My Elf Simulator

Chapter 351 Simulated Harvest

It has to be said that Kurosawa's reward choice is really a big win.

The reason why it is so significant is that on the one hand it is because of the elf. If it is Little Shining or Flora, the increase of three years of tacit understanding should not have a significant change, because the relationship between them is already close enough, but this elf is Little Blue.

Moreover, his life in this simulated experience is not an ordinary life trajectory, but a mistake, unfortunately fell into the devil's cave.

In such a tense environment, one person and one elf can be said to be cuddling for warmth, and the friendship of sharing adversity is far more reliable than sharing happiness, so the relationship is far more intimate than the normal three-year companionship.

Kurosawa found a place outside Shanmu Town and simply practiced the cooperation with Little Blue.

The sense of unfamiliarity in the past has disappeared, and Little Blue seems to have really become an elf that has been trained by him since childhood.

Kurosawa's thoughts can be understood instantly.

Kurosawa is very sure that even if the black goat mark on the back of his hand disappears and the contract relationship is terminated, the current Little Blue will still obey his command.

After a simple test, Kurosawa took a short break.

After two consecutive simulations, his mental state was a little tired. Considering that he would carry out the annual mission tomorrow, although there were still 28 simulation opportunities left, he did not go ahead and continue to try.

He summoned the little Shining.

It is still in the form of a giant egg, but its energy has become much more active compared to the previous stagnant state.

It seems that Kurosawa's guess is not wrong. With the upgrade of the system, the little Shining seems to have entered a state of promotion. Now that the system has been updated, it will naturally wake up soon.

"Bang bang bang!"

Kurosawa even heard the heartbeat like a bell in its eggshell.

He glanced at Shanmu Town in the distance, thinking of the previous thunder and lightning, he felt that this was not a suitable place.

He took back the little Shining and flew nearly 100 kilometers away until he entered the uninhabited wilderness and landed.

He summoned the little Shining again. During the time he was flying, the little Shining became more active.

"Boom boom boom--"

The dark clouds in the sky gathered unconsciously, and the sky gradually became dark.

The golden lightning was surging wildly in the clouds.

But the magical thing is that this violent dark cloud is only concentrated within a range of one or two kilometers, and the sky farther away is a cloudless sunny day with clear skies.

"What a violent lightning."

Hei Ze is also a master of thunder attributes. On weekdays, he not only encounters lightning from small flashes, but also other types of lightning. However, the lightning in the sky makes him feel a little strange.

It is neither a pure attribute energy lightning nor an ordinary thunder in nature.

If you have to say it, it is a bit like a lightning with its own life, but Hei Ze did not feel any spirit breath from it.

Hei Ze shook his head and did not think about it any more.

Even if he became a master and a master in the minds of countless people, he did not think that he knew a lot about this world. This world is far more mysterious than most people imagine. Human cognition is only a tiny part. It is also very normal to have phenomena beyond the scope of understanding.

Looking at the giant egg wrapped around the little Shining, it seemed to sense the thunder in the sky and gradually glowed with white light, as if it was talking to it.

The golden life lightning surged for several minutes, and finally it condensed and became a lightning sword that lit up the sky, extremely dazzling.


A lightning bolt fell in the direction of the little Shining with a huge momentum.

Kurosawa moved his feet and subconsciously wanted to summon the elves to block it, but the next moment, he stopped his hand reaching forward, and his sixth sense told him that he should not block this lightning now.

Unlike the evolution ceremony of the little Shining three years ago, when it was still a bird, this time the lightning did not swing at him, but went straight to the body of the little Shining.


The surging and fierce lightning hit the surface of the little Shining's eggshell, releasing huge energy.

More than a dozen tall trees around broke and flew outward.

Kurosawa was also blown away by a gust of wind.

But it was not a big deal. Flora in his body formed an indestructible attribute shield to protect Kurosawa.

He knelt on one knee to barely stabilize his body, and then looked up at the area where the little Shining Spirit was.

The lightning made the surroundings full of golden lightning snakes, and the wild grass on the ground was burned black by the high-voltage lightning in an instant.

The surrounding environment became very tragic, but the giant egg in the center was intact.

Its light just became a little dim, but it was far from being damaged.

"Is it withstanding?"

Just as Kurosawa thought so and was considering whether to go forward to check the situation, the dark clouds in the sky surged again.

At the same time, lightning was born again in the sea of ​​clouds.


Kurosawa looked up suddenly.

This time, the lightning became more ferocious and terrifying in his perception, like a giant dragon that could swallow people.

The lightning gathered its strength again, and this energy came from the sky very high, so high that Kurosawa could not figure out the source at all.

He didn’t know if it was Kurosawa’s illusion, but he even felt that the life lightning in the sky “looked” at him, because for a moment, the hairs all over his body stood up and goose bumps covered his skin.

Hei Ze dared not intervene any more. He had a hunch that only Little Shining could withstand this kind of lightning, regardless of the strength value. Even Flora, the strongest in his lineup, could not withstand it.

The second lightning fell.

This time the movement was even louder.

The endless golden lightning completely engulfed Little Shining, and the surrounding trees, weeds, flowers, and stones were decomposed into invisible in an instant.

The terrifying sound of thunder was heard very far away.

In Shanmu Town, hundreds of kilometers away, the masters who were resting and vacationing there all raised their heads and looked towards the south with puzzled expressions.

They all felt some kind of movement at the same time.

Looking at the ordinary people around them, they were still eating, drinking, and chatting without any reaction. They realized that this movement might not be simple.

Tomorrow is the day to carry out the annual mission. Could it be that there was an accident in the deep secret realm?

Among the dozens of masters, only Ning Yexing and Ming Xilai and Zhu Xiaochuan showed a thoughtful expression.

Some of them called Kurosawa, and after receiving the notification that they were out of service and could not dial, they seemed to understand something vaguely.

"Could it be that Aze made the noise?"

"I can't say."

"Just a while ago, I did receive a message not to go to him today, he is busy."

"Me too."

"If I remember correctly, Kurosawa said a few days ago that his lightning elf was breaking through, so he couldn't play in the main competition."


Ning Yexing and the other two who met at the hotel finished their communication and soon looked at each other.

Kurosawa mentioned to them about the breakthrough of the little Shining Spirit, and more than an hour ago, they suddenly received Kurosawa's message, and more than an hour later, they heard the huge noise just now, which made them have to make associations.

Not to mention the situation in Shanmu Town.

Kurosawa had to retreat further, and when the lightning dissipated, he looked at the little Shining Spirit again.

What relieved him was that the little Shining Spirit was still fine.

The surface of the eggshell was intact, but the shiny light on the surface had completely disappeared. Now it was an ordinary giant egg.


Hei Ze slowly raised his head.


He bit his lip and took a breath.

He didn't expect that after such a terrifying lightning just now, there would be a third one? And how long will it last before it stops?

In the sky, several small black dots flew one after another.

Other masters in Shanmu Town had not arrived yet, but several masters who were not far from here came to check the situation.

They looked at the lightning in the sky cautiously, showing a look of doubt and uncertainty. Obviously, they had not come into contact with such a mysterious thunderstorm.

Any elf master with an elite level or above would feel that something was wrong with the thunderstorm in front of them.

But before they could investigate further, one of them found a familiar figure floating on the other side.

"Hey! It's Hei Ze!"

"He's really fast. Did he get there first to check the situation?"

They did not immediately associate the local thunderstorm in front of them with Hei Ze.

Fly over quickly and complete the meeting with Kurosawa.

"How long have you been here? What's going on with this thundercloud?" one of them asked.

"Sorry, I disturbed you. My elves are breaking through below." The situation was urgent, Kurosawa didn't waste words and explained quickly.

Hearing Kurosawa's answer, several people showed astonishment.

Following the direction of Kurosawa's finger, they saw a giant egg on the open ground.

It was half buried in the soil, and coupled with the dim light and the surrounding thunder snakes covering the aura, they subconsciously ignored it just now.

"Your breakthrough scene is really a bit exaggerated."

After a long silence, the man who asked the question first slowly gave his evaluation.

Most elves' breakthroughs, such as major level breakthroughs or racial qualification evolution, are basically completed in a plain way. Occasionally there will be strange phenomena, but such a turbulent sky phenomenon is still very rare, at least for the master level. It is incredible.

But soon, he quickly accepted it.

Kurosawa was different from ordinary masters like them, so it didn't seem surprising that his spirit created some celestial phenomena.

He was not a normal person!

"It's okay, no need to apologize." The other people waved their hands in response to Kurosawa's apology.

This was a wilderness far away from the town. There was nothing wrong with Kurosawa's spirit breakthrough here. It was reasonable and would not threaten ordinary residents in the town.

"Do you need our help?"

"No need to bother you."

Hearing Kurosawa's answer, several people nodded, did not stay for long, and left quickly.

The reason for this was to do Kurosawa a favor.

Kurosawa needed help, and they did not mind helping. If they said they did not need help, they would leave decisively.

After all, such an important breakthrough might involve Kurosawa's own secrets, and if they stayed at the scene, they would be suspected of spying on other people's privacy.

The third lightning had accumulated for a longer time than the previous two. It seemed to be constantly absorbing some kind of energy in the depths of the sky, very high and far away.

Finally, in Kurosawa's uneasy and long wait,

The third lightning finally fell!


The moment the lightning fell, there was a sound like dozens of tons of TNT exploding.

There was no plant left in the surrounding environment, so it was impossible to explode, but the soil particles were not spared. The fine particles were annihilated in the lightning, like water being evaporated and vaporized.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah!"

Kurosawa closed his eyes. The lightning burned his eyeballs, and his head was buzzing.

Today, because I conducted two expedition simulations, my mental state was not very good, and now my mind is even more confused.

He fell from mid-air and smashed into the dirt.

Yukong was disintegrated at the moment of the explosion.

He struggled to get up from the dirt, pressed his head, suppressed the buzzing noise in his head, took a breath, and looked in the direction of the little Shining again.

The movement of the third thunder light has disappeared.

The surface of Little Shining's dome has cracks like spider webs, which makes people sweat.

"It should be over, right?"

As the saying goes, things can only come in threes. The three lightning bolts have already weakened the little Shining in the eggshell. It would be a bit rude to continue.

Kurosawa stared at the sky warily.

The thunder and lightning never continued to gather in the thundercloud, but he was not relieved because of this, but was always worried.

Because the dark clouds have not dispersed

for a long time.

Kurosawa closed his eyes, and his face seemed to be covered with a mask of pain.

A touch of ruthless golden light finally condensed and formed in the thick dark clouds. Although its generation was quite difficult, there is no doubt that it will be born again soon!

Can Little Shining survive this round?

Kurosawa's heart was beating wildly.

He opened his eyes and looked at the little Shining. Its current condition was really not good, and its breath felt a little dying due to Kurosawa's induction.

"It's difficult."

Kurosawa didn't know what kind of breakthrough this was, but faced with this extremely dangerous trial, Kurosawa wavered.

He could feel that as long as he survived this thunderstorm, the little Shining would receive a terrifying improvement.

However, he would rather accept the failure of the little Shining's breakthrough than to have it suffer such a high probability of death.

He looked up at the lightning generated above his head.

No longer hesitating, he rushed forward.

Take back the flash card, failed!

Gritting his teeth, he picked up Little Shining's giant egg and was about to dodge and fly into the distance to escape until he was out of the thundercloud's range of influence.

He held back all his strength, activated all speed increases, and exploded into almost the fastest flying speed in the air.

Thunder and lightning, dark clouds, and thunderstorm sites seemed to be quickly left behind by him.

But what made Kurosawa despair was that the thundercloud above his head was biting tightly at the top of his head at an unyielding speed.

He and Little Shining could not leave its sphere of influence from beginning to end.

He had no choice but to stop flying and tried to activate the traction on the ninth floor of the trial tower.

After a flash of white light, his figure appeared in the quiet space of the trial tower.

Looking around, Little Shining was still not there.

People come in, but it cannot follow them.

It seemed to be locked tightly by lightning.

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