My Elf Simulator

Chapter 370 Treasure House

"Captain Qianli, how is the situation on your side?"

The sound of cobwebs came from the headphones again.

"everything is normal."

"That's good, leave the other areas to me. Don't worry, I have installed several layers of surveillance networks at the venue. If there are psykers and elves crossing over, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Okay." Kurosawa replied simply and concisely.

Everything seemed to be fine with the first researcher. He collected the data within the stipulated time and left the blockade with satisfaction.

After an interval of five minutes, the second visitor entered the blockade with the token.

The same normal process of ten minutes.

Kurosawa, who was always highly focused, glanced at the time, and half an hour had passed before he knew it.

The time came to half past nine.

Will you be cheated?

The third visitor enters and leaves.

The process comes to the fourth visitor.

It was getting closer to ten o'clock. Although Kurosawa didn't trust the letter in his heart, he couldn't help but become more vigilant.


Suddenly, Kurosawa heard a huge roar.

Something seemed to explode a few hundred meters away.


The order at the scene began to become chaotic.

The explosion didn't happen here. Did something go wrong somewhere else?

Kurosawa's heart tightened.

"There was an explosion in Lecture Hall No. 2. The square guarding there blocked the scene. There are no casualties for the time being." Spider Web quickly notified Kurosawa of the explosion information.

But before Spider Web finished speaking, there was another explosion soon.

"This time it's Lecture Hall Three."


"Captain Qianli, be careful, I'm in the monitoring network."

Accompanied by a strange fluctuation.

Kurosawa's communication equipment suddenly lost contact.

He hesitated for a moment, whether to go out to support his teammates or stay where he was, but after a brief thought, he chose to stay.

It might be too late to go out now.

And those movements made him feel that the other party's target should be the Sunstone.

Just when Kurosawa fixed his gaze on the Sunstone in the center.

One second later.

The exhibition hall suddenly lost power, and with the power outage, the entire venue became pitch black.

Kurosawa flashed to the Sunstone.

"Go restore the power!"

After loudly informing other security personnel, he continued to guard the side of the Sunstone.

Suddenly, he saw several people in the crowd using special electric pliers to destroy the blockade net.


Kurosawa immediately teleported over and knocked down several people.

He was very powerful, but the other person was just an ordinary person and had almost no resistance and was knocked unconscious by him.


Just when Kurosawa was about to teleport back to the Sunstone, the fire sprinkler device above his head suddenly started and sprayed a large amount of dark purple liquid.

The purple liquid released terrifying corrosive power, and the originally solid base immediately melted, destroying at the same time the connection between the Sunstone's protective device and the base.

The protection device senses that it is separated from the base and immediately emits a piercing alarm sound.

Kurosawa teleported to the base almost immediately, but he was not the only one who appeared next to the protective device.

A humanoid shadow also appeared.

Although it is an upright humanoid, if you look closely, you can see that it is not a human being, but a dark blue upright lizard-like elf about 1.6 meters tall, with an extremely thick tail on its back.

A super elf with super attributes, to be precise, a super elf who has mastered the ability of space.

Although its current state is very hazy, through the analysis of its appearance characteristics, Kurosawa quickly guessed its race, the five-star race Instant Claw.

After breaking through the super level in an instant, you can gradually awaken your racial abilities and use your sharp claws to tear open the space.

Even before it had the ability to control space, it still possessed terrifying speed and was a ghostly elf.

When Kurosawa saw Shunclaw, the blue lizard man Shunclaw also noticed Kurosawa, who used his space ability to quickly move here. A layer of deep luster appeared between his claws, and he was about to lift his claws at the sight.

Kurosawa made a quick decision and immediately concentrated all the strength in his body into a complete force on his fist.

The shark's martial arts soft fist burst out.

The huge tidal force poured out! !

The sea is boundless!


A sonic boom filled the air.

The continuous force was transmitted to Shunclaw's body along Kurosawa's solid and powerful fist.

Both the instant claw and the elf master commanding behind it were careless.

After all, under normal circumstances, when elves and humans are in close proximity, the latter is definitely in danger.

But Kurosawa is not a mortal.

Although he self-assessed his comprehensive strength as the first level below the super level, it did not mean that he was not a threat to the super level elves at all.

His strength lies in Taishu, Merman Martial Arts, and terrifying physical strength. His disadvantage lies in the lack of long-range means and the relatively simple and simple attack method, which makes him easily suppressed in the face of various attribute powers.

But close combat is Kurosawa's specialty, and now Kurosawa has the upper hand. He will make the opponent suffer the consequences.

Shunclaw was knocked away by Kurosawa's powerful and heavy counter-twisting uppercut.

The body flew away with an irresistible force, and a large hole was directly punched in the wall of the roof of the exhibition hall.

Instant Claw was blasted out of the room.

It barely stabilized its body, saw Kurosawa approaching quickly, and quickly swung its claws, shattering the space.

Twenty meters away, the instant claw quickly appeared.

However, it didn't wait for a moment to rest.

Kurosawa also activated the coordinate movement ability, followed closely, and appeared above it.

He exerted force on his right leg and kicked it high.

"Falling whale!"

Still the gentleness of the shark's martial arts.

His thighs were like whips and as fast as swords, striking hard on Shunclaw's slender body.


The sound that erupted this time was loud and crisp, and the instant claw was blasted farther away.

In almost the blink of an eye, it hit the ground dozens of meters away.

Kurosawa did not follow further.

I saw him throw out two flash cards.

The Shining and Flora were summoned by him.

Fortunately, all the surrounding visitors had been evacuated in time, otherwise the terrifying aura of the two elves would have made a group of people weak in their legs.

Kurosawa, who summoned the spirit, glanced at the protective device under him.

Although the foundation and its connections were completely eroded, the protective device itself was not damaged in any way.

It's certainly strong enough.

Kurosawa tried to teleport with it, but unfortunately, as the previous staff said, it released a strong resistance force. Kurosawa could not teleport away with it, nor could it be transferred to the trial tower space or other places. In the storage bracelet.

"Why do I feel like this device has become an obstacle?"

Kurosawa sighed.

Of course, he didn't have any bad thoughts about the Sunstone, but if he could transfer it to the trial tower space now, it would be foolproof.

While he was thinking about it, Instant Claw came over.

It stood at the break in the roof above, staring at Kurosawa warily.

It judged that the attack just now was a pure outpouring of power, not mixed with any elven attribute power.

This discovery put Instant Claw in a state of uncertainty for a moment. After all, it had never encountered such a powerful human being before.

However, perhaps it received the order from the elf master. After a moment of hesitation, it quickly moved into the venue.

Kurosawa's return comes as no surprise.

His attack just now was very fierce, but the opponent was a super-level elf, and it seemed to have a high energy value. It had more than nine thousand leaves. With such a huge attribute blessing, it goes without saying that its vitality is tenacious.

It is unrealistic to completely defeat it in a short time.

Kurosawa knew the tricky part of space ability, so he and the two elves just defended the sunstone in the center with their horns.

As for leaving with the Sunstone, that's not realistic.

The Sunstone and the protective device are not light in weight. Without the ability to use space, he is still facing a super elf who is proficient in speed. It is impossible to get rid of it, and it may play into the enemy's hands.

It is better to wait until other people come to support before making further plans.

Shuangclaw did not continue to remain calm.

I saw it first throw out several claw strikes that tore apart the space.

Then the body burst into bright blue light, like a ray of light quickly approaching the Sunstone.

Its forward movement of casting, which relies on its claws to tear apart space, is slightly laggy. At short distances, this burst mode seems to be faster.

"Use Thousand Flashes of Thunder."

Facing the fully prepared super elf, Kurosawa didn't want to use his own body to challenge it.

The Shining and Kurosawa beside him had a perfect tacit understanding, and activated their skills almost as soon as Kurosawa gave the order.

Shining's body also began to disintegrate and entered the state of elemental body.

Later, the surrounding area was also attached to a golden field by the minefield, so that it could teleport anywhere in the minefield area relying on the characteristics of the elemental body.


The well-prepared Shining Spirit flashed in the instant claw displacement path, and the two elves collided with their attribute power, and the aftermath that broke out in an instant destroyed the surrounding walls.

In the billowing smoke, a dark blue figure was blown away again.

This time, the Instant Claw was not unexpectedly attacked, but was forced back by Shining.

The Shining has a more powerful energy value, and its true name also gives it power beyond that of ordinary five-star elves. It is impossible for the Instant Claw to compete with the Shining head-on.

Shunzhao, who was deflated again, showed a trace of human panic on his face.

In an ordinary house a few kilometers away, the ground was filled with complex equipment.

Standing in front of the device were three men and women dressed in uniform black clothing, looking at the screen in front of them.

What is displayed on the screen is the picture of the exhibition hall.

The man on the right looked at the woman in the middle and said.

"Boss, we have detected the approach of a large number of elves. It will be dangerous if we don't retreat."

"Boss, the harassment from my side can't be delayed for much longer."

The woman in the middle looked at the screen with a trace of unwillingness on her face.

Of course, the treasure house's operation is not guaranteed to be successful. In fact, they have failed many times. But even if they fail, they can rely on their strong logistical support and rich abilities to escape and plan their next operation.

But what made her unwilling to accept was that the preparations for this operation were so complete. The ANBU members and other guarding forces were also thoroughly understood by their intelligence department. Even the entire institute was under their control and arrangement early on. But now it seems that he can only leave in despair.

"If you can let Shun Claw touch Anbu Senri, I will remember you." The woman sighed.

The burst and speed of the Snap Claw are still very terrifying even without the space ability. She is confident that as long as her Snap Claw touches the Sunlight Stone, she can escape.

Unfortunately, the Anbu in charge of guarding is stronger than the intelligence.

The intelligence shows that he does not have such a terrifying physical strength, and his elves should not have mastered similar space abilities.

It can be said that the failure of this operation is caused by this Anbu.


The woman did not hesitate for too long and immediately issued an order. This operation should be carried out quickly. After being delayed for so long, the operation has completely failed.

If they don't leave, even those who are commanding remotely will be in danger.

As her order was issued, the Snap Claw, which was originally fighting against the Shining Spirit, immediately stopped entanglement, tore open the space, and immediately escaped into it.

At the same time, the elves in other areas of the institute also evacuated under the cover of the explosion.

Kurosawa just watched the Snap Claw leave, and did not follow him to prevent fraud.

His first guarantee was that the Sunlight Stone around him was not lost.

About thirty seconds later, another Anbu captain, Web, arrived at the scene.

"Is the Sunlight Stone okay?"

He asked nervously.

He was also in a fierce battle just now, and the Digital Elves were at a disadvantage in the battle for control of the regional network with the opponent, so he disconnected from Kurosawa.

"Fortunately, I have served you well." Kurosawa patted the device behind him.

"Thanks to you." Web was somewhat ashamed. "I thought I had thoroughly monitored the entire area before, but I didn't expect the opponent's Digital Elves to be more sophisticated and paralyzed me early."

"My fault, my fault."

The battle on his side was at a disadvantage. Not only did he not provide enough command and intelligence, but he was also used by the opponent to arrange in advance, which brought many problems to the guarding operation.

Kurosawa actually had some premonitions in his heart. Logically, the opponent should not have laid so many hidden hands here, such as bombs and dissolving liquids in fire pipes.

And the opponent did not seem surprised by his teleportation ability.

Fortunately, he had not exposed his extraordinary physical strength before, and caught the other party off guard, allowing Kurosawa to summon the elves to set up the venue in time.

"Don't worry about it, at least we successfully defended the Sunlight Stone." Kurosawa saw that he was so guilty, and it was difficult to say anything, but comforted him.

Soon, Cube and others, as well as more elves, arrived at the scene.

The Treasure House still acted the same as before, and did not target ordinary people. It is hard to imagine that in such a huge accident, no one died at the scene, and only a few people were injured during the evacuation. It was a blessing in disguise.

Although it can be said that Cube and others contributed to the protection, it can also be seen that the Treasure House itself did not deliberately attack the crowd.

As for the economic losses caused by the destruction of the venue, it is harmless and the insurance company will bear it.

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