My Elf Simulator

Chapter 352 Thunder Tribulation

Hei Ze quickly came out of the trial tower space.

Back to reality, the sky was still covered by dark clouds, and the lightning was surging more violently in the clouds.

Hei Ze felt that he could not let the little Shining bear the fourth lightning by himself. He could not hope that the little Shining would burst out with a power far beyond the usual when the lightning fell.

But the lightning above his head, in Hei Ze's sixth sense, conveyed a breath that only the little Shining could resist.

Other substances in front of it would disappear into thin air just like the soil and gravel that it had annihilated before.

Hei Ze frowned tightly.

After a moment, he gritted his teeth and exhaled.

He could only try his best to help the little Shining.

It was still in the eggshell, and he could not let it bear it alone.

Hei Ze found a relatively open area and landed.

Since he couldn't escape, he might as well make some preparations as soon as possible.

He summoned Flora and other elves.

After thinking for a while, he had a plan in his mind.

The other elves could obviously only remotely activate shield energy to see if they could help the little Shining.

Flora could use the miracle of three seconds to fight head-on for a short while.

Of course, it couldn't last too long, because the lightning in the sky gave Hei Ze a very dangerous aura.

Hei Ze informed the elves of the order, and the five elves expressed their understanding.

The elves except Flora dispersed a little.

Flora and Hei Ze were suspended in the sky above the little Shining.

Flora kept making a "Fufu" sound, staring at the lightning in the clouds with serious eyes.

It also felt the bad breath, but it didn't want to retreat at all.

As long as Hei Ze needed it, it would stand up at the first time!

Finally, after a long time.

The lightning in the dark clouds was full of energy.

It lit up the entire sky, like a dazzling new sun, and like a huge golden pupil, staring at Hei Ze closely.

Hei Ze didn't give in at all, blocking it and the little Shining.


Lightning is not a real creature after all, so it will not respond to Kurosawa's eyes.

A huge sound resounding through the world erupted, and the golden light fell with a breath of destruction.


Almost at the same time.

Flora, who was in sync with Kurosawa, rushed forward.

It fearlessly collided with the Thunder Dragon.

Almost at the moment of contact, a layer of white light with a faint seven-color glow was covered on its body surface.

The miracle worked!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The lightning carrying the breath of destruction was tightly entangled by Flora.

The two forces released a strong light in the sky.

Dozens of kilometers away, other masters who rushed to the thunderstorm site looked to the south at the same time.

"What happened there?!"

They asked in doubt.

If the previous explosion only made them feel unusual, but they did not think it was a big threat, the explosion in the distance at this moment made them feel uneasy even though they were dozens of miles away, and a tremor emerged from the depths of their souls.

He was stunned for a few seconds.

The masters who went to explore in parallel looked at each other.

But they all reached a consensus after a short moment.

Speed ​​up!

This is also one of their responsibilities as masters.

It is not clear what happened in the depths of the forest in the distance. They must go to check it out first. Even if they cannot solve it, they must pass the information collected to the top leaders as soon as possible.

Of course, if it is a false alarm, everyone will be happy.

Two seconds passed in a flash.

Kurosawa did not let Flora resist for a full three seconds, because that would be too dangerous for Flora.

It flashed away in the last few tens of milliseconds within the controllable range.

After nearly three seconds of resistance, the momentum of the lightning that fell from the sky has been significantly weakened.

In the invincible three seconds of miracle time, even this kind of great power sent from heaven was subject to this control.

But it was not completely consumed after all. After losing Flora's obstruction, the lightning continued to strike in the direction of the little flash.

However, there was still a person in the way.

Kurosawa looked at the lightning above his head, which was getting bigger and bigger, and felt fear in his heart.

His body instinctively told him that this huge lightning would only take a moment to completely annihilate him, and he must avoid it!

Kurosawa did not listen to his body's instinctive reaction and continued to block under the lightning.

In the distance, Flora, who had dispersed according to Kurosawa's advance instructions, subconsciously showed a look of extreme fear. Before it pounced, Kurosawa transmitted his spiritual energy at a faster speed and forcibly stopped it.


He directly touched the magical lightning itself, becoming the first creature to be as powerful as it was.

As for Flora before him, it could not be considered as having touched it, because it was isolated by a layer of miracle membrane.

Kurosawa's instinct, or sixth sense, did not deceive him. This lightning really had a strange lethality.

He felt a sharp pain all over his body, as if his body and soul were being cut into pieces.

In the brief moment when he did not even have time to scream, his body began to disintegrate and melt.


It hurts so much!

Kurosawa's skin, hair, eyeballs, and muscles quickly dissolved from the outside to the inside, and then they were like tiny dots of light floating away, disappearing like a wisp of smoke.

After the direct collision with Hei Ze, the momentum of the lightning was greatly reduced, and the breath of destruction became very weak.

But even so, the four layers of shields formed by the other four elves to protect the little shining spirit were vulnerable in front of it, and they exploded layer by layer at the first contact.


The weakened magical lightning finally hit the giant egg like a precision guide.

The eggshell was directly split by it, and the giant bird curled up in it continued to bear the attack of lightning, trembling violently, and red blood continued to overflow from its pores. At the same time, its body expanded wildly and inflated quickly. The originally slender body turned into a bulging ball, making it look extremely terrifying. The blood vessels under the feathers were squeezed clearly, as if they would burst at the next moment.


Fortunately, after being weakened by many times, the strength of the lightning itself has been greatly reduced. The giant bird finally managed to stabilize its body and did not explode into a blood mist.


In the sky, Flora didn't care whether the little flash below exploded or not. She was more concerned about something.

She stayed at the place where Kurosawa disappeared, anxiously looking around, making panicked calls, trying to call back the hiding Kurosawa.



She shouted tirelessly.

The next moment, a voice came from behind her, and a warm hand covered her head.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Kurosawa's body suddenly emerged.

But he was naked now.

He swallowed twice. His physical condition was not good now.

There were bloodshot in his eyeballs, and all the body hair was gone.

He touched his body with difficulty. Except for the hair, his body was not missing any arms or legs.

This discovery made him feel a little relieved.

He did have a bad experience at the gate of hell just now.

The reason why he came back to life was due to a magical prop of the system, that is, the puppet substitute.

"Good stuff"

Fortunately, it is not a fake product, otherwise Kurosawa's life would have been really over.

The original purchase limit was 3 pieces, and now one piece has been used.

There will only be two "resurrection" opportunities in the future.

Kurosawa thought silently in his heart.

After this experience, he has also gained a lot of understanding of the effect of puppet substitutes.

Although the last fatality was transferred away, he still suffered a lot of injuries, which can be felt from his current weak state.

However, in general, there is nothing serious. Kurosawa is not an ordinary human. Part of his body belongs to the physical talent of the mermaid. After returning, he will be able to slowly recover after a little recuperation.

His body shook twice, and Flora hurriedly hugged him.

It was both afraid and happy for Kurosawa's return, and it kept calling "Fufufufu".

Kurosawa comforted it, but his eyes were worriedly staring at the little Shining below.

The little Shining is now like a little meatball.

Kurosawa was really worried about its state.

He could see that the lightning seemed to be refining the body of the little Shining, but it was a little too rough, so that the little Shining's super-class body could not bear it, and this was the result of being weakened. Hei Ze couldn't imagine what would happen if it fell in its complete form?

After a stalemate, the little Shining seemed to have passed a critical point, and its body shrank little by little, recovering to its normal size.

The dark clouds in the sky also dissipated unknowingly.

The thunder tribulation just now was stronger than the last one.

The fourth lightning was the limit of what it could give birth to and nurture. If there was a fifth one, it could only be said that the sky was going to kill the Shining.

Suddenly, Hei Ze felt something.

He turned his head and looked to one side.

But before he could react, several small black dots in the sky in the distance quickly came from far to near.

There were three people coming.

Hei Ze also recognized them. They were Weng Yuanjing, Ni Yin and Ming Xilai.

They all had the top super-class elves and came the fastest.

When he discovered the three people, of course, they also discovered him at the same time.

This is natural. A naked man floating in the air is a bit eye-catching.

Ni Yin turned away awkwardly.

Weng Yuanjing and Ming Xilai are both men, so there is nothing to mind.

"Hei Ze, I didn't expect you to have such a refined taste?" Ming Xilai even had time to tease Hei Ze.

Of course, this is just a teasing of a good relationship. When he spoke, he also helped Hei Ze to his flying elf.

They didn't think Hei Ze was an exhibitionist.

Everyone can see that Hei Ze's current state is extremely bad. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has escaped from death.

"Thanks." Hei Ze nodded awkwardly. "Do you have clothes? A set?"

When Hei Ze stopped to resist the thunder tribulation, he was ready. The storage bracelet was teleported to the trial tower space by him to prevent it from being destroyed in the process.

This is naturally a wise move, but now his body is extremely tired, and it has become difficult to take it out of the trial tower.

Ming Xilai took out a set of men's clothes from his storage bracelet.

"They are all new and have never been worn. They may be a little small. I am not as tall as you, so I will just wear them."

Hei Ze quickly changed his clothes.

"What happened?"

After finishing the trivial matters, Ming Xilai naturally asked.

He actually had some vague guesses in his mind, and looking at the thunderbird elf below that was in an abnormal state, he became more determined in his thoughts.

But after all, he was not Kurosawa himself, so he didn't say much.

Kurosawa looked down, and the body of the little Shining Spirit had slowly returned to normal. Although it was not awake yet, it was only one or two sizes fatter than before.

Kurosawa didn't hide anything.

He roughly picked out the things that happened during this period and talked about them.

"So that's it."

"It was a false alarm, I'm glad you're okay." Ming Xilai laughed.

"Ahem, I'm so sorry for causing so much trouble to everyone."

"It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong." Weng Yuanjing, who hadn't spoken for a long time, waved his hand.

Although he didn't say much and his style of doing things seemed a bit old-fashioned, he was not a bad person.

Maybe it was because of the awkward encounter just now, although Ni Yin didn't say anything, she nodded.

Thirty kilometers outside the town is theoretically not within the control range.

Now it is a full 150 kilometers away from the nearest Shanmu Town, which is actually far enough away.

Hei Ze probably didn't expect that he could alarm them a hundred kilometers away.

A group of people landed from the sky.

The little Shining Spirit had completely recovered its normal size, and its breath gradually stabilized, which made Hei Ze's heart slowly relax, but it had not yet woken up.

Hei Ze saw that it didn't seem to be able to recover in a short time, so he put it back into the flash card.

He rode Ming Xilai's flying elf and returned to the direction of Shanmu Town.

Along the way, he didn't talk much with Hei Ze.

Hei Ze's state was a bit too scary, and he didn't dare to disturb Hei Ze's breathing, so he specially asked the flying elf to reduce the flying speed.

Hei Ze's injuries were mainly on the muscles and bones of the whole body.

When they arrived at Shanmu Town, the other masters who were notified by Weng Yuanjing to return on the way had already dispersed.

Hei Ze refused Ming Xilai's kindness to take him to the hospital.

Let him take himself to the bed.

When Ming Xilai came, Ning Yexing and others left the hotel room.

He quickly ate the food sent by Flora, eating and drinking like a starving ghost.

In theory, weak injured people are not suitable for such overeating.

But he is not an ordinary human, his physique is far beyond the scope of humans, and common sense cannot be used to restrain him.

All he needs is to take in as much nutrition as possible, and then leave everything to the strong body, and the body will heal itself.

The next day.

The annual mission begins.

The other masters all go to the deep secret connection point this year.

Kurosawa naturally stays in the hotel room to heal.

The alliance is not unreasonable to force a seriously injured patient to perform the mission.

On the first day of healing, Kurosawa lay in bed almost all day, and basically did not move except eating and drinking.

The precision instrument in his body is also operating and healing at an incredible speed.

Those broken muscle fibers and bones are reorganized and connected quickly.

If a medical worker finds his physical abnormality, he will definitely call it incredible.

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