My Elf Simulator

Chapter 364 Secondary Development


The flames continued to eat the weeds on the ground.

The endless forest is filled with black smoke and broken scenes are everywhere.

A huge sunken space like an underground anthill city is exposed to the air.

Kurosawa's figure kept moving around in rapid flashes, and no physical protection could stop him.

With his rapid teleportation, he pulled out the hiding figures from the base one after another, put them in handcuffs, and completed the sealing and arresting.

The war is over.

He and the three-man team he led successfully defeated an underground base containing hundreds of people.

The size of this organization is somewhat similar to the Flower God Cult where Kurosawa conducted his second expedition in the Expedition Simulation section.

The number of people is not too large, but they are mainly elites. They will regularly train their young reserve members, and then gather them together to fight and gain experience like raising gu. The selected members can become official members of the organization. As for Those who were eliminated naturally turned into a pile of loess, becoming nutrients to nourish those members with greater potential for cultivation.

The cultivation of these illegal organizations is very cruel because they operate in the shadows and have relatively limited resources to collect.

Not to mention the magical resources for cultivating elves, most of the time, even those preliminary members with psychic potential have to be deceived and abducted through illegal means. If they cannot pass their assessment, they will naturally not be allowed to leave.


Kurosawa casually left the two men who were firmly restrained on the ground.

In the open space in front of him, there were hundreds more like the two of them.

They were tightly restrained and could not move.

Some roared and cursed, spitting out obscene words, while others begged for mercy and told their innocence.

Kurosawa ignored them, and Kurosawa did not decide whether they were right or wrong.

He is only an executor, not a judge.

Afterwards, staff who specialize in hypnosis will naturally come to interrogate them.

He came to the three Dujuan people who had been in charge of guarding after the battle.

"You're not hurt, are you?"

In Kurosawa's perception, all the members inside the base were captured by him, and only then did he have time to care about his team members.

After assigning tasks, Kurosawa also asked the three to undertake certain combat tasks.

This is also a great opportunity for them to grow.

Therefore, Kurosawa will not take action easily unless it is particularly dangerous.

"We're fine."

"Captain, you've worked hard, but you haven't been of much help."

Cube pretended to be relaxed, but his face still showed a little fatigue.

The large amount of spiritual energy consumed in a short period of time also brought a considerable burden to their bodies.

What was even more tiring was the constant attacks on their bodies from far and wide during the fight.

Poison arrows, firearms, and elf suicide attacks, even if they have the protection skills of the elf to protect them, it is still difficult to deal with them.

This huge mental pressure that had been tight for a long time surged out like a tidal wave after the battle suddenly ended.

"Don't hold on when you're tired. Go sit down and eat something to rest. I'll watch over here."

"However, you must adapt to this battle mode as soon as possible. Most missions will involve using less to defeat more." Kurosawa smiled when he saw that the three of them looked exhausted.

Under Kurosawa's care, this mission is not too dangerous. There are only seven or eight super elves, and most of them are left to Kurosawa himself to solve, but other mid-range combat forces are more powerful, so It is more cumbersome to handle.

Fortunately, after a battle, the three new master team members gained a lot.

Kurosawa himself also found the divine substance he needed inside the base.

When subsequent support personnel arrived one after another, the three-day mission officially ended.

Rest dismissed.

Kurosawa came to an open space and took out the divine objects he had found.

A purple-black knife, thirteen human figures, a fist-sized ornament that looks like an eyeball, and a small piece of sharp scales.

The intensity fluctuations of the divine substances they transmitted to Kurosawa generally increased gradually along the above order.

Especially the last dark scale. When Kurosawa first came into contact with it, it tried to release energy and scratch Kurosawa's hand. It was Kurosawa's quick reaction that prevented it from succeeding.

Kurosawa looked at these objects with expectation in his eyes.

The organization that was annihilated this time was called the Eternal Life Society. Although its strength was relatively average for Kurosawa now, the leader of the organization acted cautiously and had been developing it for nearly thirty years. His sixth sense told Kurosawa that the harvest this time would not be too small. .

The seal of Pan appeared on the back of Kurosawa's right hand.

The golden energy flows out slowly.

It had been a while since he'd done this process, but he was still so adept at it, it was like instinct.

Golden energy crawls on the black knife.


There was a faint sound coming from inside the knife.

Black mist slowly floated out from the surface of the blade.

About fifteen seconds passed.

The movement in the knife completely stopped.

Instead, the knife itself was bleached.

The originally purple-black knife turned into shiny snow-white, and Kurosawa took out a thick metal plate from the storage bracelet.

The knife was lightly scratched on it, and soon the metal plate five or six centimeters behind was cut open as easily as tofu without any effort from Kurosawa.

Looking at the surface of the knife again, there was not even a tiny nick left, it was still extremely smooth.

A very sharp weapon, but I didn't expect there would be an extra bonus.

The knife itself was harmless after being purified and did not carry any other energy, it was just an extremely sharp weapon.

Kurosawa put it away.

After purifying the knife, Pan's Seal fed back nearly 20 points of spiritual energy to Kurosawa.

Kurosawa nodded with satisfaction.

Then he used Pan's Seal to purify the other thirteen statues.

Unfortunately, after the purification was completed, it did not contribute any extra gains to him, and the statues were all turned to ashes.

Adding it all up, Pan's Seal fed back nearly 250 points of spiritual energy.

The magnitude was very exaggerated because the number was relatively large.

When it was time to purify the eyeball decoration, the duration was greatly increased, and it took Kurosawa a full minute.

The spiritual energy increase value was 110 points.

Finally, Kurosawa cast his eyes on the scale.

Among the many divine materials that he had touched, this scale felt a bit similar to the unknown piece of meat he had touched in the Mermaid Kingdom.

The difference was that the unknown piece of meat was sealed and bound by the Mermaid Kingdom through various means, and after many years of consumption, there was not much divine material left.

But this scale was more physiologically active, but it was not as threatening to Kurosawa as the unknown piece of meat.

The energy of Pan's Seal pounced on the scale.

The scale tried to resist.

It jumped desperately, releasing sharp energy to continuously cut the land below.

It seemed to sense the fatal threat, and its resistance became very fierce.

Threads of white lines gushed out from the scales, and they kept weaving, as if to form a certain shape.

But the energy of Pan's Seal attached to it kept strangling it.

The two energies bit and devoured each other, and a deep pit sank into the ground.

Fortunately, Kurosawa had foresight and deliberately found an uninhabited open space outside for purification.

The stalemate between Pan's Seal and Scales lasted for nearly ten minutes.

In the end, Scales was defeated and annihilated by the golden energy.

When the golden energy returned to the golden Pan's Seal on the back of Kurosawa's right hand, Kurosawa couldn't help but tremble all over.

A huge energy was fed back from Pan's Seal.

A huge wave of spiritual energy was set off in the originally calm sea of ​​​​spiritual energy in his body.

Kurosawa closed his eyes and controlled the spiritual energy in his body to restore calmness.

After a long time, he opened his eyes again.

His eyes flashed with uncontrollable joy.

The growth of this purification was actually 400 points! !


After completely digesting the spiritual energy growth, his spiritual energy has now reached a terrifying level.

Spiritual energy: 4395

What level is this spiritual energy value equivalent to?

Kurosawa silently compared his spiritual energy level with the other three top masters during the provincial super.

His psychic power was about 2,600 points at that time, but at that time he felt that his psychic power level was not inferior to the other three.

He is now more than 4,000 points, and in a while, he may be close to twice the psychic power of the top master.

There have been studies on the burden that a top master's psychic power level can bear, which is about 3 top super-class elves.

Of course, generally no top master can contract three top super-class at the same time. That is just a theoretical value. After all, other spaces must be left for other elves, and some blanks must be reserved to increase the upper limit.

According to this data, his current 4,395 points of psychic power should be able to bear the upper limit of about 5 top super-class elves.

"Not bad, but although there is no worry about psychic power in the short term, it still needs to be improved."

Kurosawa pinched his chin and thought.

His elves are basically stronger than ordinary elves, especially the two elves with real names. Now with 11,000 leaf energy values, the burden on Kurosawa should not be much less than that of the top super-class.

Phoenix will join the team later.

Psychic power needs to continue to accelerate.

Kurosawa went to the nearest city with satisfaction, thinking silently in his heart.

It would be great if similar missions could come more often.

Unfortunately, Kurosawa himself knew that this idea was not very practical.

This rich harvest was accidental.

Most of the time, there will be no harvest of divine materials in the mission, and even if there is, it is basically a few dozen or a hundred points of spiritual energy increase.

This time, the 800-point increase is indeed a record.

It is not that the higher the mission level, the more harvests you will get. For example, the scales this time, he interrogated the leader of the organization. He accidentally dug them out from a very ancient ruins, and also dug out a series of sacrificial materials.

It was also with these unexpected gains that he was promoted from an ordinary professional level with exhausted potential to a level close to that of a high-level master.

The ultimate goal of the Eternal Life Society is to enhance the power of the Eternal Life Scale through sacrificial activities, and finally summon the gods to grant them the power of immortality.

Of course, Kurosawa did not take the information he heard from the leader of the organization too seriously.

He didn't believe that the gods they spoke of would really grant them immortality, but what made him wary was that these organizations seemed likely to summon some chaotic beings.

The scale he touched just now was like this. It seemed to have its own consciousness and could launch attacks to resist Kurosawa. In the end, it almost woven into a twisted monster.

Relying on the scales that have been stored in the ancient ruins for who knows how many years, there is a way to achieve resurrection and regeneration. The level of the existence behind it is probably not low.

Imagine if it spreads a lot of scales all over the world, theoretically, can it achieve immortality?

As long as its minions are resurrected in the countless years to come, it can come to the world again.

It sounds terrible, an unkillable enemy.

In Kurosawa's cognition, the power of the amulet level can never do such a thing, and the throne probably can't do it either.

On the other hand, his purification behavior may have offended many enemies that he can't afford to offend now.

Kurosawa shook his head.

Don't think too much, anyway, the purification must continue, and it will take a long time.

As for whether there will be "powerful" or "evil gods" to retaliate against him in the future, this is not something he needs to worry about now.

A dreamless night.

Kurosawa woke up the next day.

He had just finished a mission, but his body was still not tired at all.

This was the advantage of a B-level physique.

His recovery ability was extremely strong. No matter how tired he was the day before, there was no negative effect left after waking up from a good sleep.

Kurosawa was going to return to the Zhongdu reserve base today.

Although he gained 800 points of spiritual energy increase from this mission, this could not be regarded as normal. Some of the A-level missions he had performed in the past did not even increase at all.

And the training in the base had not yet reached the limit. Kurosawa would not waste this stable growth period.

He felt that his physical condition was very good, and there seemed to be signs of entering the second development. It was best to strike while the iron was hot and fully tap the remaining potential of his body.

After breakfast.

Kurosawa used the Anbu terminal to inform the three team members that there would be no missions for the next month, and then wait for the arrangement.

Then he got on the white dragon and continued to fly towards Zhongdu.

A few hours later, Kurosawa was tens of thousands of meters above Zhongdu.

Unlike last time, he did not land near the satellite city this time.

He carefully determined the location of the base.

The restricted airspace above Zhongdu was also in the shape of a hemispherical defense shield.

The height was about 30,000 meters.

There was an entrance belonging to the reserve team vertically above the base.

Kurosawa, who had the authority, could enter and land from it without being affected by the restricted airspace.

Finally, after searching for more than ten minutes above the base, Kurosawa felt an abnormal fluctuation somewhere.

He drove the white dragon closer, and it was a vortex-shaped space form.

The white dragon flew over and was quickly swallowed.


The white dragon circled and dived.

The city below gradually became clearer and clearer.

The base was getting bigger and bigger in Kurosawa's eyes.

Until it was about to approach the ground, the white dragon suddenly climbed up and stopped its dive.

It slowly flapped its wings and landed on the open space of the base.

The spectacular landing scene attracted a lot of attention from other staff members in the base.

In fact, there were similar landing scenes every once in a while.

But the shock that this terrifying monster falling from the sky brings to ordinary people will not be weakened much.

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