My Elf Simulator

Chapter 365 Chosen by Heaven

When they saw that the person who came back was Kurosawa, there was a buzz among the crowd.

"He's back training again, he's really diligent."

"I haven't taken a step outside the park for a whole month last month. I wonder how long I will stay this time?"

"It's his turn to succeed. If I had had this kind of perseverance when I was in high school, I would have been admitted to Capital University a long time ago. Our teacher complimented me on my intelligence, which meant that my intelligence was not used in the right place."

"Is it possible that your teacher has said this to every student with poor academic performance?"


Kurosawa calmly faced the many eyes in the park and walked towards the office building.

The first thing after returning is to report to the head coach.

In theory, all reserve team members are under the jurisdiction of the head coach.

The number of places for the reserve team to be promoted to the official national team is also decided by the head coach. Of course, in reality, under normal circumstances, it is still based on the personal strength of the players and will not really be determined by the head coach's preference.

The top players can participate in the training of the national team. If they perform well, they will be officially promoted to the national team through the assessment.

Kurosawa is undoubtedly the weakest among the fourteen members of the reserve team.

The other thirteen are already guards.

Normally, elf masters who have risen to the rank of guardian and are talented enough will be recruited by the reserve team. There are few examples of top masters being recruited. They must be extremely talented. As for the master stage like Kurosawa, The one who was drafted was the only exception.


Kurosawa gently knocked twice on the door.

"Come in."

Kurosawa pushed open the door and entered.

Henry Chu was not surprised to see him, he had obviously received the news that Kurosawa had entered the base.

"You're back so soon, why don't you rest for a few more days?" Henry Chu smiled kindly.

At his retirement age, he has met many kinds of people, but Kurosawa is definitely the most admired among them.

"After a good sleep, your body will feel refreshed."

"Young people are good."

The two chatted for a while, and just when Kurosawa was about to say goodbye and leave.

Henry Chu suddenly remembered something and said: "In a few days, the national TV shooting team will come over to shoot a documentary for you. Remember to take some time to receive it. The shooting should last for a while, but most of the time , just treat them as if they don’t exist.”


Kurosawa nodded.

This is the treatment you get when you join the reserve team. The national TV station will increase its personal publicity and reporting on you.

The players in the reserve team will quickly become famous across the country from provincial stars. As for how many individual fans they can attract, it depends on their individual circumstances.

After all, just because many people know a player doesn't mean they will become his fans.

More often than not, players must use their extraordinary strength or certain personality charm to win the love and support of fans.

Kurosawa left the office.

He didn't have much thought about filming for the national channel.

He knew this was a routine matter and couldn't refuse.

Besides, the publicity is still useful for his mission of achievement.

Shaking his head, Kurosawa temporarily put aside his distracting thoughts and quickly fell into the same regular training routine as last month.

During the day, he accompanied the elves to train their skills mixed with the martial arts of the sharks. They had two adequate medicinal meals for lunch and dinner. After the training in the evening, they took a medicinal bath, and finally meditated and slept until they woke up the next day.

Repeated for several days.

The national TV shooting team arrived.

When they arrived, Kurosawa received them in his dormitory.

"Hello, hello! Player Kurosawa, I am very glad that you can accept our invitation to shoot this time. I am the director Liu Shixuan in charge of this shooting."

"Hello, Director Liu." Kurosawa shook hands with him. "If you need any cooperation during the filming, just tell me."

"Here, Kurosawa player, just follow your normal schedule, and we will shoot some footage. We will not interfere with your formal training."

Director Liu Shixuan is very measured. He knows that although Kurosawa is very cooperative, he cannot really guide the players like puppets on strings.

In that case, even if Kurosawa himself has no objection, the superiors will definitely order him.

"After the filming officially starts, we may call you you to better shorten the distance between the audience, okay?"

"No problem. It would be better to say that I will be more adaptable this way."

After receiving Kurosawa's permission, filming began quickly.

Although they will not disturb Kurosawa's training, they can still conduct some interviews and questions appropriately during the rest time in the dormitory like now.

Kurosawa was eating breakfast, and from time to time he would give some of the bread in his hand to the elves around him.

"Kurosawa, you have been at the reserve base for more than a month. Are you still accustomed to life in the team?" A voiceover came from outside the camera.

Kurosawa chewed the bread in his mouth, which was smeared with a thick layer of herbal sauce. The taste was a bit strong, but it was just right to eat in the morning, which could wake up the body that had just woken up.

"It's already integrated."

"What impressed you most?"

"Free medicinal food, unlimited, delicious and nutritious. The medicinal bath at night is also very good." Kurosawa said something.

After he finished speaking, he began to chew the bread.

There are many bread bricks on the table and it looks very spectacular.

Combined with his generous way of chewing and his sincere praise for the base's food, he gave people the feeling of a big eater.

The camera deliberately turned to the table and filmed the breakfast on it.

Bread, eggs, two bottles of dark green sauce, and many bottles of milk. It didn't look like a single person's breakfast at all.

"Kurosawa, do you usually eat so much?" After hesitating for a while, the voice-over asked.

"About the same, but the food intake will be slightly larger in the base because the consumption is also relatively large. If you don't eat enough, you will get hungry quickly."

The filming team smiled together.

The real Kurosawa seemed to be different from his appearance and the image they imagined when they came.

Under his handsome appearance that was not stained by the world and had no fireworks, he looked like a pragmatic person in real life.

Moreover, it was really delicious to watch him eat.

One piece of bread, one egg.

"Have you all eaten? Do you want some?" Kurosawa was stared at by the guy carrying the camera, and he swallowed his saliva from time to time, which made him feel embarrassed.

It was the first time that he was photographed while eating, and so many people were watching him eat.

After a moment of silence, several people waved their hands.

"This secret sauce is really good, specially provided by the reserve team, you can try it."

It seemed that Kurosawa had aroused her interest and wanted to try out the difference between the meals of the reserve team members and normal people. A female copywriter was selected to taste it.


However, when she bit the bread with the dark green dipping sauce tightly in her mouth, a bitter look immediately appeared on her face.

She took the warm milk handed by Kurosawa and swallowed the bread in one gulp.

Big trick!

She originally saw Kurosawa eating tender and fragrant, and was really aroused by him, but she didn't expect it to be so unpalatable.

"Haha. The taste is good, but it is still very good for the body. Do you want some more?"

Hearing Kurosawa's words, she immediately waved her hands.

No matter how good it is for the body, she didn't want to eat it anymore.

After finishing the filming work in the dormitory, Kurosawa continued to act according to his usual routine.

The filming team kept a distance from him and followed him.

Kurosawa first went to the training hall for morning training.

Each elf has its own training area.

Kurosawa will allocate time for different elves to practice skills together according to the schedule. Before he arrives, other elves will practice on their own.

These training programs are very routine for Kurosawa. He has maintained high-intensity similar training since he obtained the nutrient reserve, but the filming team still finds it very rare.

They kept dividing the shots for various shots.

The heroic white dragon and the cute Mumu were full of lightning and turned into golden shining spirits.

Many elves repeated the training without stopping for dozens or hundreds of times, and continued after a break.

This almost military-like high-intensity training shocked them.

This is not the first time they have conducted similar filming activities. They have filmed many elf masters, from elite elf masters to amulets and thrones.

But they can guarantee that none of them is like Kurosawa. Every elf, including himself, is like a tireless machine.

Even if Kurosawa could bear it as an elf master, how could he make these powerful elves obedient? How did he do it?

It was incredible.

The relationship between elf masters and elves was very complicated.

Sometimes it was not that elf masters did not want to work hard, but that excessive training could easily cause the elves to rebel.

Once the elves did not want to train and became lazy, even elf masters could not force them to continue.

After all, the relationship between elf masters and elves was a contractual partnership. Although there might be some power shift for elf masters, it was not an extremely unequal relationship like that between slave owners and slaves.

However, although they were extremely curious and puzzled, they did not go up to Kurosawa to ask.

First, they could not disturb Kurosawa's training.

Second, this also involved the elf master's personal training secrets. It was very rude to inquire rashly, and it might even cause hostile behavior.

The intensive training in the morning ended.

Kurosawa went to the base cafeteria for dinner.

It was still a full banquet of medicinal food, but the difference was that this time the cafeteria also prepared a delicious lunch for the filming team.

Of course, the lunch provided to them was not the same medicinal food as Kurosawa's.

These medicinal foods have many consumables and are different from the sauces in the morning. Eating them as a main meal is a bit too nutritious for ordinary people and may cause physical discomfort.

When they saw Kurosawa eating lunch, they really realized that Kurosawa was indeed a big eater.

But they thought of Kurosawa's high-intensity training in the morning and made a connection. Instead, they felt it was natural.

In the afternoon, under the surprised eyes of the filming team, Kurosawa returned to the training hall to receive training.

Could he be an iron man?

In order to explore whether this is Kurosawa's daily life, the filming team also sent one person to interview other staff members in the park.

But after asking more than ten people, all of them confirmed that this is Kurosawa's daily life. Even last month, he kept it up for 30 days, every day, without exception, not a few one or two days of show.

After the training, he continued to eat a lot of medicinal food.

Then he walked away and went to the medicinal bath for a medicinal bath.

The filming team only followed to the door of the medicinal bath, but could not continue to follow inside. Kurosawa had to take a medicinal bath naked, which is an unplayable scene.

After waiting for more than an hour, Kurosawa finished the medicinal bath.

It was almost nine o'clock.

Return to the dormitory, wash up, watch the analysis video, and sleep.

This is an ordinary and busy day for Kurosawa in the national team reserve team.

Coming out of Kurosawa's dormitory, several people looked at each other under the cover of night.

If it is true as other staff members interviewed said, then Kurosawa can indeed be called an ascetic.

The next day, the filming team continued filming.

The shooting content on the second day was like a replica of the first day. The photographer even noticed that the time points for going to the canteen were exactly the same as yesterday.

If Kurosawa had not communicated and chatted with them during walks on the road and a few breaks, they would have felt that what they were photographing was not a living person, but some kind of robot that performed a characteristic behavior pattern, which was too self-disciplined.

While eating dinner, I faced the voice-over’s emotion.

Kurosawa just waved his hand.

"Usually, I only maintain a self-disciplined schedule during this intensive training period. At other times, I actually have some entertainment activities, such as watching movies, visiting forums, etc."

Kurosawa does not want to portray himself as a self-disciplined iron man.

It was just that he was making rapid progress during this period, and he didn't want to be distracted, so he devoted himself so much to training.

But if he had to repeat this for several months and a year, he would not be able to bear it.

He felt that according to the current intensity, in another month, this golden promotion time would be almost completed.

Then he will be able to relax a little.

Perform tasks, train, rest.

The filming team followed the filming for a week.

In the next two or three days, they no longer followed Kurosawa throughout the whole process.

Because it is all the same content as the first day, no matter how shocking the training is, it will lose its novelty after watching it for a whole week.

They were more about interviewing other people about their opinions on Kurosawa.

The cafeteria aunts, chefs, training equipment maintenance workers, clerks, and even the head coach Henry Chu were all interviewed.

But without exception, they received positive reviews.

Among them, the affirmation from head coach Chu Xuan is the most valuable.

Many people now don't know him, but he is indeed a retired national team member, and has been one of the core and throne-level players for a long time.

It is definitely impossible for a big shot like him to be bribed by Kurosawa to falsely praise Kurosawa.

It can be seen that Kurosawa has fully won the trust of the reserve team coach in just over a month.

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