My Elf Simulator

Chapter 58 I am not a devil

In the training room.

The lightning exploded like a torrent.


Kurosawa is out of Zeus mode.


Let out a long breath.

"The peak energy burst is 33.51 leaves!"

Numbers popped up on the screen.

Little Shining and Nightmare Mayfly held energy bars as before.

Kurosawa took it but was not in a hurry to eat it.

He had a guess in his mind.

Open the panel.

Nutrient reserve.

Select output.

He felt some energy gathering into his hands.

Place your palms gently against your belly.

A wave of warmth slowly melted into his body.

His aching body seemed to be soaked in a hot spring, and countless invisible tentacles were massaging his muscles.

So comfortable!

Kurosawa couldn't help but close his eyes.

Quietly feel the changes in your body.

Those energies relieved some muscle fatigue and continued to slowly integrate into his flesh and blood.

It's not fast, but it's gentle.

After a while, Kurosawa opened his eyes in surprise.

Sure enough, the nutritional value is also useful to him.

Although it sounds contradictory to draw energy from the "body" and then react it on the muscles of your whole body, it is not.

The energy of nutritional value is stored in the nutritional reserve module.

The nutrient reserve module is in his body, but not completely there.

It's like the feeling of being in another dimension in a void.

He vaguely sensed that by consuming nutritional value, Zeus mode was more effective in exercising the body.

Zeus mode can squeeze his physical energy very well.

The effect of nutritional value also needs to be fully reflected after sufficient training.

Zeus mode + nutritional value may be a very good combination.

If you continue to train for a long time, it will be scary to improve your physical fitness, right?

"Nutritional value: 62."

The nutritional value is only used up a little, and it seems to be quite durable.

After finishing the daily exercise of their bodies, it was the turn of Little Shining and Nightmare Mayfly.

Especially the Nightmare Mayfly.

Just as it is said that it is difficult for babies to learn to walk at first, the same is true for elf masters cultivating elves.

The first intermediate elf to awaken its attributes is often the most difficult.

When the second elf breaks through to the intermediate level, the difficulty will be much lower.

There are many reasons for this.

After the intermediate elf awakens its attributes, it will have a certain feedback effect on the elf master's spiritual energy.

Moreover, the elf master himself can also use the exercise method to use the attribute energy of the intermediate elf to strengthen his own psychic abilities.

The stronger the psychic ability, the easier it is to raise an elf.

In addition, there are reasons such as experience and resources.

In order to prepare for the spring game, Kurosawa focused most of his energy on improving Little Shining.

Now it's time to give Nightmare Mayfly some love.

Elf: Nightmare Mayfly

Racial Qualification: Two Stars

Level: 16

Properties: none

Skills: White - Whipping LV2 (2/10) White - Whispering LV2 (3/10) Blue - Hypnosis LV2 (4/10)

He plans to first raise the level of Nightmare Mayfly to level 20, and then try to make it break through to the intermediate stage.

Although he still has 205 points left, he does not intend to directly purchase the Elf Growth Fruit to improve it.

With the support of his current professional-level spiritual energy and nutritional value, he felt that it should not be difficult to improve Nightmare Mayfly through normal training.

After all, points are limited.

Perhaps it's because the Doodle Bird evolved into a Little Shining and its strength increased greatly.

The current E-level tasks can no longer trigger the system's induction.

It may be that a higher-level task is required to obtain points from the system's task module again.

He also wants to buy the field adventure manual in the store as soon as possible, or buy a junior attribute affinity badge to see the effect, so he needs to save some money on coupons.

"Little Nightmare, are you ready?"

Nightmare Mayfly cast a confused look.

"Then let's get started?"

Since it had no objection, Kurosawa assumed it agreed.

Little Shining is training electric shock in the training room next door, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

"It starts with 20 whippings, then 20 whispers, and finally 20 hypnotic releases."

Kurosawa said to Nightmare Mayfly.


Feeling the irrefutable tone in Kurosawa's tone.

Nightmare Mayfly was a little panicked, knowing that the good times some time ago were coming to an end.

Kurosawa's training attitude towards it a few days ago was laissez-faire.

Let it practice on its own.

With Nightmare Mayfly's lazy personality, although he followed Kurosawa's orders, his intensity was not very high.

At least based on the previous training plan, it will probably take a while to reach level 20.

Now, it's time to mention training intensity.

Kurosawa placed Nightmare Mayfly in front of the stake.

Use whip!

Activate psychic powers.

The psionic whipping skill fully activates the energy within its body.


Its blue tail turned into a flash of light and whipped against the stake.

Use whip!

Activating psychic energy, the blue light appears again.

Use hypnosis.

Nightmare Mayfly performs one last hypnosis.

He flew back tiredly and landed on Kurosawa's shoulder.

The energy in its body has been trained once, and there is not much left.


It started to act coquettishly.

The energy in its body was close to being empty, which gave it the confidence to fight for some rest time.

After all, even if it wanted to continue training, it was powerless.

No energy?

Kurosawa sensed its thoughts and smiled.

He was not a devil, and of course he would not force the elves to continue to insist on skill training when they were short of energy.

He stretched out his palm and gently covered the surface of the Nightmare Mayfly.

Nutritional value output.

A warm energy poured into the body of the Nightmare Mayfly like flowing water.

It squinted its eyes comfortably.


Just when it thought this was Kurosawa's reward for its hard training.

Kurosawa took it off his shoulder and put it in front of the wooden stake again.

"Okay, you are restored. We can continue training again."

The effect of the nutritional value on Kurosawa himself was average, but it was immediate in the body of the elves.

Nightmare Mayfly: ? ? ?

It looked at the wooden stake in front of it silently, and found that it seemed to be a little too happy too early.

After a short pleasure, hard training followed.

"The second set of training begins."

"First, 20 whippings, then 20 whisperings, and finally 20 hypnotic releases!"


"Okay, the training is over!"

It was a whole afternoon of super-high-intensity skill training.

Kurosawa clapped his hands and announced a break.

Kurosawa gently covered the body of the nightmare mayfly with his palms and input nutritional values ​​into it.


The nightmare mayfly breathed a sigh of relief and fell to the ground without wanting to move.

Quietly enjoying the short happy time after hard training.

This kind of devilish training, in theory, is difficult to stick to with its lazy personality.


That kind of magical energy is too magical.

"Level: 17"

"Nutritional value: 59"

Skills: White-Whip LV2 (3/10) White-Whisper LV2 (4/10) Blue-Hypnosis LV2 (5/10)

After consuming 3 nutritional value points, the level was raised by one level, and all skills were improved by one point.

Kurosawa was obviously very satisfied with the results of this afternoon's training.

The higher the level of the elves, the harder it is to improve.

He summarized the results of the training.

He found that the Nightmare Mayfly had fallen asleep comfortably, so he picked it up carefully.

Although nutritional value can restore the energy of the elves, training itself will also consume a lot of energy and physical strength of the elves.

So it is not that you can exercise non-stop for 24 hours a day if the nutritional value is sufficient.

Just as he looked at the sleeping Nightmare Mayfly with heartache, reflecting on whether the intensity of the training he arranged in the afternoon was a bit unreasonable, a voice sounded in his mind.

"The elf Nightmare Mayfly has learned the blue-level skill-deep sleep on its own."

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