My Elf Simulator

Chapter 378 Mu Continent

The moment Hei Ze got the wizard staff and completed the recognition of the master, he had control over the entire gray tower.

The gray tower has nearly ten floors in total.

The space inside the tower is very large. In addition to the library on this floor, there are also plantations, breeding areas, laboratories, training rooms and other areas.

Some of the memory fragments that flowed out of the wizard staff can give us a glimpse of the scene in its heyday.

The wizard tower, the lord's castle, thousands of servants and farmers who rely on the owner of the wizard staff.

The city defense and laser tower outside the tower can snipe the invading beasts across dozens of kilometers.

The wizard tower itself has been transformed in space, and it can also use space jumps to evacuate when necessary.

It can be said that this unprepossessing gray tower is itself a powerful offensive and defensive fortress.

Unfortunately, with the decline of Mu Continent civilization and the passage of hundreds of millions of years, no matter how powerful the weapon is, it will be covered in dust without the maintenance of the owner.

Most of the dependent functions of the gray tower have long been lost, leaving only the core main tower, and it is unknown how many functions are retained.

Hei Ze picked up the cane.

After the ceremony of recognizing the master, the cane was no longer gray and gloomy. Instead, it had a white and bright surface and a noble feeling, just like precious white jade.

Hei Ze couldn't put down the wizard's cane, and couldn't help but sigh at the advanced level of Mu Continent's civilization.

He thought about it from another perspective. If it was a human creation today, how many of them could withstand hundreds of millions of years without changing color?

After understanding the structure of the gray tower, he was completely relieved and began to check the current situation of the gray tower.

In addition to the entrance passage on the first floor, there is actually a hidden space.

He took the cane and returned to the first floor.

In fact, the entrance passage mechanism that was just destroyed was not damaged. It would take two or three days to restore its function, but he needed to restore it, and repairing it would require a lot of energy.

After he finished the inspection, he turned his head and came to the stairwell at the end of the passage. He stopped in front of a wall with a mural of a long snake.

He pointed the end of the cane at the tip of the upper snake head's eye and gently tapped it, and strange energy surged in the cane.


Accompanied by a series of grumbling sounds, the heavy wall slowly opened, revealing an entrance.

Kurosawa waved his cane again, and the crystal lamp on the wall lit up instantly.

With the help of the light, he could see the appearance of the room clearly.

As he imagined, most of the items in the room were annihilated into powder.

This was originally the warehouse of the wizard tower, where many maintenance tools and equipment, as well as some supplies, were stored.

He pulled the many grooves on the wall.

Fortunately, the function itself was not damaged.

Each drawer here corresponds to a room-sized warehouse, which has the same function as the mustard space.

And through the cane, Kurosawa can immediately complete the indexing of the items stored in the mustard space.

The remaining items in the warehouse are some maintenance tools and several slender cylinders about three meters high, which are a tower defense device similar to an energy cannon.

After inspecting the warehouse, he then visited the detention room on the first floor below ground, and various functional rooms on the third to ninth floors.

The third floor is the student dormitory area.

Wizard students are the largest group in the wizard tower.

From the memory fragments fed back by the wizard staff, Hei Ze was able to form a general understanding of the civilization of the Sun Empire of Mu Continent hundreds of millions of years ago.

There are not too many wizards in the Mu Continent civilization, and even fewer imperial wizards who can own wizard towers, so every wizard like this enjoys a respected status.

A large number of young wizards in preparation will come to the door to accept the test.

The few wizards in preparation who pass the test will join the organization, become wizard students, receive education from the lord of the wizard tower, and sign a fifty-year labor contract with the wizard tower after graduation.

The fourth floor is the classroom and student library.

The fifth floor is the lounge, which is used to hold various large-scale activities.

The sixth floor is the laboratory, where wizards of the Mu Continent civilization transform species and conduct various research work.

Going up is the planting area and breeding area on the seventh to eighth floors, which are the living and activity areas of experimental materials, and the environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and air composition can be set at will.

The last nine and ten floors are the core layers of the wizard tower column.

Hei Ze used the authority of the cane to enter it.

Personal training rooms, laboratories, observatories, and living quarters are all concentrated here.

He came to the observatory at the top of the tenth floor, opened the dome, and instantly saw the outdoor space.

I don’t know if it’s because the dimensions of the space inside and outside the tower are not unified, the world outside the outermost transparent film looks very strange.

At this moment, the sky is completely dark, and Hei Ze looks up at the sky.

The black night sky instantly becomes extremely clear, and the stars in the sky appear in his vision.

Whenever his attention is focused on a certain star, the picture will be quickly enlarged and then clearly presented in front of him.

According to the information about the wizards of the Mu Continent civilization in the cane, they can connect to the starry sky and obtain the corresponding spiritual energy from the corresponding life star, constantly practice and accumulate magic power.

Unfortunately, Hei Ze looked up and admired the starry sky for a long time. In addition to feeling the shock of the starry sky, there was no throbbing in the depths of his mind.

He didn’t feel that he was connected to a certain star and integrated into the blood.

But the feeling of being closer to the sky is real, as if taking another step forward, you can fly into the starry sky.

After a long time, he looked away.

Being unable to connect to the starry sky with the spirit like the preparatory wizards of the Mu Continent civilization means that he cannot embark on the path of the wizards of the Mu Continent civilization, nor can he learn those gorgeous witchcraft.

Kurosawa sighed. Although it was regrettable, it was also reasonable.

The current human beings and the tall and big sun people in the Mu Continent period are two completely different species, and it is natural that there are differences.

However, some common points made him unable to help but fall into thinking.

Because of the memory fragments that emerged after the wizard's staff recognized the master, he was able to get a glimpse of the style of ancient civilization. It is likely that he is currently the human on this planet who knows the Mu Continent civilization more than 100 million years ago best.

At that time, the Mu Continent was extremely vast, and the various continents today are the product of its later crustal changes.

The empire that ruled the Mu Continent was a great empire called the Mu Empire, which also means the Sun Empire.

The people of the Sun Empire during the Mu Continent civilization period can be roughly divided into several extraordinary professions.

The highest-ranking priests are actually the most special group of wizards, because the star they are spiritually connected to is the sun, and the power they obtain is the most powerful, seemingly endless.

Next are wizards, animal trainers, warriors, and so on.

In his opinion, wizards are a bit similar to the current gifted people, but there are big differences. Wizards' abilities come from the starry sky, and they are more powerful and have clear ways to practice. Unlike gifted people, they are all naturally awakened, with single abilities, and can only be enhanced by simple repetitive training.

Animal trainers are not much different from the current elf masters, but the terms are different. They are also the most numerous extraordinary professions during the Mu Continent period.

Warriors are a type of naturally awakened profession. They are born with stronger physiques and bloodline power than their peers. The height of ordinary adults in the Sun Empire is 4-6 meters.

And warrior bloodlines can naturally grow to 10 meters or even higher, and their physical strength is also extremely terrifying. They can even compete with many exotic beasts, which are creatures similar to today's elves.

In addition to the mainstream extraordinary professions, there are many rare professions.

The more Hei Ze thought about it, the more he felt a very indescribable feeling.

It's like the human beings now are a degraded version of the Sun People of Mu Continent.

Except for the animal trainers who rely on the power of the elves, the other supernatural ways are not only lacking in diversity, but the few that can be compared are often very different.

In the past, the Sun People relied on their own strength to fight against the elves and beasts and deal with horrible natural disasters.

But nowadays, if people do not rely on the power of the elves, except for a very small number of gifted people, they basically have no room to resist the super-level and above elves.

The gap is too big.

This subconscious comparison result made him feel a little uncomfortable.

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