Since the purple equipment was only released close to the guaranteed minimum several times, Hei Ze felt that his luck today was really bad, so he stopped being stubborn and gave up on continuing to draw today.

He glanced at the expedition system.

When he was in the Zhongdu reserve team, he did not go on expeditions many times, so his experience only increased by a few dozen points, and he did not get any useful rewards.

LV2 (188/200), there are 17 expedition keys left.

Hei Ze probably figured out the tricks of expedition simulation.

It seems that the 30 expedition keys given at the beginning are a lot and generous, but in fact it is not the case.

Because the adventure level is low, the refreshed entries are poor, the simulation is difficult, and the rewards are even less. When he spends times to increase the level, there will be few keys left.

If he wants to simulate again at that time, he must go to the mall to buy keys, and the price is 10,000 points per key.

Hei Ze shook his head.

He started the long-lost simulated expedition.

When choosing the elf object, he thought for a while and then chose the Phoenix.

Perhaps the current simulation rewards are a bit useless for other super-level elves, but they are still valuable for the Phoenix who has just broken through to the middle level.

"Please choose the difficulty of the expedition."


"Your expedition adventure level is 2. The corresponding adventure entry is being randomly refreshed for you. You can only choose one."

[Blue] Well-off family

[White] Elf has a combative personality

[White] Frequent colds

Kurosawa glanced at it and decisively chose the blue entry Well-off family.

This entry is still quite good. At least it can ensure the smooth transition of his early elf career and not give up the path of elf master too early.

"Do you want to consume an expedition key?"


Kurosawa, who was lying on the bed, had a black eye and entered the sleep simulation skillfully.



The familiar feeling of fatigue surged from his body.

Kurosawa looked at the expedition report.

This simulation was quite satisfactory.

The Phoenix was degraded to the initial elf turkey in the simulation, and then it was a similar path of suspension, club, mission, and league.

The road of the elf master is relatively bumpy. After nearly ten years of experience, the "he" in the simulation struggled to evolve the little turkey into the Fiery Turkey, and then broke through to the intermediate stage and became a professional elf master. After that, the progress was unremarkable.

The "he" in the simulation eventually slowed down his strength and the simulation ended.

The basic reward, this simulation provides 21 points of adventure experience.

The adventure level was also successfully raised from LV2 (188/200) to LV3 (9/500).

As for the experience reward that followed, Kurosawa chose the latter between 10 leaf energy value increase and 3 years of tacit understanding.

10 leaf energy value is not a small amount for ordinary new intermediate elves, but it is nothing for Kurosawa.

With a series of blurred and broken images flashing by, Kurosawa opened his eyes.

Looking at the phoenix cub not far away, a sense of closeness suddenly arose.

The Phoenix also had similar feelings. Before, its recognition of Kurosawa was more about his spiritual kindness, but now it has developed a lot of good feelings for Kurosawa himself.

This kind of good feelings originally needed to be cultivated through long-term companionship, but now it saves time.

"The Elf Phoenix has learned the deep blue skill [Fire Dance]"

"The Elf Phoenix has learned the purple-level guardian skill [Triple Fire Ring]"

In an instant, the Phoenix also independently comprehended two deep blue skills.

"Not bad."

After feeling the effect of the skills in the energy circuit in the Phoenix's body, Kurosawa nodded with satisfaction.

Regardless of whether the skills are useful or not, the more the better, not to mention that the effects of these two skills are definitely top-notch for intermediate elves.

Fire Dance is a status skill. After performing Fire Dance, the Phoenix's control over flames will increase significantly, and the power of various fire attribute skills will be improved.

The Triple Fire Ring is a protection skill. Different from other similar guardian skills, it has three effects and can resist more external attacks.

Phoenix's energy value now: 15 leaves.

With the previous skills, its superior conditions and bloodline talent, Phoenix should be very powerful among the intermediate elves now.

After using psychic energy to feel the degree of strength in Phoenix's body, Kurosawa withdrew his perception.

However, when he returned to the simulated expedition and observed for a while, he showed a bit of disappointment on his face.

After upgrading from LV2 to LV3, the expedition function did not change in the starting choice.

You can still only choose the simple difficulty, and you can only choose one of the two blue and two white items in the item selection. There is basically no change in this aspect. Perhaps the level needs to be further upgraded, and the next level can officially unlock better items.

The only change is that after upgrading to LV3, the previous node loading function is officially unlocked.

Kurosawa's previous researcher's simulation node 1 can now continue with the last progress.

However, he did not choose to continue tonight. He had just finished a simulation and did not want to further bring more fatigue to his body and mind.

Of course, it wasn't that he couldn't bear to cry, but he felt that conducting multiple expedition simulations frequently in a short period of time was not good for his spirit.

The most obvious feature is that after 2-3 simulations that night, the effect of his psychic energy growth brought by meditation training in the next few days will be very poor.

And if it is only done once a night, there will not be much impact.

The next day.

Kurosawa and the team members met at the largest urban public training park in Jingcheng.

He arrived early, deliberately more than an hour earlier.

A group of young elf masters gathered in the public training park early in the morning. Most of them were registered elf masters or even elf masters without levels, but there were also a small number of professional elf masters.

In a battle platform in the corner, many people gathered unknowingly.

"How many?"

"The fourth? Or the fifth?"

"This big brother in black is quite strong."

"That's normal. You can tell from his appearance that he's not young. When we get to his age, we might even be stronger."

"However, this Fiery Bird is really strong. It's my favorite fire bird."

In the center of the platform, Kurosawa, who was in disguise, commanded the Phoenix, whose appearance had also been fine-tuned, to fight seriously. Facing the constant whispers around him, he was calm and had no waves in his heart.

The Phoenix's performance in actual combat is really strong.

Other elf masters thought that his Phoenix relied on a stronger energy value to crush the opponent, but they didn't know that the Phoenix's energy value was at a disadvantage against some mid-level elf opponents. The fire attack it released crushed other attribute energies. It was born one level higher, which was completely the advantage of bloodline.

The most obvious thing is that when facing a water attribute elf, the opponent's water bullet hits the fire it releases. Not long after the contact, the water bullet is completely evaporated into water mist by the fire skill.

When facing the grass attribute, which has the attribute restraint advantage, the effect of the fire attack is even more exaggerated. It will burn if touched, and turn into ash if burned. There is almost no ability to resist.

Crush the same level, and as the Phoenix becomes stronger, this characteristic of crushing the same level can still be maintained.

Kurosawa thought in his heart.

After a few short attempts, he felt the strength of the sub-god elves very clearly. There is a gap between the sub-god species and other one-star to five-star elves.

He ended the battle in front of him and sensed three familiar figures in the crowd. He waved to the next player who was still ready to challenge, indicating that he would not continue the battle challenge.

Wait until the crowd dispersed.

He and the three team members walked out of the park.

"Captain, I didn't expect you to have the time to bully the newcomers?" Du Juan teased.

When the three arrived, they were shocked to find that Kurosawa was fighting against other low-level elf masters.

"You misunderstood me. I just contracted an elf. The battle just now was a fair fight between equals. It was not bullying." Kurosawa coughed twice and argued for himself a little.

Qingshan and Fangkuai glanced at him and didn't dare to point it out.

His fight was not a fair fight. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was a fish fry. Although the shape was changed by the dark props, they could see at a glance that the fire elf was very extraordinary. It had a lower energy value but crushed other elves.

"Captain, what mission will our team take this time?" Fangkuai shifted the topic back to the main business.

Kurosawa's expression was serious.

"Go to report to the leader of the butterfly team later. I heard that there is a big job."

Hearing this, the three looked at each other, with nervous and excited expressions on their faces.

"Knock knock knock——"

"Come in."

"Captain Qianli, you are here, please take a seat."

"Thank you, team leader."

Unlike the two previous tasks that Kurosawa chose on his own, this time the task was a mandatory task assigned to them.

This kind of task is more urgent than ordinary tasks.

Hua Die did not waste time and quickly informed Kurosawa and his team of the details of the task.

This mission is not very dangerous, but it is very important. Their team will secretly guard the National Elf Research Results Exchange Conference with several other teams.

This meeting is of a high level. In order to prevent accidents during the exchange meeting, in addition to the protection forces on the surface, there are many hidden experts.

"Are there any questions?"

"No more."

Kurosawa took the information on the list into his eyes and silently memorized it.

There are many researchers attending the meeting, and not all of them need his extra care. Specifically, he only needs to pay attention to three professors and researchers.

"Then you can set off after a little preparation."

After leaving the office, Kurosawa asked the opinions of the three people and prepared to go to Nandu, where the National Elf Research Results Exchange Conference was held.

The exchange meeting will officially start the day after tomorrow, and he plans to check out the place in advance.

It's just in time for him to go back to Nandu to meet his friends in advance.

A few hours later, the group secretly entered Nandu.

"Captain, you seem to be very familiar with this place."

"It's half my hometown." Kurosawa didn't mean to hide what Fangkuai said.

There are already many elves in Nandu.

Moreover, after the team has been together for a long time, he doesn't think his identity can be concealed. Even at the moment, he feels that the team members probably have some guesses about his identity in their hearts, but they just haven't said it clearly.

Although Nandu is not as prosperous as Zhongdu, it has a bit more life.

After settling the team members, Kurosawa looked at the time and announced that they would temporarily disperse and move freely.

Kurosawa walked on the streets of Nandu. There were many elements of research exchange meetings on the streets, posters posted, and guys handing out flyers.

Low-level researchers who took to the streets to publicly promote their research and development results to ordinary people

Kurosawa was fascinated.

In this elf generation, elf masters and their elf companions are naturally the absolute protagonists, and no identity can be more eye-catching and dazzling than elf masters.

But behind the elf masters, a large number of researchers who silently contribute also have a high social status.

Strictly speaking, Kurosawa is now an unregistered wild researcher.

The experience reward, research thinking and experience (three years) he received in the simulated expedition as a researcher gave him the rationality and knowledge of a researcher.

Annual exchange events like this gather many research geniuses, and countless sparks of inspiration also collide here.

In addition to exchanges, many researchers also come with research projects to save themselves.

Many private research institutes get their research funding from alliance grants, or sponsorship from companies or individuals. When the funding runs out, they need to attract more investment to continue their research.

Most research projects are difficult to reach the stage of fruitful output, and often die in the middle of the process due to various practical problems.

Researchers like Kurosawa who are giving roadshows are in trouble with funding shortages.

"This learning aid device I designed and developed can help novice elf masters standardize their training process. The specific operation process is..."

Even Kurosawa was pulled to listen for a while.

But not long after, he ran away.

Because he felt that the other party might just be talking big.

At first glance, it sounds very bluffing, but after careful thinking, it feels completely unworkable. It talks about how to use mechanical equipment and AI to assist novice elf masters and initial elves in standardizing their skills, but the specific process is very rigid.

Not to mention that elf training cannot be standardized according to different elf types and personalities. Even if it is really integrated into a set of processes, the effect will definitely not be good.

For example, the Phoenix's fire-breathing skill.

Kurosawa first needs to feel the flow of the energy circuit in its body when it releases its skills, and adjust the spiritual energy to fit the flow of its energy circuit as much as possible through repeated attempts, and finally a series of specific release processes.

It sounds simple, but if it is an inexperienced novice, this process may take several weeks to get on track.

Kurosawa, who escaped, walked towards the research institute where the event was held.

Although the event officially started the day after tomorrow, there are still a lot of people who came to the scene today.

Kurosawa was stopped by security personnel and successfully entered after showing his press card.

Although the press card is a task prop distributed by the dark department, it is also genuine.

He took out the camera, hung it around his neck, and quickly scouted around the research institute.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure near a truck that was unloading goods.

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