Chatted with fans for a while.

The comments in the live broadcast room became more dense.

After all, most of his fans know almost nothing about him in real life except for some of his game videos and live broadcasts.

Now it is quite novel to see Kurosawa live broadcasting on vacation.

One advantage of using a computer to live broadcast is that in addition to ordinary chatting, you can do other things.

Kurosawa's family had dinner late, and there was still some time before dinner. He had nothing to do, so he just broadcasted for a while.

At the suggestion of fans, he downloaded several games.

Of course, he didn't play many games before. When he was in school, he occasionally played mobile games with classmates. His understanding of computer games was still at the stage of Plants vs. Zombies and Mole Manor, so the games recommended to him by fans were mainly for entertainment.

Kurosawa's Internet speed is quite good, and it didn't take long for the first one to be downloaded and installed.

The first game he played with fans was Fall Guys.

Although he didn't know much, with the enthusiastic guidance of fans, he soon understood the gameplay and basic operations, which was similar to the level-breaking variety shows he watched on TV before, the difference was that one was operated on a computer and the other was operated by a real person.

After opening a custom room.

The 60-person game room was almost snatched up by fans who had started the game early and waited in front of the screen in the blink of an eye.

[Damn it]

[The hand speed is too fast]

[How many people are scrambling]

[Zebao, you should quit and let me in]

[Let me in! ! ]

The barrage was instantly wailing.

Unfortunately, the base of the live broadcast room is large. Even if not everyone has the leisure to play, the chance of squeezing in is probably about the same as winning the prize.

Kurosawa glanced at the barrage and grinned.

Enter the game screen.

The jelly bean man he operated was very simple in comparison with the various dinosaurs, hamburgers, and fries around him.

After the countdown ended, he stayed on the initial platform for a while, familiarized himself with the buttons, and soon found that he was surrounded by the men.

"Pop!" "Pop!"

A pair of opponents kept hitting his game figurine.

"The game has started." He spoke in the live broadcast room to remind others.

Unfortunately, from the beginning of entering the game, the purpose of most players was not to win, but just to find him to "stick" and take photos.

Kurosawa was helpless.

He didn't have the ability in the game as in reality, and could only squeeze and push each other with the crowd.

After barely escaping from the chaos, he quickly jumped and pounced on the rotating disc in front of him.

Quickly slip.

Behind him were all kinds of jelly beans chasing him like zombies.

Strictly speaking, the difficulty of this game is not great. The difference lies in the familiarity with the map, the control of timing, the operation and a little luck.

Kurosawa had never played this game before, so his familiarity with the map was naturally zero, but he basically understood the content of the level at a glance, so it was generally smooth.

In the end, although there were many fans making trouble, he still passed the first level smoothly.

After clearing a level, Kurosawa can also see the perspectives of other players who are clearing levels.

He keeps switching.

"Haha, your level is not as good as mine when I just started playing."

Watching others play this game, I always feel that the operation is clumsy.

[Haha, Zebao is showing off. ]

[To be honest, I am really not as good as Kurosawa]

[Haha, so stupid]

[I passed all of them]

[I can pass them easily with a thousand crowns]

Kurosawa played with fans for a while.

Of course, he never won a championship.

After all, the maps were unfamiliar to him, and he was completely in the dark when entering most of the levels, which naturally put him at an absolute disadvantage.

And there were many little fans making trouble, constantly pulling him, or using the levels themselves to make trouble.

However, Kurosawa was just interacting with fans during the break, and he didn't have much desire to win.

He didn't get annoyed when he was eliminated. He just took advantage of the time when he was eliminated to switch the camera and appreciate the fans' operations.

The key is that the fans can't say anything, because Kurosawa's operation is basically no mistake, and his comprehension ability is also very strong. He is a natural talent for the first time. It can be seen that if he plays seriously for a while and gets familiar with the game, his level will definitely be very high.

He played happily for a while.

Soon, the voice of his mother calling for dinner came from outside the door.

"It's off, I'm going to eat, I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year in advance."


Kurosawa glanced at the real-time online number of people in the live broadcast room, which has reached 460,000, which is very exaggerated.

In addition, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room is actually still growing steadily. After all, the evening is the golden time for entertainment for many people. If Kurosawa broadcasts for a while longer, the data will only be more exaggerated.

However, Kurosawa did not have much nostalgia. He decisively clicked to disconnect the push stream in a reluctant barrage and ended this live broadcast.

He still has a clear grasp. For him, occasionally live broadcasting and chatting with fans is harmless, but the elf master is his real career.

Only by constantly becoming stronger, achieving better results, and striving to win glory for the country as soon as possible, can he give the best reward to his fans as a player.

After more than two hours of live broadcast, it was already dark.

On the table were steaming delicacies.

Mother Ms. Tao served the rice and looked at Kurosawa with a wink.

"Were you talking on the phone in your room just now?"

When she passed the door, she heard voices coming from Kurosawa's room, which lasted for a long time.

"No, I just started a live broadcast."

Hearing Kurosawa's answer, Ms. Tao instantly showed a disappointed look.

Kurosawa glanced at his mother, confused.

Snowflakes were falling all over the sky, and New Year's Eve was coming.

The atmosphere of the New Year became more and more lively as the temperature dropped.

The heating was turned on in the house, and it was very warm.

Kurosawa yawned silently as he watched his mother trying to put the red coat worn by the pets on Flora and other elves.

On his mobile phone, people kept sending him New Year's greetings. It can be seen that most of them were hand-typed, not fixed group blessings.

Some were from classmates, relatives and friends, and some were messages from fan groups.

After Kurosawa replied to the blessings, he sent some red envelopes to his fan group. It is estimated that he sent out tens of thousands of red envelopes in total. If it were not for the trouble, he would probably send more.

He is not short of money, nor is he a stingy person. For example, the reward money received from the live broadcast a few days ago is estimated to be more than 300,000 yuan, and the company's income is even more. It is not difficult for him to make money.

What's more, Kurosawa rarely spends money on a daily basis. He doesn't need to pay for transportation when he goes out for a long distance. Money is more often just a string of numbers lying in the card.

Kurosawa came to the French window, looked at the snowflakes flying outside, and blinked.

This year is really much colder than in previous years.

This extreme weather is not a good phenomenon.

In heavy snow weather, the mental state of ice elves has become more active.

Just look at Bailong, and you will know that his spirit is much stronger after winter.

I hope there will be fewer disasters, Kurosawa thought silently in his heart while looking at the heavy snow.

This large-scale cold wave has cooled down the whole country, and the impact range is very wide. If there is any unexpected situation, he can only protect Haitang and surrounding cities within his ability, and can't take care of too much.


Kurosawa was urged by his mother to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Ms. Tao was already in the kitchen preparing dinner for New Year's Eve.

"What are you doing here? Are you hungry?"

Ms. Tao looked up at Kurosawa.

"I'll help."

Kurosawa had bought the master-level cooking skill in the store not long ago.

The price of 250 points was very expensive for him in the past, but now it is a drop in the bucket.

"Can you do it? Don't come to make things worse." Ms. Tao questioned this. After all, in her memory, Kurosawa didn't know how to cook at all.


Kurosawa was very confident.

In fact, he had never cooked after buying the master-level cooking skill, but he felt that his cooking skills should be very high now.

"Then you do it."

Ms. Tao doubtfully made way for Kurosawa to take over.

At first, she thought Kurosawa was just here to join in the fun, but the more she looked at him, the more surprised she was. He seemed to have some skills, and she felt that Kurosawa's knife skills were much more skillful than hers.

But this idea just popped out of her mind and was immediately thrown out by Ms. Tao.

The authority of being the long-term home chef of the Kurosawa family made her subconsciously want to find some faults, but she watched Kurosawa's skilled movements for a long time and found that there was indeed nothing wrong.

After Kurosawa looked at the ingredients and made two dishes, he wanted to continue to show off his skills, but was driven out of the kitchen by Ms. Tao.

Kurosawa looked at the kitchen with the door closed and smiled bitterly.

The master's cooking skills were indeed better than he imagined. The moment he saw the ingredients, countless recipes popped up immediately. How to make it, the proportion, and the heat all popped up in his mind. He felt that he would have no problem being a chef in a five-star hotel.

He shook his head.

As the knowledge and skills in his brain accumulated more and more, his brain gradually became like a library.

This may not be appropriate, but it is indeed a bit different from the memory of ordinary people.

When not in use, knowledge and memory will be stored deep in the brain. Only when Kurosawa is doing the corresponding activities, the corresponding knowledge deep in the brain will be retrieved and pour out continuously.

And after the end, they will quickly shrink like a tide.

One advantage of this is that too much knowledge will not make his brain swollen and chaotic, and the knowledge can be stored in his mind in an orderly manner.

Kurosawa felt that he was going further and further on the path of non-humanity, both physically and mentally.

Of course, it's not bad.

After a while, dinner began.

Kurosawa's father kept praising the two dishes on the table, and also praised Ms. Tao's two dishes for being well-made, which were obviously much more delicious than other dishes.

Hearing this, Tao's mother looked very embarrassed, and Kurosawa laughed at the side.

A little flashback at dinner did not affect the festive atmosphere of New Year's Eve.

Gorgeous fireworks bloomed from the night.

Then there was the crackling sound of firecrackers.

Haitang did not prohibit fireworks and firecrackers, so this traditional program was retained.

After dinner, a large group of children played with various firecrackers outside.

I don't know if it was to let Kurosawa find his childishness or what, his parents also prepared a box of firecrackers for him.

So, Kurosawa could only come outside with the box in the bleak cold wind.

In fact, if he had to choose, he would rather go back to his room to watch a movie and listen to music, after all, he was no longer interested in setting off firecrackers.

When he arrived at the open space, he realized that he didn't have a lighter with him. There was a flint in his storage bracelet, but it was not suitable for lighting firecrackers.

He looked around, and finally fixed his eyes on a certain elf following him.

Isn't there a lighter?

He let all seven elves out to play, their bodies shrunk to a small size, playing on the snow.

The Phoenix, who was about to join the "chaos" between Shining and White Dragon, was picked up by a pair of big hands that fell from the sky.

It blinked its big eyes and looked at Kurosawa.

What are you doing? Its ignorant eyes were full of confusion.

"Xiao Huo, light a fire."

He pointed to the cone spray standing on the open space.

The tool bird, who wanted to get free, didn't hesitate for a long time, and a small flame spit out, landing accurately on the top of the cone spray.

"Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!!!"

The ignited spray instantly released a large amount of brilliant flames.

The movement immediately attracted the elves who were having fun on the side, and they all ran around.

What the hell is this?

Flora stretched out her hand to try to catch the light particles that were sprayed out, but unfortunately she caught nothing.

The phoenix in Kurosawa's hand looked at the spray flowers, with interest in his eyes.

Not long after, it sprayed several flames from its beak, and finally the equally beautiful flames like fireworks were released from its beak.


It spit and played, and its movements and postures seemed very proud.

The six elves below all showed envy.

Kurosawa looked at the phoenix.

Should we say that it is indeed a gifted monster? Its control over attribute energy and its ability to learn and imitate are amazing.

Flora and other elves tried it, but except for Mumu who barely simulated the stuttering effect with light energy, the others failed because the attributes were not suitable.

However, after Kurosawa taught them how to set off firecrackers, it didn't take long for them to forget the slight sense of loss and throw themselves into new play.

Kurosawa built a bonfire.

The elves kept crawling into the box, groping for firecrackers, and lighting them with the help of the bonfire.

Different elves are interested in different types of things.

There are warlike people like White Dragon, Shining and Phoenix, who only pick explosive firecrackers and use them as ammunition to attack each other.

There are also aesthetic people like Floram, who only pick spraying flowers and rotating and ascending fireworks to appreciate them.

The spellcaster Crow and Little Blue play everything, trying out the effects of each one to satisfy their curiosity.

In the snow late at night, although Hei Ze is alone, he doesn't feel lonely at all when he sees the elves chirping around him.

He took out his camera and recorded this beautiful moment.


The moment the shutter was pressed, time seemed to freeze.

The perfect fireworks blooming in the night, the pure white snow.

In the photo, White Dragon was about to throw the firecracker, but it suddenly exploded on his claws, and he accidentally fell into the snow, and Shining and Phoenix gloated on the side.

Floram gathered around the fireworks tree to keep warm, and the warm light made their cheeks red.

The Curse Crow was pulling Little Blue to study how to use firecrackers to blow up the snow.

Kurosawa looked at the photo and was extremely satisfied.

He turned his head and looked at the elves playing in the snow, his eyes full of expectation.

The new year has arrived.

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