My Elf Simulator

Chapter 350 The Sims

[White] The character has a bad personality

[White] Mutilated limbs

[White] Elf has a cheerful personality

Look at the three entries that appear.

Kurosawa's expression became speechless again.

These are all buffs, and many of the entries given by the first-level adventure level are negative.

Not to mention the mutilation of limbs, it is definitely not a choice.

He has a bad personality and is probably not very good.

It’s easy to be ostracized by teammates during missions.

After Kurosawa thought for a while, he felt that the cheerful personality of the elf should be regarded as a positive influence.

Although he has been out of the low-level elf master stage for two or three years, he still vaguely remembers the confusion and uneasiness he often felt in the starting stage.

For novice elf masters, any conditions that help increase confidence are positive, and a cheerful and upbeat elf will undoubtedly give the elf master more motivation to persevere.

Thinking of this, he chose the third entry [White] Elf has a cheerful personality.

"Whether to consume an expedition key."


Kurosawa agrees.

Darkness still swept over him, and his consciousness continued to sink, and he finally fell asleep slowly.




Some time has passed again.

When he woke up, the fatigue in his head intensified.

However, he was still quite excited as he was still exploring the expedition stage, so he clicked on the expedition interface to view the results.

【Expedition Report】

"You were born into a poor family with a single parent."

Kurosawa was already prepared for the simulated start.

He guessed that if he did not choose a wealthy family entry, the start would be poor by default.

In fact, family factors still have a great influence on a new elf master in the initial stage. Regardless of various resources and material factors, family has a greater impact on the elf master's character. Overly poor family conditions are more likely to give rise to low self-esteem and lack of self-esteem. Confident and cautious character.

Just when Kurosawa was thinking about how the system would hand the black goat into his own hands in the simulated world this time, the scrolling subtitles popped up.

"The material conditions are not rich, but under the careful care of your mother, you spent a difficult but happy childhood."

"On your 10th birthday, you received a trilobite elf doll from your mother as a birthday gift. You learned about the high income of elf masters on TV, and you thought about becoming an elf master when you grow up, so that you can make every day The ideal of a mother who wakes up early and stays late at night to live a good life.”

"Afterwards, you began to follow the secrets of psychic awakening introduced by unscrupulous TV programs and perform meditation exercises before going to bed in an attempt to increase the probability of becoming an elf master in the future."

"When your mother found out about this, she touched your head and encouraged you, and your confidence increased."

"Your academic performance is not bad. You went to a good junior high school. On the first day of school, the class teacher asked everyone about their ideals. You shared your dreams with your classmates and teachers. You received encouragement from the teacher and your confidence increased. "

Seeing this, Kurosawa felt that the start was not bad. At least his confidence was rising, which should help his character in the simulated world become stronger. Just when he thought that he would continue to transition to psychic awakening, the report popped up. The writing style has changed.

"In your third year of junior high school, your mother died unexpectedly and you were taken in by a local orphanage. You became taciturn."

"Because of your silence, you quickly became the target of rejection by other children, and you had the idea of ​​​​running away."

"Two months later, you left the orphanage one night with a package."

"Walking on the street, you have nowhere to go. After wandering around, you finally return to the rental house where you lived with your mother. You look up and see the woman collecting clothes on the balcony. A new family has moved in there. It's a familiar environment. But you can no longer see familiar figures, and you feel a kind of loneliness from the heart. "

"You came to the urban public cemetery on the outskirts of the city and cried bitterly in front of your mother. After a long period of grief, you left the cemetery and began a difficult journey to find a job."

"Finding a job often hits a wall. Finally, you find a high-paying job that includes food and accommodation, but it requires you to work outside the province. After spending the last bit of pocket money on hand, you grit your teeth and decide to go."

"There are many people who followed you on the long-distance bus. After two or three days of long-distance bus travel, you finally arrived at your work place, exhausted. The environment in front of you made you feel uneasy. You arrived at a closed base in a remote mountainous area."

"It turns out that this is not a serious job. You were deceived into a mysterious organization. You realized something was wrong, but at this time you no longer had the ability to resist. You were taken into an underground cage and imprisoned. There were many others in the underground cage. Man, you start to feel hopeless.”

"Late at night, you missed your mother even more and cried in the cramped cell. The guards who passed by heard your sobs and roughly took you to a room full of flowers and plants and beat you. When you left the cell, dying, you seemed to see flowers and plants. Becoming more colorful.”

"A few days later, you were taken around, across the national border, and arrived at a larger base."

"On the second day after arriving at the base, you suddenly felt itchy on your head, as if something was about to grow. The next day, the big shot who came to take away the prisoner looked at you in surprise, obviously recognizing that you had awakened. Talent.”

"You successfully joined this organization called the Flower God Cult, and you left the cell and were assigned to a separate room, but you still don't have the freedom to move around at will."

"The next day, you and several others were taken to receive the elf egg. You received a black elf egg like the others."

"You and your respective elf eggs were catalyzed by the priests of the Flower God Cult through some kind of blessing activity. After a week, the elf completed hatching. Unlike the dark flytraps of several others, your elf egg hatched a Black Goat Egg, the eyes of the other people are full of jealousy."

"You began to receive training in the Flower God Cult with other reserve talents. Every day the instructor would take you to the Colosseum to fight with other wild elves. Your combat experience gradually became richer, but your personality became more taciturn. Everything around you makes you extremely sensitive, and the Flower God Cult does not need weak members."

"Only late at night, when you are alone with your lively black goat egg, will you reveal your inner vulnerability."

"During the team training, you relied on the excellent combat effectiveness of the Black Goat Egg to frequently defeat the members of the same group. You received the attention of the top management and were allocated more resources."

"The day will soon come for the transformation ceremony of the Flower God Cult. The ceremony will make people stronger, but it will also completely mark the flower God Cult. You are willing to resist, but the director of the ritual department who is supervising this event is wary. Looking at you, you still carried out the transformation ceremony honestly."

"One year has passed, and members of the same period have become expatriate members to perform tasks. Only you still stay in the headquarters base, taking on a leisurely guard job. In daily training, your strength continues to grow stronger, and the black goat eggs are unknown to you. I feel that I have reached level 14 and become a junior elf with excellent combat power."

"The head of the Ceremony Department seems to favor you and intends to allow you to get along with his daughter more. You have not expressed any obvious objection, but you are secretly disgusted in your heart. Everything about the Flower God Cult makes you feel uncomfortable."

"Another year has passed, and you have established a relationship with the daughter of the Minister of Resources. On the surface, you two are very affectionate, but in your heart you are very resistant. Your strength has become stronger. Nowadays, there are very few registered elf masters like you. opponent."

"You continue to compete with other members in private and become a famous fighting maniac in the base. Your strength continues to improve. The transformation ceremony of the Flower God Sect seems to have completely transformed your qualifications."

"When you were 19 years old, the black goat egg broke through to the intermediate stage and successfully awakened the weird attribute. You became a professional elf master, but you were not happy."

"The frequent ritual reinforcement makes your mental state become extremely depressed, and your temper often becomes very irritable. You feel that you are becoming a different person, and you feel that you can no longer stay in the Flower God Cult."

"Half a month has passed, and after consolidating the breakthrough results, you are about to embark on your first overseas assignment with other members. You have been looking forward to this day for a long time and plan carefully."

"You left the base where you have lived for three years. The leader of the team is a powerful elite elf master. You kept your inner plan in your heart and felt that this was not a good opportunity to escape."

"This mission is to go to China to carry out the handover of emotional seeds. Emotional seeds are important spiritual materials produced by the Flower God Cult and are used for ritual consumption. They can collect people's negative emotions and transform them into this magical resource to help members. Increase spiritual power and spiritual talent.”

"The team arrived at the first handover location. The environment was very quiet. The captain successfully completed receiving the supplies. Just when the team was preparing to move to the next location, an accident happened."

"Several masked elf masters suddenly appeared in the forest. You realized that you were ambushed by the Elf Alliance."

"The elves of the mask elf master are very powerful, their movements are fast and sharp, and the team members frequently let out shrill screams."

"You, who are at the end of the team, reacted as soon as the unexpected appearance occurred. The black goat egg activated its power and engulfed you, and then quickly ran into the forest."

"Although it is different from the original plan, you still temporarily started your escape."

"The black goat eggs are jumping and moving quickly in the forest. The sound of the battle behind you slowly fades away. You seem to feel that you are safe."

"Boom!! A huge noise came, and you saw the situation outside clearly through the eyes of the black goat egg, and a giant dragon appeared in the sky."

"When you notice the dragon, the dragon notices you."

"A ball of flame fell, and you and the black goat egg instantly turned into ashes."

"Unlock the ending [Flower God Cultist Who Takes Fish]!"

Kurosawa followed the pop-up text and read through his life in the simulated world.

Another sudden ending.

Although life in this simulation is further along than the first, it seems even more bleak.

The previous ten years had been full of tragedies. After joining the Flower God Cult, I had been holding back. It seemed that I was about to escape, but I was killed by an Alliance elf master who set up an ambush.

A sad life.

Kurosawa looked back at the three previous entries.

However, this is also related to his character in the simulation. He naturally rejects the environment of the Flower God Cult. If he is the first person with a bad character, he may be more comfortable in the simulation world.

Kurosawa shook his head.

Overall, he was quite satisfied with this simulation. He was promoted from a novice elf master for the first time to a newly promoted professional elf master.

"You and the Black Goat Cub ended an expedition simulation and received the expedition reward."

"Basic reward: You get 31 expedition adventure experience points."

The basic rewards have increased. The first time it was 12 adventure experience points, and this time it has been increased to 31 points. After all, he has gone further. However, it may be that there are too few life experiences in the simulation, and there are not many.

Now his adventure level is LV1 (43/100), which is close to filling up half of the experience bar.

"Experience reward: emotional seed collection method, three years of training tacit understanding with black goat cubs, 50 points of psychic energy. (Choose one of three)"

The experience reward is still one of three.

Kurosawa hesitated for a while. This time the experience reward is obviously much better than the first time.

But the first one must be excluded. This is an evil way, and it is useless for him to exchange it.

The last two are not bad.

Although the training content of the second one is relatively low-end, it is obviously good to increase the tacit understanding of three years. The biggest problem between him and Xiaolan is that Xiaolan joined his team midway and lacked the companionship of childhood. Moreover, when he joined, it was already a super-class elf. Although Xiaolan loves him very much, it must be that the tacit understanding with an elf like Xiao Shining who grew up with him since childhood is really not high.

50 points of psychic energy seems to be a lot, but it is just that for him now.

So Kurosawa chose the second one.

The next second, a certain light spot in the depths of Kurosawa's mind gradually lit up.

He closed his eyes.

Some memory fragments of growing up with Black Goat Egg in childhood kept pouring out. Of course, they were all memory fragments of accompanying Black Goat Egg, and there were not too many messy messages.

About ten minutes later, Kurosawa opened his eyes again.

He summoned the shrunken Xiaolan.

As soon as Xiaolan appeared, she immediately got into his arms and kept rubbing against his abdomen. This was very unusual for Xiaolan. It was not a clingy elf, but now, it clearly expressed its attachment to its mother.

Kurosawa touched Xiaolan's swaying tentacles and felt that it became more intimate.

So it probably saw itself like this.

"Roar, roar!"

Xiaolan made a dull sound in her voice, as if she was eager to share her feelings with Kurosawa.

Kurosawa comforted her.

"I understand, I understand."

Hearing Kurosawa's voice, Xiaolan suddenly felt very relieved.

Although it didn't understand what the extra memory fragments were, it felt that this was not a bad thing, because its relationship with Kurosawa became closer.

In the past, it was like facing a noble elder in the tribe, respectful but with an inevitable unfamiliarity, but now Kurosawa was like its mother.

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