Kurosawa didn't need any special resources in the short term, so he kept saving his Anbu contributions, and now he has 26.

He sat up from the bed and walked to the mirror.

His temperament changed a little after a period of Anbu missions.

When he didn't smile, his temperament became a little cold and hard.

He rubbed his cheeks. There was nothing he could do about it. The tasks he performed after joining the Anbu were far more dangerous and brutal than regular tasks. Even if the B-level tasks were not as dangerous as licking blood on the tip of a knife, the probability of seeing blood was much higher.

Kurosawa also quietly completed the transition from an Anbu novice to an Anbu rookie. For criminals who were extremely vicious and had no value in interrogating intelligence, Anbu members would often let them die.

At first, Kurosawa was not used to the process of life and death, but after seeing the vicious persecution of others by the villains, he slowly learned to harden his heart.

For a position like the Anbu that holds the power of life and death, killing itself is not just killing, but also salvation in another sense.

Captain Yuegui said something that Kurosawa thought made sense.

Being tolerant to evil people is a crime, and being merciful to evil people is wronging good people.

He patted his cheek to make himself more sober.

Today is a rest day without missions.

He plans to go to the field to strengthen training.

The last time he performed a mission, he exposed the fact that his proficiency in [Coordinate Movement] was not enough.

At present, he can only set the conscious coordinates and then transfer himself.

Things in his hands can also be transferred, but they must be inanimate objects. Living objects cannot be transferred with him for the time being.

Coordinate Movement: D+

Kurosawa vaguely felt that after the ability level was raised, the coordinate movement would become more comprehensive and diverse.

At the same time, the speed of the spirit's skill release should also be strengthened to reduce the charging time before the spirit releases the skill.

This is also Kurosawa's personal experience after many dark missions.

The speed of psychic conduction, skill attack speed, and reaction speed are very important.

Because the situation often changes rapidly during the mission, the dark personnel need to take different measures according to the specific situation.

Moreover, there are more enemies to face, so it is necessary to do one-on-many, and at the same time prevent them from escaping, or doing desperate actions to hurt civilians.

Act quickly, cleanly, and do not hesitate.

At the same time, Kurosawa also has his own unparalleled advantages.

That is, even if he does not use the power of the elves, he has strong combat power.

This is even more important for the Anbu.

The power of the elves is indeed strong, which cannot be denied, but because of this, the aura of the elves is often more difficult to hide.

Many times, the summoning of the elves will alarm others, not to mention the use of skills.

The elves are easy to expose their whereabouts, but his coordinate movement will not.

Kurosawa and the elves spent a morning in practice.

During the lunch break, Kurosawa took the time to look at the communication equipment of the Anbu.

He and other members of the team communicated with each other through this black and gold mobile phone, and it can also connect to the intranet of the Anbu system to view various confidential information. Of course, he is now just the most ordinary B-level Anbu member, and his intelligence authority is relatively low.

His temporary goal is to rush to the level as soon as possible and become an A-level Anbu member.

Only when you reach the A level can you lead a team and receive more diverse tasks.

As for the S level, he dare not dream of it in the short term.

The level of B-level members is too low. Most of the tasks must be carried out with their own team, and the team tasks are accepted by the captain Yue Gui.

He can accept other single-person B-level tasks in the task house, but the rewards are low, and there are even fewer that may involve evil criminal organizations.

There are many opportunities to deal with them in A-level tasks.

And there are currently only two ways for him to participate in A-level tasks.

1. Captain Yue Gui accepts it on behalf of the Yue Gui team, and he follows as a member of the team.

2. He shows enough strength to let the leader of the action team who assigns the task from above entrust him with an important task, so that he can perform tasks across levels.

However, at least in the short term, the probability of the above two situations happening is not high.

The first is that Captain Yue Gui will not rashly accept A-level tasks after he, a newcomer, has just entered.

A-level tasks are very dangerous. If the enemy's strength exceeds the intelligence expectations, even the master may die.

The second one is even more unrealistic.

Now his Xiaolan and Flora have broken through 2,000 leaf energy values, and the rest of the elves are just approaching 2,000.

The actual combat power may be close to 3,000 or 4,000, but it is still within the scope of the B-level rating.

Although the rating of the Anbu members is accumulated according to the mission qualifications, the qualifications themselves are enough to reflect the approximate strength of a member.

The average strength of the A-level Anbu members is basically the level of the late masters.

Kurosawa's strength is about the front, close to the middle range.

Fortunately, Kurosawa is not in a hurry.

The Anbu's missions are very training, and he has already felt that his spiritual power and the strength of the elves are growing in an orderly manner.

Actual combat is the best way to sharpen people.

Kurosawa unlocks the device.

In the communication device, in the conversation group of the four-person team, Lingtong is still actively speaking.

He seems to be addicted to a certain online game recently. When there is no rest time for the mission, he always asks people in the group to play double rows with him, trying to pull people into the pit.

However, Laurel and Fireworks were not people who would be interested in this aspect at all, and they refused ruthlessly many times.

Kurosawa found that he had called him in the conversation group in the morning. Kurosawa was training at that time and did not look at the equipment at all.

After typing his apology, Kurosawa closed the conversation group and clicked into the online task room on the ANBU intranet to view the tasks.

Although there were not many tasks that he could take on at his level, he would still come up regularly to refresh it. After flipping through it, he shook his head helplessly.

Be honest and accumulate mission qualifications with the team first, and improve your personal strength at the same time.


half year later.

April 2024.

"Watch out!"

A man shouted to a woman in the distance.

She was half-kneeling on the ground, reaching out to help an old lady in ragged clothes.

But the next moment, the old lady's body suddenly began to fester. At the same time, the energy level in the originally ordinary old body soared extremely!


In almost a tenth of a second, the body exploded like an inflated balloon.

Terrifying high fever, toxins suddenly released like a volcanic eruption.

The moisture in the air was evaporated, countless gases were accumulated, and toxins and dust rose into the sky.

A deep pit measuring tens of meters wide was left on the ground in an instant.

There was a flash of light.

Four hundred meters away.

The man holding the woman flashed and fell in the air.

The woman jumped out of the man's arms, looked back at the big explosion behind her, and swallowed with fear.

"Thank you, Chisato."

"I didn't expect there was an angler here." Kurosawa squinted his eyes slightly, as if he could see the underground creatures through the ground.

The angler is a very special kind of elf. It can sense some of the thoughts of other creatures and release the corresponding bait to paralyze the target. When the enemy relaxes its vigilance, it then transports toxins and energy along the pipe to detonate the bait.

That's why fireworks numb the unwary.

Not long after, captain Yuegui and Lingtong also arrived at the scene.

Everyone worked separately to collect clues. Kurosawa was the fastest. He sensed the danger on the fireworks side and launched coordinate movements several times to arrive.

"Fireworks, you are not hurt."

"Captain, I'm fine. Chisato arrived just in time." At this point, Hua Hua looked at Kurosawa with grateful eyes.

To be honest, during the time he formed the team, he has used his spatial ability to help his teammates resolve crises many times.

"Qianli, your strength seems to have improved a lot." Lingtong smiled and patted Kurosawa's shoulder.

Kurosawa was about to say something, but before he could open his mouth, there was a sudden vibration underneath him.

"Captain, the angler seems to be leaving." He quickly looked at Captain Yue Gui.

"Don't let it go! I'll force it out first!"

Yue Gui said decisively.

The team had just annihilated a small branch of the Ancient God Society. They didn't come here for it, but since they bumped into it, they couldn't leave it alone.

Moreover, most of this angler was kept in captivity by the branch of the Ancient God Society. The angler itself contains a large amount of various toxins, which can be made into various hallucinogens and highly toxic reagents.

Laurel summons a tree spirit.

The tree elf's roots penetrated into the soil and grew rapidly.

Not long after, the shaking underground stopped.

"be prepared."

Suddenly, the earth opened.

The tree elves directly use the thick root system to form a network to bind it and force it out of the ground.

The body of the fisherman is a big fish, with a small ball hanging from the tentacles in front of his head.

The moment it comes out, countless toxins are released from the pores.

The toxins of the super elves caused countless plants on the surface to die instantly.

Everyone took precautions and summoned their own main elves to rush forward.

There is no doubt about the outcome of the battle.

Anglers are not elves who are good at frontal combat, let alone facing four masters.

It’s just that the pollution it caused was a bit serious.

Afterwards, Kurosawa and Laurel began to use their respective grass elves to repair the damage to the forest, and at the same time disintegrate the remaining toxins. If left unchecked, there would be no grass growing here in a few decades, and it might also pollute the surrounding waters, causing even worse ecology. Impact.

"Wu! It feels like it's not very difficult to perform tasks recently." Lingtong couldn't get involved in the purification work. "We're really getting stronger."

He stood and stretched.

Their mission for this trip has been successfully completed, and they will have another holiday next.

"That's almost it." Hua Hua rolled her eyes at him. "Don't you know who has become stronger? You lazy idiot, it's good if your strength doesn't decline."

"That's right. Qianli became stronger, doesn't it mean our team became stronger? And I'm just an assistant, don't have such high demands on assistants." Lingtong waved his hand and said carelessly.

Kurosawa controlled Flora to purify the remaining poison released by the angler's self-destruction before death. While listening to the conversation between the two, he felt a little emotional in his heart.

In the past six months, his and Elf's strength had improved rapidly, more than doubling.

Flora's emergy has reached five thousand one.

The other elves are basically around 4,500.

In terms of combat power, he has now even surpassed captain Yuegui.

But this is normal. Yue Gui's strength is relatively average among the team leaders, and she also cultivates control-oriented elves.

In terms of psychic abilities, he also made great breakthroughs.

It has soared from 900 half a year ago to 1,500 today.

A small part of this is the improvement brought by practicing the exercise method, and more is the gift brought by the purification of divine substances.

The Pan's Seal on the back of his hand is becoming more and more complete. From the beginning there were only two horns, to now the sheep's face has been condensed and formed, and is converging towards the sheep's body.

As for the personal panel.

Player: Kurosawa

Level: LV7 (112/1000)

Psionics: 1550 (B)

Physical fitness: C+

Charm: D

Talent: Power of Nature (C+) Air Control (C+) Coordinate Movement (C+)

In terms of physical fitness, he has achieved great success in the Mermaid Martial Arts and Rou Fist, and his physical fitness has quietly reached the C+ level.

His body, which is not exaggeratedly muscular, contains terrifying power. Coupled with his own natural abilities, even if he does not summon the elves, he himself has the strength of a newly promoted high-level elf.

The three talents and abilities are all stuck at the C+ level evenly.

It's just that Yukong has just arrived at C+, and the force of nature and coordinate movement have been stuck there for a while, and he feels that he is about to break through in the near future.

After completing the purification of the pollution, everyone announced that they were disbanding on the spot.

"14 B-level missions, 2 A-level missions."

Including the B-level mission that just ended, the above is Kurosawa's mission qualifications for more than half a year of his ANBU career.

There is still a long way to go to upgrade to the A-level Anbu level, mainly because the number of A-level missions required is too different.

However, the speed of accumulation should increase rapidly in the future.

As he occasionally collaborated with other team members on missions, he gradually became famous among the ANBU.

The main reason is that the superiority of space ability is too strong.

Especially after the coordinate movement ability was upgraded to C level, special positioning points were awakened, and the ability to move with living beings in contact was gained, and he became a good national teammate with a reassurance type.

He only needs to solidify a special positioning point on his teammates through physical contact in advance. As long as the positioning point exists for one day, he can teleport with the opponent at any time.

For example, if the enemy uses every possible means to use skills to imprison and restrain a certain ANBU member, Kurosawa can flash into position and then flash away with him, thus eliminating the crisis for his teammates.

One spreads to ten, and ten spreads to a hundred.

Basically, most of the Anbu knew that the third team of the Qingyang Group had such a space system user.

If he has any tasks on weekdays, he is also willing to ask if he is willing to form a team.

After all, there is a person with space ability in the team, so he feels absolutely safe.

One of Kurosawa's qualifications for A-level missions was obtained by hugging someone else's thigh. He did nothing during the whole process. He acted with two other ANBU teams. In the end, he not only received a sufficient amount of ANBU contributions, but also received an unexpected reward. An object containing divine substances.

Besides, he was no fool. Even though he was fishing all the way, others still had to thank him, because with his presence in the team, others could carry out their tasks with peace of mind.

"B-level missions are easy to say. If you follow the team for 3 more A-level missions, you will reach the upgrade target."

Kurosawa counted on his fingers.

After being promoted to A-level, he can form a team and take on A-level missions of his own choice.

Will there be less divine substances by then?

Kurosawa felt that his ANBU career had a bright future.

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