My Elf Simulator

Chapter 314: Almighty Qianli

"Let me introduce to you the members who have joined our team, Qianli." Yue Gui introduced Kurosawa to the other two team members.

"Hello everyone, I'm Qianli."

"I am a firework."

"I am the spirit pupil, the pupil of the pupil."

Neither of them seemed too close, conveying a moderate amount of friendliness.

After all, we are strangers to each other, so this attitude is normal.

Most ANBU tasks are carried out in teams, so several people have enough time to get to know each other afterwards.

Yue Gui obviously felt the same way, and she didn't put the two of them together too closely on the first day they met.

The food was served, and several people chatted while eating.

As a newcomer, Kurosawa was naturally the least talkative. He was silently observing the relationship between the three of them.

The core and talker in the team is naturally the captain Yuegui.

Laurel has a relatively calm personality.

Another female ANBU named Fireworks talks less and is not very enthusiastic. She spends most of her time playing with her mobile phone, tapping her fingers quickly on the screen, maybe chatting with someone?

Lingtong seemed to be the most active one among them. While watching e-sports competitions on his mobile phone, he complained to Yuegui that the recent tasks were too intensive and that he needed more time to practice.

However, this proposal was naturally rejected ruthlessly by captain Yue Gui, which exposed Ling Tong's little thoughts and reduced the density of tasks. Ling Tong would only relax and not invest more time in training.

The first meeting ended after lunch.

"Qianli, remember to pay attention to the information in the contact device. The first mission should start in five days. I will notify you in advance of the specific time and place of the gathering."

Laurel reminded Kurosawa.

"Okay, Captain Laurel."

"Goodbye, newcomer!"

"Take advantage of these few days and take a good rest." Lingtong patted Kurosawa's shoulder hard.

Several people parted at the entrance of the hotel.

Kurosawa turned over and rode on Little Shining, returning to Nandu to rest for a few days.

He is quite satisfied with his teammates.

There are no people with bad personalities. As for being cold and unfamiliar, it's not a big problem.

He patted the little Shining beneath him.

After using the [Styling Capsule], Little Shining's appearance has changed a lot.

It turned into a lightning-like bird.

If you want to restore it, you only need a hand seal, and Kurosawa can switch it between the two shapes.

The equipment and props equipped by ANBU members are truly amazing.

The week flew by.

"Lingtong, did you find anything?"

Laurel's voice sounded in the headphones.

"Report to the captain, traces of a camp were found one kilometer southeast. I have uploaded the coordinates."

Lingtong replied.

Kurosawa stood on a branch, observing the surroundings vigilantly.

The ability of the spiritual pupil is closely related to his code name.

His role has always been that of the eyes of the team. This magical talent gives him abilities far beyond those of an eagle eye. No clues within a range of several kilometers can escape his eyes, and he can also see many things that cannot be seen with the naked eye. s things.

"Everyone should gather at the coordinates first."

Half a minute later, the scattered team members came under a tree.

Kurosawa is the fastest.

When several people arrived, he was digging out a rusty iron pot that was half buried in the soil.

"You are too fast, Qianli." The spirit pupil fell from the sky and said with emotion.

"Just arrived." Kurosawa put the pot on the open ground. "Look at the rust, it's been there for a long time."

Yuegui nodded and turned to look at Lingtong.

"Can the spiritual pupil be traced back to its source?"

Lingtong stared at the rusty iron pot and shook his head helplessly after a few seconds.

"No, too much time has passed."

In addition to seeing farther than the normal naked eye, his pair of spiritual eyes can also trace cause and effect to a certain extent, which is very strange.

But time can erase everything, and even he can't do anything for a few months.

"Let's continue the search."

The first B-level mission of Team Laurel is a mission with a very low risk factor. It can be regarded as a way for the newly joined member "Qianli" to adapt and at the same time to enhance mutual understanding.

Their current location is probably at the southwest border of Haihua Country. The target of the mission is the processing plant of a group of criminal organizations that sell organs. However, due to time constraints, the target group has moved to the deep mountains and old forests to hide, otherwise it would be impossible. There is no need to dispatch ANBU.

The search is indeed difficult, a bit like finding a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, Spirit Eye's special ability is powerful enough. As long as there are enough clues, the correct red causal line will appear in his eyes, leading the team members to find the target.

Kurosawa looked at his crystal clear gem-like eyes and felt very surprised and sighed to himself.

There are indeed too many talented people in the world.

Kurosawa may be unparalleled in his speed of improvement, but there will always be someone who can beat him in other niche areas.

This is also the reason why most ANBU tasks are carried out by small teams. Members have their own strengths and work together.

No matter how powerful the elf master is, he cannot replace the role of the spiritual pupil at this time.

After half a day, the temporarily dispersed people finally found useful clues.

"This mineral water bottle is fine, very fresh."

Under the gaze of the three people, Lingtong nodded affirmatively.

"But why is it you again, Qianli?"

Lingtong looked at Kurosawa with a strange expression on his face.

After these few days of contact, he vaguely realized that this new member of ANBU might be hiding a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, and it was not simple.

The gathering speed is very fast every time, and even the search for mission clues is often far ahead.

"No way, good luck."

Yue Gui glanced at Kurosawa, who had a calm face, and was murmuring in her heart.

This newcomer doesn't act like a newcomer in many aspects and is very capable.

And she didn't know if it was her imagination, but she always felt that Qianli was the youngest among the four.

"Let's go." Fireworks glanced at Kurosawa, withdrew his gaze, and proactively suggested.

Now that effective clues have been found, the difficulty of this B-level mission for this four-person elite ANBU team has plummeted.

Like a dexterous hound, Lingtong led the team quickly forward in the deep mountains and old forests.

Members who join ANBU usually contract a fast-moving elf to use on their way.

After marching for about three hours, the team stopped.

What appeared in front of them was a modern camp, surrounded by guardrails and armed private armed members.

"Five elf masters, twenty-two organizational personnel, and seventy-one trapped persons." Lingtong's eyes became crystal clear again, and after the end, he softly reported the information he had learned.

The location here is close to the border. The border area has always been difficult to monitor, with a mixture of good and bad people, and a high mobility of people. Perhaps it is because of this that it gives these criminal organizations space to hide evil and evil.

Captain Yue Gui softly described the tactics and the tasks each member needs to perform to the team members.


As soon as she finished speaking, the team members split up.

Kurosawa covers Ghostly and is extremely fast.

Those elf masters are not too strong, so they may need to be careful with their hot weapons.

Of course, with his current physical reaction, it would be difficult to be hit by a gun if he was careful. Not to mention the protection carried by the ANBU uniform itself, and his inhuman physical fitness, being hit by a bullet would not have much impact.

In his ghostly state, Kurosawa is very fast and highly concealable.

He bypassed the camp's defenses without anyone noticing.

He is the fastest, so his mission is to go to the prison and control the armed members there to prevent the victims from being transferred or killed.

Yue Gui and the others had already settled down, watching Kurosawa's ghostly disappearing figure, waiting silently.

Yuegui is good at field control, Lingtong is good at perception, and Fireworks focuses on frontal explosive combat.

Although it is basically not difficult for a few people to storm the camp, it doesn't hurt to spend a little more time if it reduces the damage to innocent people.

Soon Kurosawa relied on his perception ability to get into the dungeon of the camp.

There is not enough light in the dungeon.

A few light bulbs emitted dim light, surrounded by detention cells.

In the center of the dungeon hall, several armed men were sitting around the table playing cards, with guns hanging on their bodies.

Kurosawa leaned in the corner, his body seemed to merge with the shadows.

After making sure there are no other surprises beyond your control.

Spiritual energy flows within Kurosawa's body.


Under the ground, several green seedlings suddenly appeared.

Then almost in the blink of an eye, the green seedlings continued to expand, growing crazily and turning into dark green vines.

The vines were like poisonous snakes and instantly tied up several people.

Several people sitting on the chairs were frightened by the sudden change, and they made whining and bahing sounds.

Two of them reacted quickly and immediately reached for the guns.

But before they could take any further action, the vines suddenly intensified their entanglement. The huge force even made them feel suffocated, and they had no strength at all in their hands.

Kurosawa walked out of the darkness, took off their guns, and temporarily put them into storage bracelets.

Then he passed the message to his teammates who were waiting for him outside.

When it was all over, he ignored the several guards who had fainted and turned to look at the surrounding prisons.

The movement in the hall and the giant vines growing out had alerted the trapped people, and when they realized something was going on, they all called out for help.

Kurosawa did not rush to take action, but quietly stayed in the dungeon to take care of him in accordance with the tasks assigned by Yue Gui.

Soon, the sounds of firing and explosions came from the ground above.

He knew it was his teammates who made the move.

The battle should be over quickly.

This mission is not too difficult for the team. It is basically the bottom line for B-level missions. It is generally used to practice for elite teams that need to get used to it.

Kurosawa looked at the people imprisoned in the cages around him, a hint of unbearableness looming on his cheeks.

His perception is very strong, so even if the dungeon is dark, it is no different from daylight to him, and all scenes are clearly presented in his mind.

In prison, there are many people with mutilated bodies.

Illegal trafficking organizations like this are usually connected to other criminal organizations, and the up and down criminal chains are intricately intertwined.

In particular, the situation in the southwest countries of Haihua is chaotic, with all kinds of chaos happening frequently, human experiments, allogeneic transplantation, and all kinds of troubles emerging one after another.

After Kurosawa thought for a moment, the movement above had stopped.

Not long after, the sound of Laurel's mission being completed came from his earphones.

Laurel and three others also came to the dungeon.

Looking at the crying prisoners around him, the expression on his cheeks became much more solemn.

While the three of them were communicating and preparing to contact the surrounding city alliances to deal with it, Kurosawa returned to the ground on the pretext of going outside to be on guard.

He explored the camp inside and out.

Unfortunately, there were no items containing divine substances that he needed.

However, Kurosawa was not discouraged. The most common things that the Anbu dealt with were various criminal organizations, and they would always encounter them.

After the mission was over, the four stayed in the camp for a day.

They gave simple medical treatment to innocent prisoners and detained the prisoners of the camp organization.

Then they waited for the alliance personnel from the nearest city to come and take them away a day later before leaving the camp.

After Yuegui announced the disbandment, Kurosawa's first Anbu mission ended, followed by a period of rest.

The frequency of the team's missions was not particularly frequent, and was mainly arranged by the team leader.

In their spare time, Anbu members can carry out their private lives, personal training, or go to the mission houses of Anbu bases across the country to accept single-person missions.

After the first relatively simple running-in mission, Kurosawa followed the Yuegui team to carry out several B-level missions.

The difficulty basically increased step by step.

The tacit understanding of the four-member team was also subtly improved in several missions.

Especially during a certain mission, after Kurosawa inadvertently showed his space ability, he immediately won the trust and attention of his three teammates.

Understanding is mutual. When his teammates understand Kurosawa, he also understands them.

All three are masters, even Lingtong, who focuses on perception, has master-level strength.

In terms of frontal combat ability, Yuegui is obviously the strongest, majoring in grass-type elves, and the core elf energy value is about 6,000.

Then came Yanhua, who majored in fire attributes. This person is taciturn, cold-faced but kind-hearted. After Kurosawa showed his space talent, he showed a hint of envy many times.

Lingtong's main elf is the sound wave system. With the ability of the elves, he basically deals with the senses, vision and hearing.

After completing 5 cumulative B-level tasks, Kurosawa successfully upgraded from a C-level Anbu member to a B-level Anbu member.

Strictly speaking, B-level is the starting line for the core members of the Anbu.

But it is not so easy to reach A-level.

The promotion requirements are 5 A-level tasks and 20 B-level tasks.

The latter requirement of 20 B-level missions is easy to say, as the combat power involved in B-level missions is basically below the level of Master or the level that can be solved by a single Master.

However, the difficulty of A-level missions is several times that of B-level missions, and the number is relatively small, so it is difficult to complete. Moreover, B-level members cannot actively apply for them, and they are often assigned by the Anbu team leader.

Therefore, most B-level Anbu members are stuck with this indicator.

Kurosawa woke up from the hotel room.

He glanced at his phone, and the reward for the latest mission had been issued.

The rewards for Anbu missions are very generous. On average, he gets 5 Anbu contributions for each B-level team mission.

In the internal system, 5 Anbu contributions can be exchanged for a high-quality elf egg with three-star race qualifications.

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