My Elf Simulator

Chapter 366 Game

"I hope there will be opportunities to cooperate with you in the future."

"Haha, there will be."

In front of the base, after a farewell banquet in the restaurant, Kurosawa shook hands and said goodbye to the filming team who had been with him for a week.

After that, they had to return to the TV station to integrate these materials and some of Kurosawa's previous audio and video materials, edit the text, and do post-processing and other work.

When everything is completed, the documentary will be screened on the national TV station's Friday night prime time, and the entire network will also push a free version.

This documentary program called "National Players" will be grandly promoted every time it is launched. The purpose is not to make a profit, but to introduce the current and future players who have the potential to become national players in their own country to all citizens.

Kurosawa sent the filming team away from the park and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, this is not because he has any antipathy towards this group of people.

In fact, they are quite cooperative. Although they are filming, everything is based on Kurosawa, and they are sensible and will not go too far for the material.

But after all, it was the first time for Kurosawa, a young man, to do such a long shoot. Even if it would not have a substantial impact on his training and life, it was still not as comfortable as being alone.

Kurosawa in the camera temporarily stopped his activities, but his life and training outside the camera continued.

Two weeks passed in the blink of an eye.

Kurosawa, who had just finished the medicinal bath in the medicinal bath, was wiping his body with a towel.

He glanced at the calendar on his mobile phone, November 22, 2024.

2024 is also coming to the end of the year.

Kurosawa did not have much sense of the passage of time.

He always felt that since he awakened his psychic power and became an elf master, his time was speeding up little by little.

The monotonous and fulfilling training and tasks basically took up a lot of his time.

After wiping his body, Kurosawa put on his clothes.

The effect of the medicinal bath is weakening. He thought to himself.

Although the medicinal bath at this moment is still effective, the body seems to have developed some resistance.

That kind of rapid improvement speed has become a thing of the past, replaced by a normal and stable nourishment of the body, which requires a lot of time to accumulate the effect.

Physique: B+

No wonder he feels this way.

The physique attribute that was just upgraded to B level has been upgraded to B+ again.

That is to say, through the medicinal bath, he has completed two consecutive jumps from B- to B and then to B+.

He kneaded his body muscles.

The physique of a B+ superhuman does not show the characteristics of being as strong as steel under normal conditions, but is extremely tough.

Kurosawa also took a normal fruit knife to cut his current body, and the strength of several times that of a normal human basically could not leave a wound on the skin.

Only when the strength is six or seven times that of an adult male, a small wound will be cut on the skin. If the strength is not increased, the wound will heal completely within ten seconds.

At the same time, every part of his body can burst out with unimaginable strength at any time, fingers, wrists, shoulders, abdomen, knees, every position can explode with strength.

This is because his strength seems to be condensed into a complete force in his body.

Because of the significant increase in physical attributes, his mermaid martial arts boxing, especially the soft fist, has made great progress.

Compared with the hard force, the more terrifying is the strength generated by the soft fist of the mermaid martial arts.

He tried to release this strength out of the body and found that it has a very terrible internal destructive property. It can invade other objects at any time and quickly crush their tissues.

It is precisely because of its existence that Kurosawa feels that he should be able to compete with the strongest high-level elves.

Of course, his own combat power is just a bonus. What makes Kurosawa even more happy is that after the increase in vitality, the stronger recovery ability gives him more opportunities to protect himself.

Today, Friday, November 22 is destined to be a very memorable day for Kurosawa.

First of all, his personal documentary will be screened at 8 o'clock tonight.

He mentioned it to his relatives and friends.

His parents prepared a video recorder early and prepared to record the whole process of his appearance on the national stage as a souvenir.

Perhaps in recent years, young people's attention to national TV has dropped significantly, but in the minds of Kurosawa's parents, being on national TV is still a matter of honor.

In addition to the documentary screening, tonight is almost the time for the Phoenix Elf Egg to hatch, which is a double blessing.

Kurosawa went to the training hall and placed the Phoenix Elf Egg on the ground.

Its temperature was very high, just like a ball of lava.

Fortunately, the floor material of the training room was enough to withstand the impact of the throne level, so it was safe and sound.

Kurosawa looked at the Phoenix Elf Egg. In fact, its temperature was already very high this afternoon, and there were signs of "fetal movement" from time to time.

Everything shows that Kurosawa's first sub-god elf will be born in the world tonight.

He attached psychic energy to the elf egg.

The elf cub in the eggshell has been fully formed, and the internal energy circuit is also very tough.

"Is this the strength of the sub-god elf?"

Although they are together day and night, Kurosawa still can't help but sigh.

The phoenix in the eggshell devoured the nutrients transmitted by Kurosawa in big mouthfuls.

Finally, after accumulating enough strength, it pecked hard at the inside of the eggshell.


Along with a very crisp sound, a clear white spot appeared on the surface of the red eggshell.


The baby phoenix fought hard again.

A small hole instantly appeared in the eggshell.

"Phew!" Before Kurosawa could get closer to see his elf, a high-temperature flame erupted from inside.

Kurosawa ducked back.

Magma at thousands of degrees Celsius flows on the ground along the surface of the eggshell while flaming.

However, the hole that was opened later was quickly pecked out by the phoenix, and with the rising flames, a red bird flew out with flapping wings.

However, he looked handsome for only a second before the red bird plummeted.

Its bare fleshy wings obviously do not have the ability to fly for the time being, and it was just a kick out of its energy when it soared into the sky.

Kurosawa reached out and caught it.

"Hoo ho ho, it's so scalding."

He passed the bird back and forth from hand to hand.

That is to say, his skin is extremely tough. An ordinary person would have spontaneously combusted in the first second of contact.

The crimson bird is the phoenix. In addition to its bare body like other babies, its surface is also covered with a layer of liquid-like flames.

The baby phoenix obviously didn't realize the destructive power of its own high temperature. It was still jumping on Kurosawa's palm, as if it wanted to try flying again.

Kurosawa asked the energetic little guy to calm down.

Then gently place it on the ground and communicate.

"Can this flame be put away?" He squatted down and said with gesticulations.

The Phoenix was a little stupid when he was born. He raised his head and looked at Kurosawa in a daze and repeated it several times. It took him a while to understand what Kurosawa meant.

He took the flames on his body back into his body.

Kurosawa gave it an encouraging thumbs up.

The phoenix turned its head away, but from its paws that kept tapping the ground, some of its joyful emotions could still be seen.

Kurosawa held it in his hands.

As a sub-god spirit, Phoenix seems to be born with the ability to control fire.

Even if its level is still the initial level 1, it is naturally the darling of fire.

Kurosawa fed it some liquid food and gave it some nutritional value to replenish its strength.

After watching it eat obediently and its excitement stabilized, Kurosawa summoned the other elves.

Except for Flora and the Curse Crow, the other four elves are all reduced in size, and their size will not give the Phoenix too much pressure.

Before Kurosawa summoned him, he was worried that the aura of these super elves would put too much pressure on the Phoenix and frighten the newborn bird.

However, when the seven elves gathered together to meet each other, Kurosawa realized that he had thought too much.

Even in its fledgling state, the phoenix is ​​incredibly courageous.

It raised its head and glanced at the elves, then continued to calmly peck at the golden rice grains in Kurosawa's hand.

On the contrary, the reactions of several super-level elves were not quite right, and they felt a little constrained.

Of course, as super elves, they were not timid enough to be frightened by the baby of the Phoenix, but the noble aura of a superior person exuding from it surprised them.

The two completely different auras of weakness and strength can exist in one individual so paradoxically at the same time.

"You are not allowed to bully it. We will be partners from now on. It is still young, so you should take more care of it."

Flora nodded immediately, making a fufu sound in her mouth, and was the first to respond to Kurosawa's call.

As long as Kurosawa said it, it would agree.

The other elves also nodded one after another.

After a short meal, the phoenix filled his stomach.

Only then did it focus on the other six elves.

It turned its head.

The other elves conveyed a sense of closeness to it, which was proof of its identity as an elf from Kurosawa.

It took small steps and approached the other elves.

It's like a golden beak pecking at their bodies.

It is not afraid at all because of the powerful auras of other elves, and its courage is astonishing.

He even dared to twist his butt and chase the shrunken white dragon and peck it wildly.

The cold energy in Bailong's body made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Bailong gently pushed it away several times to no avail, and did not dare to exert force for fear of hurting the little guy, so he could only flap his wings and fly.

The phoenix wants to fly, but does not have the ability for the time being.

He could only stare at Bailong helplessly on the ground.

Kurosawa watched the interaction between the elves with a smile and did not intervene.

The elves played around for a while.

Kurosawa glanced at the Phoenix panel.

Elf: Phoenix

Racial Qualification: Asian God

Level: 4

Attribute: fire

Features: Flame rebirth, flame super affinity

Skills: [White] Peck, [Dark Blue] Fire Breathing, [Dark Blue] Fire Clothes

He took a small breath.

Good guy, is this panel what an elf baby that is less than half an hour old should have?

After a little movement, the level skyrocketed from LV1 to LV4.

If Kurosawa remembers correctly, it took almost half a year for the Dudu bird to grow from LV1 to LV5, but now the Phoenix is ​​about to catch up in just two jumps?

Simply outrageous! Is this the difference between elves?

He shook his head and couldn't help but sigh.

Of course, he also knew that there were many factors that influenced it. For example, at that time he was a pure rookie novice, and he had no resources, so he wasted a lot of time thinking about it alone.

But excluding these factors, we cannot erase the inherent strong characteristics of the sub-god elves.

Especially for this kind of cubs that have been carefully cultivated early, the early upgrade is really as simple as drinking water, and there is no threshold problem.

And the two characteristics are also very amazing.

The characteristic ability of rebirth is that as long as its flame is not exhausted, it can be resurrected no matter how serious the injury is.

And the flame super affinity can give it extremely strong control over flames, and can even affect the energy of other fire attribute elves.

The skills of one white and two deep blue are also completely supermodel for the newly born elf cubs.

Kurosawa touched his chin.

He felt that with the configuration of the Phoenix at the moment, ordinary elves of more than ten levels were not enough for it to fight.

Its starting point was too high, just like a small account reopened by a full-level krypton gold boss.

Kurosawa left the training room and walked towards the dormitory.

Back in the room, he turned on the TV.

Tuning to the national channel, his personal documentary was still being shown.

The screen happened to show Kurosawa's appearance in the provincial league.

Kurosawa looked nostalgic.

Even though more than a year had passed, this moment was still fresh in his memory, as if it happened yesterday.

The huge crowd of nearly 100,000 people and the tsunami-like cheers were definitely the grandest venue Kurosawa had ever entered.

The Phoenix and other elves also sat on the sofa and watched the documentary with Kurosawa.

After finding that the person on the screen seemed familiar, the Phoenix's eyes seemed to turn back and forth between the screen and Kurosawa himself, as if surprised that he appeared in that sheet.

No matter how noble its bloodline is, it will not tell it what a TV is.

Since entering the dormitory room, it has been observing left and right like a curious baby, but it is very quiet, and its proud personality does not allow it to make a noisy sound.

"Beep, beep--"

Kurosawa's personal mobile phone kept ringing with messages.

People who have come into contact with him are watching this "National Player" program at the same time at this moment.

Parents, relatives, classmates, friends, and fans.

Some were sending belated congratulations, others were happy for him, and fans were discussing the content of the documentary.

There were many people watching this show, all over the country, and even some viewers abroad noticed Kurosawa.

The number of Kurosawa's fans began to grow wildly.



Each jump was at least thousands of new people, and the speed was so fast that it was a bit stuck.

In fact, in just half an hour, he had already gained nearly two million fans, and now he is continuing the terrifying growth rate. His number of fans should increase explosively in the next few days.

At the same time, the number of Kurosawa's points will also increase wildly.

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