Kurosawa watched the scene gradually return to order. While he felt relieved, he also felt a little regretful.

In fact, in the brief battle with the Swift Claw just now, he had already engraved the mind anchor point in its body.

When the Swift Claw evacuated at the beginning, he could actually follow it with the guidance of the mind anchor point, but considering the safety of the Sunlight Stone and other ordinary people at the scene, he did not choose to chase it, but stayed where he was.

This behavior is undoubtedly the safest, but it also missed the opportunity to catch the opponent in one fell swoop.

However, after summarizing it, Kurosawa still came to a conclusion.

Letting the opponent run away is the result of his current lack of strength.

If his strength is stronger, he can easily defeat the Swift Claw in a few rounds. The core elf was captured and lost the ability to move in space. It must be difficult for the opponent to evacuate.

Although Flora and Shining are currently stronger than the Swift Claw, if they want to completely crush it, I am afraid that the energy value must be raised to the super-level limit.

As the detonation and monitoring devices installed inside the institute were removed and the guard force was strengthened, the work of Kurosawa and others gradually became much easier.

The other party would definitely not be able to get back this time.

"Fortunately, there were no major casualties."

Kurosawa's Anbu team gathered briefly.

"I don't know how the institute was infiltrated."

"There is probably an insider."

Kurosawa did not participate in the discussion of the team members.

He glanced at the system.

The incident just now triggered an emergency task.

Kurosawa, who successfully guarded the institute, received a reward of 2,000 points.

Although not much, it is better than nothing.

"If you are not injured, please disperse. The exchange meeting will continue in the undamaged branch venue."


In the afternoon.

The exchange meeting continued.

Kurosawa restrained his presence, leaned against the wall behind the venue silently, and looked at the entire venue.

The researchers were still discussing and reporting their research results enthusiastically. They did not seem to be affected much by the attack in the morning. I don't know whether to say that they are careless or focused.

Three days passed in a flash.

Although Kurosawa and others were very careful, the following conference went very smoothly.

Until the end of the closing ceremony, no accidents occurred.

"I'm so tired. This kind of protection mission is really tiring." Du Juan yawned.

The other squares and Qingshan also nodded with deep feeling, agreeing with her point of view.

Kurosawa smiled bitterly.

"There's no way. This is the task assigned to our team. I will try to avoid this kind of task when choosing tasks in the future."

He didn't really care, but he also understood the thoughts of his team members.

At first glance, guarding the venue seems to be very easy and does not require anything to do, but in fact, this kind of task is more mentally exhausting. During the task, the mental state is always tense, especially after the attack, they must more fully ensure the safety of the participants on the scene.

Although the probability is extremely small, we must always be on guard against the return of the treasure house team that has mastered spatial abilities.

"Okay, stop looking so miserable. I declare the mission over now. You all go back and rest."

"Great! Long live the captain."

"Then I'll be leaving."


Kurosawa watched the three team members leave quickly.

He did not leave the venue immediately.

He walked quickly inside the institute.

The damage from the first day had been completely repaired, and there was no trace of damage left.

The walls were repaired and lush plants were planted in the flower beds.

Since the meeting had ended, there were not many people in the park except for the workers who were moving the equipment.

Kurosawa met with Spider Web, who was waiting for him at the agreed location.

The two summarized the intelligence.

Due to different divisions of labor, Spider Web had been communicating with other alliance personnel involved in this incident in the past few days.

The follow-up handling of this attack is still ongoing.

The first step was to eradicate the several dens of the Treasure House in Nandu, and at the same time, a series of non-staff logistics and intelligence personnel in Nandu were also cleared.

Although the criminal Treasure House action team escaped quickly, such a hasty evacuation also exposed all their minions in Nandu and the surrounding areas, and the Alliance followed the clues to catch them all.

Although the Treasure House did not commit too many crimes in the country, and did not cause any serious public events, the objects they targeted each time were valuable, so the Alliance has gradually increased its attention to the Treasure House in recent years.

However, due to the Treasure House's secretive behavior, past crackdowns faced many disadvantages.

This clearing operation should be regarded as the most successful one in recent years.

The funds, equipment, and safe houses invested by the Treasure House were all completely removed, and it was impossible to complete the reconstruction in a short time.

And the Treasure House, which lost its logistical support, must not dare to carry out related activities in the south of Haihua Country.

"Captain Qianli, you have to be careful."

"The treasure house suffered heavy losses this time. According to the information we received, they have included you in the list of key targets for retaliation."

"Hehe." Hearing this news, Kurosawa smiled twice.

I just stopped the other party's theft, so why are you so angry?

Perhaps it was because of my spatial ability that made them feel threatened.

After all, the best countermeasure against spatial ability is the same spatial type ability.

And I not only have a talent for space, but even Shining can use elemental bodies and related skill effects to achieve spatial displacement, so they regard it as a thorn in their eyes?

"I know, I will pay attention."

Hei Ze did not feel any fear.

Perhaps he is still very immature in terms of strength compared to those veteran strongmen, but in terms of life-saving and escape abilities, he is definitely top-notch.

Moreover, being regarded as an object of deep hatred by the criminal group is the greatest affirmation of Hei Ze and his work.

"By the way, there are several high-tech enterprises in Nandu who want to hire you as their security consultant. Do you need me to organize it?"

Although the inside story of this incident is not open to ordinary people, those large enterprises are obviously not affected by it. After all, there are so many researchers on the scene, many of whom have inextricable connections with giant enterprises. It is not difficult for the senior executives of major enterprises to know what happened on that day.

After defeating the treasure house, Qianli, the captain of the Anbu who mastered the space ability, became famous in the high-level circle.

His powerful physical skills and teleportation ability shocked many people.

Naturally, many people would want to make friends with him.

"Forget it. Please refuse it for me. I don't want to be distracted by other things at the moment."

Kurosawa found a reason to refuse.

Spider nodded, not surprised by Kurosawa's response.

The two talked for a while and then went their separate ways.

After completing this protection mission, the Kurosawa team returned to Jingcheng and submitted the mission report, and the mission was considered to be over.

Perhaps it was because of the subsequent attack on the treasure house that the reward for this mission was much more generous than Kurosawa imagined.

As the captain, Kurosawa was allocated 100 Anbu contribution points.

To be honest, compared to the process that was not considered tiring, 100 Anbu contribution points are already quite generous.

After leaving the office of the leader of the butterfly transformation team.

He began to think about another thing.

That is how to restrain the space ability.

Before this mission, he didn't pay much attention to this problem.

Because the tricky nature of space ability, which comes and goes without a trace, is beneficial to him as a space ability user.

But this mission made him realize the difficulty of space ability from the perspective of the opponent.

When he fights against another person who has mastered space ability, he can only compete to see whose teleportation speed is faster, and the escaping party has the initiative, so it is very likely to lose the target after a chase.

The best way is to make the opponent's space ability ineffective.

So, how to block the space?

This is not impossible.

Just like the existence of the forbidden power that Kurosawa felt when he first entered Zhongdu, it involves a similar principle.

However, because the forbidden power covers the entire Zhongdu and the area is too large, it can only achieve flight, and cannot completely prohibit space teleportation ability.

Of course, the space teleportation ability has also been greatly weakened.

When in Zhongdu, Kurosawa's coordinate movement could not be used 100% successfully, and the distance of teleportation was reduced to only a few dozen meters, and the time and consumption were greatly increased.

This is a city-level blockade. If it is localized, Kurosawa believes that it will definitely make the space ability completely ineffective.

The protection device of the Sunlight Stone also has similar power, but it prevents itself and its internal parts from being transmitted by the space ability.

Kurosawa actually wanted to study the protection device at that time, but unfortunately the others came too fast, and the Sunlight Stone was quickly recovered, and he did not have much contact with it later.

If you can master the ability to block space and keep yourself unaffected, your space ability will become more terrifying.

Kurosawa went to the information room of the Anbu.

Here, some confidential information can be queried according to the level of the Anbu members.

"Welcome, Anbu Captain Qianli."

The small information room was dimly lit.

There was only a huge screen in front of him, and the core artificial intelligence of the Anbu greeted Kurosawa who entered the room.

"I need to query the information of space ability and blocked space ability."

"According to your authority level, the corresponding information is being retrieved for you."

"Search successful."

A dozen pieces of intelligence information were quickly listed on the screen.

Kurosawa paid attention to it.

These materials are not exhaustive, but just some generalized texts. There are many specific contents, and it is necessary to pay for the dark contribution points to fully unlock them.

Knowledge is also a precious resource.

Kurosawa spent some time reading the summary of more than ten materials.

A thoughtful expression immediately appeared on his face.

There have been many research results on how to seal space ability.

The first is to use a precious mineral material called reverse space stone to develop a local space sealing ability.

The sunlight stone protection device that Kurosawa had come into contact with before used the power of the reverse space stone. Of course, in addition to the reverse space stone, that protection device has more principles.

However, the use of the reverse space stone is not very helpful for the sealed space that Kurosawa wants to achieve.

The effect of the reverse space stone is very stable, and how to use it has formed a very mature use system, but its biggest problem is that the space it affects is very small.

Its range of influence increases as the size of the counterspace stone increases.

The reverse space stone is an extremely scarce material and difficult to purchase.

Even if Kurosawa spends his money to purchase a sufficient amount of counter-space stones, the closed area it forms will still be small, and it will definitely not distinguish between friend and foe.

In addition to the counter-space stone, some other information points to three directions.

One is the space sealing technique, which uses a large number of runes to form a force field and ultimately seals the space.

Another one is the differentiation of different abilities in space.

The last one is the expansion technology of space capabilities.

Kurosawa thought for a moment, and the sealing technique was not suitable for him either.

The space sealing technique is essentially the same study of the reverse space stone, but it uses runes to form a channel similar to the energy circuit of elves to simulate the power of the reverse space stone.

The number of runes involved in space sealing is extremely large. The sealing formation in Zhongdu is one of the greatest sealing works in the world. Its number of runes is in the trillions, and the sealing technique can only engrave on a fixed carrier.

The second direction is innate, and there are different types of spatial abilities, but most of them are spatial teleportation. Of course, there is also a very small probability of spatial blockade, spatial cutting and other differentiated abilities.

So this direction is also PASS, and his coordinate movement is purely a teleportation ability.

The last principle seems to be surprisingly suitable for Kurosawa.

Kurosawa hesitated for a moment and spent one hundred and fifty ANBU contribution points to purchase the technology.

Soon, the information was copied to his ANBU terminal.

He couldn't wait to read in the information room.

The more he looked, the more joyful his face became.

Sure enough, although I just had a rough introduction, this expansion technology is indeed very suitable for him.

This scaling technique is called spatial hedging.

The researcher is an elf master with the strongest guardianship level, but unfortunately he has been dead for many years.

Space hedging can perfectly realize the temporary blockade of space in actual combat. When completed, it will not only disable the space capabilities in the area, but also achieve spatial confinement of the enemy.

Its only drawback is that it is too difficult and the requirements for users are extremely restrictive.

The first one cuts off most people's hopes. The elf master himself has space talent.

Contract space elves cannot practice this skill.

It must be fully used by the elf master as the main body for activating the space ability.

Psychic awakening, gifted person, space gifted person.

These levels filter the number of people to a very small number.

The second core requirement is to have elves who can activate spatial abilities.

Although this is not as strict as the first one, it is equally harsh.

However, Kurosawa complied with this rule very smoothly. His Shining and Curse Crow can activate spatial abilities under certain conditions.

The third one is based on the spatial resonance of the technology itself.

Utilizing the two spatial abilities of wizards and elves, with a very high degree of tacit cooperation, there is a probability of using space to hedge, disrupting the surrounding spatial position, and making the enemy's spatial abilities ineffective.

The user can use his proficiency to leave a secret door through extensive practice, allowing him to retain the ability to teleport through space.

Of course, it sounds easy to say, but extremely difficult to implement.

Kurosawa temporarily closed the terminal.

Breathe a long sigh of relief.

Although the practice of space hedging is very difficult, at least the methods and approaches are very clear. As long as he has a clear direction, he is not afraid of difficulties.

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