Kurosawa left the information room.

Although the information copied in the ANBU terminal is not paper, it is also rich in pictures and texts, and contains a lot of content, which cannot be fully understood in a short time.

Fortunately, he has plenty of time to train next.

The next day, in the suburbs.

From time to time, there was a huge roar in the dense forest, which immediately startled a flock of birds.

Kurosawa released the other elves and let them find a place for training.

The only ones left behind are Phoenix and The Shining.

Because the Phoenix's level is limited, I don't feel comfortable letting it train alone.

The Shining stayed to cooperate with Kurosawa's space blockade training.

Last night, Kurosawa spent four or five hours reading the entire information on space hedging techniques twice.

Although he cannot say that he has a thorough understanding, the general precautions and practice procedures have been engraved in his mind.

What is needed next is actual training.

Let the phoenix stay away for a while and practice skills by the Mizusawa Lake.

He looked at Shining and gave a few instructions.

Then the formal practice began.

The preliminary process flashed through Kurosawa's mind.

Unlike conventional space teleportation that requires coordinate movement, space hedging requires Kurosawa to disrupt the space as much as possible during teleportation.

This simplest initial step is not easy for Kurosawa.

Because his coordinate movement itself is a very delicate process, using the mutual attraction of two mental coordinates to build an invisible road, and then using the effect of the ability to achieve spatial transmission, but now it requires Kurosawa to violate the smooth flow of the ability , doing the opposite, shifting the focus from locking the anchor point and teleporting the process to disrupting the space.

Kurosawa took two deep breaths.

Then he opened his bright eyes.

The next moment, his body suddenly disappeared from where it was.

In less than a blink of an eye, his figure reappeared ten meters away.


Kurosawa sighed.

Sure enough, it is still too difficult to succeed the first time.

The space teleportation just now was like a needle falling vertically into the sea, without causing any ripples.

The effect Kurosawa needed to achieve was a sensation like a boulder smashing into water.

His mind began to recall related techniques again.

You can slow down the speed of transmission appropriately and feel the process of transmission with your heart. The space talent power in your body should spread like a rebounding sponge. Think of yourself as backlogging space and shaking space.

Kurosawa tried a few more times and shook his head.

Then he looked at Shining who was watching the show and said.

"Don't just watch, quickly transform into an elemental body, use Thousand Flashes of Thunder, and make the space vibrate as much as possible like me."

"You come here twice first and I will guide you."

Shining came to the center of the field angrily.

With a flash of lightning, its body immediately transformed from a solid body into a translucent elemental body.

At the same time, white-gold thunder and lightning expanded from its elemental body, attaching a layer of pale white lightning to the surrounding area with a radius of twenty meters.

In this field with thunder and lightning, Shining can teleport through the skill Thousand Flashes of Thunder.

"let's start."

Kurosawa stood aside with his arms crossed.

He did not use spiritual energy to attach himself to the Shining Spirit and release the Thousand Flashes Thunder Road, because when the space was hedging, he also had to use coordinate movement simultaneously. Even because he was the main body, he needed to control more aspects, so it was difficult to distinguish later. The heart comes out to help the Shining.

The lightning energy in Shining's body began to be mobilized and began to flow along the energy circuit.

Without Kurosawa's help, the release of the Thousand Flashes Thunder Road, which involves spatial attributes, has become much more difficult.

After a second or two, it opened its eyes awkwardly.

The spell casting failed.

Kurosawa was not surprised by this. When he used the Thousand Flashes Thunder Road in the past, he had always used spiritual energy to help the Shinings as much as possible. Since he himself was proficient in space abilities and was more sensitive to space fluctuations, he With the help of Shining, it became very smooth for Shining to learn and use the Thousand Flashes Thunder Dao.

But that kind of smoothness was actually brought about by Kurosawa relying on his richer space teleportation experience. If it was really necessary to release it alone, it would actually be quite difficult.

Fortunately, The Shining has past experience.

After failing twice, it successfully completed the skill release.

"Thousand Flashes of Thunder!"

The surrounding minefields began to glow.

Then Shining's elemental body shrank into a ball as if it collapsed, becoming brighter and brighter during the shrinking process. After condensing into an invisible small point of light, it finally disappeared.

Fifteen meters away, a small point of light expanded rapidly, and finally returned to the elemental body of the Shining.

This process sounds long, but in fact it only takes half a second.

However, compared to when Kurosawa assisted it, the release time has increased several times.

Judging from the way Shining shook its head, it was clear that it was not satisfied with its performance.

"Remember this feeling of casting spells alone, come again."

Kurosawa spoke, his face showing neither approval nor dissatisfaction.

Shining observed his expression for a while, and could only continue to prepare for the next release of skills.

He practiced the Thousand Flashes of Thunder alone for a while.

Shining gradually regained the feeling of casting spells when he was assisted by Kurosawa, and the success rate increased significantly.

Of course, it is impossible to catch up with the help.


After a huge thunder roar, Kurosawa shook his head and continued to give instructions.

"Ahem. No, you need to use the gap between transmissions to expand the space, instead of letting the thunder element expand."

Kurosawa waved away the flames and smoke brought by the thunder and lightning, and corrected it.

The Shining seemed confused.

"It's okay, keep practicing."

Kurosawa sighed.

He tried it himself and knew that it was not easy to find that feeling.

However, the Shining had an advantage over him. Although its space transmission distance was not far, the thunder and lightning skill itself had an explosive expansion feeling. By analogy, it would be much easier for it to master the key points of stirring the space.

Afterwards, the man and the elf pulled a certain distance from each other and practiced silently.

Three days passed in such concentrated training.

Coordinates moved!

Kurosawa locked onto the thought anchor point twenty meters away.

Then his body teleported over.

At the moment he appeared, the space beside him seemed to be compressed violently by some kind of strong sense of expansion, and it bounced in the opposite direction like a ripple.

"Boom boom boom!"

Looking closely, the space around Kurosawa seemed to be twisted.

The branch under his feet was twisted and shattered, and the twisted space turbulence directly smashed it into ashes.

"Not bad, it succeeded again."

Kurosawa floated in the air, looking at the messy tree branches under him, and nodded happily.

Although it took several times to succeed once, there is no doubt that the effect of three days of practice has finally allowed him to master the skills of disrupting space relatively stably.

And because of continuous practice, he himself has a lot of experience in coordinate movement and space ability.

For example, he vaguely discovered that at the moment of teleportation starting and ending, there is actually an invisible film around him.

Kurosawa named it the space membrane.

It is almost unobservable, invisible and intangible.

Kurosawa only vaguely felt its existence out of his keen sixth sense.

When Shining used the Thousand Lightning Thunder Road, there was also the existence of the space membrane.

However, considering that there is no introduction to this membrane in the information he searched, including the detailed documents of space hedge, Kurosawa felt that it was either his own misjudgment, or other space ability users did not have such keen perception as him, so they could not find its existence.

Stirring space, or space oscillation, is the effect of using this space membrane to compress the surrounding space entities.

It is precisely because of the subjective awareness of its existence that Kurosawa's practice effect continues to improve.

Although Shining's Thousand Lightning Thunder Road proficiency has increased rapidly, it is obvious that the mastery of how to oscillate space is relatively slow.

It can only be achieved once in a while by luck.

Kurosawa is actually quite satisfied with the training effect of Shining.

According to the records, the elves who developed this process skill actually spent half a month to barely reach the current level of Shining.

Although there is also the advantage of standing on the shoulders of giants, it can also be seen that Shining's mastery of space is very outstanding.

"Shining and I may be a pair of the strongest space talents." Kurosawa couldn't help but have this thought.

This is not a kind of psychological expansion, but an objective fact.

He and Shining have such a talent for space, and they may be able to develop more means of space utilization in the future.

Space blockade, space confinement, space blade.

Kurosawa now has a broader vision for space utilization, and he is no longer satisfied with space transmission as a form of utilization.

If he and Shining can achieve the great success of space, they can attack, defend, and teleport, which will make them the strongest space users in history.

Thinking of this, Kurosawa has more motivation to practice.

The next goal of practice is to trigger space oscillation more stably, and at the same time, the compression and expansion of space cannot be limited to a local area, but must be expanded, and the affected area must be larger and wider.

"You have to work hard, Shining."

Kurosawa touched Shining who came to him and said softly.

He realized that the collision of space membranes can produce an effect, but the stronger effect will be the collision between space membranes. This must be the essence of space hedging to achieve local area blockade.

And to achieve a stronger space effect, it is not enough to rely on Kurosawa alone.

Shining made two crisp calls, and was also full of confidence.

Two weeks passed quickly again.

The blinding sunlight spilled into the forest.

After a long period of extreme silence, a dull explosion sounded.

Yellow dust rose in the open space of dozens of meters.

Kurosawa waved away the smoke and dust.

Looking at the effect of the shock wave, he finally declared that the first stage was completed.

There was no vegetation where he stood, and in the farther area, the trees were piled together as if squeezed by the shock wave.

The essence of this shock wave is the aftermath of space shock.

At present, the range that Kurosawa can affect is roughly 50 meters in radius with himself as the center, and it should become larger with practice in the future.

Thanks to more than two weeks of diligent practice, he can already stably trigger space shock 100%.

He teleported to where Shining was.

Shining was also diligently training the Thousand Lightning Thunder Road.

Its energy value had unknowingly reached 12,000 leaves.

Kurosawa came at the right time, and when he came, Shining just triggered the space shock.

With a space transfer, the space area within ten meters had an obvious sense of explosion.

In a very short time, the space returned to stability.

"Pa pa pa."

Kurosawa's applause came.

Shining, who was immersed in training, turned his head and found Kurosawa's arrival.

"Not bad, not bad."

Kurosawa encouraged it again.

Shining's current progress is that it can be successfully triggered once in four or five times.

Unfortunately, it is not as aware of the existence of the space membrane as Kurosawa, and as for how to actively use the space membrane, it is even more impossible to say.

Fortunately, the requirements of space hedging for elves are not high, it is more of an auxiliary role.

It mainly depends on the elf master as the main body of the arrow to play a core role.

Now, Kurosawa has completely mastered the space shock technique and can officially enter the next stage of training.

The next stage is the main process of this technique, space hedging.

Kurosawa is very optimistic about this.

The reason is that Kurosawa's mastery is too high. Spatial hedging is the main role of the elf master. Even if Shining's proficiency is still a little lacking, he can fully lead the team.

Moreover, he can actively use the spatial membrane to achieve various spatial effects. This should be the most difficult process. For Kurosawa, it may be easier than the first stage of training.

Kurosawa and Shining gave a few instructions.

Then they began to formally enter the core stage of practice.

"You teleport to this point."

"Try to maintain the success rate, and leave the rest to me."

Kurosawa indicated an area to Shining, and then separated from Shining.

Why is the elf master the protagonist of spatial hedging? The reason is that the elf master must adjust the time, position and specific intensity of the hedging according to the space transmission of the elf.

This process is very complicated, and it can only be undertaken by the elf master, while the elf's task is relatively easy.

As Shining entered the elemental body, the Thousand Lightning Thunder Road was activated.

Almost at the same time, Kurosawa, who was firmly locked on Shining, teleported to a position very close to Shining's landing point.

Unfortunately, Shining's space shock failed this time. Kurosawa noticed it and quickly restrained the space membrane from squeezing the space.

"It's okay, try again."

Kurosawa, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, was very patient.

You have to eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time.

After encouraging Shining, he continued to flash to open up the position.

Perhaps because of the tension of the joint training, Shining failed ten times in a row.

Shining felt that he was dragging his feet and became a little depressed.

But Kurosawa kept encouraging it and did not express any negative emotions about its continuous failures.

Finally, on the twelfth time, the little Shining successfully launched a space shock after the transmission.

Kurosawa seized the opportunity this time, and at the same time, his space membrane expanded with the effect of the space shock.

Almost instantly, his space membrane took the initiative to resist the space membrane of the little Shining.

Two intangible existences collided with each other.

Then a huge invisible force expanded rapidly! ! ! !

An indescribable force came crashing down!


Kurosawa's eyes widened, and he noticed a heavy spatial fluctuation spreading around him.

At that heart-pounding moment, his heartbeat seemed to stop.

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