The Chinese New Year is always very busy.

Although Kurosawa has been able to reduce many unnecessary social activities due to his rising status, he is still not immune to the customs.

In just one week, Kurosawa first attended the Spring Festival dinner of the Haitang City Alliance. Not only the active elf masters of Haitang attended the dinner, but also many retired players of older age came to the scene.

In addition to the players, there were also many media workers. The main content of the dinner was to thank and commend the personnel at all levels of the entire alliance in the past year.

That night, Kurosawa initially thought that he had nothing to do and was just a mascot.

After all, no matter how strong he was, he did not participate in any Haitang City events throughout the year, and his public appearances were also pitiful. It was reasonable that he did not have any awards.

However, what surprised him was that he not only won awards from the city alliance, but also more than one.

They are the most popular player of the year, the best brand of the year, the best public welfare representative of the year, and the best player of the year.

He won four of the twelve awards, and many of the other eight were not individual awards, but team awards.

So much so that Kurosawa felt embarrassed when he went on stage, but fortunately other contestants and fans did not have too many opinions.

After attending the Spring Festival dinner, the next day, Kurosawa followed the mayor to visit the No. 1 Middle School and the No. 2 Middle School.

Among them, the time spent in the No. 2 Middle School was obviously longer than that in the No. 1 Middle School.

I think it is because the No. 2 Middle School is Kurosawa's alma mater.

When visiting the No. 2 Middle School, he found that the school had changed a lot compared to when he was studying.

A new indoor gymnasium with a swimming pool was built, and the outdoor playground was also updated with a brand new running track and football field lawn. A new campus was also built to separate the junior high school and high school that were originally crowded together.

During the visit, there were constant messages from younger students who came to the school spontaneously to take photos and sign autographs.

Kurosawa met their requests one by one. Looking at these young and energetic boys and girls, he seemed to see his former self, and his heart was filled with an indescribable emotion.

He suddenly understood why when he was in school, there were always many well-known alumni willing to return to school to visit or give speeches.

Even though he is very young compared to his alumni, even Kurosawa himself has realized that his personality has become much more stable and mature in these few years, as if the same time has flowed faster in his body.

In addition to the above activities, there are also many visits between the company, relatives and friends.

When all these are over, the Spring Festival has passed quietly without anyone noticing.

Office workers are returning to work one after another, students are rushing to finish their homework at the end of the winter vacation, and elf masters are also returning to their posts or starting their own experience and training.

"Mom and Dad, I'm leaving."

"Have you brought everything?"

"I've brought it, just send it here. I'm really leaving. If you have something, call me. If you can't get through, contact Uncle Qiu in the company, he will help you deal with it."

Kurosawa said goodbye to his parents outside the community and embarked on the journey to 2025.


Winter is not over yet.

In the high-altitude clouds, a white dragon more than ten meters long spread its wings and soared.

Every time it flaps, the fluctuations brought by the glimmering white wings are like air cannons, driving a huge amount of air to flow, and the body also flies rapidly under the influence of this powerful force.

Hei Ze sits on the dragon's back, and the attribute shield around him protects him from the cold wind.

Winter has not passed yet, and the temperature is still very low.

Hei Ze has seen several news reports of ice elves attacking towns in the past period of time, but Haitang and the surrounding cities are calm and have had a good year.

The cold wind is howling.

The destination of this long-distance flight is still Jingcheng.

During the flight, Hei Ze found that the ice elves in the wild are obviously very active.

The weather has a great impact on the activity habits of elves.

About halfway through the flight, Hei Ze was looking at the scenery as usual when riding a dragon, and suddenly his sight stopped at a certain place.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he focused his attention on the far distance.

At the intersection of the sky and the snow forest, a mountain peak stands there.

The snow-capped ice peak is very dazzling under the winter sun.

There was nothing worth noting about the snow-capped mountains. Hei Ze saw hundreds of them along the way, but what attracted his attention was that he had the impression that there should not be such a towering mountain nearby.

His memory was not bad, and more importantly, like migratory birds, between Haitang and Jingcheng, Bai Long's flight route was almost fixed due to the relatively high flight frequency.

He had flown over the large plains nearby several times and had some impression, but he had never seen such a towering mountain from here before.

It was really strange.

There were several points for temporary analysis.

First, Bai Long changed his route, and this was not the plain he knew; second, his memory was disordered and he remembered wrongly; third, he did not observe carefully when he came here in the past and missed it; the last possibility was that the snow-capped mountain was unusual.

Hei Ze patted the white dragon under him, signaling it to slow down.

Although the white dragon did not quite understand, it slowly stopped.

Hei Ze closed his eyes and his spirit slowly sank into the depths of his mind.

His thoughts were racing, and he looked like he was resting his eyes, but in fact, he was quickly recalling the memories of the past few flights on this route.

The clips along the way from the past few flights kept jumping in Kurosawa's mind, just like a movie being fast-forwarded.

At a certain moment, Kurosawa's eyelids twitched twice.

He dialed the memory of coming here, and after comparing the scene in his mind with the scene in reality, Kurosawa's face showed a thoughtful expression.

Through memory recall, he ruled out the first three possibilities. The location was correct, and there was indeed no mountain there.

After the wrong guesses were ruled out, the only thing left was the correct answer.

In just over a month, a towering mountain has "grown"?

Kurosawa shook his head.

Let's go and take a look first.

He commanded Bailong to change direction and fly towards the direction of the snow mountain.

As the saying goes, a horse will die if it is seen from a mountain, and the snow mountain is not too close.

After a period of flight, the snow peak in sight gradually enlarged and appeared in front of Kurosawa.

This mountain is indeed very high.

Kurosawa looked up, and the mountain had already gone into the clouds.

He did not rush to fly closer to check.

Instead, he took out the Anbu terminal and left a location.

This was for safety reasons. If he lost contact for more than a month, the Anbu could mobilize his location to support him.

After completing the location, he carefully commanded the white dragon to fly to the mountain.

As he approached the mountain, the temperature of the air began to drop sharply.

"It's so cold--"

Kurosawa began to shiver uncontrollably.

There seemed to be a pressing chill in the air.

It was not just a low temperature in the physical sense, but a chill that penetrated into the bone marrow, similar to the feeling of a magic attack.

He had no choice but to let the white dragon land, otherwise he was worried that he would get sick before he got close to the mountainside.

After landing at the foot of the mountain, although it was still very cold, it was obviously no longer as cold as in the air.

He put away the white dragon and summoned Flora, Shining and Phoenix.

The first two are Kurosawa's strongest combat power, used for self-defense, while the latter is used as a hot pack by Kurosawa because of his warm body temperature.

Kurosawa began to observe the surrounding environment.

The snow forest near the foot of the mountain was pale, and the snow under his feet was knee-high.

It was difficult to walk, but fortunately he could fly.

"Eh woo woo woo!"

The cry of beasts faintly echoed in the depths of the snow forest.

Kurosawa recognized that it was the sound of a snow ape.

In addition, there were many other movements.

This place is not as peaceful as it seems. On the contrary, because of the activeness of ice elves, the undercurrent of crisis has doubled.

After observing the snow forest, Kurosawa looked up at the sky again.

He originally wanted to observe the peak at the foot of the mountain, but suddenly found that the sky had changed.

The originally clear sky suddenly became gray and hazy, as if it could not muster up energy and was wilted.

The environment nearby is very wrong.

He raised more vigilance.

A mountain without legs cannot appear for no reason. It is obviously another supernatural phenomenon.

He had not intended to come here, but for some reason, the snow mountain gave off an inexplicable attraction that led him forward.

Floating half a meter high, Hei Ze quickly wandered around nearby.

Apart from the high density of ice elves, he did not find any more abnormalities in a short period of time.

Just as he turned his head, a gray tower came into his sight.

What is that?

"Flora, did you notice that tower just now?" Hei Ze lowered his head and asked Flora.

Flora pondered for a moment and shook her head decisively.

Shining and the phoenix in her arms also shook their heads.

It stands to reason that Hei Ze, who is proficient in perception, and the three elves could not fail to observe such a striking building during a long search.

Moreover, there is almost no obstruction near it.

Hei Ze did not feel any abnormal breath from it.

"Let's go over and take a look, but pay attention and be careful at all times."

He put away the phoenix for heating.

With Flora and Shining guarding on the left and right, they approached the gray tower.

As he got closer, the shape of the gray tower became clearer.

It was a round tower, a bit like the observatory used by the West to observe the stars in the past. It was very high, estimated to be sixty or seventy meters.

It is worth noting that the gray tower is different from ordinary buildings. Except for the entrance of the first-floor gate, its surface is tightly fitted without any gaps, like a complete whole, not made of building materials.

Kurosawa activated his perception, but the gray tower in front of him seemed to be non-existent.

He came to the door that was nearly four meters high and hesitated for a moment.

The moment his fingers touched the door, he suddenly turned his head and looked around.

In this huge environment, there were no creatures except him and the two elves.

After confirming again, he pushed open the first-floor door.


It seemed that no one had pushed open this door for a long time, and the air that hit his face had a smell of corruption.

Kurosawa did not go in, but took a few steps back.

It was to let the gas dissipate, and also to take this opportunity to observe the interior of the first floor of the round tower.

After pushing open the door, he still couldn't sense the gray tower, so he could only rely on his naked eyes to observe.

The interior of the first floor was very dark.

A dark passage led straight to the depths.

"The size and area are not right." Kurosawa frowned.

The space inside is obviously much larger than what is observed from the outside.

How many times larger it is, the details seen so far cannot draw a conclusion.

Do you want to go in?

There was only the long-lasting cold wind blowing around, and no one could answer him.

However, the attraction emanating from the tower became stronger.

This snowy mountain and the surrounding environment may have changed because of it.

Kurosawa's sixth sense slowly became active, and a sweet and spicy taste emerged in the depths of his mind.

Obviously, there are both crises and opportunities in the gray tower.

And its appearance is mostly accidental. This heavy snow has contributed to its birth. If it leaves this time, it may disappear without a trace next time.

After hesitating for a long time, Kurosawa finally decided to go in and find out.

Flora and the shrunken Shining entered first, and then Kurosawa stepped over the threshold.

Just after walking a few steps, there was a sound of closing the door behind him.

Soon, almost in the blink of an eye, the door was completely closed.

At the same time, the passage became dark.

Kurosawa took out a flashlight and wanted to illuminate it, but found that the flashlight could not be turned on. He changed several flashlights in a row. After eliminating the fault factor, it can only be the influence of the gray tower itself.

Fortunately, the spare torch was lit with a match, and it was still able to illuminate.

The door behind him was completely closed, and Kurosawa tried to push it open, but failed. He was very strong but still failed.

Moreover, he could not use the coordinates to move back outside. The inside and outside of the tower seemed to be two completely different time and space.

He could only teleport inside the tower, but it was very difficult.

The interior of the gray tower was wrapped in strange and complex positions. Kurosawa's mental coordinates seemed unable to complete accurate positioning. If teleportation was completed in this state, the success rate of teleportation would not be too high, and the deviation could not be controlled.

Faced with the failed spatial ability, Kurosawa was not too panicked. He had expected this possibility before he was ready to enter.

After all, the empty feeling when using the perception ability is very abnormal.

Generally speaking, the failure of his perception ability is most likely due to some kind of ban or barrier that prevents the perception from penetrating, but when he was sensing the gray tower outside, he could only sense an empty snowfield. It was also at that time that he had some guesses in his mind.

Unable to push the door open and unable to teleport back outdoors, Kurosawa simply cast his eyes to the end of the passage in front of him.

Since he couldn't get out anyway, he could only go deeper.

Flora entered Kurosawa's body and protected Kurosawa as the spirit's blessing power.

Kurosawa and the Shining who entered the elemental body moved forward cautiously.

After walking a few meters.

Suddenly, Kurosawa's hair stood up all over his body.

His footsteps stopped instantly.


A purple light hit from the side of the wall, and the shield in front of Kurosawa didn't hold for a moment and quickly melted away.

Kurosawa took two steps back and looked at the wall with the help of the light of the torch in his hand.

There was nothing abnormal, it seemed to be some kind of hidden mechanism.

The attack intensity was very high.

Kurosawa's defense was divided into several layers, the outermost layer was the shield of the guard skill, followed by the protective power on the surface of the body, and finally the body strength itself.

Although the shield is not as good as the protection, the shield strength of the super-level elf is still very terrifying, but it could not hold out for a breath in front of this purple light.

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