My Elf Simulator

Chapter 340: Franken's Rampage

Jungle realm!

Grass attribute energy flows rapidly, covering the earth.

In an instant, the grass and trees bloomed.

Barren valleys turned into green forests.

In the distance in front of Flora, Franken was also intimidating to no avail and decisively released the power of division.

The superpower field expanded rapidly.

The superpower field belonging to the power of division looks very special in appearance, as if it is covered with a silvery white mysterious luster on the ground, giving it a hazy beauty.

But in fact, the power of that splitting force is terrifying.

If you look carefully, the ravines that tear and crack on the ground from time to time are enough to illustrate its danger.

Grass attributes and Splinter Force collide in the midfield.

The power of division can even break down and melt grass attribute energy.

Of course, the grass attribute also consumes the power of division.

"Sure enough, it's still very strong."

The first energy confrontation made Kurosawa think with emotion.

Zhu Xiaochuan, who was able to achieve fifth points in the last Provincial Super League, is certainly not an ordinary person.

Analyzing only from the perspective of hard power, the Franken in front of him is stronger than the core elf Basilosaurus of his previous opponent. Of course, Basilosaurus has its own unique advantages and can perfectly cooperate with the elf master's innate abilities.

Game start.

Neither Kurosawa nor Zhu Xiaochuan made any big moves. In the initial stage, they were still mainly testing.

"high speed."

Kurosawa silently made a judgment to Franken.

Franken is different from Basilosaurus in that it is smaller and looks like a two-and-a-half-meter large humanoid doll, so it moves much faster.

This is a characteristic caused by the physical condition of the elves. Generally speaking, larger elves will be at a disadvantage in terms of flexibility and speed, but their physical strength and vitality will have the upper hand.

In this respect, Flora is somewhat similar to Franken.

It's just that Flora is more of a mage type, while Franken is like an assassin with more life-saving methods.

In the valley, the field was constantly being tested by the two people's back and forth.

"Franken's energy value is a little higher than Flora's, but his attribute energy is not as pure as Flora's."

"I have a lot of advantages in psychic abilities, but I lack experience in combating elves with super attributes."

Kurosawa is very level-headed.

Testing is not a waste of time. In fact, it is just a test of the opponent's strength without exposing one's own weaknesses, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy and ourselves, and then thinking of a response strategy.

Facing different elves, the combat plan that needs to be adopted also needs to be adjusted accordingly.

Zhu Xiaochuan is also making this judgment process. The first game is the most important in a series, and it can even be said to account for about 50% of the influence.

The side that loses first will often have a subtle change in mentality.

Furthermore, because you lose, the initiative goes to the opponent. Your side is at a disadvantage, and you must make targeted adjustments accordingly. Should you continue to fight singles rounds, or should you give up some of your strength to prepare for the battle? In team battles, you should release as much as you want.

If you put too much, you run the risk of being sent away directly in the singles round; if you put too little, you worry about not retaining enough strength in team battles.

In a short period of time, various decisions were made based on the situation on the court and the strength of both sides. It was a very tangled matter for the player who was the first to suffer a defeat.

It was different from the last battle against Basilosaurus, where he chose to take the initiative for most of the battle.

Kurosawa decided to settle down normally.

Franken's reaction is quick, and the power of division is more unpredictable and explosive. If he adopts the second half strategy of facing Basilosaurus, it will be too risky.

Franken has a strong life-saving ability, and Flora has a strong recovery ability.

What Kurosawa and Flora need to do is to stabilize themselves. They must not be led into Franken's chaotic fighting rhythm, and then use the frontal battle of the dignified formation to consume the opponent's energy.

Continuous attacks will inevitably reveal flaws. Although it is highly immune to damage due to its splitting characteristics, if there are more opportunities, sooner or later he will seize the opportunity to counterattack.

You must not rush into real name liberation. Zhu Xiaochuan also watched his last game and must be extremely impressed by this explosive method.

Once Kurosawa releases True Name Liberation at will, the opponent will never confront him head-on. Instead, they will split up and temporarily avoid the limelight. They will wait until the short-term True Name Liberation state ends and Flora's condition declines before reorganizing the offensive.

After thinking about this, Kurosawa suddenly felt a lot more at ease.


Flora fell to the ground.

The white skirt flutters slowly like blooming petals, absorbing the sunlight above her head wantonly.

The golden sunlight seemed to be gathered by Flora, giving it a divine luster.

Photosynthesis, the most basic light attribute skill, was also upgraded by Kurosawa from dark blue level to dark purple level. Kurosawa invested the most points in Flora.

Deep Purple's photosynthesis recovery ability is very strong. If it weren't for the rainy weather on the field, Kurosawa would have won the game faster.

Seeing Kurosawa asking Flora to lower her body, seemingly trying to look steady and steady, Zhu Xiaochuan's eyes flashed with a trace of regret.

He really hoped that Flora could start a mobile battle with his Franken. Even in the trial session just now, he had Franken face Flora with frequent provocations, and deliberately left some loopholes to lure Flora to attack.

Unfortunately, Kurosawa didn't seem to be fooled.

Although he and the elves are very young, his fighting style is like that of an old player with a mature mentality.

Throughout his entire career, it seems that he rarely makes emotional and impulsive moves. Even if he does, it is often the result of careful planning in retrospect.

"Press forward! Give it a bigger squeeze!"

Zhu Xiaochuan issued an order to Franken.

Franken nodded, and the next moment, his body flew out quickly, and the splitting force wrapped around his body was like an indestructible sword.

It's not that he was anxious.

Flora's recovery is much higher than Franken's. Now it is spreading parasitic seeds. If it drags on, Flora will definitely win.

He and Franken must take the initiative to attack, and attack fiercely! Make the opponent make a forced mistake!

On the path between Franken and Flora, a dark brown wooden shield suddenly rose up and spanned it.

The super wooden blade can not only release a sharp offensive sword, but also split into a defensive shield that is far stronger than metal.

Franken did not change his route because of the appearance of the wooden shield. On the contrary, he continued to rush straight towards the wooden shield.

In the end, he almost "collided" with it directly.

However, the imagined explosion did not occur. Almost at the first moment of the "collision", Franken passed through, and the wooden shield that was strong enough to resist artillery suddenly turned into powder.

Slow motion shows that the moment the wooden shields touched the split power coat wrapped around Franken's body, those wooden shields were penetrated in an instant.

The rigid wooden shield was cut and shattered by the split power inside.

The shield made of the super wooden blade is very strong, but the grass-attribute energy contained inside is not much, so it is difficult to resist this kind of attack deep inside.

Fortunately, with the help of a short cover, Flora dodged from the original place and completed the transfer.

The enemy advances and I retreat. Since Zhu Xiaochuan wants to fight him head-on, Kurosawa will dodge as much as possible.

"Why do I feel that the style has completely changed from the quarterfinals."

"Today, old man Zhu is so proactive."

"This Franken is getting into the state a little too fast. This wave after wave, the tide-like offensive really has the fierce taste of Flora on the court."

On the field, Franken is getting stronger and stronger, taking the initiative completely.

The audience's reaction to this is different, but generally feel that Franken is gradually gaining the upper hand.

This is also very reasonable. Offensive strategies always seem to be much more proactive than stubborn defensive strategies.

If you attack, you are actively looking for opportunities, while the defender is passively waiting for the opponent to expose problems and give opportunities.

On the field, Kurosawa, who is gradually "falling into a disadvantage", is not in a hurry at all.

He looked at Flora dodging on the field, and his eyes silently scanned the field.

When Franken attacked, Flora, who was passively beaten, quietly snatched the field.

Now looking at the proportion of the field on the field, the green grass attribute field occupies more than 60%

Moreover, the arrangement of the sweet flower sea and parasitic seeds was also spread all over the venue.

"Steady and steady, that's it." Kurosawa nodded.

However, he was not completely relieved. He knew that Zhu Xiaochuan must know that he was gradually falling into a passive position after a long attack on Flora, and he would look for opportunities more frantically.

Sure enough, Kurosawa thought so just a moment ago.

The next moment, Zhu Xiaochuan on the opposite side re-ordered Franken.

"Phase 2! Thousands of threads!!"

I saw that the energy in Franken's body seemed to have completed some kind of transformation, and the splitting force emitted a brilliant silver-white light.

Especially at its joints, the light was the brightest, and countless silver-white threads flowed wantonly like rolling waves, making people shudder and their eyes burn.

It seemed that just looking at it would cut and bruise your eyes.

Then, its body began to release.

The head was separated, the limbs were detached, the body was broken into many pieces, and various body tissues were connected together in the thin lines like silver waves.

It floated in the air, like a monster stitched together by silver threads.

A strong aura continued to rise from its body.

Kurosawa frowned quietly.

Unexpected variables appeared. Zhu Xiaochuan had never used similar moves in previous competitions.

Either it was a hidden move, or it was a new breakthrough mastered in the past year.

Kurosawa and Flora both stared at it closely!

Under the close gaze of the two, the silver thread monster moved!

"Hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss!!!"

It twisted in the air, and countless silver threads broke away, like thousands of thin but sharp whips waving in the air.

The silver threads touched the ground, and countless light spots flew up in an instant.

From stones to sand, the thin and sharp silver threads were cut into the finest dust.

Franken turned into a terrifying cutting machine!

It was completely out of control!

Kurosawa held his breath.

He didn't know how long the opponent could hold on, but Franken in this form was really strong.

As expected, these veteran masters who have been in the top few positions in the province for many years should not be underestimated. They all have some killer moves hidden in their cards.

Without Kurosawa's instructions, Flora also knew that Franken in this form should not be touched.

His cutting ability was almost raised to a terrifying level.

Kurosawa's natural power instantly increased to the highest level, and a gorgeous ultramarine color appeared in the depths of his pupils.

After locking Franken, he gave Flora instructions again.

"Ghost step!"

"Vine Storm! Wooden Dragon Land Walk! Delay and obstruct!"

"The remaining toxins in the sea of ​​sweet flowers explode!"

Kurosawa did not carry out True Name Liberation. True Name Liberation lasted too short, and there would be a period of sluggishness after the end. He did not want to bet on which of the two parties would last longer.

A series of quick commands take effect in the blink of an eye.

Ghost Step increases Flora's own movement speed.

Vine Storm and Wood Dragon Ground Walk serve as tentacles placed on the ground, ready to block Franken at any time.

The toxins in Sweet Flower Sea were buried in Franken's body in the previous stage. He originally wanted to wait for Franken to weaken and take them away in conjunction with the strong period of the liberation of his true name. Now he can only release them first.

Purple flower poison flies out from several main parts of Franken's body.

The poison paralyzed the surrounding silk threads to a certain extent, and then penetrated towards other silver threads further away.

However, Zhu Xiaochuan noticed this, and instantly the warrior broke his wrist, and the part of the poisoned purple silk thread was naturally disconnected from both ends and fell to the ground.

The other silver threads are then connected and sewn together quickly and normally.

Darkhand's flower poison burst works, but it's not completely effective.

After dealing with the legacy poison, Franken suddenly moved!

It rushed towards the direction of Flora at a super high speed. The body did not fly very high, and the silver thread could shatter all materials on the ground at any time.

Along the way, dozens of meters long wooden dragons and vines rushed toward it crazily.

But before the vines and wooden dragons entangled and tied up the silver-threaded monster Franken.

In a moment when he couldn't breathe, the wooden dragon and vines were cut into dozens of pieces, and then cut into hundreds of pieces and disintegrated.

The wave of sharp silver thread can cut through anything!

"Jungle Realm! Vine Storm!"

Kurosawa directed Flora to retreat quickly while creating giant vines faster to block her.

The giant vine was certainly not useless, and Franken had to find time to deal with it, but it was cut too quickly.

The vines were like countless pythons that were not afraid of death, rushing toward the moving Franken.

Suddenly, countless green plant sap splashed, lumpy rhizomes, and plant skins were ground into powder flying all over the sky!

The entire valley was covered with a layer of green light clouds.

The scary thing is that even in the endless obstruction, Franken's flying speed is still faster than the evacuating Flora!

"Keep retreating!"

The opponent's burst duration cannot be infinite.

Although Kurosawa was nervous, he already had a plan. The only thing he needed to do now was to delay as much time as possible, every extra second he could get.

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