My Elf Simulator

Chapter 367 Urgent Mission

After the screening of the documentary ended, Kurosawa's existence became known to more people again.

Some game fans have only vaguely heard of a player like Kurosawa before, but they know nothing about what he looks like, what his strength is, and what experiences he has. But after such a detailed introduction, they immediately have an understanding of him. A deeper understanding.

Kurosawa finished replying some messages of congratulations and congratulations.

The other elves had already dispersed.

He began to prepare night snacks for the elves, especially the newly hatched phoenix babies.

Its body is visibly stronger and firmer, but it also seems to need to consume more food and substances to make up for its rapid physical growth.

Kurosawa tried his best to select some low-level fire attribute magical resources, mainly fruits suitable for ingestion, supplemented by some ordinary food that has no attribute energy but is rich in various minerals and trace elements needed for body growth and started feeding Phoenix.

The phoenix passed through the excitement period of being born, and happened to feel a lack of energy in his body.

So one person and one animal carried out feeding activities in perfect harmony.

During this period, the Phoenix's level increased by 2 levels, from LV4 to LV6.

After eating enough food, the phoenix seemed sleepy.

After taking two steps, he fell on the carpet and fell into a deep sleep.

Kurosawa found a comfortable place to lay down and yawned.

He didn't find it too strange that the little guy was so sleepy.

This is a very normal phenomenon that happens to many newborn elves. Their brains are not fully developed yet, so they need to increase their sleep from time to time to reduce the burden on their brains.

Seeing the phoenix curled up in a ball as if it were sleeping in its egg, Kurosawa carefully ruffled its feathers with his fingers.

Its feathers are very tiny, mixed in with the bare skin, and it looks ugly.

After taking photos to record its rare bald bird period, Kurosawa was satisfied and went to wash up and rest.

A few days passed by.


Kurosawa woke up in the morning and heard a familiar cry.

After several days of getting along with him, he was already very familiar with this voice.

When I opened the door to the room, I saw that the phoenix was singing in the living room of the dormitory.

A few days are short, but this little guy has changed a lot during this time.

When it was first born, it was the size of a duckling, but it could summon flames on its body. Now it has grown to the size of a peacock, and its whole body is no longer bare, but is covered with a layer of down that is several centimeters long.

And it has been able to glide a certain distance through its own physical power.

The level has now reached LV16.

Of course, both in terms of strength and appearance, it is far from being developed to what it should be.

"What's wrong? Want to go out to play again?" Kurosawa touched its neck.


Phoenix nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, I'll take you out later." Kurosawa comforted the slightly agitated phoenix, indicating that he still had some time to wash up and have breakfast.

Fortunately, although Phoenix has shown a considerable degree of pride towards outsiders and other elves during this period, he is relatively obedient to Kurosawa, his master.

However, at present, only Kurosawa is recognized by it. It has never paid any attention to other humans. Even Kurosawa's own elves are not close to him.

Even while walking again, when faced with a friendly staff member's request to take pictures and touch him, he angrily released flames and threatened to attack. Fortunately, Kurosawa was on the side and hurriedly stopped him to avoid an accident. occur.

After that incident, Kurosawa became even more worried about the phoenix going out alone. Even though it didn't actually like to stay in flashcards and restricted rooms, Kurosawa ordered it not to leave the room alone without following him. .

After finishing washing and having breakfast, Kurosawa left the dormitory area with the long-awaited phoenix.

After breathing in the fresh air, the phoenix was obviously in a much better mood and no longer kept giggling.

As Kurosawa walked, it followed, flapping its wings to practice flying.

In the past few days, its wings have gradually become fuller and its bones have become stronger. Kurosawa judged that it would be able to perfectly conquer the sky after practicing for a short period of time.

It is a race that is very good at flying, fire and aerial combat.

He came to the outdoor training ground, which was more conducive to Phoenix training.

The other elves left voluntarily and carried out their own cultivation.

Kurosawa watched the phoenix flutter into the sky again and again, glide and fall, and then continue to try. He had no intention of intervening.

He didn't even think of using his air control ability to help it.

For this kind of instinct-like skill that involves the body itself, or even subconsciously, it is best for the elf to remember it firmly through memory and pain.

Two hours later, and after many tumbles and falls, the Phoenix finally lived up to his high expectations and mastered flight.

Kurosawa stood below and watched with relief.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time the little guy has systematically practiced flying, and he is learning very quickly.

In the past few days, considering that its wings were slightly fragile, he didn't let it do much.

The phoenix flew excitedly in the air at tens of meters for several minutes.

It can be seen that he is very excited about mastering flying.

It didn't fall to the ground reluctantly until it heard Kurosawa's urging voice from below.

"Okay, now that you can fly, come down and rest for a while. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to flutter in the future." Kurosawa leaned over and patted its body.

He called the Phoenix down, on the one hand, because he had a meaning in his words, and on the other hand, he was worried that it would accidentally get too excited and fly out of the base range to trigger the no-fly seal of Zhongdu.

However, if there is nothing else, Kurosawa should leave this base soon.

The reason is also very simple.

The medicinal bath in the base is less and less helpful to him.

Especially in the past few days, there is no longer the rapid improvement when he first came here. The improvement cannot be said to be completely absent, but it only moves slowly occasionally. I am afraid that it will take a long time to accumulate to have an effect, and it is only limited to the spiritual level.

At the physical level, B+ physique seems to have reached a relatively solid bottleneck.

So combined with the above situation, Kurosawa naturally has no reason to continue to stay in the base for training.

On the one hand, staying in Zhongdu is indeed inconvenient, and on the other hand, it is only the improvement of spiritual power. He has other ways to improve.

Kurosawa thought about this while delivering some nutrients to the Phoenix.

After a short rest, he began to train the Phoenix's various skills.

In the short term, the Phoenix should not be able to help him temporarily, but this kind of training is still very necessary, which can prevent the Phoenix from becoming a spirit with only levels but no corresponding combat skills and awareness. At the same time, the tacit understanding between the two can also be improved in skill training.

Kurosawa is not a person who hesitates. He has the intention to leave. After only one day, after reporting to the head coach Chu Xuan of the base, he left Zhongdu from the sky along the exit of the reserve team.

As a mount, the white dragon is still good at long-distance flying. This is the so-called capable people work more.

Kurosawa came to Jingcheng. This small city where the Anbu South Headquarters is located has been regarded as a transit point by him more often.

He put on a mask, adjusted his body shape, and completed the transition from Kurosawa to Qianli.

Today the temperature is low and the sky is gray, which makes him feel a little regretful.

There weren't too many people on the streets of Jingcheng to begin with. Now that a cold rain had just fallen, the sparse pedestrians all wrapped themselves tightly in their coats, and the scene looked even more deserted.

Kurosawa took out the terminal and edited a message in the discussion group to notify the team members to gather in the near future.

After editing the message, he walked towards the nearest entrance of the Anbu in the water on the road without any hurry.

Coming to a telephone booth, Kurosawa walked in.

His slender fingers flew up and down, and in a few tenths of a second, he made a series of complex handprints.

The next moment, he was directly teleported to somewhere in the passage of the Anbu.

There were still not many people today. Kurosawa consulted the front desk and found that the team leader Huadie was not in the office of the Anbu base at the moment, so he gave up the idea of ​​reporting.

He spent some Anbu contribution points to exchange for some magical resources that the Phoenix needed at the current stage.

Because the Phoenix's level is relatively low, it cannot absorb magical resources with too high concentration for the time being, so it is basically concentrated between one star and three stars, and the consumption is not much.

Kurosawa came to the Anbu to exchange just to save some time. After all, he had relatively few fire-attribute resources in stock. He originally planned to buy some on the market, but considering the cost-effectiveness, he still came to the Anbu to exchange.

After spending 20 points of Anbu contribution, Kurosawa put a bunch of fire-attribute gems, fruits and nutrients into the storage bracelet, and then left the Anbu base with satisfaction.

He booked a room in a nearby hotel.

Lying on the bed, he thought about new arrangements for the future.

The training of the reserve team has come to an end for the time being, and his career as a spirit master is about to enter the next stage.

That is to sprint towards the top master stage.

The first goal is to cultivate the energy values ​​of the two spirits, Shining and Flora, to the super-level perfection as soon as possible, and then find a way to break through the amulet level.

On this basis, it is best for other spirits to break through to 10,000 leaves.

Of course, whether they can maintain a high growth rate after breaking through 10,000 leaves like Shining and Flora, Kurosawa temporarily feels that it is uncertain.

The normal process should be to make the most talented elves in the lineup achieve a breakthrough in rank first, and then use the feedback from the elves after the breakthrough to drive the rapid growth of psychic energy, and then use the stronger psychic energy to promote the breakthrough of other elves with slightly lower talents.

The third goal is to cultivate the Phoenix. As a sub-god species above the five-star race, the Phoenix is ​​the strongest potential in Kurosawa's current lineup. Although its current strength is low, he believes that with his careful cultivation, it should be able to catch up with the progress of other elves in a few months or a year.

Fourth, perform more dark tasks, find divine substances, and strengthen one's own psychic energy.

The stronger the psychic energy, the faster the speed of driving the elves to improve.

After thinking, Kurosawa opened the system panel.

In the past few days, due to the promotion of the documentary, his number of fans has increased greatly, and currently stays at 26,891,145, and the growth rate is gradually slowing down.

Nearly 27 million, a very good number of followers.

The number of coupons has also accumulated 110,000.

He spent a paltry one hundred points to buy ten initial Elf Growth Fruits, and Kurosawa raised the level of the Phoenix to LV20.

Before, he did not use the growth fruit to catalyze the Phoenix's improvement, mainly because he thought it was just born and its body was relatively weak, so he took it easy. However, after a few days of cultivation, he judged that the Phoenix was much stronger than those primary elves that had been cultivated for several months, so he directly improved it.

After the Phoenix reached level 20, it naturally transitioned from a primary elf to an intermediate elf.

It originally had discrete fire attribute energy in its body, which was born with it, and it did not need to work hard to dig out the power in its blood like other elves.

As it reached the intermediate level, the Phoenix's fire attribute energy was obviously much purer.

In the past, the orange-yellow color mixed in its red flames seemed to have been washed away, and now only a very pure red color remained.

The temperature also increased by about a thousand degrees Celsius.

Considering that in the hotel room, Kurosawa asked the Phoenix flying in the air to put away the high-temperature flame.

The next step was to draw a suitable elf weapon for it.

30 points per draw, and the price of 300 points for ten draws is very affordable for Kurosawa now.

He did not intend to choose from the blue-level weapons in the inventory. The combat-type blue weapons increase the elves by 10-20%, while the combat-type purple weapons increase the elves by at least 30%, and can even reach 40% or even 50% depending on the adaptability.

90 draws guarantee a purple-level elf weapon, and even if the luck is bad, it is 2700 points for a purple weapon. If you can use a purple weapon, you should use it.

Kurosawa plans to spend some coupons to make a purple-level elf concept weapon with fire attribute for the Phoenix.

"Do you want to draw ten consecutive conceptual weapons?"


A blue-white light flashed by.

Kurosawa skipped the first ten consecutive draws expressionlessly.

Today's luck feels average. Kurosawa has drawn seven consecutive ten consecutive draws, all blue and white.

However, he has a lot of coupons, and he came with the purpose of forced draws, so his mentality is also stable.

When the eighth ten consecutive draws, purple came here.

Kurosawa was not too happy, it was just a guarantee, and it might not be suitable.

【Toxin Claw】When a non-poison attribute elf wears it, the attack will carry a slight poison. A poison attribute elf wearing it can amplify the effect of its own poison attribute attack.

"It's useless." Kurosawa didn't have a poison attribute elf.

If the toxin is not strong, it will also occupy the effect of other elf weapons. Kurosawa took a look and put it in the warehouse.

He chose to continue to draw.

There are many types of attributes, and many weapons have universal effects. Even if he has a lot of points, he is not sure that he can really draw a unique fire attribute purple weapon.

Blue and white, blue and white, blue and white

Then Kurosawa drew a few more guaranteed ones in one breath.

There are several more elf purple weapons in the warehouse.

The control effect of 【Binding Spider Silk】 can release sticky spider silk to bind the enemy.

There is 【Dragon Crown】, which can amplify the original blood power of dragon attribute elves.

There are also 【Wind Boots】, which speed up the displacement speed of elves.

And the 【Charging Horn】 suitable for team battles, which increases the energy circulation speed of three elves including himself by 20%.

The gains from using 10,000 points are relatively small, because other elves have more suitable purple weapons. If the effect cannot be improved, since it is impossible to equip two pieces at the same time, it can only be placed in the warehouse to fill the inventory.

Wind Boots and Charging Horn may come in handy at certain times.

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