood concentration in the spirit's body has also been enhanced.

In addition, Hei Ze's sensitivity to space, spiritual energy, and physical fitness have all increased.

Psychic power: 926→951 (B-)

Physical strength: C-→C

It must be said that, apart from the various objective conditions, the deep secret realm is indeed a rare paradise for master elf masters.

The journey home was quickly wasted in the rush.

From a distance, Hei Ze saw a slightly raised red mound in the plain.

The small holes that looked like ant holes were randomly distributed on the mound. One of the holes was the passage that Hei Ze and others first walked out of the ground.

Hei Ze descended to meet the three people and informed them of the news of the approach.

Slowly, the familiar scenery gradually came into view.

Some masters who traveled in the same team as Hei Ze had returned and gathered at the exit of the cave, and some were still in the process of returning.

They had to wait until everyone was together before they could return to the real world together.

Ning Yexing, Mi Liling, and Gu Dazai reunited.

Gu Dazai did not look as calm as Hei Ze and others. There was obvious fatigue on his cheeks, but he still forced a smile on his face to be able to reunite with his friends.

Hei Ze listened to Gu Dazai complaining about the troubles he encountered on this trip, while looking back at Zhu Xiaochuan, who was called over by Weng Yuanjing and was talking about something.

Hei Ze couldn't hear the specific content, but he should be reporting the details of the mission.

He waited for a few more hours.

All the teams completed their return.

After counting the number of people, Weng Yuanjing breathed a sigh of relief.

Although accidents generally don't happen, it is still a gratifying thing to be able to bring everyone back smoothly like this.

"Prepare to return."

The group went down into the cave and went deep underground along the way they came.

Finally, Weng Yuanjing took them to a relatively empty cave space and shook the bell in his hand.

A purple stamen began to grow on the rock wall above their heads, and the stamen continued to expand.

"Don't move."

Hearing his instructions, everyone stood still.

The purple flowers continued to expand, and finally found their respective objects to wrap them up.

After being wrapped up, Hei Ze felt a strong suction behind him.

The next moment, his whole body seemed to be sucked away by a vortex, and his body was constantly stretched backwards.

Some powerful force from a higher dimension was pulling him out of the deep secret realm.

He didn't belong here in the first place, just like an unwelcome guest. It took a long time to come in, but he left very quickly.

The forest green liquid, countless bubbles floating upwards, and the elongated well wall.

Countless images dragged in the corners of Kurosawa's eyes and became residual images.


After everything stabilized, Kurosawa flew out of the well mouth, was carried to the sky by a gentle wind, and then slowly landed on the ground.

He looked around, and it was still the yard he came in before.

"Return to reality."

Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief and lifted the protection of the brain by the psychic energy.

The deep secret realm is very helpful to the elf master, but it is like being in a different world that is extremely repulsive to you from beginning to end. It is not a very comfortable experience.

One by one, the masters quickly filled the small yard.

Regardless of whether the process went smoothly or not, one thing was common to everyone present: no one wanted to stay here any longer.

They all couldn't wait to go back and rest.

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