It's not surprising to penetrate the attribute shield, after all, there are weird things everywhere here, but the speed is too fast, which makes the attack just now seem terrible.

Kurosawa took out a fruit knife from the storage bracelet.

He clenched his fingers and swung it out with force on his wrist.

The knife was shot out quickly, cutting through the air, and the speed was estimated to exceed the speed of sound.

However, the attack of those purple lights was faster than it.


Dozens of purple lights were concentrated on the knife at the same time.

Then, in almost the blink of an eye, the knife melted, leaving no trace.

There were a lot of them, and they seemed to recognize the objects entering the passage in front of them, and the speed of capturing attacks was also very fast.

Kurosawa fell into deep thought.

Although his physical strength was terrifying, he obviously couldn't run at a speed that broke the sound barrier with his physical body.

If he rashly entered it, he might end up with a concentrated fire like the fruit knife just now.

Kurosawa didn't want to use the elf's protection and physical body to test its strength.

He observed the surroundings silently.

This passage is very long and high. The height of a normal human floor is about three meters, but this floor is nearly six meters, which is twice as high.

As for the end of the passage, he couldn't see what was there for the time being.

The perception power was shrouded in a kind of fog and could not penetrate out. This was also one of the reasons why his coordinate movement ability was inconvenient to use in the tower.

After observing the wall for a while and feeling its ancient style, he vaguely guessed that this might be another creation left by the extinct ancient civilization.

This guess made him feel more at ease.

The ancient civilization was countless years ago, at least there was no need to worry about living things in the tower attacking him, just beware of dead objects and instruments.

His thoughts returned to the reality in front of him.

Kurosawa pondered for a moment.

The distance the knife flew just now was about thirty meters. Considering that there was a suspected distance in the darkness behind, it was doubled to about sixty meters, which was not a short distance.

Do you want to use the spatial ability of coordinate movement?

Kurosawa shook his head. This place was shrouded in a strange dark mist, and his perception could not be extended. Not to mention that he could not teleport at once, he did not dare to use it even if he did it multiple times.

Because of the influence of the environment, the success rate of teleportation may not be high, and the delay caused by failure may bring him great danger.

Although he still has two substitute puppets, which is equivalent to two lives, it is better not to use them if he can.

Kurosawa thought for a moment and took out many objects from the storage bracelet, including chopsticks, iron spoons, and knives. There are dozens of them in total.

He condensed all his strength into a whole force, and the force formed by the great success of the soft fist of the mermaid martial arts was completely gathered on his right forearm and palm. He picked up a stainless steel chopstick and threw it out again.


A whistling sound of breaking through the air sounded in the silent dark passage.

Compared with the first tentative knife, this time, thanks to the smaller wind resistance of the chopsticks and more thorough preparations in the early stage, the speed was much faster.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Unfortunately, the extra speed only made the chopsticks fly a few meters further before they were annihilated again in the concentrated fire attack of the purple light.

Kurosawa had a thoughtful expression on his face.

After he threw out the chopsticks just now, he had been observing the wall of the passage ahead.

In that short moment, he barely saw the source of the attack with the help of the light of the torch in his hand and the light of the purple light itself.

After the chopsticks entered the passage, they were quickly identified, and then many ripples with faint light began to appear on the wall. The center of the ripples shot out attack beams, and finally locked the target to complete the concentrated fire.

The deeper you go, the more attacks you will suffer.

If it was just like he accidentally triggered it by walking at the beginning, he would only suffer one attack.

A moment after the attack was completed, the wall would return to its original state and solidify into a solid.

As for the solidity of the wall, Kurosawa asked the Shining beside him to release the gold-level skill Thunderbolt.

After a deafening sound, there was no trace left on the wall.

Just as Kurosawa expected, the wall seemed to be impeccable and indestructible.

And the black mist that was vaguely shrouded in the air seemed to be able to quickly weaken external attack methods.

The wall in a normal state could not be destroyed, so could we seize the brief moment when they released their attacks and attack it?

Thinking of this, Kurosawa approached Shining and communicated with it with gestures.

After confirming that it understood what he meant, Kurosawa threw out a stainless steel chopstick again.


Dozens of purple light beams attacked again, and dense ripples appeared on the wall.

Almost at the same time, Shining spit out electric light from his mouth.

The electric light penetrated the air and fell on the wall, but there was no effect.

"No, it's still a little slow, concentrate more." Kurosawa, who was always paying attention, said after seeing the movement on the wall clearly.

The ripple state only lasts for a short time, and the area where it appears each time is somewhat random. Kurosawa hopes that it can focus its attack as much as possible, so it needs to concentrate.

Shining nodded when he heard this.

Soon the cooperation between the man and the beast began again.




Shining was quite skilled in releasing electric shocks. After the first failure, he finally grasped the timing accurately this time.

The thin electric light quickly penetrated into the ripples, and the corresponding wall area was visibly vibrating violently.

"Boom boom boom"

After a while of excitement, the vibration subsided.

However, Kurosawa obviously noticed that the feeling of that area had changed.

Maybe it was damaged?

Kurosawa didn't dare to confirm it completely.

Practice makes perfect.

As another tentative attack was carried out, the purple light lit up again.

Shining still seized the brief gap to try to attack the inside of the ripples, but unfortunately failed this time.

The time was really short and it was difficult to control.

However, Kurosawa did notice that there was no purple light in the area that was just destroyed, and it was obvious that there was a blank space.

It can be seen that this targeted destruction can work. Kurosawa breathed a sigh of relief.

Since it can succeed, all it needs to pay is time.

In the next three hours.

Kurosawa continued to cooperate with Shining to destroy the mechanism inside the wall.

The difficulty lies in the coordination and the control of time and precision.

The attack must penetrate into the center of the ripple very accurately, the intensity cannot be too low, and the window period left for him is very short.

So it sounds like the process is simple, but if he and Shining did not cooperate well, it would be hard to say if other elves came.

High intensity and extremely short release time are contradictory requirements.

After destroying hundreds of mechanisms, there was finally no purple light in the passage.

With a shield on his body, Kurosawa stepped into the passage carefully. He walked slowly to prevent "slipping through the net" and could use the shield for early warning.

Holding a torch, Kurosawa suddenly exhaled a long breath after passing through the passage of more than 50 meters.

This 50-meter journey was really difficult.

He raised the torch in his hand and looked in front of him.

In front of him appeared two stairs engulfed by dark fog, one going up and the other extending straight down.

Kurosawa hesitated for a long time. He was worried that after stepping on it, he would be unable to turn back like the gate he entered.

The dimensions of the tower's structure, like the entrance door, were not ergonomically designed, as if he had entered a giant's house.

The deep and tall corridors were like two big mouths that were ready to eat people.

After a moment of hesitation, he chose to go up.

There was no special reason for this choice, simply because the darkness, stairs, and basement gave him a gloomy feeling, which reminded him of the horror movie clips he had seen in the past.

He stepped onto the upward stairs cautiously.

He walked slowly, with the torch in his hand stretched forward, and his body was always tense to retreat at any time to prevent a sudden attack like the one just now.

When he walked up to the rest platform in the stairwell, he looked down and it seemed that there was no mechanism to stop him from going back.

He continued to walk up.

The stairs were two-run, and at the top of the stairs was a metal door.

Do you want to go to the second floor? Or go to the basement to have a look.

After a brief thought, he reached out to the giant door and pushed it open with force.


At the moment of pushing it open, he immediately dodged and leaned against the other half of the door leaf that was not opened.


After a long time without any movement.

Hei Ze leaned over to look behind the door on the second floor.

To his surprise, there was no attack mechanism on the second floor.

It was quite bright inside, and the magnificent crystal chandelier seemed to have lit up because it sensed that the door was open, emitting a gentle warm light, which made people feel at ease.

There were rows of tall shelves around the room.

Some of them were empty, and some were filled with something.

It looks like a storage room? Hei Ze thought.

He walked into the room, and the door behind him did not close automatically.

He came to the shelf.

He found that there were actually things on the empty shelves from the outside, which were piles of dust residue. It should be that with the passage of time, the objects placed on them were completely annihilated.

Of course, there were also preserved ones. Hei Ze took dozens of dark brown rolls of cloth from the shelf.

They didn't know what material it was made of, but it looked well preserved. Only after opening the scroll did they find out that it was a book.

To be precise, it was a handmade book similar to the one made of animal fur in ancient Western times.

However, its material must be extraordinary, otherwise it would not be able to withstand such a long time. It is amazing that ordinary parchment books can last for a thousand years, but the scroll in hand is at least hundreds of millions of years old.

The scroll material feels smooth and tough. When it is straightened, it is found to be very long. It is full of alien characters that Kurosawa can't understand, and of course there are simple pictures that appear from time to time.

Although Kurosawa can't understand the text, he can vaguely guess the content of the book through many "illustrations".

He read more than ten scrolls and had a rough guess about the content of the book, the round tower and the identity of its owner.

Many of the illustrations are anatomical diagrams of various animals and plants, and small text annotations next to them. With so many scrolls, it can be inferred that this should be the residence or laboratory of a scholar or researcher of an ancient civilization?

The passage at the entrance on the first floor is a means similar to a door control to prevent other unauthorized entry.

The second floor is a library. Unfortunately, except for the dozens of scrolls that Kurosawa has obtained, other books have turned into dregs.

Although Kurosawa cannot understand the contents above for the time being, he still feels a little sorry when he thinks about the disappearance of those ancient civilization books.

After searching around, Kurosawa suddenly fished out a few transparent crystals and a gray-white mineral cane from a pile of dust in the corner.

He was careful enough to not miss anything.

First, put the scroll that he couldn't understand back into the storage bracelet.

Kurosawa looked at the transparent crystal and the mineral cane.

The cane felt a little rough, like a long supporting cane made of stone.

But considering the size, the long cane for Kurosawa was actually just a short cane, similar to the short cane used by magicians in Western fantasy.

The reason for this association was that the gray-white cane did convey a strange energy to Kurosawa.

It conveyed a sense of depth. Kurosawa stared at it for a few times and immediately felt like he was being sucked into the vortex, a very dangerous feeling.

When he looked away, the feeling disappeared immediately.

Suddenly, the Pan seal on the back of Kurosawa's hand became slightly hot.

He lowered his eyebrows and looked at it for a few times. After realizing something, he suppressed his uneasiness again and cast his eyes on the gray-white cane.

The spiral vortex feeling came again, and at the same time, there was a feeling of Pan's seal getting hotter and hotter.

Finally, Kurosawa's eyes went dark, and his spirit seemed to fall into some unknown space.

It was dark everywhere around him, and he couldn't make any sound in his mental state, as if he was imprisoned in some kind of cage.

Fortunately, he didn't panic for too long. A sheep's head mark suddenly emerged from his "body", instantly lighting up the dark mental space.

Kurosawa vaguely heard a collision sound.

Then a golden sheep's head mark appeared in the dark space in front of him.

Some kind of connection seemed to have been established between him and the mental space.

I want to go out. Kurosawa tentatively had this idea.

Immediately, he felt a sense of pushing, squeezing his spirit out of the dark space.

Light came into his eyes.

Kurosawa, who had returned to his body, shook his head.

The feeling just now was a bit strange.

He looked at the gray-white cane again. At this moment, the cane no longer had any sense of threat. On the contrary, it was as friendly as an extension of his limbs.

Did the master recognition ceremony complete? Kurosawa recalled the traces left by Pan Zhiyin in the dark space.

Although he didn't understand why Pan Zhiyin could help him and let a cane of ancient civilization complete the "master recognition ceremony", it was obviously a good thing, so he didn't bother about it.

Kurosawa closed his eyes, and some scattered information flowed into his mind from the cane.

When he opened his eyes again, his expression became shocked.

"I didn't expect it to be right."

The association with the cane just now turned out to be the correct answer.

This gray-white cane is really a magic wand.

Its original owner, that is, the owner of this round tower, is a wizard of the Mu Continent civilization.

Of course, the wizard here is just the most appropriate description translated into Kurosawa's mind.

The wizards of the Mu Continent civilization have extraordinary powers and can control various exotic beasts. In addition to the great power added to their bodies, they are also proficient in research, experiments, alchemy, and anatomy.

This wizard's staff is a spellcasting prop, and it is also the authority key of this tower.

If Kurosawa had it from the beginning, he wouldn't have to go through such a troublesome destruction process on the first floor just now.

Moreover, compared to its initial form, the mechanism on the first floor has been much weaker due to the loss of energy, otherwise Kurosawa's destruction would probably not work.

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