My Elf Simulator

Chapter 310: Dark Department

The provincial competition has come to an end.

Kurosawa returned to a hotel in Changchuan City, washed up and lay on the bed.

Unlike other masters, he did not hold an actual position, so he was less restricted.

However, if he wanted to apply to be the Minister of the City Alliance or other positions, it would not be difficult.

He only needed to submit an application to the alliance, and after training, he would be assigned a position soon.

But he thought carefully, would being the Minister of the City Alliance really help him a lot?

Other masters held such positions, on the one hand, because they were of a certain age and needed a fixed position and career. They might have their own family, wife, and children, and must seek stability. On the other hand, although the position of Minister forced the master elf master to spend a lot of time working, it could also provide the resources needed for practice steadily, which was a good choice for many masters. Of course, there was another type of people who went with the flow. They might not lack resources, but since others chose this, they would follow suit.

After some thought.

Kurosawa actually had the answer a long time ago.

First of all, his resources were not too scarce, and they were even enough to last until the end of his mastership.

The price to pay for the resources that are not in short supply is to spend a lot of time learning to process documents, daily meetings, and office affairs.

What Kurosawa really needs is to improve his psychic power and enhance his personal combat effectiveness.

Once his psychic power falls behind, with his huge demand for psychic power in the six super-level lineup, the strength of the elves is likely to stagnate.

Ordinary training methods can improve and increase psychic power on a daily basis, but it is not enough.

Fortunately, there is a bright road in front of him-that is, to use the Pan Seal to purify divine substances to enhance psychic power!

As long as he has a constant supply of divine substances, the lack of psychic power that is a headache for ordinary elf masters will not be a problem.

But this leads to a new problem.

Divine substances are not weeds that can be found everywhere on the roadside.

During this period of time after understanding the role of purifying divine substances, he also made some attempts and searches in his spare time.

Because all the items involving divine substances in the past were related to faith, he had been to churches and temples, but even in the most popular religious places in Changchuan City, Hei Ze had never felt the existence of any divine substances.

It can be seen that ordinary forms of faith are not enough to produce the divine substances that Hei Ze needs.

In addition, he also asked his master Han Shouhai to collect similar strange Buddha statues and statues, but most of them were works of art created by craftsmen on a whim.

Thinking carefully, there is a reason why it is so difficult to find.

Although divine substances cannot be detected and have no effect on elves, Hei Ze believes that it must have value for some creatures.

They try to collect it through various channels, so they will not lose it easily or abandon it.

Therefore, Hei Ze can get them, either because of good luck, or like Hei Ze killed the evil clone before, he took the initiative to fight for it.

Thinking of this, he was somewhat firm in the vague idea in his mind before.

As he thought, sleepiness gradually came over him.

In the past week, he was exhausted from living outdoors. Kurosawa was not an iron man, so he was also a little tired.

He did not resist the sleepiness, yawned twice, closed his eyes and fell asleep.


After the provincial super master meeting, Kurosawa returned to Haitang to accompany his parents. He was like an ordinary student, reading books and watching TV together during the day, and strolling downstairs in the evening.

The plain and peaceful life lasted for a week. Kurosawa said goodbye to his parents and friends and set off for Nandu again.

When he was checked at the high-speed railway station, his master-level identity authentication certificate worked. The guy in charge of the check looked at him with an unspeakable respect, and he handed the certificate back with both hands. At the same time, after confirming that his identity was correct, the registration procedures were greatly reduced.

After leaving the station, he went straight to Jinling University.

It is now the end of August. There are not many people in the school, but students have begun to return to school one after another.

It is sunny today.

On the open-air basketball court on the roadside, young people in sportswear were running energetically on the plastic court. Basketball shoes occasionally made sharp and piercing friction sounds. Girls dressed coolly on the sidelines grabbed drinks and cheered for the boys on the court.

Kurosawa stopped by the diamond iron net and looked down for a while. It was not until someone on the sidelines noticed him and cast their eyes on him that Kurosawa left quickly.

Entering the school area, the student atmosphere and noisy white noise disappeared instantly, replaced by solemn silence.

The person in charge of "guarding the door" has been replaced by another boy.

Even a year is enough for a lot of changes to happen. Some people will leave, and some will join.

In addition to serving as the head of the Jinling School, Master Han Shouhai has no other full-time job.

So most of the time, he can be found in the school.

Today is no exception.

"Dong Dong Dong."

"Come in."

Kurosawa entered Han Shouhai's office.

Han Shouhai was sitting on a mahogany chair making tea. When he saw him, his eyes lit up and he waved to him.

"Xiao Ze, you're back to Nandu so soon, why don't you stay in Haitang for a few more days?"

Han Shouhai certainly knew about Hei Ze's recent schedule. Hei Ze's popularity in Hanquan Province was well known even though he was far away in Nandu.

"I want to discuss something with you."

"Sit down, let's drink tea first." Han Shouhai poured a cup of tea for Kurosawa first.

Although he is Kurosawa's master, he is actually not much different from his master.

Kurosawa took the hot tea and took a sip, leaving a sweet taste on his lips and teeth.

The tea enters the body along the throat, and the internal organs of the body seem to be nourished by a warm current.

The old man and the young man fell into silence, sipping tea in silence.

Sunlight streamed in through the window, and mottled particles danced in the beam.


The only sounds in the office were the constant pouring of tea and the sound of swallowing.

Han Shouhai was actually very curious as to why Kurosawa was planning to consult with him if he rarely took the initiative to seek advice.

But as a master, he felt that he should always have some airs.

As time went by, more than ten minutes passed silently.

Han Shouhai didn't expect Kurosawa to be so patient, so he could only take the initiative to speak.

"Tell me what you want from me."

Kurosawa just woke up like a dream. He always obeyed the instructions in front of the elders with whom he was close. Han Shouhai asked him to drink tea, so he suppressed his temper and drank slowly.

He sorted out the thoughts in his mind and spoke calmly.

"That's right. I'm here to discuss with you today."

Kurosawa expressed his concerns about his plans after being promoted to master.

Han Shouhai listened attentively and nodded from time to time.

"I roughly understand your situation and thoughts."

After listening to Kurosawa's words, he pondered for a moment.

"The ministerial path of an ordinary master is really not a suitable job for you at such a young age." Han Shouhai agreed with Kurosawa's idea.

Kurosawa is now in a period of rapid growth in strength. Spending a lot of precious time on chores is undoubtedly a waste of resources.

But it's a bit weird to still be a free agent when you reach the master stage. Without a job and no one to control you, it's easy to feel lazy.

"So you want to join the Alliance ANBU?" Han Shouhai's eyes trembled.

"Yes." Kurosawa nodded.

He, Ning Yexing and others probably inquired about the work of the alliance's dark department.

He thinks it suits him well today.

First of all, this job does not require much publicity. He has been in the limelight recently, which will inevitably attract spying from other forces.

Secondly, the ANBU is a secret organization directly under the alliance headquarters, responsible for maintaining social stability and focusing on suppressing and dismantling illegal organizations within and around the country.

Kurosawa needs divine substances. Based on his current understanding, most divine substances are often inseparable from illegal organizations.

The ANBU's work not only facilitates his direct investigation and acquisition during the execution of tasks, but also allows him to access relevant objects later by increasing his position authority.

Thirdly, Anbu's fighting frequency is quite high, and frequent actual combat can help him grow up the fastest.

In the end, he felt that he would not be in a life-threatening situation.

"I don't think Anbu is a good place to go." Han Shouhai scratched his head. He didn't know why Kurosawa came up with this idea.


"The tasks that ANBU is exposed to are too dangerous, and you are still too young." Han Shouhai sighed.

Of course, the latter was the reason why he did not recommend Kurosawa to join ANBU.

In fact, with master-level strength, even if Anbu was one of the highest-level elite force departments in the alliance headquarters, it would be more than enough to join, but Kurosawa was really too young, and he was worried about Kurosawa entering such a violent department from the bottom of his heart.

"That's right." Kurosawa understood Han Shouhai's worries.

"Master, actually you don't have to worry about my safety." Kurosawa hesitated for a moment and said.

Kurosawa stood up from his chair.

He stood up suddenly and attracted Han Shouhai's eyes.

But the next moment, the confusion in Han Shouhai's eyes turned to shock, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Kurosawa suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes. He turned to look at the corner of the office, where Kurosawa was standing next to the bonsai.

In another blink of an eye, Kurosawa's figure appeared at the door.

Then in front of the landscape painting on the wall, behind the desk, and on the windowsill.

With Han Shouhai's knowledge, he could certainly tell what type of ability Kurosawa displayed.

No matter how fast the speed is, it is impossible to achieve Kurosawa's sudden displacement.

Only space type ability!

He opened and closed his mouth a few times and swallowed.

After awakening so many innate abilities before, you awakened another space innate ability?

When Liao Miao proposed that legend to him before, he was actually hesitant to believe it.

But what happened to Kurosawa really couldn't be explained by normal reasons.

He stood up from the chair, walked to Kurosawa, grabbed his wrist, and then looked at him to signal to activate the ability.

The next moment, the tightly held palm of his hand suddenly became empty.


Spatial abilities are not controlled by any physical constraints.

He just wanted to experience it for himself. After all, people with space talent are quite rare.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Han Shouhai shouted happily, maybe he was too excited, and he coughed a few times.


Even though he was coughing, Han Shouhai could not hide his joy.

Kurosawa flashed to Han Shouhai's side and smoothed out his breath with his hands on the old man's back.

"Pay attention to your health."

"It's no big deal." Han Shouhai waved his hand and asked Kurosawa while holding his hand.

"Does your space teleportation ability cost a lot? How far can you teleport?"

Compared to his own body, he was more concerned about Kurosawa's spatial talent.

Ever since Kurosawa became famous, he has been worried about his safety, even though the higher authorities have begun to make efforts to create an illusion of official deification for Kurosawa, which is real and fake and confusing.

In the past, countries actually had similar "deification" and "star-making" plans, artificially "reducing" the age of star players, making their own star players look more outstanding, which is conducive to boosting national momentum.

However, after the league was standardized, there was much less room for such backroom operations.

What the Haihua Alliance wanted to do was to make Kurosawa, the supernova, just a fake star created by marketing in the eyes of some people.

Despite this, Han Shouhai was really afraid that his precious disciple would be murdered by some unscrupulous organization.

You really can't overestimate the morality of others. There are countless cases of destroying what is not yours.

Even if you can't be open due to international rules, you can always think of a way. It's easy to dodge an open gun, but it's hard to guard against an arrow from the dark.

Now seeing that Hei Ze has awakened the spatial talent, Han Shouhai is really happy for him.

Among the many types of talents, the spatial talent is definitely the one with the strongest self-preservation ability. Coupled with the perception talent of his own precious grandson, the survivability is undoubtedly skyrocketing!

"The farthest distance is about 400 meters, but it can be activated continuously and quickly, and it is not a problem to hide for several kilometers in an instant." Hei Ze answered.

He didn't think it was necessary to hide this.

His abnormal and incredible promotion speed was acceptable to his master, so adding a spatial talent would not be a big deal.

"More than 400 meters." Han Shouhai muttered in a low voice. "It's not bad to be able to activate quickly."

Obviously he was hoping that Hei Ze could teleport from this part of the earth to the other end in an instant.

If he really had this super long-distance space teleportation ability, Hei Ze would probably be really hard to harm.

But Han Shouhai also knew that what he expected was impossible. Such a long-distance space teleportation talent ability, firstly, has never existed in the history of elf masters, and secondly, super long-distance span teleportation, the human body may not be able to withstand it.

Pulling away several kilometers in a short time, combined with learning some concealment methods, is enough to deal with most unexpected situations.

After all, the space transmission ability is a form of teleportation. From one point to another, there is no displacement process path on the way.

It is really difficult to find the target if the location information is suddenly lost.

"Look, the matter of the dark department."

After all, the dark department of the alliance is one of the most confidential departments of the alliance. Even if it is Kurosawa, it is impossible to join it suddenly.

However, he knows that the powerful master Han Shouhai will definitely have a way if he wants.

He looked at Han Shouhai.

"I'll think about it again."

"Who can harm me with my space ability?" Kurosawa continued.

"Hmm, hmm."


"Don't talk, I need to think about it for a while."

Han Shouhai fell into silence, as if thinking about some difficult problem.

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