My Elf Simulator

Chapter 339 Groupings announced and semi-finals

Perhaps they foresaw the difficulty of today's game, and many contestants who came to the scene looked solemn.

For this round of the game, the official live broadcast room invited a well-known commentary team to broadcast the content.

Of course, the commentators did not follow to the scene, but only used remote broadcasting to explain.

"Today's game will be very exciting."

"Yes, yesterday, all TV stations predicted the expected appearance of the players. I wonder if the players supported by the audience are on the hot list?"

In the professional studio, the commentators in formal clothes sat on the sofa and chatted.

Today's game will produce the top four places in the provincial super league, so the attention and importance it receives far exceeds the first round of the game.

In the minds of many people, no matter what kind of event, the gold content from the top four is rising wildly.

In terms of the honors and backgrounds of ordinary players, most of them are the champions and runners-up of each group, the top four, etc. The top eight and the top sixteen are rarely put in the honor introduction, unless the personal honors of the player are really limited.

In addition to the Jinliang official live broadcast room responsible for hosting this event, some of the players' home team cities also opened channels to support their players.

Haitang City is no exception, and the live broadcast room has been pushed early.

Some viewers in Haitang City chose to support Kurosawa on the Jinliang official channel, while others supported Kurosawa on Haitang's own channel.

Kurosawa's appearance allowed many viewers of Haitang to participate in high-level events for the first time.

On the Haitang forum, many Haitang League fans continued to communicate.

"I missed the previous stage of the game. Today is my first time watching the provincial super league. Are there any precautions for watching?"

"I have put on my suit and tie and sat in front of the computer ready to watch Brother Zezi's wonderful performance."

"If you are from Haitang, please go to watch the game!"

"Please raise your hands and share your luck with Brother Zezi. The draw ceremony is really important to Zebao!"

"Forget about bad luck, please lend your bad luck to other players!"

"Nervous, I feel like I can't breathe."

As the players arrived at the venue one after another, the official staff who came to the scene to host completed the headcount. After confirming that all the contestants had arrived, the draw ceremony began.

The person in charge of the draw ceremony today is a well-known veteran Qiu Hong, a retired old elf master.

Before going on stage, he shook hands with each player off the stage.

When shaking hands with Kurosawa, the photography bird above his head took this picture.

In the picture, the two contestants on the left and right represent the past and future of Hanquan Province respectively, just like the transition between the old and the new, it is a very memorable picture.

After Comrade Qiu Hong shook hands with Kurosawa, he also encouraged him a few words before going on stage to prepare for the draw.

A 195-year-old veteran

Kurosawa sighed silently in the audience, his age was not even a fraction of the other party.

185 years old is also the twilight years for the elf master who has a longer life span than ordinary people.

Generally speaking, the theoretical life limit of the master elf master is about 200 years old, the amulet can be extended to 250 years old, and the throne-level players can reach 300 years and above.

Of course, what is said here is the theoretical life span.

In fact, many elf masters of the corresponding level cannot live to such a long age.

Because, although the elf master is healthier and stronger, considering the characteristics of the profession, they are exposed to more dangers.

It is also very common for them to die early due to unfortunate accidents or to accumulate too many injuries and reduce their life span.

Qiu Hong was a former defensive player. In recent years, his physical skills have aged rapidly and his spiritual power has declined significantly. He has now retired and is living at home.

Time is indeed the most ruthless weapon. Kurosawa looked at the old man on the stage with arms like dead trees and sighed.

He reached his arm into the box, grabbed the ball with the player's name on it, and opened it to show it in front of the camera.

Kurosawa watched very seriously.

This time he showed up very early. After the first group was divided, it was his turn.

Watching the paper with his name on it being slowly unfolded, Kurosawa's heart couldn't help but speed up a little.

Next was his next opponent.

Millions of fans were nervous with him.

Under his staring eyes, the opponent's ball was grabbed out of the box.

The box, the ball, and even the paper with the name on it are made of special materials that can block external perception.

The ball was opened, and a golden rolled paper was slowly straightened and displayed.

"Zhu Xiaochuan."

When he saw the name of his opponent, Kurosawa's eyebrows raised.

He actually drew an acquaintance.

Kurosawa shook his head helplessly.

He didn't know most of the players on the scene, and the only one he knew, Zhu Xiaochuan, turned out to be his next opponent. This made Kurosawa feel mixed emotions.

He and Zhu Xiaochuan met because of the purification activity after the end of the last provincial super league. In the deep secret realm, the captain of the team he, Ning Yexing, and Mi Liling were in was Zhu Xiaochuan.

Outside the venue, Ning Yexing and Mi Liling, who also came to the scene to support Kurosawa today, looked at each other.

".Should I say it's a good draw?"

"It should be."

Mi Liling shook her head and nodded.

In fact, it should be a good draw for Kurosawa to draw Zhu Xiaochuan, who ranked fifth last year.

After all, it was lucky not to draw the top three. You can't expect the guests to draw the weakest opponent for Kurosawa.

"It just feels too coincidental. I don't know how Zhu feels now, haha." Ning Yexing laughed.

Last year, Kurosawa and them still needed Zhu Xiaochuan's protection, but this year Kurosawa and Zhu Xiaochuan are already standing on the same stage.

In fact, the other party, Zhu Xiaochuan, also showed a helpless smile when he saw the result.

He actually had a strong premonition after Kurosawa successfully advanced to the elimination round.

But he didn't expect that the premonition really came true.


Zhu Xiaochuan's sight looked through the crowd and saw Kurosawa.

He seemed to be much more mature than last year.

Of course, the biggest change is Kurosawa's strength. If the elves were not the same few, Zhu Xiaochuan would have thought that he had changed a person.

It is impossible to connect Kurosawa with this strength now with the young man who was still a little green last year.

"It feels difficult to play." Zhu Xiaochuan muttered to himself.

Kurosawa's performance during the mission last year impressed him greatly. Now, in the past year, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. The spirit energy that was originally a shortcoming has been made up. Now Kurosawa is definitely a tough opponent!

I am afraid that few people know this better than him.

Zhu Xiaochuan took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality.

The mentality should be correct. You can't underestimate Kurosawa just because he is young and it is his first time to participate in the provincial super competition.

Since Zhu Xiaochuan came to participate in the competition, he definitely doesn't want to lose.

However, if you can't win even if you try your best, that's another matter.

So the premise is to try your best, so that you won't regret it.

Kurosawa also adjusted his mental state after knowing the result of the draw.

Last time in the deep secret realm for a week, Zhu Xiaochuan took great care of him.

To be honest, he is not the kind of player who likes to meet acquaintances on the field, especially in this kind of game where you advance if you win and are eliminated if you lose.

If he wins, he will feel guilty for being cruel to an acquaintance, but he doesn't want to lose, especially when there is a chance of winning.

He pinched his brows.

Although I'm sorry, if they meet on the field, Kurosawa still wants to win!

Kurosawa opened his eyes, and his eyes gradually became firm.

In the live broadcast room, the commentator and the audience didn't know the reason inside. When they saw the results of Kurosawa and Zhu Xiaochuan's distribution, they and other players looked strange, and they were a little confused.

"Good draw! Good draw!"

"Why do you say it's a good draw? As the player ranked fifth in the last session, Zhu Xiaochuan doesn't feel that he is that strong in a head-on collision."

"Ze fans, restrain yourself a little, open champagne at halftime, right?"

"Do Kurosawa and Zhu know each other? It seems that the expressions on their faces are a little helpless."

"I don't think I've heard much about the relationship between the two?"

"Let's cheer for Kurosawa. Compared with the veterans, I hope to see more fresh blood to come up."

In the barrage, there are still many fans supporting Kurosawa.

On the one hand, the fans of veterans are not as active as those of new stars, not to mention that Zhu Xiaochuan himself is a very low-key player, which is even more so.

On the other hand, the league audience also likes the new and dislikes the old. It is understandable that they hope to see younger new players rise. Only young people can support the future of Haihua.

The subsequent draw results were released one by one.

As many people predicted before the game, the top three players were staggered and did not meet in advance in the quarterfinals.

There are four games today, two in the morning and two in the afternoon.

Coincidentally, the match between Kurosawa and Zhu Xiaochuan is still in the second game.

For most of the audience, among the four games today, the match between Kurosawa and Zhu Xiaochuan became the only game with suspense and suspense, and it received the most attention.

In such expectations, the first game kicked off.

The current No. 1 player in the Provincial Super League, Weng Yuanjing, played against Wu Guoyu, who ranked seventh in the last term.

This is a game that is destined to be without suspense.

However, because of the appeal of the No. 1 player in the Provincial Super League, the number of viewers is still very large.

Weng Yuanjing may have other considerations and did not choose a quick battle.

Instead, he played a slow-paced game with Wu Guoyu in a half-fight and half-training mode.

Of course, the slowness here refers to the time. In fact, there was no ripple in the process.

Weng Yuanjing still won this round with a singles score of 3:0, and the attitude of an absolute winner.

The difference in strength between him and Wu Guoyu cannot be reflected by the gap between the first and seventh in the current league.

The process of the game is more like guidance than a battle.

After the end, the two players shook hands in the center of the court.

Facing failure, Wu Guoyu did not have too much frustration on his face.

Or rather, this frustration was exhausted after the draw results came out.

"Please prepare to go on stage, Kurosawa and Zhu Xiaochuan."

After the Sand Rock Crocodile Team repaired the venue, the staff reminded.

Kurosawa and Zhu Xiaochuan looked at each other, and then each used their own means to go down to the venue.

Neither of them communicated too much, and both wanted to play a good game.

When they were in place, new viewers began to pour into the live broadcast room.

"Here it comes!"

"The only interesting match today."

"I feel like I can quit after watching this match and wait for tomorrow's semifinals."

"The semifinals will be exciting."

"I hope Zebao can make it to the semifinals and get a trophy."

In the provincial super competition, in addition to the trophies for the champion, runner-up and third place, the fourth place also has a small trophy of commemorative significance. As for the bonus and subsequent rewards, the difference between the top four and 5-8 is also quite large.

Back on the court.

Kurosawa took a deep breath to adjust his breathing.

He has now entered the serious mode.

Because they spent a week together in the mission stage last year, the two are familiar with each other's elf lineup.

The elf lineup will not change much in a year, even Kurosawa is no exception.

Kurosawa recalled Zhu Xiaochuan's information.

Zhu Xiaochuan is a relatively special one among the players in the main competition.

He is proficient in cultivating psychic elves.

Compared with elves of other attributes, psychic elves have more diverse abilities and higher unexpectedness.

Zhu Xiaochuan's core elf is Franken, who masters the power of splitting.

It has a very strong destructive power. It is difficult to hurt it by destroying its body, so its vitality is very tenacious.

Moreover, it can flexibly split into several parts at any time to fight together, so you need to be mentally prepared for multi-threaded response.

You also need to be careful with its splitting power, which is extremely sharp! And after the wound is created, it is more difficult to heal.

While Kurosawa was calculating the information, Zhu Xiaochuan was also recalling Kurosawa's information.

About five minutes later.

The referee's voice came through the headset, breaking the calm between the two.

"Please prepare both players! If there is no abnormal situation, the game will start immediately."

"Everything is normal on my side."

"Be ready at any time."

"The game officially begins!"

At the referee's command, Kurosawa and Zhu Xiaochuan threw out the flash card at the same time.

The flash card rotated in the air and then released a strong light.

Kurosawa still sent Flora, and Zhu Xiaochuan's first elf was also Franken.

At this stage, except for the top three players who had spare power to hide their shortcomings, the core elves of other players have all appeared.

Franken floated in the air, his head, limbs, and torso seemed to be sewn together by countless threads, and his torn clothes fluttered in the wind, making a rustling sound.

"Hiss, hiss!!"

Franken twisted his head wantonly, without the restriction of joints, his body was very flexible.

He even took his head off with his hands and played with it, trying to give the little cutie in the distance mental pressure in this way.

Unfortunately, although Flora looked young, she had a lot of combat experience.

She was not scared by Franken, but just released strong grass-attribute energy expressionlessly.

She wanted to create the glory of Kurosawa.

Not one victory, not two victories, she wanted to keep winning.

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